Server :: Customizing CentOS Welcome Message In Anaconda?

Jan 31, 2011

I am just customizing CentOS and would like to change "Welcome message[image is attached] to something that I wanted. I went trough the anaconda source rpm and found that OS name is being picked by %s and not sure what %s refers to or where is that variable it pointing to.

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Fedora Installation :: Once It Says Its Loading Anaconda, Screen Either Goes Blank, Or The Anaconda Fails And The Install Exits?

Apr 9, 2009

I'm trying to build a dual boot ubuntu 8.10 and fedora 10.I have ubuntu sucessfully installed. with a free partition ready for fedora.I cant seem to get fedora past the beginning of the install. Once it says its loading anaconda, my screen either goes blank, or the anaconda fails and the install exits, telling me to reboot my system.I have downloaded the DVD twice. once from the website, and i think when I bruned it it didn't burn right, I then downloaded it from torrent just to be safe and reburned at the slowest speed. It passes the media test.

I have been reading around it may be cause of my video card?My computer is the following.AMD Athlon +2400 XPXFX Nvidia Geforce 6800 GT or something close.80 gig hard drive1.5 gigs of DDR ram.MSI Motherboard not sure of model off top of my head.I really wanna get this dual boot working, As I feel fedora may have advantages over ubuntu. I was going to try to get ahold of another video card, and maybe try that. What do you think I should do

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Install CentOS 5.4 On Embedded System Anaconda Exception?

May 1, 2010

I am trying to do a basic install of CentOS 5.4 on my embedded computer. It is a Linutop 2 system with a AMD Geode 800MHz CPU and 512Mb Ram. Have installed an IBM 40Gb 2.5" HD for OS storage. I am doing the install procedure in text mode. Everything goes as planned until I get to the package selection.

1. Booting from (i386) DVD with "linux text" parameter.
2. Skipping media check.
3. Selecting "English" install language.
4. Selecting "DK-latin1" as keyboard layout.
5. Selecting "Remove all partitions and create default layout" and selecting "no" to modifying partition layout.
6. Selecting "yes" to configure "eth0" and mark to enable "IPv4" on boot.
7. Selecting DHCP for IP configuration and Manual host name.
8. Setting time zone to "Europe/Copenhagen".
9. Setting root password to a 16 digit alphanumeric pass-phrase.
10. De-selecting "Desktop - Gnome" (no other entries selected).

When the system is checking for dependencies, an exception

Traceback (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/", line 426, in returnNewestByName
raise PackageSackError, 'No Package Matching %s' % ui_pats
File "/tmp/treedir.22057/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 1072, in getBestKernelByArch
pkgs = ayum.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(pkgname)


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CentOS 5 :: Any Possibility To Install Centos 5.5 On Ext4 By Anaconda?

Jul 14, 2010

It is any possibility to install centos 5.5 on ext4 by anaconda ? Is ext4 filesystem is secure for files server (samba) ?? In anaconda installer there is only ext2, ext3 choice.

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CentOS 5 :: Information About Customizing ISO Images

Nov 4, 2009

I know there are similar topics about this that have been posted, but the information I need I cannot find. Im in a situation where I have two new HP DL360 G6 servers, both have a HP Smart Array B110i Sata Raid Controller. Since the raid controller is so new CentOS 5.3/5.4 and RHEL 5.3/5.4 do not have support built into the installer.I do have a driver for the raid controller which I have used and successfully installed CentOS 5.3 on one of the systems.The reason I need to customize an ISO is because I need the raid controller driver as part of the installation disc. As these systems are servers and are going to be deployed remotely I will not have physical access to these systems if they need to be rebuilt. I also have to build machines remotely as well using iLO (having a floppy image or usb image of the drivers does not work through iLO).

The installation rpm's can be as is, I do not need to make any changes there. I just need to make sure that the raid controller driver is loaded into memory from the media rather than another media source, before the installer kicks in.

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Fedora :: Anaconda Failure / "A Crash In The Anaconda-12.46-2.fc12 Package Has Been Detected"?

Sep 29, 2010

I have F12 and been using the livecd-creator command since F9 to create liveUSB devices which are used to install Fedora on all the systems (nearly 100) I support at different sites ensuring they have the same build/configuration. About a week ago, I created a new image and when I attempt to install to hard drive, there is an ABRT message displayed;

"A crash in the anaconda-12.46-2.fc12 package has been detected"

Also see attached file.Now I am not able to install to hard drive.

It appears this is a known bug which has been reported at url.and that there is not fix planned. Can anyone confirm this?

If this is the case, does it mean that the �Install to Hard Drive� feature will no longer be available?

