Slackware :: Terminal Xterm Title Is Too Dynamic (title Doesn't Change Manually)
Aug 21, 2010
So when I upgraded to Slack64 13.1 on my asus MB homebrewed desktop and Slack 13.1 on my compaq presario a900 laptop, I started having issues with the xterm title (in Terminal--not Konsole) being too dynamic. By "too dynamic" I mean that I can't actually change the title. The dynamic title (from my .bashrc) is basically just pwd. Whenever I try to set the title (via terminal->set title (menu)), I changes it for a split second, and then reverts back to the dynamic title.
This is merely a petty annoyance, so to get around it, I added an xtitle function that I grabed somewhere online (just echos "�33]0;$*�07"). So for nano-ing some file, I'd type:xtitle some_file.txt; nano some_file.txt
That works just fine (kind of annoying to type though). running xtitle alone won't actually change the name either though (I'm pretty sure it's the same command as what terminal does anyway). That is, running: xtitle some_file.txt
changes the title for a split second, and the reverts back to my old pwd.What I really want is to have it dynamically name it "some_file.txt" whenever I use nano, but that appears to be a functionality of zsh (with the preexec() fxn).I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem, and if you have a fix for it.
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Dec 30, 2009
The usual operations in starting the xterm app don't seem to apply in Fedora 12. I usually prefer to put my own title and other attributes when starting an xterm. But the operation: xterm -T 'Some Title' does not do anything. Instead, the current directory is always displayed in the title bar of the window (on kde). Where is the resource file to disable this default behavior?
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May 5, 2009
I usually have several xterms open, with each one running a different gnu screen session. It would be useful if--at a glance--I could see the session name in the xterm title bar. That way I would be able to quickly tell which screen sessions are running in which xterms. This would be very useful when alt-tabbing.
I know that there are termcap, terminfo, and termcapinfo commands available, but I don't know how to use these. I also know that there's an $STY environment variable that stores the session name. Also, I do not want to lose my current "hardstatus alwayslastline" bar. It seems like this should be independent from the xterm title, anyways.
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May 2, 2010
after upgrading from Karmic Koala 9.10 to Lucid Lynx 10.04, i notice something different with title bar on every window opened.
for example:
"Google - Mozilla Firefox" is not at the middle of the window title. and on Lynx it's on the left.
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Jan 29, 2011
In any case what I'm asking it how can I set PWD into my xTerm title bar. I do NOT want pwd at my command prompt because it would make it too long.
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Jan 21, 2010
Whenever I boot into Ubuntu Karmic, the visual effects are turned off and any window I open has no title bar.The cursor keeps displaying the Busy wheel, even if nothing's happening. I have to go into Appearances and manually set my visual effects.I don't know how this happened, but it started around the time I installed CompizConfig.Karmic Koala, 1.6GHZ Intel Atom processor, 1GB RAM, dual-booting with Windows XP.
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Feb 8, 2010
Everything worked 100% great untill I change color depth to 16 bits.I do not want 24 Bits, I want 16 Bits. I have good reasons. Never had this problem in Gutsy 7.10 ...I deeply regret in upgrading to 9.10 ...
My video card:
Gforce 7950 GX2
Changes to xorg.conf file: Firstly, I saved it at 16 color depth with the sudo nvidia-settings and by clicking on the save to xorg.conf file Button. Rebooted computer....... It worked, saved file, and I got the following bugs:
*Cannot move windows by dragging their title bars.
*Cannot see close "X" Button in the title bar.
*Cannot see Minimize Button in the title bar.
*Cannot see Maximize Button in the title bar.
Went back to 24 bits and problem got resolved. Then i tryed: I did sudo gedit xorg.conf I changed all the 24's with 16's ... Rebooted computer....... It works GOOD... BUT: I got the same bugs from before. I will retype them below
*Cannot move windows by dragging their title bars.
*Cannot see close "X" Button in the title bar.
*Cannot see Minimize Button in the title bar.
*Cannot see Maximize Button in the title bar.
My xorg.conf file:
# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@palmer) Sun Feb 1 20:21:04 UTC 2009
Section "ServerLayout"
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Apr 8, 2011
I use kde3.3. How could I set the title in the top of konsole terminal. for example, i would like to have the file name printed if I open the file using vi or vim.
