Using slackware current and I'm really digging KDE 4.4.3. It's been way more stable on my machine than 4.3.x and it performs MUCH better. I think slackware 13.1 is going to be a really good release. Much better than 13.0. Looking forward to upgrading all of my hosts though it will probably take me a few months given how many I manage.
I've started using the huge.s kernel and when i try to compile packages slackware complains about kernel headers but all i see is the smp header files on the slackware discs ?
I am a long time (1.something) slackware user and maintainer of a mirror site.I'm suddenly having problems with my favorite distro. (1) I've been mainly running Slackware64. When I was experiencing recent problems on a Slackware (32) 13.1 system, I discovered the huge-smp kernel does not support more than 4G of RAM. This is an obvious bug, and I am shocked that there is no fix out yet. Surely I can't be the only Slackware 32 user with >4G of RAM. I've verified it on a 12G i7 system and an 8G Athlon64-X2 system.
I have installed Slack 13.37 for test on VMware. I installed just all - also all avalible distro. kernel imiges:
vmlinuz-generic- vmlinuz-generic-smp- vmlinuz-huge- vmlinuz-huge-smp- and the default is vmlinuz-huge-smp-
Im trying to switch to vmlinuz-generic- So, what I did:
I'm booting with Slackware 13.1 x64 My MB is GA-X58A-UD5 rev. 2 but I cant boot. My HD which is connected to the SATA3 port 6 and 7 is not getting detected. It is a Marvell SE9128
How can I tell the Huge.s to load the drivers of this controller?
I'm trying to decide which kernel to install in my Slackware 13.37 installation. What is the difference between huge.s and the hugemps.s kernels ? Does one do something the other does not ? I'm installing Slackware because I've read it has no Pulsemedia baked into it. I hope neither kernel has any of that stuff.
Does anyone notice that Slackware's user/groups is cluttered with things no one will ever need, do you need be to be part of the slocate group? like really? Why doesn't every program just have its own group then, I look at my distro (LFS built), SuSE and some others and I can't help but notice the huge amount of groups in slackware, if you going to add groups for everything then why in the universe do we even need sudo for? Just make the binary you want to work a group and change its ownership..... wtf is Pat and the rest of Slackware doing?
how to create the huge.s kernel files on the slackware disks? or at least direct me to a post if there is the same question. I currently rsync my files to Alien BOB's script, and i use syslinux to install from my usb stick. i was wanting to install using a later kernel just for testing purposes. (i.e 2.6.34-rc3 as of this writing)
I see that the latest hplip is by default (3.10.2 in synaptic)great I thought but unlike the 3.10.2 version which was previously downloaded from the web(for 9.04) this default version STILL cannot produce photos without borders? In trying to install the web version (over the default version) which allows for exact printer settings. my printer then went haywire! Its for this reason only that I must go back to windows for HP essential. its a pity because this problem has been known for ages
I recently upgraded a server's networking card to a Gigabit NIC, and got a hold of a Gigabit switch (Here's a link) in the hopes of increasing my network performance - however, I'm getting around 10 MB/s throughput now, which is exactly what I used to get with the old 10/100 switch & NIC. The new switch recognizes both computers as Gigabit (the other machine has always had a Gigabit NIC), and both computers say they're gigabit - I've found various sites around the interwebz recommending tweaking some TCP/IP buffer settings, which I have tried to no avail. I also saw that hard drive speed is usually the limiting factor. According to "hdmarp -t", the server HDD (definitely the slower of the two) is:
Code: Timing buffered disk reads: 226 MB in 3.00 seconds = 75.26 MB/sec
So that's obviously not my issue. The cabling is CAT6 - I ran it myself, but if I'd mis-wired the end connections, wouldn't it just not work at all? I admit, I bought cheap NIC's (I'm not going for like 124.9 MB/s throughput here..), and I didn't expect them to be stellar, but I certainly expected the speeds to improve. I'm moving files from a server running Ubuntu 9.04 to a Windows machine - I've tried both my Samba shares on the server and an SFTP transfer: they both have about the same throughput.
