Server :: Postfix $myorigin For Virtual Domains?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a postfix mail server up and running. I've added more than one domains to recive mail by adding them to the :/etc/postfix/virtual and poiting to a UNIX user account. That works fine. But when users send out mails (From squirrelmail) all users send from the same domain. How do I add a $myorgin to a virtual domain?

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Server :: How To Block Domains (Postfix)

Nov 20, 2008

who manage Postfix servers, what do you recommend is the best way to refuse all incoming and outgoing mail to specific domains? I want a blacklist of domains such as:

- Yahoo
- Hotmail
- Gmail

Is there a proper way I can tell Postfix to please deny sending and receiving SMTP traffic to and from those specific domains I specify? I see no need in my corp. mail server has to communicate in any way to those. I allow access to all those accounts via port 80/443 so they can just login to the web and send non business related junk this way.

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Server :: Postfix As Sending MTA For Multiple Domains?

Jun 7, 2010

I am setting up a Postfix MTA that will be only sending mail for 10 different domains. We have other servers that will be receiving the mail for the domains so I only need to set up for sending on Postfix.

What my issue is I am trying to configure Postfix so that when it sends mail the header shows what domain the mail came from and not the domain the Postfix server is set to. For example....


When I send mail from I want it to show in the header it was sent from and not from What do I need to set in postfix so that this happens? Right now no matter what domain the mail is from the header always shows the server domain and I can't have that.

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Server :: Postfix - Block Certain Foreign Domains?

Jun 18, 2009

I am running a spam filter on debian lenny 5.1 with postfix, amavis-new, spamassassin, and clamav. It works pretty well but I would like to finish tweaking it to minimize the mail getting quarantined. It really isn't quarantining anything that isn't spam, except for an occasional list mailer. However, the quarantine is huge, and takes a while to go through. I noticed that much of the spam is coming from foreign country tld's like .cz is there anyway to have postfix run a check on the header and if the email, or smtp origination is from a server from a foreign tld have it just rejected. I can whitelist anything if need be in the future but as of now we don't do any business overseas and don't need to worry about blocking legit email.

I think this should be possible, however, I am unsure of the syntax for the file, where to put it and if wildcards are possible in domain blocking like



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Server :: Postfix As Receiving Mails For Multiple Domains?

Nov 15, 2010

I have configured postfix to send/receive mail from/to for two domains we manage. [URL] and [URL] Most of the cases there is no issue sending out or receiving emails. However, a few users of complained that their senders were not able to sent them email. after much investigation, we started thinking that the mailserver failed to send us email may the failing on doing a SMTP Banner issue.

Is there anyone who knows how to deal with this SMTP banner issue with multiple domain. We want different SMTP banner when doing EHLO on different server.

530 ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: 1.981-- denied access at 11/16/10 10:51:21
530 ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: 1.981-- denied access at 11/16/10 10:51:21

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Server :: Postfix Not Delivering Mail To External Domains?

May 23, 2009

i have configured postfix to deliver mail from an internal mail server to external domains... however i keep getting this errors


un 10 23:23:59 smtpserver postfix/local[28831]: 7800CF0058: to=<root@smtpserver.domain>, orig_to=<postmaster>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to mailbox)
Jun 10 23:23:59 smtpserver postfix/qmgr[5989]: 7800CF0058: removed
Jun 10 23:25:19 smtpserver postfix/smtpd[28824]: connect from unknown[]


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Server :: Postfix: Sending Mail From Multiple Domains?

Jul 20, 2009

I'm running a server with two sites which both need to be able to send emails. Currently I have Postfix set up to send email via Google Apps. This works fine, but Google's servers ignore the From: address I specify and substitute the one I logged in with. Is there a way to make Postfix log into Google Apps with a different username based on what site the email is coming from? The server does not recieve any mail itself; Google recieves it and we have it set to forward it to the appropriate person's real email address. I'm only worried about sending mail.

(Postfix is not a requirement here, so if there's another mailer that can do this better, I'm open to ideas. However, sending email directly from the server isn't an option as it's a residential IP address and blocked by most of the big email providers.)

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CentOS 5 Server :: Postfix Multiple Domains One User?

