Red Hat / Fedora :: Use A Livecd On CentOS 5.5 In VMWare?
Apr 7, 2011
I have centos 5.5 on vmware, and I'm trying to boot up from the live cd so that I can fix some issues that I'm having. I have vmware pointing at my cd drive, I mount the cdrom and when I ls, it lists the contents of the cd. But when I go to reboot centos, it doesn't boot from the cd and just boots normally.
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May 27, 2010
I have installed CentOS on a VMwareWorktation and that CentOS, i also install VMware Server (suscess) and setup a guest OS that,
but i start this Guest OS, an error show "You may not power virtual machine in virtual machine"...
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Oct 3, 2010
I have been using VMware Player for some time to host Fedora VMware images on Windows XP. I have been using Fedora 11 and 12 (both 32 and 64 bit) and recently started to use Fedora 13.
I use as a base the images provided by thoughtpolice.
I usually install VMware tools and also keep the images updated (yum update) which sometimes changes the kernel.
I have recently had problems with the snapshots not having a network when I restore them. So far I don't have the problem with Fedora 11 and do have it with Fedora 12 (but used not to). I do have it with Fedora 13.
In each case the problem goes away when I uninstall the VMware tools and comes back when I install them again.
One of the symptoms is that SElinux complains about not being able to do something with /var/run/vmware-active-nics.
It looks to me that something is incorrect in the actions being taken when the snapshot is being restored. It does not happen every time and sometimes the network restores itself.
The network can be restored by rebooting the image.
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Aug 14, 2009
I'm trying to create a CentOS based liveCD that mounts a NFS share and executes one script there. The NFS never mounts altough while logged I can mount it with the very same command that I use in the KS.
In the %post I have :
%post --log=/tmp/post.log --erroronfail
mkdir /mnt/nfs
mount -o nolock /mnt/nfs
I added the --log in order to debug, but nothing is written in /tmp/post.log. I tried redirection on the mount command with >> /tmp/debug.log but this is not written. Maybe during the post sequence /tmp is RO ? Anyway, I tried with ifup lo, service portmap start in the %post, but doesnt change (I even have a service : command not found in the live cd creator output).
Here is the remainder of the KS :
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
timezone US/Eastern
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Oct 12, 2010
I have a few mail servers, a mail log server and a web server running on Centos 5. Now I have a task: to avoid accidental crashes on the production servers while installing updates, my boss asked me to do clones (these clones will all be VMware virtual machines) of the servers (EXCLUDING the actual e-mails and log contents) and then to run those clones on VMWare Server. This way, first I will install and test updates on the clones and - if they will be running without crashes - I will apply the updates on the real production servers themselves.
I have already installed VMWare Server 2.0 I have a few questions: How do I build the virtual machines to exclude the actual mail files and mail logs? Can I use VMware Converter for this purpose, or do I have to use another program? How do I actually do this cloning? Is there a tutorial on how to do this?
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Jun 14, 2010
i am trying to install centos 5.5 x86_64 as a guest OS in vmware server 2.0.2 using netinstall iso. Installation runs fine until the point, when it tries to install selinux-policy-targeted-2.4.6-279.el5.noarch, the whole virtual pc hangs at this.any ideas? i tried to google few things about this, but i have found nothing. this has happened 3 times in row, whole virtual pc always hangs at the same package. i dont have any other problems with vmware, gentoo runs and installs fine in it.i would prefer to do installation using netinstall.iso, it would take a lot of time to download all cds or whole dvd and all i require is a very basic set of packages.
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Jul 2, 2010
[URL]VMware Workstation 7.0.1 Release Notes has a list of supported OS:[URL]According to that, RHEL 5.4 is listed as supported for both host andguest but CentOS 5.4 is only for guest. This is quite strange and, ifit is true, that could be a serious issue.I succeed to install vmware workstaion 7.1 on centos 5.5, but have run-time error:
[root@ ~]# /etc/init.d/vmware start
Starting VMware services:
VMware USB Arbitrator [ OK ]
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Nov 6, 2010
I have an i5 Thinkpad running Windows 7 64-bit. VT is enabled in the BIOS. I have installed vmware server v 2.0.2 but am unable to install Centos 5.5 x86_64 as a guest OS. The steps that I followed are as follows:1. Created a new VM, specifying RHEL 5 64-bit as the intended guest OS (per vmware documentation - Centos is not available as a selection2. Downloaded all 8 iso files for Centos v5.5 64-bit3. Modified the CD/DVD drive to 'connect at power' and use an iso with the path pointing to the x86_64 iso 1 of 8When I power up the VM, the console window displays 'ISOLINUX 3.11 2005-09-02 Copyright (C) 1994-2005 H. Peter Anvin' and nothing else. The installation splash screen never appears. As a test, I downloaded the first of 7 iso files for the 32-bit version of Centos 5.5 and pointed the CD/DVD drive to that iso. In that case, the installation starts as expected. I would really like to get the 64-bit version installed and running.
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Apr 21, 2010
I installed CentOS on Vmware server 2.0.2
I took a snapshot of my machine with internet working
If I reboot my machine I lose internet. This makes no sense to me.