every now and then my company cleans its it trash by giving away computers to its employees. this i became the owner of a p4, 2ghz compaq evo with 512 mb ram and no hard drive. i bought a 500 gb hdd, dowloaded ubuntu, created a live disk and in a matter of minutes i had a new desktop! i love it! a new computer with a new operating system set by a non-techie in 15 minutes? not even microsoft can beat that. oh, and the total cost was zero!
then i started clearing issues (mysterious crash on p4 computers solved with a patch, screen resolution solved with a new mode, not recognized microsoft webcam to be solved, connection to stora nsa to be solved, etc.). this is nothing different from what you would go through installing windows on a new computer, in fact the process seemed easier for me as there's tons of documentation and people willing 1. overall system performance, mostly while browsing seems low. could it be the 512 mb of memory? would it improve its performance to jump to 1 or 2 gb? or it's just the processor that's too slow and not all the memory in the world would make it faster? while we're at it, is it reasonable to expect good performance on ubuntu 10.4 on a p4 2.0 ghz? (my notebook, a 2 ghz core duo runs faster on xp, but it has 3 gb memory, so i guess memory would help...).
2. choppy videos and other video, both in partial and full screen modes. again, would more ram help? updating drivers? updating flash? (i think it's all updated, but i'll retry...). or is my bottleneck in the processor? 3. my computer has an extra video card, but it's disconnected. i'm not sure about brand or model or even whether this would be an improvement on the on-board card. should i plug it and see what happens? would a better video card improve my performance?
simplifying, this is a computer for me to play and for my baby boy to pound at the keyboard. if i were to spend little money on it, what's the best investment, memory or a new video board? (i think i know the answer, memory). i don't want to extrapolate too much from my windows experience because this is a new os, but i think i would go for extra memory. if memory were the solution to all my problems... how much memory? should i go for an additional gb? full 2 gb? 3? what about buying a 1 gb card and plugging it side by side with the existing 512 mb? would 1.5 gb be enough?
Ubuntu's request for an encryption passphrase on installation could be greatly improved.
After installation, if the option to encrypt the home folder has been checked, Ubuntu prompts: "Record your encryption passphrase".
On running the action there are the following problems:
# When you type a passphrase, your keypresses are not indicated on the screen
# If you make a mistake typing the passphrase, and backspace, there is no way of knowing whether the backspace operation has worked
# The passphrase is typed once and the operation ends. There is no attempt to validate the correct entry of the passphrase by asking for it to be typed twice.
The combination of these shortfalls can be fatal. My last recorded encryption passphrase proved to be incorrect when after a critical failure I was required to enter my encryption passphrase to retrieve my data. It had not been backed up for a while. Ubuntu did not recognise my passphrase. Only after some dogged support from Canonical was the problem resolved.
I've just done a fresh install. I have butter fingers. I inevitably fumbled over the entry of my encryption passphrase. I have absolutely no way of verifying the passphrase I just set. Should Ubuntu ditch another critical failure on me, what do you think the chances are that my passphrase will work?
suggest or advise the best practice of bz2 or tar gz. i have a directory /var/opt/axigen which has size 33gb on daily basis as per the schedule we need to take back.i want to know pros and crons of below commands, say best compression and decompresstar cvzf /var/opt/bkup_axigen/axigen_bkup_1.tar.gz /var/opt/axigenortar -jvzf9 /var/opt/bkup_axigen/axigen_bkup_1.tar.gz /var/opt/axigen
I just finished installing Fedora 14 and the nVidia drivers, and after a reboot everything on the screen became huge, almost as if I am zoomed in. Text, icons, windows, everything is too big. How do I fix this?
