Red Hat / Fedora :: Script Will Create Directories For A Specific Datatype?

May 24, 2010

1. This script will create directories for a specific datatype. Example rickk, rik, rikky etc.2. This script will aslo create subdirectories labeled by the duration of an event.For example if an event where to take place for 5 days, May 5 - 10th. Folders will be labled:20100505, 20100506, 20100507, etc will be included in each datatype.Since this exercise will take 6 days there will be 6 subdirectories under each datatype.3. This script will also create cgi scripts for each of the dataype and day of the the exercise.For example dataype "rik" for May 09 will read rik5.cgi, since May 09 is the 5th day of the exercise.This is how it looks so far, it works great but I realized that if and when I plan to add more datatypes that its going to involve alot of repetivie typing. I figure to simplify this whole thing would be best to use loops. Can someone direct me to some good information concerning loops and sample of loops? I have a feeling that what I need to do is going to involve a nest of loops.

cd $root_dir


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Software :: Make Different Directories For Datatype

May 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a script that will:

1. Make different directories for a datatype.
2. Then create an HTML page for that specific datatype. So that users can access that data for that datatype.

Here is the script for the first part:


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Software :: Create Certain Files And Directories With Specific Owners On The Target Machine

Jun 29, 2010

I'd like to create a tar file on my machine to distribute software to other machines which are all alike (including, usernames, groupnames, etc). I need to create certain files and directories with specific owners on the target machine. In order to do that, I use

tar --create --owner=someone --group=somegroup --file package.tar files. However, for this to work, someone must be in my /etc/passwd and somegroup must be in my /etc/group. Is there a way to fake this so I don't have to create a bunch of users only for that purpose?

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General :: Create A Backup Directory And 3 Directories Within That And Some Files Within The 3 Directories And Then Back Them Up Ot Restore Them?

Dec 19, 2009

i am in need of linux help. iam at college and i need this back/restore script to pass this final part of an assessment. i require a backup script that will not only backup but also restore files to the relevent directories. e.g. users are instructed to store all wordprocessor files in a directory named wp. so i am needing to create a backup directory and 3 directories within that and some files within the 3 directories and then back them up ot restore them. l know i should/have to do this myself by been trying to get/understand info for the last few days and came up with zero.

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General :: Multiple Users To Create Directories Over SFTP So The New Directories Keep The Same Permissions?

May 15, 2011

I want to make a webserver with multiple users allowed to login through SFTP to a specific folder, www.Multiple users are added, lets say user1 and user2, and all of them belonging to the www-data group. The www directory has an owner www-data and a group www-data.

I have used chmod -R 775 on the www folder, but after I try to create a folder test through my SFTP server (using Filezilla) the group of the directory created has only r and x permissions, and I am not able to log in with the second user user2 and create a directory within www/test due to a lack of w permission to the group.

I also tried using chmod 2775 on www directory, but without luck. Can somebody explain to me, how can I make it so that a newly created directory inherits the root directory group permissions?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Create This Link Between The Two Directories Shown Below?

Feb 7, 2011

I need to create this link between the two directories shown below.... So I assume everything that is put into the outgoing directory is copied to

# pwd
ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Jun 25 2008 outgoing -> /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/

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Fedora Installation :: Rpmdev-setuptree Doesn't Create Any Directories?

Jan 16, 2009

I am trying to apply a patch to my linux kernel. I have FC8 with kernel 2.6. I found the following instructions on how to build a custom kernel (which I am following)My problem is that when I run rpmdev-setuptree,t doesn't create any directories, like it should according to the instructions. I am logged as a normal user (not root)in my home directory. I have no idea what's going on

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General :: Specific File Name Renaming In All Sub Directories?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a dir (pub_html) with 45 sub dirsand in each there is a file with name file123.html) what command can I use to rename all files with this name in all sub dirs to file456.html ? I'm on opensuse 11.3

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Software :: Using Find To Only Search Specific Directories?

Jan 9, 2010

how the "-prune" option works. I've searched quite a bit on line, and as far as I can tell, "-prune" works exactly the opposite as it says.

I'm using Apt-proxy, and I want to scan through the folders, and find files that end with "*.bz2" The problem is that the search takes a while because of all the "*.deb" files. Fortunately, they're stored in their own folder:

each have two folders:


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General :: Linking Init Script To Specific Rc0.d, Rc1.d Etc Directories?

