Server :: Install Torrentflux That Requires Python?

Jul 14, 2011

i am trying to install torrentflux that requires python. but it says python path invalid . though it is installed and path is valid. i have chmoded it to 777 but same problem. I am using centos with LAMP.

here it the screen[URL]...

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General :: Get Apt-get To Install Python Packages For A Different Version Of Python?

Oct 27, 2010

in ubuntu 10.10, I have installed python 2.7. I would like to use apt-get to install packages to this version of python but I haven't been able to figure out howThings I have tried without success:changing the symlink at /usr/bin/python to point to /usr/bin/python2.7 - even after doing this apt-get still installs stuff to python2.6.Set up python2.7 as the primary alternative using update-alternatives - doesn't work

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Ubuntu Servers :: Torrentflux Using 4GB Ram

Dec 8, 2010

I installed 4gb of ram and thought that would be more than enough to run LAMP and a simple torrent program. I decided to install torrentflux because of the webinterface. But I found out soon that, after a while with downloading and refreshing the interface, it used almost 4gb of ram! I don't know if this is fixable, but I just like to know if someone else got the same problem and somehow managed to fix it. But if this is an "unfixable" torrentflux bug, is there any similar programs I could use instead?

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General :: Specifying The Install Path Of A Python Package On Server?

Jun 23, 2010

I have been trying to install the NumPy package for Python on to my home directory, as I run as part of a server and do not have permissions to install new packages in the Linux server.

I have set up Python in my home directory, and have configured ~/.bash_profile to find my local Python (which works, confirmed by testing).

However, when I attempt to install the NumPy package, I get the message error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.6': Permission denied Which I find strange because I do not see why it would need to install files anywhere except my local Python directory.

how I might be able to specify the directory in which files are installed?

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Ubuntu Servers :: TorrentFlux Cannot Remove Torrents From Queue?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a weird problem here. I'm running ubuntu server 10.10 with Torrentflux. Today I added a torrent file that contained 3 dots in the filename, which was added to the queue, but nothing happend. After some searching on the web I discovered that TF has problems with torrents with 3 dots. After removing the dots, the torrent downloaded just fine.

For some reason now, I'm unable to remove the old torrent from the queue and it keeps showing as "new". Is there a file in which the queue is stored, so I can manualy remove the incorrect torrent-entry?

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Software :: Install A Package That Requires X11?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm trying to install a package that requires x11 and complains that it can't find it. It appears my X version is an older one. How can I check which version I have currently installed, just to be sure?

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Server :: Mapped Network Drive Requires Password After Logging Out?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a peer-to-peer network with 25 WinXP Pro computers. I have built a Linux (SuSE) server for the purpose of backing up My Documents, PST files and favourites. Each user has their own folder containing the sync'd files. Each folder is password protected. I have configured each users machine with a mapped 'S' drive, which is the sync'd data folder on the Linux computer. All of the computers seem to end up with a "disconnected network drive" status after either logging out for the day or after some time has elapsed. Some will connect with a double click but others prompt for a password. I have tried mapping the drive using the option "Connect using a different user name", which is fine until the user logs out and back in again. I use SyncToy as a scheduled task, but can't connect to these mapped drives automatically, so the sync process will not work unattended.

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Server :: Samba Share After Boot Requires Nmbd Command?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm running a fedora 14 file server with samba for a windows network. When I reboot my file server my samba share is no longer available. After a long search I found that if i run nmbd as root, the share is accessible again. I guess I can run nmbd everytime I reboot but I think something is wrong with my setup and it's one of those things that if I just ignore it will come back and bite me from behind

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Software :: Build A RPM That Requires JAVA_HOME To Be Set Before Install?

Nov 6, 2009

I've managed to create a working RPM that does a bit of system configuration despite having little working knowledge of linux before starting. My RPM appeared to be working for awhile now but as a final test I installed it on a completely fresh install of RedHat enterprise edition 5.2 (after installing prereq rpms). It seems I'm running into a problem that the IMQ program(ie java message queues) will not boot correctly when I do this because it doesn�t know where to find the JRE.

