Security :: Implement Rbldns Or Any Similar Thing Which Could Work Over Ssl

Feb 23, 2010

if it is possible to implement rbldns or any similar thing which could work over ssl?

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Ubuntu :: Thing Similar To Dolphins Columns For Nautilus?

Jan 29, 2010

Is there anything like Dolphins Columns for Nautilus? Just wondering if there is any add on i could use to get this functionality?

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Security :: Is Live CD Safest Thing For Doing B*nking?

Jun 24, 2010

Want to know if using a live CD, say Knoppix, gives a good level of protection when moving money about? I am very unsophisticated on the subject of security.This question has been addressed before on this site Code:if you have enough RAM you can ignore your local disks all together, and avoid the security risk of a swap file
How you do that then?Perhaps it would be better to use an operating system inside the software computer, virtual box, that only ever gets used for this b*nking purpose?

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Ubuntu :: Does Any Thing Other Than Firefox Work

Mar 30, 2010

Having been given a P4 computer "not running fast" had xp on it.I decided that the time had come to improve on Microsoft so I added an extra 1gb ram downloaded ubuntu, burn off a cd and set to work loading this computer with Ubuntu

Try 1 failed, boot of disk but stalled
Try 2 failed boot off disk but full of errors.
Try 3 from within windows, yes we have Ubuntu dual boot with a fresh install of XP, looking good took it off the work bench and plugged into my KVM system. Reboot.Err where is {Ubuntu} bit like a rabbit and hopped off the drive
Try 4 Boot up from inside windows only this time a full reformat and full install of "Bunny" {well it has hopped off once} so from now on, I shall call ubuntu Bugs after bugs bunny that well known cartoon fool. (What's up Doc)

Low and behold I now have a fully ? no! a working version of Bugs now running.Test it on U-tube, download install plug-in all working, let the kids now on it to try it out.Yip, bebo , facebook run A OK, and the built-in sound card works, great I can play a bit of music.At this point things start to fall apart.Rhythm-box, it will not play any of my mp3 files that I put on the hhd, it tells me but I downloaded the whole CD from Ubuntu web site.And when I try other things to download to play music I get the following message or same as.Now the last thing I want to learn is a complete new language.If bugs can not play standard mp3 files like every man and his dog has, what is the point in having a poor rated file player.

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Implement Forced Commands In SSH

Jan 5, 2011

I am trying to set up an automatic backup using rsync and a publickey SSH, which requires using an empty password on the private key. I would like to lock down the key on the server so that it can only run rsync, but my attempts to use a forced command (or any other option such as no-port-forwarding) do not appear to have any effect when I run ssh -v.

I am currently debugging using the following line in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


But when I connect, it opens up an interactive command prompt and does not display the "goodbye world" that I expect.

I am running an OpenSSH server on Ubuntu 10.04

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Security :: How To Avoid Similar Vulnerabilities In Their Own Code

May 5, 2010

Google just announced the release of Jarlsberg, a microblogging app specifically designed to be full of bugs and security flaws.The app is being released through Google Labs and Google Code University as a security tutorial for coders. Google is encouraging programmers to try their hands at exploiting weaknesses in Jarlsberg as a way of teaching them how to avoid similar vulnerabilities in their own code.

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Security :: How To Create IPTables Rule Similar To Tcpdump

Feb 23, 2010

I'm not an iptables expert. Anybody know how to create a rule/chain that will log info similar to what tcpdump -s0 would do?

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Security :: Handle Checking For A Similar Previous Password?

Oct 9, 2010

What's the best way to handle checking for a similar password?

IE. What would a possible algorithm be to generate the error "this password is too similar to one of your previous passwords"

I thought about adding the ascii value of each letter and then adding them and looking for at least a difference of X.

What methods have yall seen used for this?

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Ubuntu :: Using Tty1 - Possible To Do More Than One Thing

Jun 18, 2010

I'm using tty1. Lets say I am listening to music there can't I do another thing at the same time read or writing to files or plus can the default login take me there instead of tty8.

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Hardware :: Getting Rid Of That CD Thing With WD Harddrives?

Jul 8, 2011

Does anyone know how to delete that virtual CD thing that is built into WD harddrives? Nothing I've tried works and I can't find anything about it online. If it can't be deleted, can it at least be disabled so that I don't have to look at the cd icon every time I plug in the hd?

