Server :: What Distro Should I Chose For VPS?

Jan 7, 2011

I am buying a VPS from my host and they are offering me the following distro's:

CentOS 5.5
CentOS 5.4 w/ Kloxo
CentOS 5.4 w/ cPanel
Ubuntu 10.04
OpenSuse 11.1
Slackware 13
Debian 5
Fedora 12

What I Plan to Do?I plan to have multiple sites about 15 of them to be exact, running off a VPS. I also wish to install a RTMP:// (FMS) on it.I want these sites to be about 15,000 guests per/day maximum, I will be streaming to the RTMP server from Flash Media Encoder, and having it stream to some of my websites so users can watch.I don't know what web control panel to use, because cPanel is expensive, and it's the only one I've been exposed to, so if you could recommend a control panel also, that would be awesome.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Chose Icon For Launcher

Mar 24, 2011

I've already used ubuntu last time, and I want to open my mind, so I've trying to install OpenSUSE, it's really nice.Now I want to add an application to quicklaunch on taskbar such as a .sh or .jar file, however I haven't known how to set the icon for this launcher. I could do this in ubuntu by right click on launcher and set properties.

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Slackware :: Way To Chose Between 64 And 32 Bit Versions Of Iso Installer

Jun 28, 2011

Is there any way to chose between 64 and 32 bit versions of the iso installer ?

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General :: How Do I Get Back To Chose Install All Desktops?

Sep 23, 2010

I think in DOS, too many variables, debian-506-amd64-netinst.iso boots to $ How to: With out a complete rescue as I now seem to have linux in NTFS partition; how do I get back to chose install all desktops? Time to put wife to bed I have been at this since 6:30am. I took half my drive, and formatted fs2. Went back to install to chose desktops seems I will blow away every thing if not careful. Or is the problem BCD is on linux partition 1?

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Fedora Installation :: Chose Remove All Partitions By Mistake

Mar 15, 2009

I just installed Fedora 10 on my machine that have windows xp already installed on it. I chose "Remove all partitions on selected drive." by mistake. Is there a way to get back windows xp?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Chose File System Of Choice

Jun 16, 2010

I can't install with the ext3 or XFS file systems. It will only let me install with ext4. I have used both a live CD and USB.Someone help me find out what I am doing wrong, I would like to have my ext3!

-Fedora 13
-latest kernel
-used Live CD and Live USB (UNetBootin)

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Debian Installation :: On IMac: Screen Goes All Black When Chose In Grub-selection List

May 20, 2011

I have installed Debian a few times now (and other distro's), so I'm fairly used to installing linux. I'm not used to installing it on Apple hardware (back in 2009 on my laptop I had some issues that were solved rather quickly, but that's about it). Now I'm installing Debian Squeeze on a new (well, bought today, but it is the previous model: iMac 11,2) desktop iMac.

Installing goes well (resizing partition, rEFIt, booting Debian 6.0.1a netinstall CD, installing packages etc.) I followed a tutorial [URL] to install grub explicitly with force after installing and running gptsync. Everything went according to the tutorial and I rebooted to be welcomed by rEFIt and then grub: perfect!

BUT when I chose Debian in the grub-selection list, I only see a few lines of starting the kernel, and then my screen goes all black. A few seconds later I hear a sound, and iirc it's the sound of gdm prompting to select a user. I cannot switch to a TTY and I have to use the power-button to shut the system down.

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Server :: Home Server On Netbook (N150) - Which Distro

Mar 14, 2011

I have several PCs running w7 and linux. I have a netbook Samsung N150 which has a large HD (250G) and interested in running 24h homeserver mainly for media files. Netbook will be hooked up to LAN and will be streaming wirelessly (have fast connection) thru out the house. Which of the recent distro.

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Server :: Distro For Public Library Server?

Sep 24, 2010

I have the opportunity to set up our local public library with a linux server. The primary need is for the server to land wifi users to a hotspot splash screen where they will accept terms of use and indicate what town they are from by checking a box or selecting from a dropdown menu. Users of terminals in the library would also have to indicate what town they are from. Things such as content filtering may come later. What distro would be recommended for this? Ease of use and configuration is important. They basically want to track use of the internet.

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Server :: What Distro To Use For DNS

Mar 11, 2011

Can anybody tell me what is the best distro to use for building a DNS server? I have been playing around with CentOS 5.5 and have heard mixed results. Also I need to know how to download it. Alot of distro's do not have iso's, like openbsd and i am confused on what exactly to download.

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General :: Distro - Nominate A Disastrous Distro From Past Or Present

Jan 9, 2010

nominate a disastrous distro from past or present that was simply AWFUL and what exactly was so bad about it?

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General :: Different Distro On A Server?

Apr 6, 2010

My question is, is it okay (for example) if i have an Ubuntu desktop and i will connect it to a Red Hat PC Server. Will it do? or should i have to have a same distro for both Desktop and Server.

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Server :: Best Distro For A Webserver?

Jan 29, 2011

Which distro is the best for a webserver? and are there any specifics I should keep in mind choosing one?

