Server :: Webiste Outside The Server's Folder?

May 22, 2010

I've a website source in my home folder and would like to ba able to access to it with apache.So I put a symlink to the folder in my /srv/http folder

$ ls -dl /srv/http/file
lrwxrwxrwx 1 http http 38 May 8 13:35 /srv/http/file -> /home/mart/Dropbox/AIESEC/file sharing


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Server :: Sended Mail Go To Trash Folder Of Reciver Using Postfix In Smtp Server?

Nov 26, 2010

my postfix to send and recive external emails, but many recive in trash folder.Other programer say me that is need some configurations in postfix with and dovecot to work, but i dont know what!This is my first time configuring a linux server at this week.

my main.conf
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.3/samples
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.3/README_FILES


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Server :: Email Sent My Server Always Received To Spam Folder / Wrong Configuration?

Aug 16, 2010

After installing postfix on my server , all emails sent by a PHP class that i built , are received to spam folder , no matter what i do .am not an expert , except in PHP , the class i built works fine everywhere else except on this server , so i think the problem might be from the server it self ?some told me wrong configuration/software on my server , others told me wrong DNS stuff . actually i don't understand the DNS stuff , and am not an expert in linux softwares and services but i cann install/configure them , so could anyone please check the DNS for problems ?

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Server :: Share A Folder For Virtual Server In Windows Xp?

Jul 18, 2010

i am using windows xp and i virtualy running centos 4 by using microsoft virtual server 2007. i need to install webmin in centos but i having rpm package in windows xp how i share the folder for linux. i dont know how to share a folder for virually installed centos in microsoft virtual pc 2007.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Ftp Server With Folder Access Restrictions

Dec 10, 2010

'm a bit familiar with Centos as I have set up few website on this environment but I have never actually installed, and especially, configure ftp server. Now I need to do this. Simply I need to be able to create an access account for a user and then restrict access to only one folder within the website (idea is to allow this user to upload images via ftp). I did google for ftp servers and read about vsftpd but I couldn't find any tutorial on how exactly make it work with folders and specific users.

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Server :: Setup One Folder For All Users And Restrict The FTP Connection To That Folder Only?

May 25, 2011

I've setup a FTP server in OpenSUSE 11.1 with KDE 3.5.x. (Pure-ftpd) But when I connect with an user to the FTP server I can browse to all folders on the OPENSUSE system, how can I setup one folder for all users and restrict the FTP connection to that folder only??

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Server :: Increasing Size Of /var Folder Or Mount To Another Folder?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm installing things in a new Red Hat server and saw that the /var folder is full (100%). I need this folder to have more space or another kind of solution because this server is going to be used as a print server.

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Software :: Webiste To Download A Free Version Of System To Learn?

Mar 11, 2010

I wish to download a free version of Linux x86 (Debian, Mandriva, Red Hat or Ubuntu) so that I can install it and learn linux. The reason why I have mention the above versions is that I need to Install Oracle 10G on it to learn Oracle on Linux x86.

Can someone please post me the webiste url/s that I can download a free version of linux to learn?

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Fedora Servers :: When Browsing The Folder , Its Erroring (404 Not Found) Folder Is Not Found On The Server ?

Feb 13, 2009

I have created a folder including some html link pages in /test/htlink . Now I want to create a soft link of that folder as htlink -> /test/htlink in /var/www/html . Now when I m browsing the folder , its erroring (404 Not Found) folder is not found on the server . I have given 777 permission on every file-folder in /test . No firewall & no SELINUX .

*** I want to browse the folder ***

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Server :: Web Server Sees The Pages But Not The Folder That Has All The Images For The Pages

May 14, 2010

I'm very new to Linux, and I have ran a Windows XP server before, with a Apache2 Server software for Windows. and didn't have any problems with it, but I really want to set this server up with Linux.

The server is running, but the only thing that comes up in the browser, is the html pages, the pages call all the images from a folder /images/ but for some reason I can't get it to pull the folder up. None of the graphics show on any of the pages.

I also have a VirtualHost setup, and have another website set up in the DocumentRoot with the 2nd site, but it won't come up ether, even tho it is listed as the 2nd VirtualHost, and have that folder set up as the DocumentRoot.

