Security :: Mounting FTP Server As /backup?

Jan 27, 2010

I want to be able to mount an ftp account to a local folder, I have set up a ftp server that is working fine, I have tested it with a few windows ftp clients and it works fine. I am trying to use CurlFtpFS to mount it to /backup as I know it is supported but am running into an error I cant get around. I have tested that my box can access the server using the ftp command, see below


root@Fileserver:/# ftp
Connected to
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.6)


but when I try to use CurlFtpFS I get a Error connecting to ftp: Access denied: 530" error, see below


root@Fileserver:/# curlftpfs
Error connecting to ftp: Access denied: 530
root@Fileserver:/# curlftpfs ftpuser:ftpPa$$w0rd@ /backup


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Security :: Mounting Centralized NAS Server With NFS?

Mar 24, 2011

- we have a bunch of linux servers.

- lots of users work with linux Desktops. They use them as testing servers.

- All the infrastructure has the Authentication services linked by Quest Auth Services againts an AD. This gives us the option of logon scripts, startup scripts, and other things.

- One interesting option this Quest thing gives us is SUDO management. We can edit sudoers file by GPO politics.

- Now we are deploying a NAS server from Hitachi with cifs and NFS mapping capabilities.

- Servers are managed by IT, so nobody can go root except us.

- Desktop users will also mount the NFS shares so they will be able to work with real data and read their own data from servers.

- Desktop users can go sudo su.

- If desktop users go from root to another user, the NFS let them work as they where the other user.

I would like to keep them from swithching users, but only between AD users, they must be able to switch to apache user or postgres user.

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Server :: Backup Script / Routine That Is The Mounting Is Not Working That The Script Is Stopping?

Jun 7, 2010

I have made a backupscript that simply copy files to an external harddisk with the command cp -a.

Before the backup script start I'll mount the external harddisk with mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/USB/backup. And after the script the external harddisk will be unmounted.

This all works great. But when the user is forgotten his external device the script is written the files to the system partition and that is a big problem.I've seen a lot of backup scripts who has the same problem.

Can I build in some routine that is the mounting is not working that the script is stopping?

Or are there some better ideas to avoid this?

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Ubuntu :: Restore Backup Server - Where Is The Location Backup Snapshots Or Files Are Saving

May 10, 2011

I install and tested Restore EE Backup server on a test PC with basic configuration and its working fine.


The issue i have is where is the location these backup snapshots or files are saving? I want to add a separate Storage to save the backup?

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Software :: Backup A Few Servers And A Bunch Of Desktops Onto One Backup Server?

May 10, 2010

Does anyone know of any decent enterprise level backup solutions for Linux? I need to backup a few servers and a bunch of desktops onto one backup server. Using rsync/tar.gz won't cut it. I need like bi-monthly full HDD backups, and things such as that, with a nice GUI interface to add/remove systems from the backup list. I need basically something similar to CommVault or Veritas. Veritas I've used before but it has its issues, such as leaving 30GB cache files. CommVault, I have no idea how much it is, and if it supports backing up to a hard drive rather than tape.

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Security :: 10.04 Doesn't Ask For Password When Mounting?

May 15, 2010

when i would mount a drive (internal, external, ntfs) in 9.10 it would ask for the root password. now 10.04 doesn't do that. how can i go back to that scenario?

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Server :: Server Configuration For Small Office Server, Which Smtp, Pop Imap Server And Backup?

Apr 2, 2010

I have installed a linux server in my office to run 16 machines. Its main use will be a internal mail server but will be also running websites.

I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 server x64 and have got apache running.

I am looking for the simplest more robust solution for smtp, pop3 and imap. I have only ever used qmail before and found it a pain to configure and its getting old so I though I should probably try something new. I have not much experience with running pop3 or imap on linux so would love a suggestion on that.

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Disable Drive Mounting

May 11, 2011

I wish to prevent a user account with sudo rights from mounting attached storage, i managed todo this with ubuntu Version 8 using gnome-polkit i think it was, however i'm not able todo this in 11.04 now , has anyone got a direction i can look in, i googled alot but my searches all come up with auto mounting or how to mount drives

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Security :: Disabling Networking And Mounting Capabilities?

