Slackware :: 13 No Sound Except For Root

Feb 20, 2010

Today I installed Slackware 13 because of some issues I'd been having with slackware 9, which I'd gradually updated, but apparently not perfectly, hence the clean install of ver 13. Anyways, I have no sound. At first I thought I had no sound at all, but then I found out that audio does work for root. When I try to run alsamixer as a non-root user, I get this error:

Code: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory Now if I run it as root though, it works just fine. If I run the KDE system settings thing, what I guess is their version of the windows control panel, and I go to the multimedia section, I can see my card, but if I click test, it says that it's failed and that it's "reverting back to ." or something to that effect.(I'm in fluxbox right now). I would imagine that there's something I need to do with respect to modifying permissions, but I really don't know what that is that I'm supposed to do.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Lucid 10.04 No Sound As Normal User / But Sound OK As Root

May 1, 2010

I've got a custom compiled kernel, just built on Lucid 10.04 from the kernel sources.System works fine, except for sound.When I log in as normal user and try to play a wav file using.The sound file is being played, but I hear no sound.However, when I do "sudo -s" and become root, execute the same mplayer command then I can hear the sound.My Sound preferences shows no input device and only "Dummy Output" as output device.On the generic kernel as came with the Lucid 10.04 CD, sound preferences shows different devices.The strange thing is: when I compiled my custom kernel, I changed nothing to the sound options in the kernel config file.

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Slackware :: No Sound In 13.1 Intel On Board Sound Card

Aug 30, 2010

I was just given a computer from a coworker and installed the latest Slackware version on it. I then installed Gnome Slackbuild and installed the Nvidia driver.I've run alsaconf and it seems to run fine without any errors and unmuted all the channels in alsamixer.

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Slackware :: Slackware Current 64 Bit Wine Sound - Error: Alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could Not Find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' Element

Mar 22, 2011

after update to slackware current 4 days ago i cant get sound working in wine in starcraf 2 i mean i got sound in instalation but not in game and i get error when i wanna configure sound in winecfg

err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element
err:alsa:wine_snd_pcm_recover underrun occurred
err:alsa:wine_snd_pcm_recover underrun occurred

in game i dont got that error but sound dont work btw my sound card is asus xonar essence stx

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Slackware :: HDMI Sound After Building A New Kernel ( Slackware 13.1 )?

Aug 21, 2010

I'm currently trying to install unRaid on Slackware following this tutorial :[URL].. I'm new to Linux and after many hours, i finally managed to build the new kernel for unRAID ( But audio on HDMI port doesn't work I tried alsaconf without success. HDMI sound works when i boot into the old kernel.

My codecs are :

root@unraid:~# cat /proc/asound/Intel/code* | grep Codec
Codec: Realtek ALC888
Codec: Intel G45 DEVIBX
lspci -v:


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Slackware :: Slackware 13/VirtualBox 3.1: No Sound When Normal User?

Feb 15, 2010

I installed Slackware 13 in VirtualBox 3.1 (seehere)When I'm logged in as a normal user, I get a mesage that Intel *** (sound device) doesn't work anymore and I hear no sound.But it works very fine when I'm logged in as root.

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Fedora :: No Non-root Sound

Apr 18, 2011

I have a F14 installation. root can see the soundcard (it is selectable in System | Preferences | Sound | Hardware tab) but any other user cannot see this.. other users can open the Preferences app, but the Hardware tab is blank. I am aware there are other similar threads, but the one I have read was going down the track of uninstalling Pulse and using Alsa instead. I would rather not do this... Pulse is the chosen default for Fedora, so let's make it work.

So, does anyone have any idea why root should be able to see the sound card, administer the sound card and play music, but no one else can? I will be happy to supply config files and so on... just tell me what you need to see.

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Fedora Installation :: No Non-root Sound In 14

Mar 19, 2011

I have just installed Fedora 14. x86-64 edition. It is my first experience of using Fedora.
Alas, I am having problems getting sound working for the normal user. I enabled root access to see if it was a permissions thing. Clearly it is. Sounds work for the root account. I have been reading a lot of posts to see what I can change. Nothing has worked yet. I have put myself in the audio group in /etc/group, but it does not help. For some reason pulseaudio will only work for root. I am being denied access to /dev/snd/* even though I am in the audio group and the permissions of the files in /dev/snd allow read/write access to the audiio group. lspci -v | grep audio 00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)

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OpenSUSE :: No Sound For Users, Just Root?