I'm just using IP Addresses for now till I get this all sorted out.So if I enter the IP the main page comes up, just no graphics. if I enter the IP Address/2ndSiteFolder/ I get a directory listing with the 2nd site folder listed, so now if I click on the 2ndSiteFolderName, it comes up as IP/2ndSiteFolder/2ndSiteFolder/ Now the 2nd site comes up, and so does all the Graphics for that site, even if I go to some of the other subfolders site. So its just weird. I don't know what I need to do to get this to work right.

I know it has to do with setting up the folders for VirtualHost, I just don't know what it is. I have been working on this for a week, and I'm not getting anywhere..

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Server :: Server Configuration For Small Office Server, Which Smtp, Pop Imap Server And Backup?

Apr 2, 2010

I have installed a linux server in my office to run 16 machines. Its main use will be a internal mail server but will be also running websites.

I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 server x64 and have got apache running.

I am looking for the simplest more robust solution for smtp, pop3 and imap. I have only ever used qmail before and found it a pain to configure and its getting old so I though I should probably try something new. I have not much experience with running pop3 or imap on linux so would love a suggestion on that.

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Server :: Sub Folder In Samba?

Jun 21, 2010

that is we have many users and most users can go in most file and in that file there are few sub folders and only handful of the can enter that sub folder but I don't know to to do

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General :: How To Copy One Folder To Server

Jul 9, 2010

i want to copy one folder to server using terminal. iwant to copy datatable folder to server. it like this:

copy from
user: /home/qa/html/datatable
server: www/html

how to do that...i'm new about this..i try like this:

1> qa@qadesktop2:~$ ftp 10230.35.211
2> fill password
3> ftp>cd www/html
4> ftp>mput

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Server :: How To Chroot Samba Folder

Oct 18, 2010

Does anybody could explain me how to chroot samba folder ?

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Server :: Group Permissions With In Folder

May 30, 2010

I am running into a Brick wall with this. And thought that the knowledge and expertise here would be a good place to seek help.I have CentOS 5.4 server running Samba on a WinBloZ network. I have the groups all setup and that aspect works fine. But here lies the issues.In a shared directory with group permissions set if someone on the group with permission to this directory creates a file they are the only person that can edit / modify that file. That file need to be editable by the entire group. But the only way thus far I can achieve this is to manually chmod the files in the directory. I know there is a way to fix this, but I have not found it. Can someone please explain how to make this work for me.

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Server :: Allow Guest Access Folder

Feb 22, 2010

I have Apache installed on CentOS 4.5. My website have to play music on page and i have to show the file path. Eg : my website is in /var/lib/apache/webapp/mywebsite and my music folder is in : /music/myfile.wav and i want to play music on this /music folder and allow guest to download file. How can i do this?

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Server :: Create A Www Folder In Ubuntu 9.04?

May 17, 2010

i'm using ubuntu 9.04 jaunty jackalope for my drupal development. last one day before i lose my www folder in my ubuntu system. and i had LAMP Server with phpmyadmin. and i have been stored so many of my development documents are stored in that folder. i already geta backup for that., so its does n't matter. now i need www folder in var directory.

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Server :: Inherit ACL, When Copying To Folder?

Jun 6, 2011

I've ran into a pickle regarding permissions and ACL. My users has a folder called "UVdokumenter", in wich they want to put documents up for sharing and editing. Everyone needs to be able to edit the files in that folder, so i set the ACL to this:

# file: UVdokumenter/
# owner: fleten


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Server :: Possible To Turn Off Modsec2 In A Particular Folder?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a dedicated server that I manage with WHM/cPanel and I'm having problems with modsec2.The form in question exists in a folder that is protected by http authentication -- one must authenticate via apache before viewing any of the folder's contents (you know, the whole .htaccess thing).I am wondering a few things:

1) Is it potentially unsafe to turn off modsec2 in this particular folder? I'm thinking that the need to auth via apache will keep out any folks who don't know the password, but want to be sure that there isn't some way to circumvent the apache auth.

2) if I want to disable modsec2 for this particular folder, is it sufficient/acceptable/correct/effective to put this code in the .htaccess file.

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Server :: Cannot Get Complete Folder Qmail - 1.03

Apr 22, 2011

I am installing qmail on centos 5.4. I run
"rpmbuild -bb --with cnt5064 qmail-toaster.spec"
then todo edit in file chkuser_settings.h in
vi /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/qmail-1.03/chkuser_settings.h
but I am not getting complete folder qmail-1.03 why is it so...