May 31, 2011

I'd like to modify a linux distro, specifically Puppy, so that the drivers/mechanisms for mounting local HDDs and Networking is Disabled completely. A step further than simply disabling "auto-mounting" at boot time, I don't even want mounting to be possible (at least by default).Likewise, further than just disabling network devices, I'd like to remove the ability to use network devices. How are these "mounting" and "device drivers" mechanisms implemented, where are they, and what are my options?

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Security :: Define An Appliance Based On Suse For An Application Server And Web Server Apache - Best Network And Security?

Feb 6, 2010

We are trying to define an appliance based on Suse for an application server and Web server Apache, so we would like to know configuration best practices for network and security, is there any paper/doc about best practices?

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Ubuntu Security :: Backup And Encrypt Using GPG

Jan 20, 2010

I'm currently writing a simple script which uses luckyBackup to backup my /home directory to /tmp. I then want to tar it, encrypt it with gpg and move it onto a usb stick. My question is that suppose my hard disk died and I needed to restore from this USB backup, would I still be able to decrypt the file given that I would have lost gpg keys etc when the disk died? (I would still know the passphrase though). Should I be backing up gpg files separately?

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Security :: Backup Securely With Rsync?

Jul 11, 2010

To copy from production to standby over the internet I use a cron job doing rsync -avze 'ssh -p 8022' --exclude-from= ....

My question is: should the cron job run on the production or the standby system. Root access to the remote system is given by a pass phrase-less ssh key. Currently I run rsync on the production system. I guess that it is more secure because the standby needs no ssh login to production. Running rsync on the standby would use less resources on production. I am concerned that in this case there would be pass phrase-less access from standby to production.

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Ubuntu Security :: Password While Mounting Disks In Lucid ?

May 9, 2010

In Ubuntu Lucid 10.04, when I click a disk in the left panel of Nautilus for the first time, the disks are getting mounted without asking a root password. This was not in the case for the previous versions of Ubuntu. how can I turn this feature on in Lucid.

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Ubuntu Security :: Different PWD For Login And Mounting Encrypted /home

Nov 13, 2010

I've just reinstalled my box with an encrypted home (used the encrypt home option when installing). I have a query in this regard - suppose I lose the box. Won't it be possible for someone to drop into root, reset my passwd and then access my /home. Is there anyway of having a different passwd for accessing /home? My ~ is on a different partition from /.

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypted Backup With Duplicity?

Feb 20, 2010

I managed to make an encrypted backup of my ubuntu box onto my server and was also able to restore it. I mainly followed this tutorial here. Altough everything worked fine I have two questions:What is that part for ? Quote: export PASSPHRASE=your_passphrase

Just for the fun of it, and to see how it would handle incremental backups I ran the backup command a second time and was, to my surprise, asked to provide my GpG password. Whys that? And how can I "auto-login", since I would like to run this command in a cron job.

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Server :: Sync File Server Data Into Backup Server Machine By Command- Rsync -avu?

Jun 21, 2011

iam trying to sync file server data into backup server machine by command- rsync -avu path/of/data ipaddress-of-backup-server:/path/where/to/save after running it ask for root password and manually it is successful.but i want to make it automatic.for that i also tried cronjob and also generated authentication key but iam not successful in login automatically..anybody know how to authenticate root to login for storing data in backup server.

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Ubuntu Security :: Disallow Users Mounting NTFS Volumes?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a system, I want only my sudoer account to show and automount NTFS partitions under 'Places' in Ubuntu. Simply, they shall not have access to mount it. Only my main sudoer user account shall take advantage on this show-and-possibly-automount feature of GNOME, but not anyone else.

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Ubuntu Security :: Best Encryption / Backup And Synchronization Scheme

Jun 7, 2010

I would like a seamless way of having personal files encrypted (at this point I am only worried about the home directory) and synchronize these files between different computers and with an external hd.

So far my partial solution is:
1) Default Ubuntu eCryptfs solution;
2) Unison to synchronize between the upper layers of both computers via ssh (operating on the /home/$USER mounted by ecryptfs) and also between one computer and the external HD;
3) Don't know about the external hd.