I want to make sure that when my rpm is run the program actually works afterwards, and it won't work without IMQ. I was thinking I would have the RPM modify the IMQ configuration file to provide a -javahome argument when it boots up. I don't think I can set the configuration file to say '-javahome $JAVA_HOME' because the JAVA_HOME environmental variable won't be set until later in the boot up process after IMQ has attempted, and failed, to boot.

so I had thought the rpm could set whatever the value of JAVA_HOME is at the time the rpm is installed as the home for IMQ. So my questions are...

1) how can I require that JAVA_HOME is set prior to running my RPM, and have the RPM not install if JAVA_HOME isn't set

2) is there a good way to have rpm be able to undo the change I made to the configuration file if it is erased? Should I save a version of the old configuration file before I make the changes somewhere to be used?

3) is this the best way to do things, or is there a simpler method?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Shutting Down Requires Root Password?

Apr 29, 2010

'm running openSUSE 11.2 with KDE 4.4.2.

Since i installed KDE 4.* Whenever I go to shutdown, I get the shutdown dialogue, I hit shutdown, it logs me off, shows some text on shutdown screen, and then opens up the GUI again, bringing up a small window, where It asks for the root password, in order to shutdown. If i don't give it the root password, it goes to the login screen.

I cannot, any way, command line, GUI, or anything, shutdown without providing a root password.

If I use the command shutdown now, as root, it logs me off and goes through an endless cycle of logging off, and then asking for root to shut down, and not shutting down (All on the CLI), and everytime i give it the password, it cancels shutdown and goes back to the prompt. I eventually have to pull the battery to kill it in that case..

I have tried chmoding the shutdown scripts to make it work, it doesn't.

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Slackware :: RPM Requires Full SeaMonkey Package Install

Dec 19, 2010

There is a "standalone seamonkey-solibs package for RPM, gxine, etc". But after recent upgrades in -current, I can't use rpm without full seamonkey package installed. Can someone revise the contents of seamonkey-solibs and add missing files to it?

$ LANG=C rpm -qp --qf %{NAME} opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm
error: opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm: Header SHA1 digest: BAD
error: opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest)

And `rpm2txz -nd opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm` doesn't work as expected without seamonkey package installed.

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Slackware :: Trying To Install 'Gmail Backup' But It Requires Python2.5

May 9, 2011

When I run the install of 'Gmail Backup' (from URL...) an error msg appears stating that I must have python2.5 - I presently have python2.8Is there any way to solve this without destroying my Slackware 13.37 installation?

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Freezes And Requires A Hard Restart

Feb 22, 2010

Im running opensuse 11.2 on Linux 64Bit, KDE 4.3.1 with 4GB RAM, Intel duo core processor with Intel graphics card. I initially had opensuse 11.1, which i removed and installed 11.2. Initially everything.Then came the problem, the system starts up fine but then after a few hours freezes, monitor powers off and it wont accept commands from the keyboard or mouse. Meanwhile the lights (caps lock, numeric and scroll) on the keyboard blink. The power light is still on and i can hear the hard disk turning.

I have to forcefully turn the power off and restart but can freeze again after random periods.I do lengthy and demanding computations and its common for the PC to run for weeks without turning it off.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Requires User Login And Password To Install

Aug 22, 2011

When booting from the Ubuntu 11.04 CD, it asks for user name and password to install. I downloaded the iso twice and did a checksum. Do I need a user name and password before installing? What is the user name and password? I read the documentation and cannot find any entry about user name and password needed when booting fron CD.

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General :: Install A Software That Requires A Specific Versions Of Several Packages?

Apr 12, 2011

I am trying to install a piece of software that requires a specific versions of several packages. I am using Scientific Linux 5.5 and yum for managing the apps.The problem is that I need, for example ruby >= 1.8.7, but the package for ruby that is the official repositories for SL 5.5 is 1.8.5 and therefore yum says it's up to date.