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Debian :: Squeeze And Testing The Same Thing?

Apr 9, 2011

just installed testing on my netbook. my sources.list file all say wheezy. it was my impression that debian testings nickname was squeeze. are wheezy and squeeze the same thing?

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Ubuntu :: All The Folders Open The Same Thing ?

Jan 16, 2011

When i try to open any folder it opens the background tab in appearances and preferences instead of that folder.

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Ubuntu :: Two Keys Mapped As The Same Thing?

Jun 26, 2011

After pissing around with Kubuntu all evening, I wish I had hair to pull out in screaming frustration. After trying everything from Xbindkeys to animal sacrifices and voodoo spells to get my multimedia keys working, I now find that both the Windows key and the End key are mapped as F14. Problem is that it's the End key opening the K Menu, not the Windows key.

How can two keys get mapped as the same thing?! And how do I get the End key back to just the End key? I'm close to calling it quits on Linux and putting Windows back on my laptop.

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Debian :: Flash Working For One Thing But Not Other / What To Fix It?

Apr 21, 2010

Ok I have gone through a week of trying to get flash downloaded. I finally did. I went on the fastest thing I could to make sure it worked which was omegle... the video worked and that meant flash 10 was installed now. But whenever I go onto something that requires flash like a video or game then it doesn't work.

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Server :: MySQL & Slack 12.2 With Getting The Thing To Run?

Mar 3, 2010

i installed MySQL 5.1.44 on my laptop and at first (2 days ago) it worked perfectly. I then decided to install the same thing on my server that also runs slack 12.2... it never worked. I initially followed the instructions step by step in the MySQL manuals and website, tried to get help from google, etc, but still doesnt work.

Basically, when I run /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld start, I get:

nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysql/
100303 19:28:10 mysqld ended


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General :: Can't Believe That Program That Does Same Thing Doesn't Exist

Sep 14, 2010

For our class project we are going to use HyperTerminal to communicate to something we are building that is attached to our laptops using USB. We're supposed to use HyperTerminal.URL...I can't believe that a program that does the same thing doesn't exist in Linux. What programs that can do the same thing are available in Linux and Mac OSX?

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Ubuntu :: Sony DVD RW - No Such Thing As Blank Disc?

Jan 3, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 9.10 and I'm having difficulty with my Sony DRU-540a & burning CDs. No matter what, every disc I put in is unwritable. In Brassaro it says:
There is No Recordable Disc Inserted
So I tried Nero & that also said there was no recordable disc. I know these discs are blank, I just bought them yesterday. They're the same type of disc I used before switching permanently to ubuntu. When trying to play an audio cd with VLC I get the following error:
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'cdda:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.
I installed ubuntu with this drive, why can't ubuntu read it?

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Ubuntu :: Make A Program The Usuable Thing?

Sep 25, 2010

I was curious if you can make a program (lets call it cplay for music). The only thing allowed during a session. I ask this because I wanted to use my laptop as a boom-box for when I have friends over and what not. But I only want them to be able to scroll through Cplay and change the song if they find something else they like. With out them being able to open anything else. I have it so all you can do in the terminal is the Cplay options and you can not end it without ending the Terminal session it self. But now I want only that to be allowed and nothing else. (if you understand what I mean).

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Ubuntu :: Display The Same Thing On Two Monitors Simultaneously?

Nov 18, 2010

I'm planning on getting an HDTV soon, and I'd like to be able to hook it up to my computer so that I can watch movies on it through my computer. I don't want to have dual monitors in the traditional sense where my desktop is spread across two screens. Rather, I just want my desktop to appear exactly the same on both my monitor and TV.

Is this possible? And if so, what would be the best way to go about doing this? My video card has two DVI ports, so I was planning on running a cable from the unused port to my TV and using a DVI-VGA adapter. Or would I be better off getting a TV with an S-video port, which I also have on my card, and connecting it that way

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Ubuntu :: Orbit Downloader For 10.10 - Not Displaying Any Thing

Dec 1, 2010

I installed wine in Ubuntu 10.10. I was able to install orbit downloader in Wine, but when I try to run it is not displaying any thing?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Thing To Shut Down By Going To Start Menu

Dec 4, 2010

I am giving my old PC to my parents and I installed Kubuntu 8 (Hardy Heron) s the PC was rather old and now I can't get the thing to shut down by going to thte start menu. I usually have to go the power switch which then kubuntu picks up and shuts down normally. On shutting down, a load of error messages come up regarding knetworkmanager.