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Software :: Looking For Distro To Use As DNS Server?

Jun 10, 2010

I have an old SPARCStation 10. I'm looking for a distro to toss on it so I can use it as a DNS server. I've tried both OpenBSD and throws an exception, the other locks up soon after booting into the OS. From the looking that I've done, the ones that support the SPARC platform only support SPARC64. Are there any that I can put on that old Sun machine?

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Networking :: Why Doesn't Distro 9.0 Setup Work For 13.1 Distro?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a linux box set up as a multi-purpose server for my home with three Windows client PC's. The linux box is based on a slightly modified Slackware 9.0 distribution using Linux 2.4.20 and an unfortinately old, slow AMD processor with a miserable 512Kb RAM. The linux box serves the CIFS file system to the Windows boxes, runs the SQUID HTTP proxy, the Apache web server, a print server, does masquerading, mail serving and a very effective firewall using iptables.

This system, although slow, has run perfectly for several years.Let me say that again - This system works perfectly.I had decided that now is the time to upgrade the hardware, so I bought a Gigabyte LGA775 motherboard which has two 1Gb network interfaces on it, an ASUS 256Mb PCI-E display card, 2Gb of DDR3 RAM, an Intel Core2-Quad processor and a bunch of 500Gb SATA drives to set up a RAID5 array (but I intend that the system boot off one of several 40Gb PATA drives I have).I set up the processor, motherboard, display card, RAM, a SATA DVD Drive and a 40Gb PATA hard disk in a "breadboard" layout and installed distro 13.1, being careful to set up the static IP for the local network, dhcpcd to get an IP address from the cable modem (my internet connection) and to enable ip_forward in the network configuration.

Then I installed a script invoked by /etc/rc.d/rc.local which installed all the SAME iptables rules as my old Linux box. There was one minor glitch when I had to change 8 occurrences of "-d ! $LOCAL_NET to" "! --destination $LOCAL_NET" but that was no problem. I also set up /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts , the BIND server files etc. etc. exactly as in the old box.

I am able to ping (this is at the heart of Australia's internet hub network - if it's down the whole bloody thing is down) and have the system find the correct IP from the designated nameservers and contact that server with a return trip time of 35ms. I am able to run a telnet session from one of the Windows boxes and edit files on the Linux server. So both network interfaces work and I've got them the right way around.I am able to run FTP on one of the Windows boxes and connect through to, although it seems to hang when I try a DIR (but then so does the old linux system).

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General :: Distro For IBM R31 As Print Server?

Dec 15, 2010

I come here to seek your help in my quest to build a simple print server. You see, I have an old R31 Thinkpad and I want to hook up two Samsung printers to it. That is, I want to be able to share the aforementioned printers between Macs and PCs alike on my petty home network. I've had some success with Ubuntu server, but I find it to be a bit unstable and somewhat heavy. Could anyone recommend a distro or better yet a process by which I can set up this home server?

The IBM R31:
Processor:Intel Celeron 1.13 GHz
Cache Memory:256 KB - L2 cache - Advanced Transfer Cache
RAM: 128 MB - SDRAM - 133 MHz - PC133
Hard Drive: 20 GB


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Software :: Choose Distro For Server

Jul 9, 2010

I have desktop workstastation with the following parameters:
HP Workstation xw series 64bit
2xXeon 3.2GHz
2Gb ram
73Gb hdd

I want to use it as server to host my personal page and to learn to manage server, apache and etc. I doubt which distro to use. I used slackware 13 before on my laptop as desktop OS. Also I heard that CentOS is easy to update and manage. Which distro is good for that?

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General :: Autostart Vnc Server On Knoppix Distro?

Mar 12, 2011

how can I autostart vnc server on my knoppix distro ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Distro Use To Get Music?

Jan 15, 2010

What server distro can you use to get music?

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Installation :: Best Distro For Low Maint Samba Server?

Jan 26, 2009

I'm doing voluntary charity IT support whilst out of work to keep my hand in. Tomorrow I go on site here and will be retiring an old PIII from desktop service and am proposing to them they turn it into a sambas server. They'll likely let me take it home to reconfigure.

They are running all windoze workgroups with a mixture of XP home, XP pro, and VISTA (not sure what edition). I'd like your advice on the distro and any considerations for Samba install on top of that.

Asides from making it easy for me the other requirement will be that this is fairly idiot proof ongoing to administer. I'm ideally just setting this up and they may in future need some network change - is there a distro that lends itself to that sort of thing more than another? I don't want them to feel they've been left with something only I could look after - obviously it needs to sort itself out with a simple power up etc in case the cleaner unplugs it.

I've used a samba server once before - it should play nice with all the windows stuff, no? ATM they're just sharing a drive on the VISTA machine, so it's not like we need to deal with an Exchange setup - that is what I am trying to save them from! Networking wise - they have one router with four ports and one four way switch. There are only four machines networked now, but I amgoing to add one, plus the server.

One guy there is semi-IT literate, but mainly M$. My primary concerns are that I can configure it to work myself without too much hassle and then I can hand it over and they can run with it.