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Red Hat :: Centos/RHEL5.4 : Anaconda-Kickstart And UUID?

Mar 21, 2011

I am using the "harddrive" option in a kickstart config to have it pick up isolinux files from a USB flash drive. I have been able to get it work by specifying the device name directly, but if I specify a LABEL or UUID, it does not work.Here is what my ks.cfg looks like.

harddrive --partition=LABEL="/install" --dir=/
lang en_US.UTF-8


It almost seems like the version of Anaconda in Centos5.4 does not support specifying UUID or LABELs, but I have not been able to confirm that from the Release notes.Appreciate any tips/references/documentation.

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CentOS 5 :: Install Crashes Upon Launching Anaconda

May 26, 2009

I've recently been trying to put Centos on a PC which I have had Windows 2000 server on up until now. The system has an Intel SCSI RAID Controller which seems to be successfully detected before the graphical stage is reached. The system is fairly old now and consists of a p3 processor and 320mb of ram. However when the installer reaches the point of launching Anaconda in graphical mode it seems to start to load but then the system immediately boots itself down Quoting an Abnormal Setup Termination however gives no more details than that. I have tried changing the graphics card to no effect. I am not sure if anyone knows what could be causing the problem the media also shuld be ok as I have used it successfully on other systems.

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CentOS 5 :: Anaconda Unmounting DVD From External Drive

Oct 25, 2010

I have an external DVD burner hooked up to an EEE PC 701SD. The disk has worked on a dell desktop computer, and a 701 (the first eee pc which I built the install on) without a problem, however when I boot up the install disk on the 701SD, I get a message telling me it's unable to download the kickstart file. It's being set to cdrom:/ks.cfg, which should work, but it isn't.... This exact same disk just did a full install on the 701 15 minutes before I ran it on this computer.

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CentOS 5 :: Anaconda Does Not Support DHCP Option 121 / Resolve This?

Nov 29, 2009

Following situation:
I'm trying to make a network-installation of my rootserver with CentOS 5.4 x86_64.
This server is hosted by 1and1 a company of the united internet group, which is a big player in europe.
The network environment of 1and1 is providing classless static routes via dhcp by using the dhcp option 121.
If i'm right anaconda does not support this dhcp option 121 and therefore does not "ask" for the routes.
Without the routes configured the traffic does not get through and the network installation fails.
An installation from fedora12 (anaconda 12.46) works without any problems.

Is there someone in the dev team that can patch or backport it?

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CentOS 5 :: How To Tell Kickstart / Anaconda / Mkinitrd To Use New Kernel Version Number?

May 5, 2009

I want a new kernel RPM in my custom CentOS 5 kickstart distro. I built the kernel, got a nice kernel RPM out, and replaced it in my ks.cfg. The install goes fine until the very end, where Anaconda prints some spurious stuff about mkinitrd failing.I get why it might fail -the kernel version argument to mkinitrd was no doubt for the old kernel. But I have no idea where this is -it's not in the ks.cfg afaict, and so I don't quite get where Anaconda / mkinitrd gets it from.

I'd eventually like to use this kernel for the installer as well, but I think I understand that process much better.How do I tell kickstart / Anaconda / mkinitrd to use the new kernel version number?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Network Install / Static Changes To Dhcp In Anaconda

May 10, 2010

I'm trying to install CentOS 5.4 from my local repo, booting the server from centos54-netinstall iso (vmware). I write "linux URL..." during boot. I eventually get prompted for network config, where I choose manual configuration. Hitting OK ignores my config and defaults back to dhcp, which won't work since I don't have any dhcp server available.Whats wrong? Is there a bug in anaconda?

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Ubuntu :: Customizing - 10.04 - Server Edition ?

Jul 6, 2010

I'm trying to customize an Ubuntu 10.04 server ISO (I've done desktop CDs before) but the guide at[url]...DCustomization isn't making any sense to me.

I want to add new packages and update official versions with custom ones. Let's say I want to update/add my-util-package and plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo.

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CentOS 5 Server :: ClamAV - Always Get Message In Maillog

Sep 7, 2010

when a message gets sent to me I always get this message in my maillog. What does this mean and how can I fix it?

srvspam amavis[2474]: (02474-06) ask_av (ClamAV-clamd) FAILED - unexpected result: /var/amavisd/tmp/amavis-20100907T102651-02474/parts: lstat() failed: Permission denied. ERROR srvspam amavis[2474]: (02474-06) WARN: all primary virus scanners failed, considering backups

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Find Anaconda-runtime In /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime

Feb 16, 2011

After installing Fedora 14 and being satisfied with the behaviour and the packages installed for it, i want to replicate the same installation in a few more PCs, so i installed Revisor to make with it an iso file that reflects my actual installation.

