Server :: Certain Websites Are "Forbiden" On Fedora 13?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a Fedora 13 box setup to serve webpages for our company's intranet and Nagios 3.2.3.I just recovered from failed upgrade by doing a fresh install and restoring the files that I backed up before doing the update, yeah for planning this... Ok after restoring the backup I re-installed apache, php, mysql, nagios and a few other software.So I have everything setup. Made the proxy to go through our firewall, disabled SeLinux (nothing can come in the server unless requested).Most of the webpages are working, I have a Joomla install that works without a itch. But others are "Forbiden" including Nagios.Here's nagios.conf from /etc/httpd/conf.d/You'll see it's the standard install...

# Last Modified: 11-26-2005


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Ubuntu Security :: Block All Websites Except Desired Websites?

Apr 12, 2010

I want to block all websites except desired websites.

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Server :: Resolv.conf Was Edited, Server Stopped Serving Websites?

Feb 21, 2010

I'll preface this by saying i'm by no means an expert on Linux. A competant beginner at most.We have a dedicated server, the 'resolv.conf' was changed, specifically the domain that was listed (this is the primary domain).I only became aware of this change, when we get into work on Friday and all our sites were down - I attributed this to DNS fault as if I changed my host file (I work on a windows machine) and specifically routed to the domains to the correct IP address, the websites were served fine.I tracked down the resolv.conf change by quizzing a collegue. I then switched the resolv.conf file back to it's original state - luckily a backup was made so I am 100% sure that the current resolv.conf is the correct one.

change was made Friday morning, around 9.30am (UK time). It is now 5.05pm (UK time). The original change was made sometime on Weds afternoon, and the sites stopped serving between Thursday night and Friday morning.Does anyone have any idea how long it should take for the fix to be picked up? Will it be picked up? I just started to think that the change can't be picked up due to some DNS related voodoo.

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Server :: Mysql For Multiple Websites?

Aug 1, 2011

I currently have a single mysql instance for a couple of websites. Both websites require that the user provide a username.

The thing I just noticed is that two people might choose the same username for both applications. Both of them would have grants to each others' tables, although neither would ever be able to access them, since they can only access through php scripts.

But, I'm now guessing this is not best practice. What does one do? Run multiple instances of mysql for several websites?

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OpenSUSE Network :: DNS Server Not Resolving For Some Websites?

Jun 7, 2009

I have installed Bind DNS server in Opensuse 11.1 and it was running fine for two weeks. However starting last week it was unable to resolve a lot of internet sites (e.g. I can say it is working partiallyI tried restart the named service and it worked fine for only about 15 minutes and back to partial condition.All the records in zone files can be resolved. Only some internet websites not able to resolve. The same sites can be resolve with another dns server internally

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Server :: 2 Websites (domain Names?) 1 Cup Err Ip Address?

Dec 13, 2010

So I'm looking to host potentialy three different...sites...I want to call them from the same machine. One is a radio station and the other 2 are just straight websites. So I wanted to know if I had to use different machines to accomplish this or can I alter maybe the http conf file or what. I did find this in the forums but wasn't quite sure if this applied to me. [URL=""[/URL]

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Server :: 4 Websites On Different IP - How To Host Them Using Apache2 Mod_proxy ?

Apr 12, 2010

Dom0 is having public IP. I read a lot of blog and tutorials about name based and IP based hostings and also about mod_proxy. But I am unable to do.

Here is what I am trying to do. I have a webserver on public IP.Which is running Xen on it. There are 4 Guest Operating systems installed on top of Dom0 which are Dom1,Dom2,Dom3,Dom4 These are application servers which are going to serve the requests that come from the main server.Which is Dom0.

All I see is "It works" on all 4 of the hosts. On my LAN on any machine on same subnet if I do [url] of Domu1 message comes


in browser from LAN gives me a message

Code: It works.

What do I need to do on Dom0 so that requests are forwarded to the appropriate DomUs apache2 is running on all of them including Dom0.Some one suggested me to go for ReverseProxy in Apache2.

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Server :: All Websites Are Down And Can't Find Whats Wrong

Nov 17, 2010

I have a CentOS Server and i use ispconfig 3. I have hosted 10 websites and the other day all my websites went down. I have tried to look at the logs i cant see any thing ISPconfig logs dont have any errors.

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Server :: Access The Log Files For Multiple Websites?

Apr 1, 2010

I have managed to configure AWstats to work from one server to access the log files for multiple websites on multiple servers and even managed to write a little front end php site to access all the different conf files. I want to know if there is a way of combing two conf files for the same site but are on two different servers in a loadbalanced situation. so my conf files look something like: [URL].. I have to monitor bandwidth for our websites and its gets tedious switching between the various conf files for the same site and totaling it up so I was hoping I could combine the output of both conf files on screen using some funky command in the script

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Server :: Public_html Setup To Store Few Websites?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm planning on hosting a main website for my school (Wordpress) and a few websites (< 10) for some teachers (Wordpress, Moodle, Joomla). Someone of the teachers needs to access his/her folder via ftp to upload documents, images,... I'am using apache 2 on ubuntu server 10.04 LTS, 4GB RAM, 2 x 500GB Hard disk (RAID hardware).The server is connected directly to the router DMZ (netgear dgn 2000).

1)If I store the teachers' websites in public_html, should I create as many user as the teachers? And how to set permissions? And where to put the main site and moodle?

2)What are your recommendations about security?

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Server :: Script For Testing Files On Websites?

Mar 4, 2011

I would like to have a script which I can use to test if files on some certain sites are available and if their size is bigger then 0 bytes. I do not want to download them, only check them. If I would use wget they get downloaded I think.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up Multiple Websites/IPs?

Sep 25, 2010

I've currently got a centos server setup in my home. It has 1 website running on it and I am using's service to access the server. DynDNS works by redirecting a free url to the IP address of your server. I would like to add a second website under a different url. However, I'm not sure how to add a second IP address (which I would then use with DynDNS to create a new url).

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Ubuntu Networking :: PPTP Server Some Websites Don't Load?

Jun 24, 2011

Running Ubuntu 11.04 Server 32bit fresh install

I did this walk-through trying both iptables and ufw

I am able to connect to my VPN server using both windows 7 and Ubuntu desktop just fine, and using wireshark verify that all packets are being compressed and sent through the VPN tunnel.

Many sites work but there are several that will not load while using the VPN, one of them is ubuntu forums also sourceforge.

I can ping the servers while connected but the websites just will not load, and time out. The second I disconnect from the VPN they load instantly.

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General :: Setup A Proxy Server To Block Access To Some Websites?

May 22, 2011

i was tasked to setup a proxy server to block access to some websites. i'm using centOS 5 and Squid 7:2.6 STABLE21-6.e15...i appended the following and tested the configuration with the supposed server i am using and the it does seem to work but now i'm wondering how i can test it with a client computer..i have 2 LAN cards and i just connected the other to one PC (can a direct connection work or does it need to pass thru a switch or hub)...i just can't figure out how it should be... how do i configure the 2nd LAN card to use this computer as its proxy server?

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Server :: Dansguardian - Allowing Websites With The Word Essex In The Domain Name?

Jun 30, 2010

I'm having some problems allowing websites with the word essex in the domain name. I've been running dansguardan for some time now and have managed to make rules to allow and disallow sites, but I've now hit a brick wall on the latest request from staff here. which config file i need to edit.I've tried adding *essex*.* to the exceptionsitelist, but these sites are still blocked. Example sites are [URL]

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Server :: Use A Reverse Proxy To Forward A Lot Of Websites Via 1 Central Place?

Oct 8, 2010

We use a reverse proxy to forward a lot of websites via 1 central hould forward to an internal server.I already managed to forward a lot of website correctly, except for this one:hen I type:ttp://blablahblah/smt/webtier-7-11 it doesn't work correctly, but How can I make the first url to work ?

ProxyPass /smt
ProxyPassReverse /smt
ProxyPassMatch ^/((smt|webtier-7.11)(/.*)?)?$$1


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Software :: Get Squid Proxy Server To Block Websites Using Webmin?

Jul 17, 2010

i have been looking up ways to block websites in linux but most all of the free ones only block the sites the software makers want to (or you can't block just the sites you enter without blocking the sites that it wants to)i need to know how to block only websites i enter with squid using webmin

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Ubuntu Servers :: Running Multiple Websites On Single Server - VirtualHost

Aug 25, 2010

I currently am running 10.04.1 and have successfully setup my home web server to run a single website. My current settings are:

-I have registered the domain name through godaddy
-A record is - host = @ and points to =
-CName is - host = www and points to = @
-on my server I have the site running in /var/www

I've done some research and found that to run multiple websites I need to setup VirtualHost.

-So I created a folder /var/www/ and moved my site to that folder

-Edited Apache2.conf to add the following line

-I then went to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and copied the default file to a new file called Here's the file after I edited it

-I then created a link in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled to the file in /etc/apache2/sites-available

-Next I editied /etc/hosts

-When i went to enable the site using a2ensite I got the following

I figured this was ok since I had already created a symbolic link earlier (a result of trying to following multiple tutorials and ..... videos at once) so I reloaded apache2. I created an index.html file in /var/www/ just for testing purposes and when I load I get the file located in /var/www/ instead of the website located in /var/www/ Do I need to change my A record or CName in godaddy or did I just do this completely wrong?

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Fedora :: No Sound From Websites / Get That?

Jun 27, 2010

I'm unable to hear sound from vid streaming sites like you tube.

have no probs with normal vids and mp3's... just from streaming stuff.

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Fedora :: Yum Works But Websites Don't?

Mar 9, 2011

I was using Fedora 14, and yum works. However websites like [URL] don't unless I open a terminal and type "ping" then copy that ip address into the web browser.

This doesn't seems to be JUST a fedora issue. I haven't tried fedora 15 alpha, but OpenSuse 11.4 seems to have the same exact problem except Zypper/yast don't work.

Many of yum's servers don't work but eventually after a couple of failures to accept the connection it finally works. Very odd. I tested the latest Kubuntu and it does work as does my windows partition.

(I should also add that this problem also exist in virtualbox).

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Fedora :: Cannot Access Some Websites / Resolve This?

Nov 18, 2010

I had Fedora 12 installed on my laptop and everything was working okay.

After making a fresh install of Fedora 14 I can now only access some websites, others cannot be found.

I have spent hours trying to resolve this without success.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access Some Websites

Aug 4, 2011

I just installed Fedora 15 and everything is working ok except i can't connect to some websites such as facebook or hotmail. I tried doing the same on windows and everything is ok there. I've been searching through forum about this problem but nothing seems to help. Has anyone else had this kind of problem and managed to fix it?

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Fedora :: Unable To Open Https Websites On 10 & 11

Jul 24, 2009

I have installed Fedora 10 and centos 5.3 on 30 system in my home office. everything works fine except accessing https websites. the problem persists in both centos and fedora even after changing firefox versions. what's worse is the problem is not resolved after changing other browsers. so the problem is not browser-centric. i think it has something to do deeper in fedora and centos. also note that i have disabled firewall and selinux but in vain. the problem is still there across all the systems. it's really a show-stopper for me.

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Fedora Servers :: HTTP - Can't See Websites Externally

Dec 7, 2009

HTTP - Can't see website(s) externally

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Fedora Servers :: Apache To Block Old Websites?

Apr 8, 2010

I have got a small queston: I have got several websites and some time ago I decided to delete some of them. As a result there is no virtual hosts on my web server, but if I will go to my_old_website dot ru I will be redirected to one of my current web sites (or if I will paste an ip address in browser), I want to know, how to block this?My virtual host's looks like this now:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin my_mail


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Fedora :: PulseAudio - No Sound From Flash On Websites

Jun 10, 2010

I've run into a couple of issues that appear to be related to PulseAudio. First, since I upgraded to FC13 a couple of weeks ago, I get no sound from flash on websites. Yesterday, I had a need to record some audio into my computer via the mic input. So, I installed Audacity, but it couldn't see the signal coming in, even though it was playing from the sound source. I did a bit of digging and found a note on the PulseAudio website that said that Audacity didn't work with PulseAudio. So, I removed PulseAudio, rebooted for good measure, and under ALSA, Audacity was able to record from the mic input.

When I was finished recording, I started Amarok playing, and I could see the progress indicator moving across the interface, but there was no sound. I checked the mixer, but nothing was muted, and the audio from Audacity was working just fine. So, I reinstalled PulseAudio. Today, I needed to do more recording, so I pulled off PulseAudio once more. I did my recording, and then tried Amarok once more without PulseAudio, with the same results. It occurred to me that I should try a website with flash and see if those work without PA installed. Indeed they do.

So here's what I have: Audacity can't record from the mic input with PA installed.
Amarok doesn't produce sound without PA installed
Flash websites don't make sound with PA installed
This all worked while I was using FC12 (though I never tried Audacity), and I've only had problems since I upgraded to FC13.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access To Some Websites With New Router

Jun 21, 2010

recently I have bought a new wireless router and now I have problems connecting to some (secure) websites. I can't login to gmail and facebook while I am still able to connect to these sites using my old router. I have also tryed to connect to these sites using my new router on windows and it worked with no problem.It is really strange for me, although I don't know that much about networking. I am using Fedora 13 and a TP-Link (TD-W8901G) Wireless router and I have these problems using both wired, and wireless connections with this router.

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Fedora Networking :: Tough Time Accessing Websites With F8

Feb 4, 2009

I have dual boot Fedora 8/XP. My net seams to be moody only in my fedora sometimes I have wait as long as 30 sec for the page to load where as in my windows it's fine no such delay. This happens randomly yesterday night I had tough time accessing this forum (in addition to other sites) now it's working fine.

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Fedora Servers :: Have Multiple SSL Websites On Single IP With Different SSL Certificates?

May 8, 2009

I would like to know if I need multiple IPs' to setup two SSL urls on the same Apache server? Two ssl certificates, one IP - is it possible?

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Fedora Networking :: Successfully Ping Websites, But Can't Open Them

Nov 27, 2009

I have installed windows server 2003 on my computer, and i can surf the internet with my gui-based web browsers.

I have also installed vmware workstation 6.5 on the same computer, and successfully installed fedora 12 in vmware, with network is bridged.

I can successfully ping websites at the command line, e.g., ping [url], it did get replies with time and ttl, but i can't open the websites with firefox or conquerer browsers.

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