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Debian Hardware :: RTL8191S_USB - How To Finish Out Last Bit To Get Thing Working

Jan 16, 2011

lsusb shows this:


I know the thing is there and Linux is able to identify it. However, using the drivers included with the device (rtl8192su_linux_2.6.0002.0707.2009) and later other drivers (rtl8712_8188_8191_8192SU_usb_linux_v2. and the firmware realtek package as well, Modprobe shows nothing. Also *tried* to follow instructions to the best of my ability from these sources:


I am still running lenny 2.6 on a dell latitude d505 (circa 2006) running the x86 32-bit debian distro. The USB device is produced by Sabrent and contains the realtek 8191s IEEE 802.11N chipset. After all effort so far, my guess is that the 8192 drivers are not compatible with the 8191 chipset, but then why were they included with the device and why do the 8191 drivers still reference 8192?

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Fedora :: Stopping And Replaying File Causes Same Thing To Happen Again

Jul 29, 2009

I am having a problem with sound in a range of applications. Playing an mp3 file is OK for 30 seconds or so, and then it seems to skip and make crackling noises. Stopping and replaying the file causes the same thing to happen again. I have installed all the mp3 codecs so i'm not sure what's going on.

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Fedora :: New Install - Cannot Log In - Changes The Screen - Gives A Spinny Cursor Thing

Aug 11, 2010

I finally managed to install Fedora onto this machine and get it to the login prompt. That is where I've come unstuck: I try to login, it changes the screen, gives a spinny cursor thing, then a little shake and back to the login screen.

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OpenSUSE :: Not Capable Of Operating Computer Thing Correctly?

Aug 12, 2010

After installing 11.2, using KDE, there was a transparent folder on the desktop containing a set of icons. Like openSUSE and Online Help and a couple of others. If I clicked on it, a menu would come out of the right side of it. I clicked on the X and the folder went away, never to be seen again. I tried to find how to get it back but was unsuccessful.

After installing 11..3, using KDE, there it was again! After monkeying around with it for a while, I clicked on the X and again, it seems gone for good! I still can't find how to get it back!

Also, it seems no one else has this problem so I guess I'm just not capable of operating this computer thing correctly.

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Ubuntu :: Thing Copied In Firefox No Longer Exists

Aug 13, 2010

I seem to be having some problems with the clipboard. If I copy something in firefox, then quit out of firefox, the thing I copied no longer exists. I don't think this used to happen, I'm sure I would have noticed before now.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Pictures

Dec 13, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10. All things have been working well and as expected until tonight. I was updating some flac files using easyTAG (AAC), adding pictures and changing things a little, then dropping them into a Sansa Fuze+. All things I've done with this setup before and with no problems. I close easyTAG and try to open: Places/ Pictures. Instead of the normal brouser up pops easytag at the pictures directory.

I test all other Places. For each Place selected easyTAG opens instead of the usual brouser. I go to synaptic and remove easyTAG and then restart the system. All is now normal again (except that easyTAG is missing). I reload easyTAG and once again it has put itself as the preferred tool to view directories. How do I restore things to normal and what have I done?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Use Like Mail Server To Prepare Every Thing For Step?

Jan 19, 2011

step by step to use this as mail server and if it will be hard i need help from him to give me books and i will read and start to use also i need ex plane what i need to use like mail server to prepare every thing for this step it will be more great if i found this in this forums because i read a lot in web sites but i cant found any helpful thing in this case.

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Debian :: Update One Single Thing On Machine Without Apt-get Upgrade?

Jan 27, 2011

i wonder how i can update one single thing on my debian machine? without apt-get upgrade. lets say i just want to update my awstats install but not my php install, or my kernel version but not someting else, how can i do this ?

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General :: Does Have An Accessible Image Cache Sort Of Thing

May 8, 2010

I know in windows, there are such files that even if you don't have the original, the link is still in place, and you can at least get a thumbnail. My computer crashed with my camera card in it, and...partially restored my camera card? So, the pictures I took last night, have hodgepodged with other files, making them useless. The only possible backup I have for these pictures is any kind of history file ubuntu 10.02 may have made while I viewed them off the card.

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