Server :: Does IBM BladeCenter HS21 Support Debian?

Sep 8, 2009

I have a IBM BladeCenter HS21 and im planning to load debian lenny.pls let me know it is possible to load debian in ibm blade server.does ibm support debian i386..

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Server :: Beowulf Cluster With Xen On IBM Bladecenter For Private Virtual Machine Farm

Feb 16, 2009

I'm probably dreaming, but I have a hobby project in mind that I would like feed I have an opportunity to purchase a 3 year old fully populated (14 x 3Ghz dual Xeon nodes) IBM bladecenter relatively inexpensively.I thought it would be fun to set it up as a beowulf cluster with open source xen and test the market to see what people would pay for Private virtual machines.

My thoughts are to use 64 bit Centos 5 as a base to get the beowulf cluster up and then load xen.I haven't really looked at the market but I figure I should be able to run 50 private virtual machines charging say $50 per month. I figure I can use rsync to backup the virtual machines to a different location. I plan to connect to linux based Network Storage running 3 x sata 1TB drives, probably via iSCSI. Along with the drive capacity currently on the blades I should get 2-3Tb online capacity over a Gbit network. (Cisco 14 + 4 network switch module)

I realise I have a bit of setup work to do and before I go investing a lot of time and a little money I'd appreciate some pragmatic advice as to why this may be a stupid venture.

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Hardware :: Ibm Bladecenter Locked Up

May 27, 2009

Not sure if this is hardware or maybe a configuration somewhere.We recently had an IBM bladecenter blade lock up. When I accessed the server via the remote console(could ping but not ssh) I saw the attached screen shot.The first line is the only thing that makes any sense to me(kmem_cache_alloc) Does this mean I have a program that is leaking memory or maybe a setting somewhere saying Im allocating too much/not enough memory?

I was reading that kmalloc should be at 128KB, does this mean the 145 for kmem_cache should be at 128? Im not really sure what all that means or how I would change it. The server has 8GB of memory plus 12GBs of swap.
I didnt see anything of note in /var/log/messages prior to the lock up, except when rebooted the time was 4 hours off. Which may be another problem with how I have ntp set up.

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Server :: Driver Support - QME2572 - Qlogic - Card Became Support By The Kernel

Jul 10, 2011

I'm trying to find out when QME2572 (Qlogic) card became support by the kernel. We have a RHEL 5.1 system that is moving to new hardware, however the kernel at this release doesn't support the new hardware, due to the Qlogic card change. I tired the Redhat KB and Bugzilla. Is there a Kernel change list etc I can search. Never really played around with the kernel too much so I'm just after some pointers for looking up this information. Offically its not supported until Redhat 5.3, I'm trying trying to research kernel info so I can tell the customer they have to upgrade.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install 10.04 LTS On Bladecenter

May 21, 2010

As reported on Launchpad as bug 574468, installation of 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 fails on IBM Bladecenters because the installer fails to detect the CD, due to a bug that has yet to be tracked down. I've developed a workaround that will allow Ubuntu 10.04 Server to be installed on a Bladecenter blade by mounting an Ubuntu Server ISO image as a loopback device (and then further working around issues that arise from manually mounting the ISO image), and want to document it here. You will need:

1. an Ubuntu Server 10.04 CD.

2. a USB stick formatted as ext2 with the Ubuntu Server ISO image stored on it. Other file systems may work as well, however fat32 does not seem to work, as I was unable to mount a fat32 USB stick in the installer shell.

3. a Bladecenter with a CD drive and a USB port. Both devices should be "attached" to whichever blade you're trying to install Ubuntu on.

Installation Steps

1. boot your blade to the Ubuntu Server CD. Make sure the USB stick is plugged in as well.

2. proceed with the installer as normal, setting the keyboard layout, etc.

3. when the installer gets to the point where it fails to detect the CD, go back to the main menu and select "Execute Shell."