- I don't want any pain about data loss or data leak if my hardware gets stolen;
- Data in /tmp, /var and swap are not that important for me right now;
- It is very important to synchronize fast, incrementally and properly: propagating deletions rather than reverting and detecting change-change/change-delete conflicts before miss-propagating changes, which as far as I know only Unison is good at;
- Even if I could set the same passphrase on both computers (I guess I can, but Ubuntu does not offer me to choose the ecryptfs passphrase) I want to see the true filenames that are being synchronized;
- If possible I would like to simplify the whole scheme so that each computer is doing its own job seamlessly, and operating on the upper decrypted layer looks simple and robust;
- I would like a more general and easy-to-use scheme for the external device, so other folks use it too;
- If possible I would like ext4 backups, so it remembers file permissions etc... however it would be nice to be able to open it from Windows.

Are (1) and (2) above really good solutions or am I missing something? What are the best solutions for (3)? So far I have seen cryptsetup/palimpset and truecrypt. The more native and floss the better, but being crossplatform is nice. What are the pros and cons, and what's their relation to FreeOTFE and other Windows tools?

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Security :: Create A Backup Script For Files / Folders?

Jan 18, 2010

I m going to create a backup script for my files/folders...

This script creates tar.gz of the folders/files you want.

This i want is to encrypt these .tar.gz files and when i need them to decrypt them. Does anyone have an idea on how to encrypt these files ?

my script looks like this :

BACKUPDATE=$(date +%d%m%Y)
cd /home/n3t
echo "taking Backup of your home/n3t/Downloads dir"
tar -czvf /media/disk/BACKUP/home/Downloads/$BACKUPDATE.tar.gz ./Downloads

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Security :: Write A Script To Manage Daily Backup On A USB HDD?

Aug 13, 2010

I am about to write a script to manage daily backup on a USB HDD. The server that holds the data works 24 hours a day and therefor, is seldom rebooted. I have 2 options :

OPT 1 : I mount the usb drive once and for all, and copy the data to it when I need to (twice a day, no more) and never unmount it. Except when the server is rebooted of course.

and OPT 2 : I mount the drive, copy the data and unmount it ASAP twice a day when the time has come to backup the data.

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Ubuntu Security :: Scanning External Windows Backup Drive?

Feb 15, 2011

I've been struggling with the problem of scanning an external drive that is used to store the backup from a Windows 7 machine. The Windows 7 machine was infected but the user continued to backup to the external drive. He has since formatted his machine and reinstalled Windows 7, but now he would like restore whatever he can from the backup on the external drive. I've been attempting to scan the external drive for viruses using ClamTK by connecting it to my laptop running Ubuntu 10.04, but it has not worked. There is supposed to be about 10 gigs of backed up data, but I haven't seen any. I don't know why it is not mounted.

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Ubuntu Security :: Cannot Restore Deleted Directory Using Rdiff-backup

May 17, 2011

I have carefully made daily backups using rdiff-backup, so in the case of needing to restore I can do so.

But I deleted a directory yesterday, and made a backup in the evening. Therefore, the directory is not in the latest mirror, but in the incremental backup from yesterday.

Now I need to restore the directory. But I cannot figure out how to!

I can see the directory in yesterday's incremental backup; i.e., the following works:


Where [backupdir] is the backup (mirror) directory, and [nameofdir] is the name of the directory I'm trying to restore.

So, I have tried to restore. This is the type of thing I have tried:


Where to-restore.lst holds the name of the directory to restore (in rdiff-backup's format) and [restoredir]is where I want the restored directory to go to.

But, I get errors like:


Useful file specifications begin with the base directory or some pattern (such as '**') which matches the base directory. Well, obviously the file specification doesn't exist in the [restoredir]. That's because I'm trying to restore it! If I try to create an empty directory first, it complains:


How do I restore a deleted directory from a previous day's backup to a designated destination?

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Security :: Site Definitely Hacked - Can't Delete Files To Restore Backup

Apr 9, 2010

I've discovered that after restoring my site's backup this has happened to me again. How to delete the hacked /home/crocbits directory so that I can restore the backup under the same username. When I try to delete /home/crocbits I get this message when logged in as root:


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Ubuntu Security :: SkyDrive + Encryption - Safe Backup - ADrive's Uploader Is Not On Https

May 6, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to use's 50 GB's or SkyDrive's 25 GB's of free storage to backup my computer automaticaly.