I ifconfig eth0 down then ifconfig eth0 up and still no internet
Weird thing
I check ifconfig and my bcast ID is when it is supposed to be
(When the internet is working if I check ifconfig the bcast ID is
IF I change my bcast my internet stops working
If I reboot my machine my internet stops working
I checked /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and I see that in my snapshot (where the internet is actually working) the bcast is at
Without rebooting if I edit that script and I put it to .45.255 my internet stops working
If I reboot my machine at any time my internet stops working
I have also just realized that I cannot ping my gateway..
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Feb 13, 2009
Im trying to set up a CentOS 5.1 LiveCD on my PXE/tftp server and am having problems. I can currently successfully install CentOS 5.1 using my PXE server but can not get it to load the Live CD.
I tried following this How To but it doesnt cover a Live CD just a rescue mode. My entry is /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default for the live cd is this:label centoslive kernel centoslive/vmlinuz0 append ks= initrd=centoslive/initrd0.img ramdisk_size=8192 selinux=0 text
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Aug 12, 2010
In my CentOS Bible, written by Timothy and Christopher it refers to a one button that you can install CentOS with one button from the LiveCD, or from CentOS running from the CD and install to the hard drive? I pressed everything and nada, as most everything does not function it seems. What am I missing that may go along with preparing these Dell 2650's?
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Jun 21, 2011
I downloaded the CentOS-5.6-i386-LiveCD.iso and burn it on a CD, as usual. When booting, it does the automatic boot but then crashes, with "Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 354800 (and more)". I am having the same problem with making a boot-able USB. I am not exactly sure what is wrong, I see two folders on the cd LiveOS and isolinux. I'm not sure if it is suppose to be like this, if the burning process when ok. I'm trying to set up a desktop on a pc (with AMD Sempron processor). This is very strange, I ruled out that it couldn't have been my computer (because my Fedora boot disk booted fine), my cd (because it is new and an entirely different brand), or the .iso (because I tested it in VirtualBox, which it booted perfectly).
Files in LiveOS folder:
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May 21, 2009
I checked a couple of locations:[URL]... and none of the files listing checksums do so for the LiveCD ISO neither md5 nor sha1. Being a "trust but verify" sort of fellow. . .
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Nov 29, 2009
I using only Livecd CentOS 5.4 and my system crash in day about ~3-5 times , so I tired and want to know why this happen. (before I used live-cd 5.3 about 3 weeks and this problem still was. info : Linux livecd. localdomain 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:33:56 EDT 2009 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux.I load system perfect and If I just browsing then I will have crash after 5 hours latter , but if I install wine , xmms,lame,xmms-mp3,k3b-mp3,flash-plugin and after installing software I will look movies from internet , or lisining music on xmms mp3 format - my system UPTIME max will be ~30 minutes or less..And I want to ask, or in Live-cd I can start Firewall ? Becouse I think it's not started and then I try to ENABLE its looks like not responding.
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Jun 26, 2010
What are the system requirements for the CentOS 5 liveCD?
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Jun 11, 2011
I'd like to download Cent 5.6, but I'm a bit confused on which ISO I need to download. I can't use any of the torrent files since my company FW won't allow it through. So, should I download the Live CD or ISO 1 through 8? Can I install the Cent from the LiveCD? If I decide to download ISO 1 through 8, how do I then combine them?
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Jul 30, 2009
Coming from Windows. First installed Fedora 11 but lost network and haven't been able to restore network connectivity. Attempted to re-install but during the boot process it complained about creating a soft link to /dev/root (not sure what this is about). So attempted to install CentOS by booting from the LiveCD. Much nicer interface but have no install icon and there doesn't appear to be installation guide. How I can install CentOS?
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Aug 23, 2009
I followed the instructions here: [URL] and then here: [URL] and installed the necessary packages. But when I try building the minimal image as a test, I get lots of errors, as seen in the attached build log. There are lots of things that don't seem to work. Is this project at a state where it's not currently usable? Or do I have a problem with my system configuration? I was running at root.
[root@localhost test]# LANG=C livecd-creator --config=centos-livecd-minimal.ks --fslabel=CentOS-minimal
Filesystem label=CentOS-minimal
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
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Jul 8, 2010
This might sound like a really daft question but how the hell do I install CentOS 5.5? I cant find any guide how to install the dam thing. I ve downloaded "CentOS-5.5-i386-LiveCD-Release2.iso" & burnt this to a CD. I then booted my server form this CD. I see a very nice colourful screen which says "Automatic Boot in 10 seconds". After 10 seconds nothing happens. I then rebooted the server & this time I hit the enter key, I now see a menu with the following options:
Boot (text mode)
Network Instillation
Memory Test
Boot form local drive
If I try the "Boot" or "Boot (text mode)" options nothing happens. Selecting the Network Instillation appears to boot the install I then see a blue & red screen asking me to choose a language I picked English hit OK selected UK as the keyboard type hit OK Installation ethod...... Ive chose Local CDROM but the message says: The CentOS cd was not found in any of your CD drives.