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Networking :: Connect A Distro So A Samba Server?

Jul 22, 2010

i just installed zenwalk on another computer in my house (experimenting with zencafe as well) and i also installed the source code of samba directly from the website (i saw that the smbclient command wasn't there when i first installed zenwalk) i have a samba server that has ubuntu as its operating system and i would like to connect my zenwalk system to the shares so i can access them from that computer

i heard that smbclient is the way to go when you do something like this so i tried it a few times and nothing worked ps i am using webmin to configure samba on my ubuntu platform

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General :: Build A Server Using The SME Distro And MySQL?

Nov 9, 2010

I'm trying to build a server using the SME distro and MySQL. Following the tutorials for MySQL, I need to have certain software installed. How do I know what programs I have installed?

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Server :: Distro-independant Or For Slackware Administration?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm looking for some books that can get me started on server administration. I'm looking for either distro-independant or for slackware server administration.

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Server :: Most Reliable Distro For Bug Free Updates?

Jan 22, 2010

I have been running a fedora server without issues for many years and recently updated to FC12. It turned out that there is a bug in OpenSSL in FC12 that caused me a lot of problems and I had to build apache, mod_ssl and OpenSSL from source to get it working.I'm now looking at migrating to another distribution becasue Fedora is not appropriate for a production server environment in a growing company.

What I want to know is what is the most reliable distribution with regards automatic updates (bug free that is)? I'm comparing RedHat, Ubuntu LTS, Debian, etc. at the moment. Is there any report that looks at this topic?I'd expect RedHat would have the best, but I also have to take cost into account as it is the only platform that you have to pay for these updates.I read this but it seems to quickly move away from the "bug-free" question initially asked.

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Server :: Trying To Find Right Distro (Run Java Applet)

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to set up a minecraft server, but I have encountered problems. I have been using Ubuntu Server, but I can't get everything to work just right. I was wondering if I just needed to find a new distro that doesn't take up much resources and can run a java applet and sync with dropbox.( I already have code to sync that up).

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Server :: Whats The Best 64bit UPnP And NAS Distro

Jun 2, 2011

I've got a solid PC w/Xeon dual core, 4gb RAM, and (2) 1Tb Sata HDs - looking to replace a WinXP pc that currently is running PlayOn (for media to the BD player on the TVs) and sharing folders/drives to all the PCs (WinXP, Win7, OSX, and Ubuntu.

I have tried a few distros to get media shared to the BD players, and even a Win7 - but the BD players can't seem to play any of the video files on the newer 'servers' - and only the Win7 even appears to the Sony TV in the living room (even though it can only browse the folders with video files). Another problem with the Win7 being tested for acting as a server - is the Macs cant seem to access the shares (get Access Denied errors).

Wondering if there is any good distro that is mainly setup for sharing files and storage space to all my devices. Thinking of trying FreeNAS, and seeing if I could add the UPnP/DNLA server packages to it?

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Ubuntu :: Seeding A Folder With Deluge And When Removed The File From Deluge Chose Remove Data By Mistake?

Jul 4, 2010

I was seeding a folder with deluge and when I removed the file from deluge I chose remove data by mistake, so can I recover my folder?

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General :: Best Mini Distro With Good File Server?

Jan 17, 2010

I like puppy apart from the file manager, you could probably download a different FM from the package manager, but i am looking for a new distro. I know DSL as well and i think it's good but there must be better. I will mainly be using it for 2 reason

a) Recover(backup) files from a windows system i can't boot into
b) To access the net of a system i can't boot into

1) Be under 200MB
2) Fast to boot
3) Have network support including wireless
4) Have sata support and ideally raid support
5) Good file manager
6) As windows like as possible
7) Easy to copy files from HD to usb stick and easy to set permissions .

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Server :: Recover Login Info Or Overwrite Distro?

Feb 11, 2011

If I have to overwrite, I don't know if this will be done automatically when re-installing or If the new Ubuntu Server will be stored elsewhere on my HDD.

I only have the core install of US and was planning to build up what I want from there, starting with a GUI. There aren't any other OS's on the HDD and am using a Live CD of an UD.

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Server :: Installing Distro And Running Virtual Machines

Jun 27, 2009

First off I am new to Linux and fairly new to working in Networking and Server config's. I have been using Windows for years and have been learning Windows Server 2003 as I have a Technet account, I can get any MS software. I would like to learn Linux and use this as my Server environment. My project looks like this: I have a Quad core, 8gb machine. I want to install a distro of Linux (server or desktop) and run Virtual Machines on it.

My perferred way would be to use Virtual Box but I could use VMware products if that was better. I would like to run WS2003, WS2008, Linux Distro and anything else that will run in a VM. I can figure out that part pretty easily. I want the Linux host machine to run all these VM's and access and use them on my MAC remotely. I have done some research on ESXi as well, but I don't think my Hardware is going to support that. My exact PC spec's are:

AMD x4 940
8gb DDR2
Gigabyte MA770-UD3
2 Velicoraptor Drives
GTX 260
I will be dual booting this machine on one of the Raptors for gaming as well.

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