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Apr 22, 2010
my problem:
- i log into many linux servers (redhat, debian, suse, ubuntu)
- i want to set the terminal window/tab title to something like: time|ip|fqdn|pwd
the partial solution i found:
- declaring a function _setTitle() in /etc/bashrc
- setting PROMPT_COMMAND at all servers in /etc/bashrc, calling _setTitle is /etc/bashrc the proper place?
but i am i need of a command to set the title of the windows/tabs
solution should
- work for tabs and windows
- should use only builtins and avoid nasty cpu-wasting external forks
- work with common clients (windows/putty, linxu/gnome-terminal, linux/konsole)
- solution should base on cli, not on some gui like sshmenu!!!
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Sep 2, 2009
I am using the X server of Fedora 7 for displaying my application.I am getting the display as I need but I dont want the title bar of gnome terminal titlebar to be displayed.I also dont want the maximize,minimize buttons to be displayed.
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm not quite sure what's up with this, but when I change the title of a terminal away from the default (e.g. to represent which project that terminal is to be used for), it changes back to the default (user@host:path), but only on the task bar at the bottom of the screen, listing the open windows.
If I change tabs in the terminal and then change back, it displays again at the bottom of the screen, but as soon as I execute another command (e.g. ls), then it resets again. That's quite annoying, as I like to have a few terminals open, each with a set of tabs pertaining to a particular project. The fact that I can't see from the title on the taskbar which is which means I have to guess/remember/check them all...
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Dec 9, 2009
Seems to be a silly question, but does anybody know how to change the title of an pdf document? (even in the console)I searched in Okular, pdfedit, gimp and gnome documentviewer but they dont seem to have a title option.Only open office writer has this option, but this is actually not saved in the pdf title tag.(I need it as Google indexes the title tag and I have there an ugly path name at the moment.)
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Feb 12, 2011
Usually I open 5 terminals. And since each of those 5 terminals prints it's tile as: "username@username-laptop: ~" It becomes very hard to see what is what. So, I would like my terminal to always change it's title automatically to the program that I am currently using.
So, if I type "irssi", the title of my gnome-terminal-window, should change to: "irssi" for example.
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Apr 1, 2010
I would like to be able to change the Head Line / Title to include the working "fixed, solved" or some thing similar, in bright green ot red, maybe blue
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May 15, 2010
I changed the 'Title' of a mp3 file using mp3info code...
Where comes this "Title" that Nautilus displays?
How can I change it?
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Oct 21, 2010
I had installed Ubuntu And Kubuntu Dual-Boot, at the Boot-screen i see the following two OS to enter....but i want to change their title names(Which is displayed at Boot-Screen). My Boot-screen picture is attached herewith. I want to change these names to Ubuntu & Kubuntu Respectively.
I have also checked menu.list but their i am unable to find Following titles(Which i have showed in picture, exceptMemtest 86+)
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Aug 30, 2010
I cannot change the title of an mrxvt window. Not the title for an individual tab, which I can do by echoing the xterm "title" escape, but the window's Name property.
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Oct 12, 2010
I really liked the new Appmenu included in the netbook version of Ubuntu so I installed it on my desktop. Unfortunately in regular Ubuntu the appmenu doesn't show the application title, just File, Edit, and so on. The old globalmenu package showed the application title in bold, and the netbook version of ubuntu seems to as well. How can I get this in normal Ubuntu?
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May 4, 2011
If I open Firefox, the title bar shows "Ubuntu Start Page - Mozilla Firefox". Then I type in the website I want [URL], the title bar still shows the same thing instead of [URL] .." If I minimize firefox window and open it again, then it's normal. If I then type in another website [URL], the title bar is still [URL]
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May 2, 2010
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to change the color of the (decorated) title bar in LXDE (Mint Linux)? I can't find anything in the system to do this, or advice in google search.
Also when I right click and select "undecorate" I cannot retrieve the title bar unless I close the programme and open it again - is there any way around this?
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Feb 11, 2010
I've been using Kubuntu for about 6 months now and decided to try something new. So i switched to arch linux, and after much deliberation, I got KDE functional on it. There's just one problem. The icons aren't displaying properly. Here's a picture:
How do I change the turquoise-ish plasma-desktop and title bar things. Also whenever i open something, it asks me basically where i want to position it. How do i stop it from asking me that as well?