Jun 2, 2010

I am currently running a apache/postfix email service on my server. I am using aliases for two addresses for example:

so the emails no matter which domain receives the email trscookie always will receive the email.

However I am unable to work out how to 'reverse' this process, for example.

If i was to go to I would like the emails to get sent from however they are currently all coming from Is it possible to configure this so that it is sent from the correct domain?

Here is my

queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
command_directory = /usr/sbin
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
mail_owner = postfix


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Ubuntu :: Configuring Webmin Postfix Server With Multiple Postfix Virtual Hosts?

Sep 25, 2010

is there any HOWTO for configuring Webmin Postfix server with multiple postfix virtual hosts? Seems to be a tough challenge to set it up without any easy manual..

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Server :: Setting Up Postfix As Outgoign Mail Relay For Several Domains / Hosts

Oct 6, 2009

I would like to setup postfix to act as a relay for the outgoing mails of a couple of servers each serving it's own domain.The mails we are talking about are standard administrative emails like user registration, password reset request. The volume of those mails will naturally grow as the site grows. Which for me poses the problem that depending on the growth of the site you will sooner or later hit the quotas imposed by (my otherwise preferred) providers like GMail or

So what I need is a mail relay that will only accept mails from authenticated clients from hosts in its access list and relay their mail without restrictions. Is that possible with postfix? What has to be changed in the config and what are the pitfalls?

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Server :: Virtual Postfix - Mysql And Virtual Aliases ?

Oct 14, 2010

I've got a working Virtual Postfix server running with mysql doing user authentication. I have a support email address set as, which has 5 aliases associated; user1, user2, user3, user4, and user5. When an email is sent to, all 5 users receive the email, just as planned. What I'm looking to do is when an email is sent to to have it rotate through the members of the alias group. That way all members of the group get support emails evenly and not everybody all at once. Is this possible?

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Server :: Send And Receive E-mails To And From An Array Of Virtual Domains?

Jan 4, 2010

I've set up a fully functional e-mail server and can send and receive e-mails to and from an array of virtual domains without a problem. The only hiccup I have is that only root is able to send e-mails via mutt. I have not stipulated a sendmail line in the mutt configuration so it's sending e-mail with default configuration. How can I get it so that all users on the server can send outgoing e-mails via mutt?

Update: Solved this by following this

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Server :: Configure Postfix To Relay Mail To Multiple Internal Mail Servers With Different Domains?

Aug 6, 2010

Two exchange servers internally. One is setup for ( and the other is setup for ( Both are behind a single public IP.

I want to use postfix to sit in front of the two exchange servers. Postfix will accept mail for both domains and relay to the appropriate server. I have postfix installed with only defaults at this point.

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Server :: Postfix Virtual Not Working Correct?

Mar 24, 2011

I got a Debian 6 Server running and it uses Postfix as MTA. I have set up 3 Domains and a catch all rule. My virtual file looks like bobIt works fine so far. Now I tried to add this line on aliceand it did not work (mail gets delivered to the catch all address). It seems, it works ONLY if the part before the domain and the local recipient are equal. Does that make sense to anyone? What did I missconfigure

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Server :: Create Postfix Virtual Users Without Dovecot

May 28, 2010

I just want to create virtual postfix users using static external file, without using dovecot as MDA or mysql db.

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Server :: Postfix Management Web Interface For Virtual Mailboxes

Nov 7, 2010

I'm looking for a Postfix Management Web interface for user, domains, etc... The problem is I'm not using mysql for domains/users, so I can't use postfixadmin. I use virtual mailboxes as described here: [URL]

Basically all mappings are saved inside an /etc/postfix/vmaps file. The users/passwords files are in /home/vmail/passwd and /home/vmail/shadow. Users are in /home/vmail/$domain/$user

I searched for a web management tool that supports my config for weeks now, and can't seem to find any...

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Server :: Configuring Virtual Users On Postfix / MySQL Fedora 12

May 9, 2010

I was following the above guide to get a mail server up and running. The major difference in it all is the fact that my server is running i686, but I compensated for that easily, just a difference in folder/RPM names. [URL]. Otherwise I followed it to a "T." Everything seemed to go smoothly, no trips or falls until the very end.