4. in the shell, mount the USB stick with commands like these:


mkdir /mnt/sdb1
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1

5. copy the Ubuntu Server ISO image to the /root directory of the live file system with a command like:


cp /mnt/sdb1/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso /root/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso

6. mount the Ubuntu Server ISO image as a loopback device with mountpoint /cdrom:


mount -o loop -t iso9660 /root/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso /cdrom

7. unmount the USB stick (but leave it plugged in):


umount /dev/sdb1

Unmounting the USB stick seemed to be necessary in order to work around the "Failed to determine codename" issue detailed below in steps 9 and 10.

8. type "exit" to exit the shell and go back to the main menu. From there, select the option to detect the CD ROM.

9. continue with the installation. It will go through networking and partitioning. After partitioning, however, it will fail again, complaining that it "Failed to determine codename for release."

10. at this point, go back to the main menu and choose the option to "Load installer components from CD." Then check the option that reads "Load Installer Components from an ISO Image" and press Continue.

After the packages for detecting and loading ISOs are installed, the installer should automatically search all available disk drives (mounted and unmounted) for ISO images.

It should find the ISO image stored on your USB key and mount it.the installation will continue as normal and you will not get the error message about failing to determine the codename for the release. If this process fails, go back to the command shell and unmount your USB key--for some reason I found that if the key was mounted, the installer wasn't able to auto-detect the ISO image stored on it.

The codename issue seems to be related to the installer not liking that the ISO image was mounted manually. Letting the installer find and mount the ISO image itself apparently allows it to perform whatever magic is required to allow the installation to proceed. I figured this out mostly thanks to the tip in post #3 of bug 122402. Here's hoping the real bug gets fixed soon so that all this hassle is not necessary in order to install an LTS release on popular server hardware.

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Hardware :: RHEL 5.3 On Bladecenter With GPT Disks

Aug 28, 2009

As stated in the subject line, we have an IBM BladeCenter (HS22). Some of these Blades are supposed to have Windows Server 2008, some RHEL 5.3, and some a dual boot of both. The WS2008 only installs have gone just fine. However, when I went to do one of the dual boot machines (the next highest priority), I ran into problems. I did the Windows install, then went to do the RHEL. Told the installer where everything should go, like any other time I've done this (although usually on less swanky machines). Then got an error:"Your boot partition is on a disk using GPT partitioning scheme but this
machine can not boot using GPT.

This can happen if there is not enough space on your hard drive.The error must be corrected before you try to install Redhat Enterprise server. "To be honest, this was the first time I'd heard of GPT (or EFI), as I've been out of hardware/installs/etc... for a few years, other than fiddling at home in between coding projects.

So I've done some research, and so far what I'm seeing implies that the RHEL 5.3 kernel should support GPT. But that perhaps the issue is the Anaconda installer (specifically its partitioning tool). Does this sound correct? So is there a RHEL release out there with a different installer/partitioner? Or if I use a different tool to partition first, would that work? The disks aren't large enough to *require* GPT, but that's how they are by default, and down the road it'd be nice to know how to work with that, to keep things consistent. Also, the dual boot with WS2008 is much easier with GPT, as that version of Windows seems to require it.If anyone has any thoughts/confirmations/assertions that I'm horribly wrong on the above questions, or any tips on the dual booting other than that (since I'm guessing the logistics will now change with EFI from what I'm used to on older systems), it is vastly appreciated.

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Debian :: EXFAT Support Vs NTFS Support ?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm looking to dual-boot Windows 7 and Debian 6 upon its release on my sister's laptop. I want to share a partition between the two of them so that /home points to this directory and the Windows equivalent also points to it (C:Users).

Anyway, I've heard good and bad things about the NTFSMount driver (I think it's NTFS-3G now) and the NTFSprogs project and so I am not so certain what I should believe. I do know that NTFS has relatively high overhead, though I do not recall the source of this assertion, so I am considering the use of EXFAT. An open source EXFAT project is hosted on Google Code at [url] and it utilizes the kernel module FUSE.