I have taken delivery of a PsiXpda, which is a hand-held PC. It is running Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) with Gnome and the default "Human" theme.As the machine was delivered, there was only one icon on the desktop. This afternoon I closed a window (after successfully installing Dropbox) to reveal the desktop, and discovered that this icon had increased in size enormously, taking up about half the height of the screen (which is 640x480). I have no idea why this has happened.I also find now that new icons I put on the desktop appear at this huge size. I can resize them individually, of course, but even at the smallest they will go to they are still too big, and in any case I want icons to default to the original, sensible (small!) size.
call me a huge nerd, but I have official control of my computer on my HTC Evo (via ssh) and I am ecstatic. I seirously just rebooted my computer for the hell of it. Anyways, I am trying to figure out some creative uses of this little trick. I listen to music a lot, and figured "hey, wouldn't it be cool to be able to change the song playing on my computer with the command line some how?" I use rthymbox to play songs, however, am not sure if this is/will be possible.
How can I go about changing the current playing song with the command line? Is there perhaps a shell based music player that can play audio though the computers audio output (while I run the command from my phone)?
EDIT, 3 January 2010: SOLVED: In fact, it was the fonts that were being rendered larger and pushing everything out. Altering DPI in xorg.conf solved the problem, see details at bottom.ORIGINAL POST:I used jockey-kde to activate the nVidia (closed-source) driver in order to fix some full-screen problems I was having.It has fixed that, but now everything is really big. I have my resolution set to 1680x1050 but it appears to be lower than it was before - the K menu, for instance, takes up about 1/6 of the screen when I open it. I took a screenshot here: know this isn't much information, but can anyone tell me why - while the desktop appears to be larger with a higher resolution - applications are actually appearing as though the resolution is lower?
I installed some security updates on my computer yesterday , and when it said to restart now or later. I choose to do this later. I was watching a movie and then half way through the computer shut down and then when it restarted the desktop, toolbar at the bottom and icons where all huge, and when you open applications and internet screens etc they are all way to big to fit within the screen
I am a former KDE user and I am switching to gnome. I love amarok and quanta, so i installed them, but they seem to have a really big font, and because i am using my laptop and i have good eyesight I want to lessen the size of the fonts.
I've evaluated about 15 offline storage systems this week, and one of the best was spideroak, but there's a huge issue in their shared folder structure and procedure.When you make part of your data shareable you MUST share a folder from your original disk. This is a real pain. You cannot share specific files like you can on many others.To initiate sharing your establish your unique username for sharing (different preferably than your spideroak username) the share name, and the room key (password).While you might expect the share name to be part of the URL that guides you to the share which then accepts your password for access, thats not how it works. Instead spideroak gives you a URL that contains the PASSWORD and does not even mention the share name!!
Therefore anyone you give the URL to has direct access to the share you create (which is what you are trying to accomplish in general) but any browser THEY USE will remember the URL which contains the password, not the share name.THIS IS A HUGE SECURITY ISSUE since you have no control over how an authorized user is going to access your data and from where and most users are not sophisticated enough to guard against the default intrusion they are going to leave behind.
I thought it would be great to be able to play DVD's so I installed an update that would enable this. The multimedia update was 1.3 Mb but the dependencies was about 650 Mb! Among others I had to update the whole Office pack. Is this a "feature" I have to go through on every installation or is multimedia special?
I'm looking for a file on my computer. It's in .txt format, and was created/last modified on Wed 7 Jul or Thu 8 Jul. It's either in my /home folderr, ot possibly /media/disk. But I can't find it!! The commandCode:sudo find / -name *.txtcreates a huge, unwieldy list that I can't get through.What do I need to do?
I have a 60GB partition with / and home on it. I logged on yesterday and it gave me a warning saying that I had only 1.9 GB of disk space left. I ignored it for a day and assumed that i had too many videos and pics.But the next day i had not added any files or downloaded any software but i had 0B left. I used the disk usage analyser and found that 33GBs came from /var/log. It was from two log files. syslog and daemon.log 16.5GB each!! I opened them up and i found that this line of text was repeated hnundreds of thousands of times.
Code: Jul 22 19:32:36 aulenback-desktop ntfs-3g[5315]: Failed to decompress file: Value too large for defined data type