The problem is that if i run the software from Applications->System tools->Revisor, nothing happens after giving the user password.

Then i run it from a consele and this error is produced after giving my password: "Cannot find anaconda-runtime in /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime"

But anaconda is the environment used for installation, so it is installed from the very begining. Why this happens?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Error Message: Create_connection_server_info Failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED?

Aug 30, 2011

Our server is a x86_64 centos 5.5 computer. we installed samba3x-3.5.4-0.70.el5_6.1.x86_64.Samba seems work fine, we don't notice any problem in using it. But in the workstation log file, there are a lot of error messages like:

[2011/08/26 14:37:57.682260, 1] smbd/service.c:678(make_connection_snum)
create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2011/08/26 14:37:58.194394, 1] smbd/service.c:678(make_connection_snum)


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CentOS 5 Server :: Chroot Sshd - Getting Message Debug3: PAM Session Not Opened - Exiting

Jul 21, 2009

I am trying to setup a chroot with a sshd service running. when I start the sshd in the chroot and login I get this message. Can not find anything on google.

[damien@dev ~]$ ssh -l damien localhost -p 2233
damien@localhost's password:
Last login: Tue Jul 21 13:32:52 2009 from
debug3: PAM session not opened, exiting
Connection to localhost closed.


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CentOS 5 :: Error "timeout In Locking Authority File /root/.xauthkk661q" Message When Starting Vnc-server

Jun 17, 2011

I have installed vnc-server on my CentOS 5.6 virtual machine. I can connect to it with a java web browser so it seems to be working. However, I get the following error message when I start, stop or restart the vnc-server process. Quote: Starting VNC server: 1:ken xauth: timeout in locking authority file /root/.xauthkk661q

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CentOS 5 :: Installing CentOS 5.5 On An Old PC -- Query On An Error Message?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm trying to install CentOS 5.5 on an old Pentium 4 desktop PC I have, which is not being used for much other than being a MTA, and I want to migrate this functionality onto the CentOS platform for stability (Windows is a perpetual nightmare. I partitioned a spare 20GB to experiment with, and I want to install CentOS into here to play around with first so I can move my files around between Windows and CentOS, until I'm happy all of the stuff is gone, then I can scrub the Windows partition and claim the space for CentOS.

So, I've downloaded and burned the DVD and tried to install. I start the install with no args from the main install menu, and the process goes through some probing and then comes up with the "Welcome to CentOS" menu. I go through this, and then it tries to start X Server. It fails, and falls back to text mode. I get the "Welcome to CentOS" screen again, and then proceed through it. I set my keyboard layout to UK, then this message comes up at the bottom of the screen:

"_X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for localhost:6001: Temporary failure in name resolution"

then on the next line: "Cannot open display :1" If I force the install to text, by typing "linux text" at the first menu, I get about the same way through, but the install just hangs doing nothing, and no disc access to the install disc.

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Fedora :: No GUI After Customizing

Jul 11, 2011

I decided I would try to custimize Fedora to my liking (which proved to be overwhelming). I installed Compiz-fusion and enabled "wobbly windows", which forced me to disable "snapping windows". After doing that, I rebooted to enable the effects and it starts up to a command line.I pressed CTRL+ALT+F2, logged in and ran "rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity" which I was told would reset my gnome shell, which it didn't. I know Compiz Fusion caused this crash, how can I revert back or at least get my GUI back.

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CentOS 5 :: Change Boot Install Message "wel-come To CentOS"?

Oct 13, 2009

i want to change boot install message "wel-come to CentOS" .How can i change it.

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CentOS 5 :: Strange Message When Running Yum?

Jun 22, 2009

I recently reinstalled CentOS, and after a ton of updates, I'm just about finished getting things set up again. However, today I've noticed this really interesting message whenever I run yum. Just for demonstration, I'm going to remove gnome-screensaver, since I prefer the Xscreensaver anyway. This is the complete output, with the strange message highlighted;$ sudo yum remove gnome-screensaverLoaded plugins: fastestmirrorSetting up Remove ProcessResolving DependenciesThere are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.

--> Running transaction check
---> Package gnome-screensaver.i386 0:2.16.1-8.el5 set to be erased
--> Finished Dependency Resolution


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CentOS 5 :: Error Message At Updating - 5 X64

May 10, 2011

I have an error message at updating centos 5 x64.

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Fedora :: Start Customizing After Installation?

Nov 13, 2010

I have been using Fedora 12/13 for last 6 months or so but still I never tried my hands with the customization of its desktop and its kernel which is the beauty of Linux so I want some links or guidelines about how to start doing something meaningful with Fedora.