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Oct 4, 2010
after download CentOS-5.5-i386-LiveCD-Release2 i did not found install option ? how can i install it ??? on my laptop ?
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Jan 24, 2011
I'm looking for a good manual "howto install software and personalize CentOS LiveCD 5.5".
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May 30, 2009
iam trying to install centos 5.3 on VMware (workstation edition 6.5) but when i get to partition section i cant find any hard disk i tried to modify on the lsi logic driver but no result what i can do
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May 25, 2009
I am trying run the 5.3 LiveCD on a Dell Inspiron 5100 laptop. If I boot the typical LiveCD I get no display once everything is loaded. If I boot the text version and then perform a startx command I still get no display. I have been able to install other Linux distributions without this type of issue. Is there a way to configure something for the display to function properly?
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May 23, 2010
I've been using Linux for about 2 years now, mostly Ubuntu & derivatives, but I've also tried Fedora, Mandriva, and others. I wanted to give CentOS a try because I'm very interested in going for a Linux+ or similar certification, and so I'm looking to start learning how to configure & maintain Linux servers and so on. I have a friend who's a Linux sysadmin, and he recommended CentOS as a good learning tool.
Anyway, I've only got a wireless connection in my office at home (the actual cable modem is downstairs) so I intentionally chose a wireless adapter that would work with Linux -- it has a Realtek RLT8187 chip, for which there is support built into the kernel, or so I've read. It has worked out of the box in just about every distro I've tried, and indeed it worked OOTB when I tried out the CentOS 5.5 live CD.
However, when I actually installed the CentOS to my hard drive it no longer worked -- I have only a greyed out option for a wired connection (presumably since my motherboard has an ethernet adapter, but there is no connection). Why the wireless would work in the live session but not after install? Is there a firmware file or something I need to track down? I did look on this page, but it doesn't mention anything about RTL8187.
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Dec 9, 2009
I have a serious problem in booting centos 5.4 x86 as shown in the attached picture.I tried to backup before using fsck command, but I could not make a backup of damaged lvm on hard drive.First I made a rescue centos at virtualbox, and installed centos 5.4 x86 on virtual hard disk.And I attatched damaged hard drive. S I can see this damaged hard drive's lvm as attached picture.Please let me know how to backup my files and to use "fsck.ext3 --rebuild-tree using livecd".
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Mar 25, 2011
I get an unhandled exception when installing CentOS 5.5 64bit in vmware. In the details the tracebacks most recent calls seemingly involve python. I have uploaded an image of the exception window:
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Jun 25, 2010
Be it with different options to grub.conf... different options to vmware .vmx file ...
Configuration: host box that have an Intel Quad Core CPU Q8300.
Host is CentOS 5.5 64bit, VmWare 1.0.10, guests are CentOS 5.5 32bit (and an Ipcop test box that have 2.4.x kernel)
Considering the 3 CentOS 5.5 32 bit guests (same config for grub and ntpd), I have 1 VM that usually havent' any timedrift, the remaining 2 VMs gain about 15 mins every hour (!!!). constantly, indipendently from load or Similar problem for the IpCop VM.
I need to disable ntpd daemon and put a cron job because ntpd seems not work (but manual ntpdate work, so no fw problem). Sometime is one of the VM that have no driftime problem; after some host reboot, is another. No matter how I configure it (apparently). The VM's hwclock have little or no drift, the system clock have the drift ... I can't find any logic on this ... Some months ago I use Vmware Server 2.x, but switched to 1.x for the annoyng glib problem and the not appreciated new interface. Initially no problems, next (little time before updating the host from 5.4 to 5.5), problems started ... so no apparent ralations with update from 5.4 to 5.5.
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Jan 11, 2011
I have a new public mail server running under Vmware Server 2.0 installed on Windows Server 2008. I'm not satisfy about performance, virtual machine has got 3gb of ram and 2 virtual cpu. Physical machine has got one intel xeon cpu 2.4ghz quad core, 8 gb of ram and 3 hdd 500gb raid5. I already set this option: Fit all virtual machine memory into reserved host RAM. How can I increase performance? Are there any kernel build for virtual installation?
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Mar 29, 2010
I have a Centos 4.8 linuxbox running in VMWare ESXi 4 and the kernel is 2.6.9-89.0.11.ELsmp. Recently, this linuxbox is quite unstable, it has kernel panic once a week... But we didn't have any configuration changes on it. And I have attached the kernel panic console screen and lsmod for the server.[URL]...
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Jan 29, 2011
I receive sequence of the following errors on CentOS 5.5 64bit when I want to install vmware worksatation 7I searched a lot but gain nothing Code:First this error appear:"Too many virtual machines are running."After that this error :"The maximum number of running virtual machines is 64."and at end :"Unable to change virtual machine power state: Cannot find a valid peer process to connect to"Code:Do you agree? [yes/no]: ySystem path prefix. Please note that choosing a path other than /usrmay result in missing icons, application launchers, and other desktopintegrations [/usr]: System lib directory [/usr/lib]:
Architecture-independent files [/usr/share]:
User level binaries [/usr/bin]:
Super user level binaries [/usr/sbin]:
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