There are other repositories for SL 6.0 that have ruby-1.8.7. Initially I ignored the fact that they are not for 5.5 and tried to install it manually with rpm. But there was an increasing number of data dependencies for the packages so I gave up. What can I do to avoid this? I suppose installing packages for newer OS version should be ok and they will be compatible with other older libs. But do you really install packages in this manner?

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Ubuntu :: Whenever Update Or Install New Software 10.10 - Requires Installation Of Untrusted Packages

Jan 7, 2011

Whenever I try to either update, or install new software to Ubuntu 10.10, I get this error...

Requires Installation of Untrusted Packages

The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.

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Programming :: Make Python Programs Run Without Entering The Command Python?

Mar 22, 2009

I want to be able to do

sudo ./

instead of always having to do

sudo python

What do I need to change?

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Programming :: Python - Get Text File Data Into An Array On Python?

Nov 30, 2009

I've already used line split stuff to transform my data into something like this in a text file:


['1', '1', '3', '20.7505207']
['2', '1', '3', '23.0488319']
['3', '1', '3', '-1.5768747']
['4', '1', '3', '-26.4772491']


How can I get this on a python program so I can manipulate it as an array?

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Install YUM And Python Iniparse To Install ImageMagick?

Aug 9, 2009

I have logged into root via SSHI followed instructions from here[URL]And here[URL]

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Software :: Python 3 Want Situation For Python 2 And Become Stop?

Jul 17, 2010

Python 3 want situation for python 2?Python 2 become stop?

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CentOS 5 :: Yum - Python-devel / Python Dependency

Jan 7, 2011

yum dependency problem please? I am running Centos 5.5. I need to install python-devel, but when I do so I get:


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Server :: "unresolved Requires" Error?

Jan 18, 2010

im trying to update my Plesk and i get a strange error:Code:Warning: unresolved requires '/usr/sbin/sendmail' from uudeview-0.5.20-12.i386What could be the reason for this ?

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Server :: Run Rpmbuild -bb On Centos 5.5 Box To Create The Rpm For Python 2.7

Feb 23, 2011

I've been attempting to run rpmbuild -bb on my centos 5.5 box to create the rpm for Python 2.7 to no success.

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Server :: Importing One Of The Python Modules Required To Run Yum?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm update Python , but founde problem root@server [~]# yum update There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: No module named yum

Please install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is: 2.6.7 (r267:88850, Jun 7 2011, 12:25:26) [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50)] If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to the yum faq at: [URL]...

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Server :: OpenIPMI Python Module For Ubuntu?

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to get the python GUI working for OpenIPMI on Ubuntu and I can't find the required OpenIPMI python module. where to find this module suitable for Ubuntu 8.04.4 (Lucid)? There are RPMs available for different RedHat flavours but I can't find anything for Ubuntu.

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Fedora :: Install Python 2.7 On 15?

Jul 29, 2011

i want IDLE on my Fedora 15, is this possible?

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Fedora :: Can't Install Python 2.6 On 15

Aug 13, 2011

I can't install Python 2.6 on Fedora 15 - I have only Python 2.7. Also I can't add EPEL repository to try to install: yum install python26 I didn't find any info about how can I solve this problem.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Python 2.6.5

Jun 10, 2010

I tried to downloaded and installed from the Internet directly but it gives me error message. Also I tried to downloaded it from Ubuntu but when I go to the software package and click on python it show me hundreds of python types. I'm a beginner and I need to use Python for my class this summer, I only need to use python GUI. how to install python on Ubuntu and also how to find it after installation.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Python 3.1.2

Jun 19, 2010

I've done command line work in Linux, so I need a refresher.I have downloaded and extracted Python 3.1.2. How do I install? All of the HELP and README files are a little vague for me. but when I type in "./configure" in a terminal session, it says "command not found".

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Python 2.6 On 8.04

Oct 23, 2010

how to install Python 2.6 on Ubuntu 8.04, I checked and the latest ver. on the ubuntu repository is 2.5 I need 2.6 I just compiled it using the following guide.[URL] I just didn't get how to set my PATH I followed all the steps that were there exactly.

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