After installing squirrelmail and trying to login on returns ERROR:
Connection dropped by IMAP server.
Uncle google tells me to run this command because SELinux is overzealous:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1

And that works, and I thought I was home free. However, after that, I'm presented with a new error. However, google told me to send an email to create the mailbox because it wasn't there, yet. So I send a test email on over, but that fails, and so does mailx. Next I created /home/vmail/ while logged into the vmail user for proper permissions. Squirrelmail now logs into the mail box but gives me yet another new error, in which I am now stuck on:
ERROR: Could not complete request.
Reason Given: Unable to open this mailbox.

As a summary, because I'm all over the place, here:
1. Can't view the mailbox via Squirrelmail.
2. Can't receive email, tried with mailx and a test email from gmail.

Regarding #2, the gmail test email, from the maillog:
May 9 07:25:45 withfrosted postfix/smtpd[21095]: connect from[]
May 9 07:25:45 withfrosted postfix/smtpd[21095]: 26CE516241D:[]
May 9 07:25:45 withfrosted postfix/cleanup[21104]: 26CE516241D: message-id=<>
May 9 07:25:45 withfrosted postfix/qmgr[19083]: 26CE516241D: from=<>, size=1866, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
May 9 07:25:45 withfrosted amavis[21024]: (21024-01) (!)connect_to_sql: unable to connect to DSN 'DBI:mysql:database=mail;host=;port=3306': Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (13)
May 9 07:25:45 withfrosted amavis[21024]: (21024-01) (!!)TROUBLE in process_request: connect_to_sql: unable to connect to any dataset at (eval 98) line 241, <GEN15> line 5.
May 9 07:25:45 withfrosted amavis[21024]: (21024-01) (!)Requesting process rundown after fatal error
May 9 07:25:45 withfrosted postfix/smtp[21105]: 26CE516241D: to=<>, relay=[]:10024, delay=0.2, delays=0.11/0.01/0.01/0.07, dsn=4.3.2, status=deferred (host[] said: 421 4.3.2 Service shutting down, closing channel (in reply to RCPT TO command))
May 9 07:26:15 withfrosted postfix/smtpd[21095]: disconnect from[]

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Fedora Servers :: Multiple Domains With Postfix

Aug 4, 2010

I have Postfix + Unix Accounts + Virtual Domains. I have a bunch of domains hosted on my machine, let's call them [URL] [URL] and [URL]... etc Until know,, were mapped in virtual domains to [URL] So this is how /etc/postfix/virtual looks like:


Like I said, all mail accounts are unix accounts, so, if for example I have the user "paul" this user will receive e-mail for ALL DOMAINS. [URL]But as it turns out, I now need a COMPLETELY ISOLATED domain... let's call it [URL]. So If I create a new user, let's call it "steve" I want steve to receive e-mail ONLY on [URL] and not on all others.

I would have to redo the whole thing from the beginning. I'd have to comment out the $mydestination parameter in the file and start using only virtual domains. So if I have the following users: paul, steve, sally, megan, jenny and I want paul and steve to ONLY receive mail for, sally and megan to receive mail for and jenny to receive mail for, my /etc/postfix/virtual file would have to look like this:


I'd have to create the unix account and then start modifying the /etc/postfix/virtual file.

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Software :: Postfix - How To Reject Numeric Domains

Nov 17, 2008

I would like to set my postfix to reject any numeric domains. I am seeing in my mail queue mail from domains like,, and others. Because there is a variety of these, I don't want to track each of them and block them one by one. What do I need to put in my access file to reject any numeric domain? Is it possible to have a numeric wild-card reject in the access db?

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Software :: Postfix - Masquerade Domains But Not Users

Aug 18, 2010

I want to change all outgoing email from my Ubuntu server running postfix to change (masquerade) the username. eg. will appear as 'From' ''. I already know how to masquerade domains, but not users.

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Red Hat :: Installing Postfix On RHEL For Multiple Domains?

Nov 23, 2009

I've sifted through hundreds of Google results, but I cannot seem to find a tutorial or how-to for installing and configuring Postfix on Red Hat Enterprise for use with multiple domains. We have a web server serving four websites so far. Each of these websites has their own domain that they'll require email for.

