Server :: How To Setup A Tertiary DNS Server

Apr 23, 2009

We have an existing Primary and Secondary DNS server (BIND) and would like to setup a Tertiary DNS server. My question is what would be the tertiary's configuration? Will it be the same as the secondary server? What do I need to add to the Primary server (zone and db file)?

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Server :: Setup RAID 1 On CentOS 5 Server For A Zimbra Email Server

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to setup RAID 1 on a CentOS 5 server for a zimbra email server.I get a partion schema error. Can I do this?The server is a HP Proliant ML150 G3 server with two 80GB HDD.

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Server :: Unable To Setup A NIS Server Setup On CentOS System

Jan 19, 2010

We are trying to set up a NIS server on a CentOS system. We need to have a NIS server which can provide NIS authentication to a couple of clients. We are practically new to all this stuff.

Just googled to find some ideas about installing ypserv and ypbind and portmapper. We did all that and also started them successfully. But now the clients are not able to join to the NIS domain . The error log states "YP_DOMAIN NOT BOUND".

I guess we have not entered the /etc/yp.conf, /etc/hosts files properly. Please let us know the detailed steps to setup a NIS server .

Also, please let us know what entries should go into the different /etc/<file_names>? What is meant by HOSTNAME in the /etc/hosts file?

Is there any other files which need to be changed? Are we missing any steps?

Also to add-on, while executing the ypinit command we faced the following error:

At this point, we have to construct a list of the hosts which will run NIS servers. localhost.localdomain is in the list of NIS server hosts. Please cont inue to add the names for the other hosts, one per line. When you are done with the list, type a <control D>. next host to add: localhost.localdomain next host to add:

The current list of NIS servers looks like this:

Is this correct? [y/n: y] y

Error running Makefile.

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General :: Setup A SMS Server, Appropriate Distribution To Setup A SMS Server?

Oct 22, 2010

How to setup a SMS server using Linux, also want to know the appropriate Linux distribution to setup a SMS server.

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Server :: Setup An Ssh Server That Doesn't Require A Username,password Or Cert To Login?

Jun 22, 2010

Is it possible to somehow setup an ssh server that doesn't require a username,password or cert to login?I wish to provide shell access to a console program, which will prompt for a username and password.Encryption is essential though, and users must not be able to snoop in on each other

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Programming :: Java Servlets: Setup The Server Side Configuration On Fedora Web Server?

Jan 4, 2010

If you hadn't guessed it from my last 3000(ish) java-related posts, I'm a Java n00b writing a Java Applet for a work project. I got to the part was I was about to write the applet code that would send HTTP requests to my CGI scripts. But I read some paragraphs in a book praising Java servlets as better that CGI because they are easier to use and give much better performance server side. My server load isn't very big, though, and I was wondering if it would be worth taking the time to learn about Java servlets and how to set up the server side configuration on my Fedora web server.

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OpenSUSE :: FIrewall Setup / Client Computer Cannot See NFS Server When Scanning For Server - OSE 11.2?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a small home-office network. On that network I have two linux computers, one is a client the other a server.

On the server I have NFS Server setup and mount some NFS exports on the client computer.

On the server I have the firewall on and here it becomes a little tricky.

Since both the server and the client connect to the router the interface (eth1) is theoretically both an internal & external zone.

The router is commercial grade and therefore has a good firewall on it which is also setup. Therefore the firewall on the server is really more of a backup than a necessity. But that's fine, and by having the server's firewall on 'fail2ban' is able to work which I like to have working so I don't want to just turn off the server firewall even though I have good security from the router.

However, when I turn on the server's firewall, the client computer cannot see the NFS server when scanning for server -- done by: clicking on "Choose" next to "NFS Server Hostname" when adding an NFS share in the NFS Client in YaST. Clearly something is being blocked even though I have both "NFS Client" and "NFS Server Service" allowed in the server firewall. The Firewall config. files for these are below.

The Firewall configuration is pretty much "out of the box". That is I have the services I need opened up for the external zone, the other zones are left at their default which means the internal zone, although not used (i.e.: attached to any interface), is completely open.