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Ubuntu :: Customizing Desktops In Different Ways?

Feb 6, 2010

I just want to know weather it is possible by some means to set different preferences for the two desktops that are available in ubuntu?? E.g.: different backgrounds, shortcuts etc...

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Ubuntu :: Customizing Touchpad On Startup?

Feb 18, 2010

So, in the system preferences there is a setting for the laptop touchpad. I never use it and want it deactivated. Unchecking the box and setting the program as a startup app isn't doing it. So how do i go about it? Correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm thinking the best way is gonna be to edit the startup command for the app from:

command: gsynaptics to command: gsynaptics + "whatever the commands would be to tab to the first item and hit space" I have NO idea what that command would be or if it's possible.

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Ubuntu :: Customizing The Name Of Partitions In Lucid?

May 30, 2010

In my menu bar under Places, I could see my Windows partitions being displayed as 20 GB Filesystem and 25 GB Filesystem which are basically C drive and D drive respectively. Is there any way I could change the way the partitions are displayed under the Places menu. I want it to be displayed as C Drive and D drive instead of 20 GB, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Customizing Indicator Applet ?

Jun 26, 2010

Is there a way I can customize what does and doesn't show on the indicator applet? For instance I *much* prefer the standalone clock application to the indicator applet version...

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Customizing For Natty ?

May 17, 2011

First off I got to say that Natty is pretty interesting. I really like the space-saving techniques with the omni-bar, vertical app panel, and very fast omni search (similar to windows 7 but much faster). It will take getting used to but I think in the end it will eventually make working much easier and quicker.

It is in beta so I won't get ahead of myself and make assumptions but it seems like Ubuntu has sacrificed a lot of customizability with this release. A few things I've notice that maybe I can get some clarification on-

1. I cannot add panels or items to panels.

I would like to add the system-monitoring tools to my top panel so I can see when my CPU and RAM spikes.

In addition, pidgin no longer appears in my tasks bar. I'm guessing this is a bug? (I prefer it over Empathy. Rather not switch).

2. I cannot find a feature that leaves my vertical app bar visible all the time. When I make an application go full screen it pushes it out of the way. This is a bit annoying when I'm trying to find a file, folder, or application quickly.

Also when I open a file that I didn't mean to open I would like to see it popup in my app bar so I know instantly where to find it and close it. With this I will have to search for it.

Of course this all takes only a few extra seconds.

3. I cannot change the size of my apps in the app bar and it doesn't automatically resize. This might not be a big issue for some but I use my Linux OS solely for work. As a developer I often have upwards of 20 files open and it usually fills my screen when using my avant window navigator. This is significant since I have a wide and short monitor.

4. I am unable to change the orientation of the app bar. This goes back to the fact that I have a wide and short monitor. Because of this it may seem better to fill up space vertically by adding a vertical app bar, but I have so many apps and usually work in text-documents that it would be better for me to have a horizontal app bar.

5. Unable to remove unneeded buttons. My app bar is going to fill up very fast. I do not need a workspace switcher, a home folder, the applications button, or the trash visible in this app bar. I will use these rarely and I would rather make room for apps I use often.

6. Apps at the bottom of the app bar does not adjust context menu accordingly.

However I do like how Ubuntu is finally clipping unseen areas. I am using dual monitors and the one you are looking at is the short one. So when i take a screenshot I can see black area below. In previous versions I would be able to see the overflow. Does this also mean we are finally double image buffering as well?

7. I am unable to change desktop effects. I don't need a massive fancy shadow on every window. I prefer speed over desktop effects (but use Ubuntu for non-free software support).

8. I cannot move the Files & Folder button to the top. I would have use for this context menu since there is no longer a places button in the top panel. But I would rather have it at the top so I can access it easier.

9. Cannot clear recent file's history. As a developer I've worked on a couple adult entertainment related sites. I like to keep these hidden from my little ones for obvious reasons but now it seems there is no way to remove them from recent file history. There should be a context menu for this.

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General :: Customizing Toggling Between Different Languages?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a Linux system, RH Enterpise 5, that I must toggle between two different languages, one being English, but when I am in English mode I only want to get capital letters for my user programs. I can't use the Caps-lock key, because then the default key to toggle between the languages no longer works when Caps-lock is on and I need to be able to switch back and forth languages with a single key stroke. So, I need capital English letters but mixed case second language characters and a single key to toggle between the two. I can't figure out a solution for this. I have tried different mods to xmodmap, but can't solve it for both languages.Oh, slight correction, the default keys for toggling languages Alt-R and Alt-L are fine, just need upper case in English mode.

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