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Server :: Postfix: Customized Reject Message Per Virtual Domain (or User)?

Jul 30, 2010

I have a mail server taking care of mail for my 4 domains; the first is used for virtually all mail, the second rarely used anymore, the third is virtually 100% spam the past year(?), and the fourth isn't in use (and never has been, so no spam). What I'd like to do is to reject all mail to the third domain. Right now this is what I get (I tried to send to a nonexistent address from gmail):


Since my username (xyz@) is the same for all domains, I could (or so I hope) change the reject message to give a hint to replace [URL] with [URL] and try again.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix Not Relaying To External Domains?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm having a problem with a new install of postfix... it won't relay mail to external domains. Internal mail is fine.I'm using virtual_mailbox_domains so that I can have multiple domains, and I've set dovecot to use local files with encrypted passwords.Here's my

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases


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Server :: POSTFIX - Virtual Domain And Alias Maps Results In 'unknown User'

Aug 16, 2009

I've setup postfix using mysql tables and all works except for sending to an alias. The mysql logs show that postfix is only looking at the mailbox table for where to deliver the mail for the alias. However it is not looking in the virtual alias maps table. There are no complaints from postfix on startup to indicate that there is anything wrong, and if I send to a virtual domain listed as a relay on the server it does look up the virtual alias table... even though the domain is not hosted on the server....

So the question I have is where to look next? The mysql log shows the expected lookups from postfix EXCEPT for the virtual alias map queries.... why would it not be checking the table? Since it is not looking up the virtual alias it bounces the addresses back to sender complaining that the user doesn't exist... It does deliver to a virtal mailbox, however again it never checks the vitual alias table.... so it only delivers since there's a mailbox for it rather than needing an alias...

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Software :: Virtual Users - In Postfix Server While Configuring Outlook For Receiving Mails?

Mar 21, 2011

I have configured dns, postfix, dovecot, https, squirrel mail on fedora11 everything working very well. While configuring out look the same domain users getting mails the virtual users not receiving mails it showing pop3 error. But he can able to receive mails in his home directory.

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Apr 16, 2010


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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix Configuration - Send Mail To Other Domains

Nov 5, 2010

Let me start off by saying I am experienced with computers, though my knowledge of Linux and networking is limited. I've just recently started setting up a Ubuntu 10.04 server to be a SMTP server. I've followed this guide by the letter: [URL] What I've attempted, to test the server, is the following:

telnet localhost 25
ehlo localhost

(this returns all the desired information) I then do a MAIL FROM my domain which is accepted, and try to do a RCPT TO an external mail server (gmail) to test sending an email. I am then told 'Relay Access Denied'. I'm sure that there's something fundamental that I'm either not understanding or not doing correctly. I simply want an SMTP server that can send to other domains. What do I need to do?

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Software :: Setup A Mail Server - Virtual Users With Postfix - PostfixAdmin - Courier - Mailscanner - ClamAV On CentOS 5.5

Dec 26, 2010

I am trying to set up a Mail Server -- Virtual Users with Postfix, PostfixAdmin, Courier, Mailscanner, ClamAV On CentOS 5.5 using this guide. These are the version and softwares I have used till now:-


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Fedora Servers :: Sendmail / Genericstable / Virtual Domains?

Feb 18, 2009

WTF am I doing wrong with sendmail? I am trying to reverse alias a user as follows:


That is how I have the entry in the genericstableWhen he sends mail, it comes from USER1@MYDOMAIN.COM, so I have the domain rewrite correct. The forward mapping in virtusertable works fine as well - he gets all mail redirected to the user1 account as specified.My file has this:

VERSIONID(`setup for linux')dnl


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Security :: Proper Security Settings For Virtual Hosting Of Domains?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a CentOS 5 server in which I use Virtual Hosting and each domain has its own user/pass for login to upload files. The path is /var/www/vhosts/domain name]/httpdocs/What im attempting is setting up the creation of the [domain name] folder from an administration backend under PHP, which I am developing. What Im worried about is if I allow PHP to run command line commands such as mkdir, then what is stopping anyone from doing the same from their php files on my server??? What is the best way to properly setup my server to allow automated creation of the domain structure within my folder system

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