Apr 1, 2010

I am having trouble with flash player. Well first I had some trouble with my router and rebooted linux. Then, flash wouldn't play sound anymore. I updated flash etc but still no sound. Then I tried as root administrator and flash sound works fine there.

So I checked the sound preferences from the Control Center and found out, all output devices are set to autodetect instead to one of the output devices I have. But when I switched to the user account to change the preferences accordingly, no sound was played at all.. Also, when I want to use the loudspeaker icon at the bottom to reach the volume control in the user account, I get an error message stating there was some connection refused.


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Ubuntu :: Root Not Able To Play Sound?

Jul 19, 2010

Kill me, but) I log into root on my machine, and I downloaded an flv file. I tried to play it with Totem, but it, for some odd reason, kept showing up with big black boxes in it. When I exited Totem, my volume went mute and I can not un-mute it. This only happens to the root account. What should I do?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Works Only As Root

May 31, 2011

I have sound if I use aplay or start totem using sudo but neither have sound if I try aplay or totem as ordinary user. The groups command shows my user name is a member of the audio and video groups. If I look at the /etc/group file it also shows pulse as a member of audio group.

This is a command line install from the 10.04 Alternate CD to which I installed xorg, icewm, gdm, nautilus, synaptic, totem, firefox, gstreamer, alsa, pulse, and others. Every thing works except the user audio. Totem will show videos but no sound. Totem will play MP3 music files (show the cover art and the progress) but no sound. But it all works ok, good sound, if I start Totem as root.

What am I missing? I don't expect in depth help with this installation but thought maybe something would just pop out at someone?

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Ubuntu :: Skype Sound Works Only When Run As Root?

Jun 23, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 11.04 and am trying to get Skype working for work. Sound doesn't work for random events. I ran Skype as root and the sound works perfectly. Can anybody give me some information on how do I set the permissions for the program so the sound works so I don't have to run the program as root?

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General :: How To Enable Sound In Linuxmint 10 In Root

Dec 19, 2010

I need to have sound while signed in as root. The default for mint 10 is disabled (for why is beyond me) how can I make it enabled.

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Slackware :: Can't Run Java As Root

Apr 7, 2010

I can't run the "java" command as root, but I can, as a simple user.

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Ubuntu :: Root Has No Sound - No Networks In Notification Area

Feb 25, 2011

Is Root's profile broken? No sound, stuff missing from the notification tray... it happens in most installations.

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Slackware :: Can't Launch Applications As Root?

May 18, 2010

When I try to run thunar,for example, as root i receive a :

bash-4.1# thunar
No protocol specified


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Slackware :: Firefox 4 Opens As Root

Mar 27, 2011

I got the mozilla FF4, extracted, copied to /usr/lib/firefox, changed the old one to /usr/lib/firefox-3 (I had the 3.03 or something like it) Now,I just can make it work... but just as root! If I am in Konqueror, super user, and click over the firefox it opens Firefox 4, as root. If I open another X, as root, I just need to click the old firefox icon and it opens. As user, there is no way I compared the files from /usr/lib/firefox, the new ones with the old ones in /usr/lib/firefox-3, and the permissions are THE SAME. I even tried to replace the firefox and the, the only difference is that then I can get the update window to appear, but it does nothing and just crash. I didn't touched the /usr/bin/firefox, since it just point to the /usr/lib, and in fact, since it is working as root, in user space and in root KDE,it is OK. I tries first,of course, to get a slack one, but at linuxpackages there is only the FF4 for the newest slacks.

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Slackware :: Getting Aliases To Work As Root?

Aug 22, 2010

How can I get aliases working as root? Here is my Slackware 13.1's /etc/profile file followed by my *Slackware 11's* /etc/profile file [as a comparison]. My Slackware 11's root aliases work in addition to my username ones *without* needing a separate .bashrc in my home dir. In S13.1 I have created a .bashrc for my username and it works fine, but I want those same aliases operating when I'm root, and cannot for the life of me figure how to achieve it.

S13.1 /etc/profile:
# /etc/profile: This file contains system-wide defaults used by
# all Bourne (and related) shells.
# Set the values for some environment variables:
export MINICOM="-c on"
export MANPATH=/usr/local/man:/usr/man
export HOSTNAME="`cat /etc/HOSTNAME`"
export LESSOPEN="| %s"
export LESS="-M"
# If the user doesn't have a .inputrc, use the one in /etc.....

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Slackware :: Unable To Mount Root FS

Apr 15, 2011

got a client which rebooted one of their slackware servers and would not come up.Server is stuck at Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root FS.I have booted into a live cd and mounted hdd1 but have not been able to get any further.