Aug 20, 2010

I have written an init script which I have kept under /etc/init.d, I need to create links to the directories rc0.d, rc1.d, rc2.d, rc3.d etc.. So that I can use chkconfig command to control the starting and stopping of the script at specific runlevels.

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General :: Recursive Delete Specific Files From Sub-directories?

Mar 4, 2011

I would like to be able to recursively delete specific various files from a directory and sub-directories. For example:

|_ _rm *file1 *file2 *file3


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General :: List Files In Specific Directories Older Than 1 Day Or 24 Hours

Apr 7, 2011

I am trying to write a simple back up script in python where I try to list the files that are 24 hours old in specific directories that I would choose.I read the manual of find and used

find . -mtime 1 > log.dat

to get the list of files in the log.dat however I also get the path information in that list as such


is there a way to exclude the directories and only get the files list.

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General :: Command To Find A Specific Word In Directories And Subdirectories?

Jun 7, 2010

tell me the command used to find a specific word in directories and sub-directories in linux?

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General :: Command For Listing Files/dirs Recursively Of Specific Directories?

Jul 22, 2011

suppose in my current directory, I have 50 sub-directories. Now, I am interested only in about 20 of those sub-directories (whose names match a pattern). I would like to recursively list the contents of these 20 sub-directories. How do I do that ? I would like to do this in Solaris 10 and Linux(RHEL 5.x).

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General :: Assign Read Privileges To User On Specific Directories And Files

Jan 26, 2011

I am using CentOS 5.5 and I created few users (useradd john etc.) and now I want to assign privileges to this user on some directories and files in those directories. For example I want to give read privileges to directory "/documents" and all of files under that directory.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change The Ownership Of Multiple Files And Directories Under A Specific Subdirectory?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a vary unique problem with file and directory ownership. I need to change the ownership of multiple files and directories under a specific subdirectory.Under this directory structure there are files and directories owned my different users and groups. I need to change all files and directories owned by "user1" to "user2". but if any are owned by "user3" I need those left alone.Is there a simple way to do this or will I need to traverse the structure and change things one at a time.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Create Directories In Ftp?

Feb 20, 2010

I can log in as root and create directories fine etc But when I ftp or when I try to use the file manager on plesk, I get a permission error when I try to create a directory anyone any ideas why it does this ? Also i have a wordpress blog and when I try to add a new theme the theme wont add, because it is unable to create the folder to put the new theme into so this seems to be teh same issue, ive tryed altering the folder permissions but this doesnt many any difference. is there a way to let my ftp and wordpress be able to create directories ?

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Ubuntu :: Create A Directories That Always Stay On Top?

May 6, 2011

have been working how to do this for a while finally getting around to asking....

as a long time windows user I have used a trick of creating directories that will always be the first ones displayed by using an _foldername model, for ex:

A dir
B dir

assuming the four above are directories that is how they are sorted by default in windows and I commonly use this technique for special folders.

for my virtual machines folder in windows looks like this:


where I put base virtual machines in _base and it makes it easy to separate them for all the other folders which are virual machines....SO....

in Ubuntu, I cant figure out a character or way to ensure this type of behavior, for example if I create a _base folder it shows up after a dirs and around the bs etc...

any know a way to create a dir with a special char that will ensure it stays on top?

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Red Hat :: Create And Configure Set-GID Directories For Collaboration?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm studying for the RHCSA certification (Tautology?) and I'm struggling a bit with this objective Quote:Create and configure set-GID directories for collaborationI've followed the instructions on the deployment guide (except that I created a different directory):, whenever I create a file in this new directory (logged in as a member of the owning group), permissions are set to 644, so other group members cannot edit the files.I checked the umask value and it's set to 0022 and the permissions on the directory are set to 2775

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CentOS 5 :: Error: Requested Datatype Primary Not Available

Aug 2, 2009

I get this error:

Error: requested datatype primary not available

# rpm -q centos-release

None of the following actions fixed the error.

# yum clean all
# rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
# rpm --rebuilddb


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Ubuntu Servers :: Create Directories From A .txt File?

Feb 8, 2011

quickest way to create directories from a .txt or .csv file. A single command would be great but I can use a script as well.

The windows equivalent would be:

FOR /F %n IN (newfolders.txt) DO MKDIR %n

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General :: