Security :: Moving A File With No Acl?
Apr 26, 2011
I'd like to know if the mv command is supposed to apply the default acl of the destination directory to the moved file?
I'm on RHEL5, and when moving a file with no acl, to a directory with a default acl, the acl is not being applied.
Note: cp does apply the acl as expected.
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Jul 20, 2010
Bot herders and the crimeware gangs behind banker Trojans have had a lot of success in the last few years with using bulletproof hosting providers as their main base of operations. But more and more, they're finding that social networks such as Twitter and Facebook are offering even more fertile and convenient grounds for controlling their malicious creations.New research from RSA shows that the gangs behind some of the targeted banker Trojans that are such a huge problem in some countries, especially Brazil and other South American nations, are moving quietly and quickly to using social networks as the command-and-control mechanisms for their malware. The company's anti-fraud researchers recently stumbled upon one such attack in progress and watched as it unfolded.
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Mar 12, 2011
I'm told to go to /home/jbander/Downloads, so how do I do that, I assume you do it in terminal but what do you do next, I can get to home but thats it. How do I go from one directory or file or whatever they are, to another and once I'm there what do I do to see what is in the download file. One more question if I want to change it from e.g. cow to e.g. duck how would I do that(they are just arbitrary names) how do I get rid of cow and how do I put duck in it's place.
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Apr 3, 2011
In vim, how do I go to a given line? In particular, how do I go to the top of the file or to the bottom? And when searching, how do I unhighlight the found words
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Nov 24, 2010
i want to move a file. User will give (file_name,current_path,destination_path)as command
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Apr 28, 2011
I had need of putting a file in one of the directories of the $PATH.The echo $PATH is/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/Majara/binI did in the terminal:mv file /home/Majara/binI have learned now that /home/Majara/bin isot a directory, but the file is not anywhere
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Apr 19, 2011
My temp file is currently located int the root partition which is a a relatively small partition. As it is, if my root partition id more than half full I am unable to make a backup of the whole system. I would like to move that folder into the home partition and maybe even make it a hidden folder. Since a lot of apps depend on the other folders within the temp folder - what I am wondering about is whether I can just move the folder or if I need to be concerned that those apps will not be able to find the folder then. Would I end up needing to go into every app that uses it and change settings? Is there things within the o/s that use it that I would need to reconfigure or something?
Ubuntu 11.04 with the Unity Desktop on a HP ze2000
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Sep 13, 2009
I have installed fedora 11, now i want to install touch driver for my dell 15 laptop. when i m moving cursur its moving but when i m clcking on touch pad to open anything its not opening, to open i have 2 select any file then i have to click touchpad keys.
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Jul 16, 2010
I am versioning my config files with git. Now I need to move some of my config files to a different repository, to achieve a clean structure. Is there a way I can keep the change log for a file if I move it to a different repository? I would like to have all commits of repo A in repo B that touched file A/a if I move it to B/a. Ideally, if I afterwards move A/x to B/x, I would want to see B/a and B/x appear together in commits that touched both files in repository A. I would not expect to have any development step of A/a merged into any of the commits of B, I just want them to appear there afterwards.
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Jan 4, 2010
I'm using Ubuntu 7.04 on a live boot right now so I can move from files from a hard drive on a computer that won't boot. This is my work computer, which contains about three years worth of accounting and inventory information that I absolutely must recover from the drive. The computer runs one SATA drive, and has no ports for additional drives. Otherwise I have two USB drives connected and an IDE connected through a USB adapter. (The SATA drive will not work through the adapter for some reason). I have absolutely no access to another computer with SATA support.
All the drives mount on 7.04, and I can view the files on the SATA drive - which leads me to believe the drive isn't completely dead. So i'm hoping to move the files I need over to one of the USB drives.
However, i'm getting flags when I move files. -Without- installing Linux, is there a way for me to grant myself permissions to move/copy/delete files on my hard drives? Otherwise, is there a simple way (that won't compromise the data on the drive) for me to re-do the partitions the SATA drive so I can install linux?
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Mar 27, 2011
I like the buttons on the left. I'm running 10.04 & I know how to move them. The problem is that changing themes will move them back right. OK, if the new theme has them on the right that's OK. But going back to the other theme doesn't change them back. They don't seem to be controlled by the theme, or I'm just not doing it right.
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Jun 14, 2010
I've got a text file listing 1823 files that need to be copied from their current locations, i.e.To another folder, any idea how I should do this?
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Dec 4, 2010
Im trying to move some files from my desktop to /usr/share/ProjectM Project M is a visualization program, and Im trying to move some presets I downloaded there. The error I get is
There was an error moving the file into /usr/share/projectM/presets.
Error moving file: Permission denied
I am logged in as administrator, why can't I move these files?
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May 1, 2010
I have an obsession of packing a large number of distros into one hard disk. Many distro installers do not like it even though their kernels can support higher number partitions. Typically an installer, say from a Debian family, would freeze when checking a hard disk that has more than 15 partitions. However if I put the same distro on a hard disk with less than 16 partition the installer will be very happy to install. I then copy the distro back to the original disk to a different partition, change the boot loader setting and fstab and the new distro will be happily working in the next hard disk that has 57 partitions.
This scheme works for any distro until recently Fedora refuses the move. I didn't investigate the cause then but I have just come up against a brick wall with the Red Hat Enterrise Linux 6. It was one out of the 4 I just moved. The others are operating happily. The RHEL will boot to a Grub screen. When I select the user account and type in the password it just refreshes the screen as though the password could not be accepted. I can boot up another Linux, mount the RHEL partition, change root to it and change my normal user password. Better still why don't I create a new user and another password.
Same result. I could not pass the log in screen with revised password or from a new account which got displayed. How about a little trick told by Justlinux library file --> to alter the run level. So I mounted the RHEL partition, changed root to it, edited the /etc/inittab and amended the run level from 5 (for X desktop) to 1 (single user - terminal mode). RHEL now boots to a root terminal! Success in a sense that my RHEL boots as expected and there was never a problem with booting. However newer Linux do not permit root log on to the desktop so I cannot check the log in with the ordinary user account to X. After I fiddled with the various files/parameters related to the gdm and X still no joy so I cut my loss and post the question here.
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Feb 1, 2010
Objective: To move or backup all the 30 days old files to the other server within LAN. I have tried testing it first within the server by performing below commands:
find /usr/test1/* -mtime +30 -exec mv {} /usr/test2/ ;
But I'm getting "mv: missing file argument" error when I try this.
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Jan 7, 2010
I have an external hard drive that needs to be readable and writable between MacOSX, Ubuntu, and Windows. I also need to work with files over 4gb in size (which can't be done with Fat32, which happens to work with all 3 OS's) I tried MacOS journaled, that didnt work. Before I start reformatting and doing a bunch of guess and check, I wanted to know if the answer was known.
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Oct 17, 2010
How can I move a directory to the root of a drive via command line?
In MS-DOS it would be 'move C:/GAMES/QUAKE C:/'
What is the equivilent in Linux?
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Aug 26, 2009
How do you rename:
Basically, I want to move the digits from the filename to after the extension.
It works for one file if I type:
rename 123.txt .txt.123 abc.txt.123
but I have thousands of files like these.
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Apr 30, 2011
I have a bunch of .7z files in a directory, and I need to put each one of them into a separate directory, named after the file (without extention). The command line I use:
find . -type f | mkdir `sed -e "s:..(.*)...:1:"` ; ls | grep .7z | cp * `sed -e "s:(.*)...:./1/:"`
Copying fails though:
PS. I don't want to use scripts, I want to do it using simple commands and piping.
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Dec 5, 2010
I'm starting bash shell script and I'm looping without any solution.
I'm trying to find some files under a folder hierarchy and in case of errors moving these files to a destination folder under the same hierarchy recreating this hierarchy if not exists.
Finding all ._* files under /src and moving them to /dest recreating folder1 or the others which contains ._* files but without moving files which does not correspond to the pattern.
I tried find command and I'am getting all needed files
But I don't know how to use the output to get the parent folder of files which are found to
1- create folder with mkdir -p /dest/folder1 or /dest/folder1/folder4
2- move found files from /src/... to /dest/... with rm command
I'm working on a find command as this trying to do all in the same line but ... little lost
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Nov 14, 2010
I am pretty frustrated with Ubuntu security partially because I don't know exactly how to fix things in it like I do windows and you can't always use GUI with Ubuntu which is quite annoying. Basically.. I created a samba share. When I copy files from my Windows machine TO the Samba share the permissions are always screwed up. I can watch the videos but I can't delete them. I have to go into Nautalis? via F2, sudo something and change permissions everytime I copy something into the shared folder. To me, this is stupid.
Another issue... I added a 2nd hard drive to my Ubuntu machine, shared the entire drive. Once again.. when I copy files to the share I can only read them.. I have to keep stealing ownership so to speak over the files. Now, when I want to CUT and PASTE from my Drive "C" Ubuntu to my Drive "D" I dont have access. Ugh... why can't there just be a way to make all files accessable.