I'm quite certain that I've got everything covered on the Windows side -- that is, I know that both NTFS and EXFAT will be suitable filesystems for my required usage.

My issue is that I'm curious which will have superior performance and stability in Debian. I planned on building the package from source and mounting the device in my FSTAB but I have also found a PPA for Ubuntu on Launchpad at [url] that I could borrow the debian/rules from and make a .deb package from.

What do you guys think? Should I go at it with the EXFAT or NTFS partitioning? Is NTFS-3G actually fairly supported at this point? Or perhaps should I consider some alternate method?

I have also considered that the only files she will be sharing are those of music, videos, and pictures so it could be better to just link /home/xxxx/Pictures (Music and Videos, too) to the new partition instead of all of /home.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Install Centos Onto IBM BladeCenter 8677-3RU

Mar 3, 2011

i have a IBM IBM BladeCenter 8677-3RU it currently doesnt have any ISO installed on the chassis since i dont know what to installed into it. The blade has 14 2 X 2.7GHZ PROCESSORS 2-socket single-core 64-bit PowerPC 970MP



based on this i can only install a ibm power [UTL]

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Debian :: Debian Live CD / NTFS Write Support

Apr 27, 2010

Does it have Debian Live CD NTFS write support?

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Debian :: Security Support For Debian GNU To Be Terminated

Jan 21, 2010

One year after the release of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 alias "lenny" and nearly three years after the release of Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias "etch" the security support for the old distribution (4.0 alias "etch") is coming to an end next month. The Debian project is proud to be able to support its old distribution for such a long time and even for one year after a new version has been released.

The Debian project released Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 alias "lenny" on the 15th of February 2009. Users and Distributors have been given a one-year time frame to upgrade their old installations to the current stable release. Hence, the security support for the old release of 4.0 is going to end in February 2010 as previously announced.Previously announced security updates for the old release will continue to be available on

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Server :: How To Activate Rhn Support

Aug 25, 2009

After install rhel 5.1 is there any way to activate rhn support.because at the time of insatalltion have choosed i will do it later.
now i have to take the updates from redhat server.

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Server :: Openssl Support For SNI And TLS?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to recompile Apache in order to be SNI supportive because I need to use ssl named based virtual host:

I referred to the following links:


I installed the latest version of openssl which is now openssl-1.0.0 I ran the following commands:

./config enable-tlsext --prefix=/usr/local2 --openssldir=/usr/local2/openssl
make test
make install

then to recompile apache with new SNI support I ran the following:

./configure --enable-so --enable-ssl --enable-rewrite --enable-unique-id --with-ssl=/usr/local2/openssl
make install

After that when I start Apache: /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k start I get the following error:

SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck failed; OpenSSL is not built with support for TLS extensions and SNI indication. Refer to the documentation, and build a compatible version of OpenSSL.

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Ubuntu :: No NFS Server Support In 10.10 64bit?

Oct 13, 2010

Just installed Ubuntu 10.10, and am unable to install NFS server. Starting nfs-kernel-server keeps returning:


* Not starting NFS kernel daemon: no support in current kernel.

uname reports:


2.6.35-22-virtual #34-Ubuntu SMP Sun Oct 10 12:25:39 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Server :: Check If CPU And Board Support VT Or AMD-V?

Apr 18, 2010

I have a server running ESXi. I want to know if it supports AMD-V for hardware-based virtualization. Is there any way to check it from one of the guest os running (centos 5).

Also, I tried rebooting the box and I can't see an option in the bios to turn on/off Virtualization. Although from Asus site they say it supports is:


The motherboard is an ASUS KFN4-DRE and has 2 Dual Opteron 2216 2.4GHz processors.

Also, on a side note, I have another box with HDAMA board and 2 Dual Opteron 275s. Do these support AMD-V as well? No option in bios as well.