Also, how do I login as something other than root? I did adduser, but no login screen shows up for me.
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Jul 25, 2010
It's supposed to be "Artist - Song Title" but it's just "Song Title".I searched about this problem but I can't really understand how to solve it. This is what I found:[URL]
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Mar 18, 2011
IN 3.5.10 I am able to display the full $PROMPT_COMMAND environment variable in the Konsole title bar. Kind of handy and I did not need to display that information in the $PROMPT variable.
In 4.5.5 I am having trouble figuring out how to make that work correctly. The title bar displays only the directory name rather than the full path and user name.
history -a;echo -ne "33]0;${USER}@`uname -n`: ${PWD}07"
All I see in the title bar is:
dirname: bash
I should see:
username@hostname: full path to present working directory
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May 18, 2011
I have the following line in my .Xresources, and it only works when I'm not running KDE:
XTerm*reverseVideo: true When I start up XTerm in Xfce, TWM, or any other window manager, I get the expected black background. When I launch XTerm in KDE, I get a white background, meaning that the reverseVideo setting is not taking effect. When I'm in KDE, launching XTerm with -rv does give me an XTerm with a black background. Obviously, having to add this switch every time I launch an XTerm in KDE is suboptimal, no matter how you try to automate it. Manually running xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources and then launching XTerm immediately afterwards does not make a difference.
If you're wondering why this is a concern, it's because all 256-color vim color schemes (xoria256, desert256, inkpot) require reverseVideo to be set so that XTerm launches with a black background. You get a black-on-black cursor otherwise.
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May 1, 2011
I upgraded today to 11.04 (in classic mode) I tried to get the cube desktop effect, but now the title bar is gone (maximize, minimize, close), and to make it worst, I can't access the system settings... any one knows how to fix this from the Terminal?
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May 4, 2011
I'm having a problem with vim and xterm. When I open a file and press any key, the colour scheme changes slightly. This doesn't happen if I run a 256-colour xterm (export TERM='xterm-256color') but if TERM is set to 'xterm' (the default) I see the colour change. Setting TERM='xterm-256color' in my ~/.bashrc is a "solution", but I'd rather not have to do that since it's never been necessary in the past (e.g., on 13.1) and I don't use any 256-color schemes for vim (usually just the default or possibly "delek"). It doesn't happen with rxvt or with Xfce's terminal. I've tried compiling some other versions of xterm but they either exhibit the same behaviour or don't build. I have tried running without any ~/.vimrc file just to be sure it wasn't one of my settings and I've also tried the sample file at /usr/share/vim/vimrc; the effect is the same.
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Apr 28, 2011
I just reinstalled TWM on one of my Debian boxes, and it's suddenly got a huge (*HUGE*) title bar. Must be 32px or so. But the font's the same as it always was. Is there a way to get it back to normal?
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Jun 4, 2011
I've finally gotten around to installing Fedora 15 and I've been having some trouble with VLC. When it is maximized the title bar at the top disappears. The VLC window is also covering up the panel at the top of the screen. This makes it so that I have no way to minimize it or even restore it to a window once it is open. I also can't switch to other windows. So right now if I have vlc open the rest of my computer is completely unusable.
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Aug 2, 2010
This issue has plagued ubuntu 10.04 on all my installations, PC and laptop, and is an infrequent annoyance that needs to be resolved. Basically, after boot up, i'll bring up a gnome window and the title bar will not be there. This means I can't click and drag windows easily, and do other things the title bar lets you do. Is there an easy fix to this that i'm not locating? Also i've tried restarting my X session, by logging out, and the problem persists until I restart the system. And even then the title bar may not load.
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Nov 24, 2009
I just got F12 and installed it on a new hard drive on my Dell Inspiron 1501. I have an AMD 64 x2 and an ATI Express 200M video card. I installed CompizConfig setting manager, which did nothing. I then installed Compiz Fusion Icon. This makes compiz work but once I start it all of my windows are missing the title bar. I'm noob and not a programmer but pretty good and figuring things out.In Emerald Theme Manager I can view available themes select them, edit them, etc. There seems to be no way to apply them. Am I missing something or is it just not working?
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