The perfect solution I guess would be to setup my client computer to connect through a different NIC (perhaps eth0), make that the "Internal Zone" and therefore allow all traffic through to it while still blocking the server from the external zone. However, I cannot make that physical change to my network for now so I am looking for an in between (non-perfect) solution.

In this case I am guessing that means opening up extra NFS ports to the external zone so I have full NFS functionality. I don't mind this because like I said, the router firewall is the main line of defense anyway.

So, given all of the above could someone tell me what I would need to additionally open up in the server firewall to make the NFS server detection work on the client while the firewall was on. Or, if you have a cleverer/better solution without me changing my physical network that would be great.

Hopefully I have written this in enough detail and clearly enough so that all the parameters are clear but if not, feel free to ask me what you like and I'll try to make it clear.

## Description: Firewall Configuration for NFS kernel server.
# Only the variables TCP, UDP, RPC, IP and BROADCAST are allowed.
# More may be supported in the future.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mulit Server Setup \ Server Machine Has No Internet?

Mar 27, 2010

I want to set up the following server in open suse:dhcpopenldapnfs (to allow users to mount their home directories from the serverI started off with the openldap server. I configured it with dc=localdomain,dc=local as its domain. As the server machine has no internet. Though when I go to add a .ldif file with the following command

ldapadd -x -D 'cn=Administrator,dc=localdomain,dc=local' -f /home/base.ldif -W
It returns this


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Ubuntu :: Web Server - Setup Model And Need To Give Computer Some Capability To Act As A Server

May 19, 2010

I want to set up moodle and need to give my computer some capability to act as a server. I am following the steps at [URL] although my question is not really related to moodle. Here is the problem: setting everything up to make my computer accessible from outside has worked so far. I got myself a static IP address using a dynamic dns server and can ssh into my computer from any other computer connected to the www. So,


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General :: Setup Dedicated Server Using Ubuntu Server Or Equivalent Opensource OS?

Jan 16, 2010

How to setup Dedicated Server for Web Hosting using Ubuntu Server or equivalent opensource Operating System? And how to make secured my Dedicated Server on public?

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General :: Setup Remote Access Server On Red Hat Enterprise Server Release 5.1?

Aug 30, 2009

how i have a machine installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 with 2 modem (usb & com port) still i want to configure RAS server so some pple able to connect my server and send me some files.

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Server :: Setup A VPN Server At Work For Resource Sharing - Connect Keep Failing

Aug 29, 2010

I need to setup a Linux VPN server at work for resources' sharing, I currently have a server running CentOS 5.4, and tried endless tutorials on the web, but to no avail, and can't find where the logs are kept for the VPN server to check where the error is. But all my attempts to try to connect keep failing.

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Server :: Server Setup Using Ubuntu For SSH Account Hosting For Socks Proxy?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a few friends that have seen me bypass firewalls with a socks proxy (SSH). I explained on how it works and how secure it is for browsing the Internet and checking your email in public places. I had at least 6 asked me if I could set up an account on my server for them and they would pay me! Now what I wanted to know was how I can set this up in a server and website where they can register an account and pay me through PayPal! I don't need help setting up the site! Just on how to set up the server to automate this. What tools are needed (ex. ISPConfig, jailkit.... stuff like that?) I don't mind doing this manually but if I get more people that would like this I don't really want to do every single one.

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General :: Setup Server To Automatically Synchronize Its Server Clocks?

Oct 5, 2009

How can I setup my Linux server to automatically synchronize its server clocks? We need to ensure our server clocks are set to the correct time always.

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General :: Setup A Sendmail Server On Dedicated Server And Exim

Mar 16, 2010

I am trying to setup a sendmail server on my dedicated server. It was pre-configured to use exim from cpanel. Is it possible to use exim for all emails from a a certain domain i setup on the server and sendmail for others?

ex. -> exim -> sendmail

If it is possible can someone let me know how i would go about doing this? If it is not how would i disable exim and use sendmail for all mail?