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Server :: User Folder Permissions For FTP?

May 4, 2010

I want to host a public FTP on my server, but i cannot get it so that people can read and write but not delete ANYTHING from it.
I have tried:

chown root /home/ftpdir
chmod 1777 /home/ftpdir

but people can still delete the files in it, i have no idea what to do next. that's the only thing i can find on Google about how to do it.

the users are logging in with the same Account, i cannot make a new account for each one.

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Debian :: Wordpress Server Folder Ownership?

Feb 9, 2011

I've recently started setting up a new wordpress install on a new dedicated server. The system is installed on a linux debian 5 setup and running on apache.Having only ever run shared hosting before this setup is a much bigger leap than expected, but after a couple of weeks doing bits here and there I've finally got the setup running, and all appears ok.My issue is as follows:On the server the default owner of all the installed folders is "root"In order to allow media uploads, plugin installs and upgrades and wordpress auto-upgrades I've had to Chown the owner of the entire wordpress directory to the server as follows:Chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/wordpress/

Can anyone tell me if this is actually secure? (clearly if the server is compromised the folder would be writeable!) If not would I be better changing the owner back to root (or even creating a new user for the wordpress folder?), then chown just the uploads, theme, and blogs.dir folders to allow media uploads, upgrades, etc from with the wordpress, and then only chown the entire wordpress install when upgrading or installing new plugins, themes, etc.?Just a bit lost when it comes to the ownership of these folders as changing these ownerships is the only way i can get the system functioning 'correctly'

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General :: Compare Files On Ftp-server And In A Folder?

Apr 12, 2010

How to compare files on ftp-server and in a folder in Linux?

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Ubuntu :: Sharing NTFS Folder Via FTP Server

Mar 31, 2011

I feel like there's some user/group/mount concepts I need to understand to pull this off: I have a dual boot ubuntu/XP rig and I'm storing some active work files on an NTFS partition because so I can use these files from both OSes (because Windows can't read my ext3 partition, but ubuntu CAN read NTFS) Now, I need to access these files (on the NTFS partition) from my 2nd computer... which means I need to config an ubuntu FTP server (currently pureftp, but I'm not picky) to serve the files on that NTFS partition.

Like I said, I'm using PureFTP, but I'm not picky. It's not working right because of (i think) permissions and directory ownership "stuff" that I don't quite understand. Add "mounting" the NTFS drive to the mix, and my brain fails. I'm not too terribly afraid of a non-GUI ftp server, so if anybody can offer some guidance, concepts or general clue-sticking about how I can get the NTFS mount and permissions and the ftp user context sorted out

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Renaming Server Folder?

Jul 25, 2011

I've got three server folder things but I'm wondering whether I could rename them to something a bit more neater.When I do try renaming one it comes up with this error.

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General :: Upload Folder On Server With Terminal?

Feb 13, 2011

i attached file in email using terminal(mutt) but i want to upload folder on my server with terminal , script

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Server :: Change Folder Ownership In Fedora 12?

Jul 4, 2010

I know I asked this question before, but I was running CentOS and I used "chuser" and that worked just fine, but for some reason in Fedora it doesn't exist. Is there another command that works in Fedora?I'm tring to change all files, and folders in my "www" folder to "apache:apache"

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Server :: Delimit The Folder Size Come Under Webapps Dir?

Dec 2, 2010

in our organization we are developing a job portal web application for a client. using Apache-tomcat we are hosting this application, now i need to delimit the applications directory comer under the webapps directory. to reduce the uploading limit.

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Server :: Folder And Description Appearance Using Apache?

Mar 26, 2011

I have a personal webserver and webpage that makes my mp3 collection available to me on the network. It's more of a learning experience than anything else. Anyway there are two issues that I have found some information on, but I haven't been able to make sense of what I've found.

1. I would like directories to appear first and individual files to appear afterwards.

2. I would like for the name column width to match the longest name appearing in that column.

I am attaching a screenshot of the page for clarification.

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Server :: Password Protect A Folder In Www Directory?

Apr 10, 2010

Im running apache2 on a debian webserver and i was wondering how i can password protect a folder in my www directory when someone try to access it from the web.

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