Why should I have to pop into a different program to regain permissions everytime. When I create a folder it should STAY that way. Anything I copy into it.. its MINE. Just because I copy from another machine onto THIS machine, I am still the creator of that folder. I SHOULD have access to EVERYTHING in it.
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Jul 11, 2010
I seem to be missing a secure.log or security.log file. I have Ubuntu 10.04 and can't find this file. I looked in the /var/log and ran a search command to no avail. Does anyone know where this file is or is it called something else. I'm looking for a file that logs any change to the security settings of the system.
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Mar 4, 2010
I have limited experience in terminal, but let me first explain what I am trying to do to see if there is some easier way to do it. Basically I want to change the skin in aMSN. I downloaded the new skin but am unable to unzip or move it without /root permissions. I don't know how to acquire this without being in terminal. So I figured there had to be some way to go into the terminal and use it to move the unzipped folder from the desktop to the aMSN skins folder.
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Jul 11, 2010
I'm only just starting out with the Linux ubunto 10.04 OS after yeas of wasted time on Microsoft os's,I hope I'm posting this request for help in the right forum thread, if not please accept my apologies, I have tried searching everywhere for help in installing a firmware file into the File System / lib / firmware directory and each time I get an access denied result. The file is for a DVB board and I have managed to track down the right Linux fw file for this particular piece of equipment, Could some kind helpful person either explain how to get this firmware file into the Root System directory or even send a link to another site that deals with this sort of problemI've downloaded all the programs via the Ubuntu Software Center that should be able to perform this task however all to no avail.The reason why I posted this thread in this forum board is that it (in my own personal opinion which may be wrong) seems to me to be a security problem
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Oct 19, 2010
i am investigating on solutions to trace a file deletion on a computer( Linux O/S).i also need to determine weither after a file deletion or download on a computer, the computer clock had not been modified. In case a file has been downloaded on a computer and then transferred to a removable device, i need to find out the file activity. i mean i should be able to tell that the file was downloaded and transferred to a device with possible specifications.
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Dec 16, 2009
Suppose I have a binary program with only execute permission enabled for the current user. How (in general) would I be able to obtain a core dump of the file? I think I have read it somewhere but I want to know if there are more ways of doing it.
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a Samba share set up on a SUSE server and users connect to the share via Windows XP workstations. On SUSE, if I create a file and grant ownership to "administrator" and give it 770 permissions for example, when someone goes in to modify that file, they become the owner as soon as they save it, and the permissions change to 470 (r--rwx---+) with an access control list. I want to maintain ownership of the file myself and I don't understand why someone changing the file is changing the permissions on it...This is driving me insane because every time someone saves something I have to go in and chmod 770 it before they can save it again.
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Jul 7, 2009
i am trying to set the file permissions for the log files "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" and "/var/log/gdm/:0.log". These files seem to be created when a user logs into a whokstation (my guess so far). I am trying to comply with a security mandate that all log files in the directory /var/log are set to 0640. The two mentioned files always seem to have the permissions 0644, does anyone know where and when these filea are created and how I might set the permissions when the files are created
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Jul 23, 2010
way to move one file or directory from one linux server to another linux server using RSYNC command wihout password.?
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Nov 3, 2010
Have a Seagate 1TB HDD inside an Antec MX1 case. Never given me any problems. Last night I was trying out mkvtoolnix on a .m4v rip. After mkvtoolnix did its thing I tried to move the new file back to the external. I got an error. "There was an error while moving file ***" Now the Seagate won't let me copy or move any files outside of that folder.
All's I can figure out for sure is this: I had the Seagate plugged into a USB port that apparently is failing. While trying to figure out what was wrong, I unmounted the Seagate, unplugged it from the USB port, and plugged the wireless mouse receiver into the same USB port. The mouse doesn't work. It does work on all the other ports.
Some of the rips have weird symbols instead of the "dot" between filename and the "m4v" or "mkv" extension. It appears to my uneducated eye that the folder's been corrupted. Or maybe permissions?
So I took the Seagate to another Ubuntu PC. The Seagate still refuses to let go of any rips in the "Rips" folder. I plugged in another external HDD so I could compare permissions. When I right-click and go into Properties, both drives say Permissions could not be determined, but the second external HDD "just works" while the Seagate is balled up.
This seems a little dumb, but since I'm not a Linux guru I go for the easy ideas - I also pulled the Seagate 1TB drive out of the one enclosure and tried it in another enclosure. Made no difference.
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