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Server :: Setup Home (1 Computer) FTP Server Using DSL Connection No Router?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm going to start a new thread because previous searches have not totally satisfied my question. I've read all day about doing this but each inquiry leads to discussion of configuring the router. I am also not network savy. I would like to set up an FTP server on my home computer (presently Ubuntu 8.10). I have only one computer. I am using DSL with my telephone line for internet connection. I do not use a router.

Is it possible to do this with no router and only a DSL ISP connection?

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Server :: Setting Up Sendmail On A Blank RHEL 5.5 Server Setup

Jun 21, 2010

Having some issues setting up sendmail on a (basically) blank RHEL 5.5 server setup. My ultimate goal is to be able to automagically send logs / errors / notifications to ourselves from the server.

Our basic setup is a Win 2003 domain with exchange running on

I've edited the '/etc/mail/' and added the :


line to it.

Also added the domain ( to the '/etc/mail/local-host-names' files

Also edited and added


When I try and send a mail from root or a test user to one of the domain accounts, it seems to go fine, i.e no errors are reported but it never gets delivered.

From the mail logs:


So it seems to be sent to the queue no problems and when I check the queue :


Total requests: 0

Not nothing ever gets received. Am I missing something? I have read and read and read but dont seem to be getting any furthur.

So in the end this server doesn't need to do anything except be able to send mail from root to an external mail address.

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Server :: Setup Reverse Proxy With Proxy_mod To Port 443 On IIS Server

Aug 30, 2010

We currently have a SUSE Apache2 reverse proxy server setup to reverse proxy (proxy_mod) our GroupWise Web Access server. Our SUSE box is located at Our GroupWise Web Access server is located internally and is called GWMail. We are in the process of migrating from Novell to Windows, so we will have an exchange server with OWA access running on a Windows Server 2008 IIS7 box. That one will be called EXMail internally. Right now when someone goes to it goes to the GWMail internal server from the outside world. This was all set up by previous techs who used Linux more.

We would like to set up reverse proxy to be able to reverse proxy to the Exchange Server from the outside world. Unfortunately the snag we are running into is that Exchange needs to run on port 443, and forwarding to port 443 has been a little tricky. I've read elsewhere we need to implement a generic TCP proxy, such as IPtables. what we need to do to get our SUSU Apache2 server to be able to reverse proxy to our Exchange server on port 443. For the save of argument lets call our SUSE server ExtranetServer. Below is our default-configuration.conf file's configuration:


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Server :: Setup An Incoming And Outgoing Mail Server On Centos?

Feb 22, 2010

What is the easiest way to setup an incoming and outgoing mail server on centos? Without using a control panel, such was webmin.

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Software :: Get An X Window Server Setup On My CentOS 5.3 Server Rack?

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to get an X window server setup on my CentOS 5.3 server rack. I have gotten as far as to doing:

yum groupinstall "X Window Sever" "GNOME Desktop Environment"

EDIT-Forgot to mention that I did Xorg -configure before testing the config. Only errors I got were:

(EE) LoadModule: Module ati_r500 does not have a ati_r500ModuleData data object.
(EE) Failed to load module "ati_r500" (invalid module, 0)


Linuxquestions--I posted this over on the CentOS forums, which are not as booming. Then I remembered these forums for when I had my VPS way back when and you guys were pretty helpful, of course expected me to mostly do my own reading which I dont mind its just having a hard time understanding some of the things in what I was reading. I even believe I came here with this problem before but abandoned the issue because my VPS was not powerful enough or something of the sort, but this was many years ago also on CentOS using apt. Now using yum which I like much better.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Email Server Setup Using Sendmail And Dovecot?

Apr 24, 2009

I am trying to set up a mail server on centos5 using sendmail and dovecot, and eventually spamassassin and some antivirus filter as well. I'd also like to get the proper secure auth mechanism set up at some point too. But for starters, I've been having a lot of difficulty trying to even connect to the mail server from a client computer in the local network. I installed Eudora on the client and after some tweaking in dovecot I was able to connect to the mail server, but then when I try to send an email I get a "connection refused" error, with nothing being logged on the server that I can see.