1. With ADrive I can select all my files at once through their website's uploader vs SkyDrive where you have to select them one by one. There are some third party programs, like Gladinet, which will mount sky drive to your computer like an extra drive, though I haven't found one for linux yet. This guy came up with a cool way to backup automagically with Windows: [URL] I am trying to figure out how to do the same thing with Linux.

2. ADrive's uploader is not on https, whereas SkyDrive is. Either way I wanted to encypt my files on my computer first so when I back them up, they are safe in case they should fall into the wrong hands, not that I don't trust Microsoft or whoever ADrive is with all my most precious documents, but I'd rather error on the side of safety.

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Ubuntu Security :: GRsync --Exclude Command Syntax / Backup A Whole Startup Disk To Another?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm trying to backup a whole startup disk to another with GRSYNC but I don't need some files or directories. For example, I don't want to backup my 'swapfile1' (I do not have a dedicated swap partition) or the 'media' directory' in order to no enter a looping sync.I've searched the web for the correct syntax of the --exclude command but none have worked if applied in the advanced option "before" rsync starts. These a sample of NOT workin syntaxes:

exclude /media or -- exclude 'media' or -- exclude "media"

same for swapfile1:

exclude swapfile1 or -- exclude 'swapfile1' or -- exclude "swapfile1"

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Server :: Mounting A Storage Device Of Other Servers Using NFS On Another Server

Aug 2, 2011

Setup1: Two rack mounted servers with a common storage device serving as the home directories for users on the servers. The storage device is a gfs partition mounted on the servers as the home directory using SAS cables. These servers have RHEL 5.4 as the installed operating system.

Setup2: A standard tower server with Debian 6 as the operating system used for tape backups. This has a tape drive connected to it.

Question: How to mount the storage device of setup1 using NFS on the server in setup2.

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Server :: Way To Backup A Web Server With One Hard Drive Running Live?

Mar 13, 2011

I currently have a centos 4.4 I believe running with a 250GB hard drive. I want to make an image of that hard drive. I have tried removing the drive and connecting it to my windows pc using an adapter that would allow my windows machine run the hard drive as it was a regular external hard drive. Of course windows doesn't reconize that drive since it is linux partitioned. I am thinking that I need to have the hard drive inthe box I am wanting to copy and put in a blank drive in the box that I want to copy to. And boot from a live CD and use cat or dd to copy it. I have seen the commands before bust I am thinking this is the only way. Basically I am wanting to have a duplicate of the drive and build a whole new server that is already all setup.I will just change the host name and assign it another Public facing UP. Is this correct? Oh, and the new server will have different hardware. Might even be AMD or intel different from source or destination.

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Server :: Backup Live System - Home Server

Sep 11, 2009

I'd like to know what solutions do you, people, use to backup a live system that acts as a small home mail/file/irc/web server and some other purposes. For example, right now, to backup the mail, I have to stop fetchmail, kill vixie-cron to avoid any problem and then do the backup. Then restart vixie-cron.I wonder if there's any solution that will leave me do the backup without all this hassle.

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Server :: Red Hat 6.1 Server Backup On WinXP Client?

Sep 6, 2010

My office uses a local Linux server running Red Hat 6.1 for an ancient text-based accounting program. The client computers (about 5 or so) run WinXP pro and use Tinyterm emulator to log in to the server. One of the client computers (we'll call it client1) had a user in Windows configured to do scheduled backups of the Linux server. The office worker for client1 was instructed to log in to xp as the backup user and leave the pc on all night and it would backup the linux server, then it would copy that backup to an external hard drive, attached to client1.

The c: hard drive on client1 died and no backups were available. I have restored the computer with a fresh xp install, but I have no idea what method was used to back the server up. I'm sure samba was used but I cannot find any documentation or instructions left behind by whoever set the system up. I have the ip address of the server and have restored tinyterm to be able to log in from client1. I also have access to the command line on the server. I just need help with being able to back the linux server up from a windows xp client.

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Ubuntu Security :: Installing LAMP Server On Laptop - Security?

May 8, 2011

I'm concerned about security of having a LAMP server on my laptop as having any server makes the system less secure. However, if I were to create a new partition and install a lamp server on that and only use it when offline, would the security of my main partition be affected at all?

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