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Server :: Add Support For German Characters?

Jul 8, 2010

I have one java web application deployed in Linux environment by which I am trying to download file's from Linux server. These files have samba mounting from windows server. While downloading any file, if the file name contains simple english characters it works fine but if that file name contain German character's like then file corrupt while downloading. After analysis I found that after samba mounting these Germen characters get replaced with '?' in Linux (May be Linux unable to identify characters).Linux environment is set to LANG=en_US.UTF-8.

And we have done mounting with below options,
and also try with iocharset=utf8.
Also try by installing following package,
but it doesnt help us.

The same application works fine in windows environment. I check it on internet, and I found that for this issue you have to add support for German characters in Linux environment. Anybody know how to add German character support to Linux or How to resolve this issue??

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Server :: How To Build Apache 2.2 Without DSO Support

Feb 17, 2011

As in the title how can I do it? The configure option --enable-so seems default.

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Server :: Possible To Have Kickstart Support Two Versions Of The Same OS?

May 24, 2011

I currently have a kickstart server working with RHEL 5.5. I wanted to add a RHEL 6 installation. So, I added a RHEL6 directory to my NFS share and put the contents of the dvd in it. I also added a RHEL6 directory to my tftp directory and put the initrd.img and vmlinuz from RHEL6 in it. I put in the ks.cfg:nfs --server --dir /kick (where /kick is the nfs exported directory). In my pxelinux.cfg directory, I created a file corresponding to the ip address and put in:

default RHEL6
abel RHEL6


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Server :: RHEL 5.1 Support For MSA 2324FC

May 25, 2010

i m using rhel 5.1 and i need to configure MSA 2324fc. i want to enable MSA for storage. the multipath that comes with rhel 5.1, i think dont have support for MSA 2324fc. I need to know HP DM multipath software version to use with 5.1 which will support MSA 2324fc.

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Server :: Support Sasl For Postfix?

Aug 17, 2010

i used yum install postfix, but i don't know it's support sasl? how to check it?

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Debian :: Add Japanese Language Support?

Sep 1, 2010

I've been looking for a way to add Japanese language support to Debian. I need to be able to type and read Japanese for school. I've asked my Linux professor, and he wasn't sure of how to do it... =p

Edit: I've just figured out how to do this. (All you have to do in install a Japanese font). The only problem is I can't seem how to figure out how to type using Romaji and have it convert to Kana automatically, rather than having it have a Japanese keyboard layout. For example, when I type "A", it should show up as ã‚¢, and when I enter "KA" it should show up as ã‚«.

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General :: Debian No WiFi Support?

May 5, 2010

i have tested 30 systems all support my card, ts a edimax EW-7128g pci adapter.Debian will not boot from usb... it needs a CD ROM? I am starting to think that Debian is a pile of shit... i am looking for a stable system so can play my video games on... Enemy Territory, open arena, ect.. i been using Ubuntu for 5 years, used suse for 2 years in early 2000+.. i have never used Debian, it aslo give some kind of error during boot about USB not support or some crap... i am starting to think it don't support crap... i noticed it supports a lot cpus... but does it have a lack of hardware support? my system is 5 years old...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IceCast - MP3 Support On Server

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to get configured: ( to be used for the purpose of explaining setup)

Root/naked domain ( to be setup and configured with Apache/PHP/MySQL. Then being controlled by IceCast with multiple streams (some live, some MP3 based).

The primary domain is already setup and configured under Apache, and IceCast is already installed, but here is where the problems start showing up.

It's my understanding that Ices2 cannot serve MP3's but only OGG files through IceCast. So just for the sake of testing and wanting to get a sample stream working, I placed a public domain OGG file into /etc/icecast2/music/ and called it "book.ogg."

Then the following are my configuration files: /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml

HTML Code:

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Ubuntu :: Support For GNOME In Server Release?