The last time I set up a mail server was Fedora Core 2, so the configuration files have changed a bit to say the least, and I can't really refer back to those to set up this new server. Does anybody know of a good step-by-step doc on getting the mail server going? I've read the man pages and other various readme's, but these really only list out the available options with no really good explanation of what needs to be done to get the mail server going. If there isn't a full write-up on how to do this, I'll put something together when I'm finished so others can use it in the future.

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CentOS 5 Server :: MySQL Server Setup For Remote Access

May 4, 2009

I have just installed CentOS 5. I have set mysql database to access from remote machines. But now the problem is it is not connecting from the local machine now.

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CentOS 5 :: Easiest Way To Mirror Existing Server Setup On A New Server?

Jan 13, 2011

We have two CentOS 5 servers in production (web and database). We are setting up a single staging server that will mirror the configurations of these servers as closely as possible. What is the easiest way to ensure the exact same software and configs as the production servers are setup on the new staging server. Our contracted data center provider has already informed us that they do not perform images and NO we do not have physical access to the machines. It is undetermined whether we will be virtualizing the staging server into two virtual servers yet, so for the purposes of this post lets assume we are not. I'm seeking a faster/more precise method than doing this by eye and hand.

Some information on our web server code...

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A Dedicated Web Server With Server 10.10 ?

Nov 24, 2010

After installation Ubuntu Server 10.10 I don't know what to do next to access to the Internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Server 10.04 Lts As File Server?

Apr 3, 2011

I set up a ubuntu server 10.04 lts as file server in a network filled with xp, win 2003 and win 2008.

I noticed that if from any bill's SO machine i copy a file (for example a vob file of 1gb, or a lot of doc and pdf files) in the samba server, while the copy is in progress if in another windows I browse other folders shared in Samba, the copy process stops and say ' the name in the network is no more available( or something like this). It seems that samba pay attention on the fact that a user is browsing the share and doing so it seems that Samba forget that in one of its share there was a copy in progress, very annoing. A file server cannot do that, in this way is useless.

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Server :: Centos Virtual Server Mail Setup ?

Nov 3, 2010

I just recently purchased a vs from a company and i am trying to set up a web site on it with kloxo and set up the mail for it upon setting up the mail settings it says:

"It is very essential that you set the my name to a properly resolvable hostname, since otherwise, many public mailservers like hotmail will reject mails from your server"

Now this is my first time setting up a vs before i have set up linux vm's to get email access but that was about a year ago.

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Server :: How To Setup CVS Server In Fedora11 And CVS Client In Windows Xp

Sep 12, 2009

I have one Windows-XP on Machin 1 and one Linux on Machine 2.

I want make Linux machine as CVS server and Windows Xp as CVS client.

How to setup CVS Server in Fedora-11 machine and CVS client in Windows Xp?

Photo :

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Server :: Internal Only Webmail Server / Can't Get Authentication Setup?

Nov 7, 2010

What is the fastest setup to do this? All I want is an internally authenticated webmail server that other servers can send mail to for collection of test emails. Don't need LDAP or anything fancy, just a internal LAN only webmail server. I've got Squirrelmail setup on Ubuntu Server and can't get authentication setup with Squirrelmail and every tutorial I read is way over complicated or has nothing on how to authenticate Squirrelmail with internal, system users.

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Server :: Setup A Simple File Server With Mandrake 10.0?

Jul 19, 2010

Gentlemen/Ladies; I checked the existing information on this site and found that it is pretty widespread and confusing to me. I am a Linux Newbie so please be patient. I use Mandriva Linux 10.0 and want to setup a simple file server. I also want to connect a Windows XP computer to access files on the Linux server. I have a spare router I can use. My ultimate goal is to learn MySQL and PHP programming; I am pursuing a Web Development curriculum at a local University but am just starting out.

Am I making sense and can I do it with the equipment I have? Can you point me to some resources,documents, etc. I can use to accomplish this?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Mysql-server How To Setup Password

Aug 30, 2009

i try to install mysql-server how do i create a password for it

yum install mysql mysql-server
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* updates:


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