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Slackware :: Set A Root Background Image?

Apr 4, 2011

I just switched to ion3, been playing around with different window managers. Loving tiled wms! With each wm I run into the same issue, how can I set a root desktop background image with Slackware 13.1

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Slackware :: Tell If Have 'garbage' In Root Partition?

Mar 7, 2011

My root partition /dev/sda1 is 24.41 GiB with 10.48 GiB used. How can I tell if I have inadvertently placed a bunch of garbage on this partition? Also, should I, and I use the term loosely, 'move' certain directories to my home partition /dev/sda3? (118.77 GiB with 3.14 GiB used)

Right now I believe that, rightly or wrongly, if I screw up my system, all I need to do is install my Clonezilla image back to /dev/sda1 and I will have a 'mostly' working system. If I 'move' anything out of /dev/sda1 to /dev/sda3, will this hold true? Or am I out to lunch on this assumption anyway?

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Slackware :: How Do I Specify Root Disk In Lilo

Jun 13, 2010

With the continued growth of SATA devices, I have really been having problems with my boot loader. In the old days, it was pretty easy to make sure that the IDE devices stayed put. However, now everything is an sd device. Specifying a root directory of /dev/sda1 in lilo is no longer a sure thing. If you have a USB device plugged in or an ESATA device, your sd devices are no longer guaranteed to stay put.In reading through the lilo documentation, it appears that you can specify root devices by UUID or even by LABEL.

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Slackware :: How To Run Dolphin / Konqueror As Root

Feb 25, 2010

I have been using KDE4 for some time now as a test and have noticed what at first seems to be a major omission. There is no way to run dolphin or konqueror as root. Old style KDE3 in SLackware 12 had the "root konqueror" option, (or whatever it was named in the KDE menus), but KDE4 doesn't have this. I tried adding a new menu itme in KDE4 to run dolphin as root but it had odd errors about "could not start process" and "could not to talk to klauncher" - it would not display any files from my directory. Konqueror had similar odd problems - something about klauncher and Dbus server. This is a pain as there are sometimes files I wish to move/delete which I need to be root to do and it would be nice to have a gui to do this.

Anyone got any quick ways (from KDE) of achieving this or setting up a KDE menu item to run a file manager (dolphin/konqueror) as root ? I don't always want to have to run "su -c mc" in a terminal to do admin stuff in the filesystem and I don't want to run KDE as root.

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Slackware :: Odd Root Login On Vtty

Jul 30, 2010

I often use the virtual ttys and as slackware doesn't by default enable vttys 8-12 I added these to inittab and I can now use CNTRL-ALT-(F8-12) to switch to them, now for the problem. On vtty 6 I can login as myself or root no problem but on vttys 8-12 when I try to login as root I just get "Login Incorrect" but if I login as myself there is no problem I can then su to root, I just can't login as root this is very frustrating as I tend to use the vttys to do admin work so have to be root

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Slackware :: Root Account Recovery

May 7, 2010

anyone knowledgeable could follow this thread? [URL]

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Slackware :: Session_mm_apache2handler0.sem In Root Directory

Mar 12, 2011

I installed Slackware 13.37 and when i configured the LAMP, I now have a file session_mm_apache2handler0.sem in root(/) directory. I searched in the internet and found this:


any way to fix it here in 13.37?

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Slackware :: Making The Raid 0 As Root?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a Gigabyte P55-UD3 motherboard, I created a raid 0 array in the bios with the integrated gigabyte raid controller. can I install Slackware 64 on it, can I make it bootable, could I have multiple Operating Systems(Windows too)without each of them corrupting the partition table.If yes then how?(I would prefer not using extra bootdisk)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Karmic: Sound Works For Root But Not For User

Feb 7, 2010

I cannot find a post that matches this scenario...the id created during the install (from CD) of Karmic has fully usable sound. However, users created from the Users and Groups app do not.

I have made sure that all users are defined to the audio, pulse, pulse-audio, and pulse-rt groups. No luck.

I have followed every step I have read having to do with the alsamixer. No luck.

I have verified that alsa and linux itself are at the latest versions.

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General :: Setting Root Password In Slackware 9

Jul 1, 2011

i booted into linux single mode thru lilo but i can't use any commands in slackware that changes the root account or user account using passwd root command

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Slackware :: /dev/root With EXT4-FS Being Mounted As EXT2-FS?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm on Slackware-current and I've got a /dev/sda1 (the root partition) formatted as ext4. The output of /etc/fstab is:

/dev/sda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults 1 1


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