Feb 2, 2010

If I install a server edition and after that I install Gnome and all other ubuntu-desktop applications on that server. Will these
applications be supported through the whole server support time? In other words, what exactly does it mean that the server is supported for longer? Is the number or applications available to the server smaller than to the desktop?Or, similarly, could I build a Server-long supported desktop by hand?

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Ubuntu :: How Apache Server Ready For SSL Support

Dec 8, 2010

I have already install Apache2+php and work well.Now I want to make that server ready for SSL support. please explain in detail how I install ssl( what changes I should make in the httpd.conf and any other configuration files to make) the server ready for SSL. I goggle many time and every things talk about enabling ssl-mod but I can't enable it ( sudo a2enmod ssl give error ) also I try to compile openssl-0.9.7e.tar.gz but it also give error I install apache from source but i didn't add ssl mod with it so now what ? please help me

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General :: Getting Remote Support Server Like TeamViewer Available?

Jun 14, 2011

I have given support for my clients since 1985 and used "Remote Session", "Carbon Copy", "pcAnywhere", "TightVNC", and a few others. My choice of preference is to have a server I can trust under my supervision in order to avoid exposing my clients and friends private information from getting exposed? Using TeamViewer, an excellent product, does not secure both my files and theirs because when we connect, we are in their server and if they choose to, can interrupt, copy files, etc. during a remote session. Are there Linux versions for remote support available like TeamViewer that would be in my direct control?

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Server :: CentOS With MPEG-4 / H.264 Support And DVR Card

Feb 12, 2011

I have a dvr card that is a Softlogic 6x10 line of MPEG-4 codec card that uses mpeg 4. This is the driver that they recommend that I use but it is for ubuntu. Is there a Centos 5.5 equivalent? [URL]. This is the card: [URL].

This is what appears in lspci:
PHP Code:
03:06.0 Multimedia video controller: Unknown device 9413:6010

I found this on the net: [URL] and installed
PHP Code:

I get this error when I run a modprobe budget_av:
PHP Code:
modprobe budget_avWARNING: Error inserting videobuf_dma_sg
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)WARNING:
Error inserting v4l1_compat (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5PAE/weak-updates/video4linux/v4l1-compat.ko):
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)WARNING:
Error inserting videodev (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5PAE/weak-updates/video4linux/videodev.ko):
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)WARNING:
Error inserting saa7146_vv (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5PAE/weak-updates/video4linux/saa7146_vv.ko):
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)FATAL:
Error inserting budget_av (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5PAE/weak-updates/video4linux/budget-av.ko):
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

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Server :: Setup Bind 9 To Support Web And Mail?

Mar 13, 2010

I am working on setting up a bind 9 nameserver that will be responsible for serving up DNS records for my internal network and publicly for my web server. My configuration is below:

Firewall Gateway (Ubuntu Server 9.10) ---> switch ---> internal servers (ubuntu server 9.10 and mac os x server)

The internal servers are all on the same subnet, so DNS, web and mail will all be on the same subnet of private IPs. Each internal server is mapped with SNAT to a public IP address. And the DNS server only has port 53 forwarded to it.I am trying to figure out the best way to set up my nameserver so that it can provide records for my internal servers based on private IP addresses, and then provide records to the public for my internal servers based on their public IP addresses. I had a few questions on this:

1) Is this the correct way to think about my setup, or is this typically done in another way?

2) Does anyone have recommendations on the specific configuration I should follow?

3) Are there specific references I should look into as well?

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Server :: Support English Language In BrazilFW 3.x?

Dec 6, 2010

How to support english language in BrazilFW 3.x .

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Server :: Unable Java Support In Php.ini File?

Nov 29, 2010

How to enable java support in php.ini file.

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Server :: IPhone Doesn't Support Openvpn

Jan 23, 2010

I am trying to setup a vpn client for my iphone since it doesn't support openvpn. However I keep running into this error message: initial Main Mode message received on <local ip>:500 but no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK.

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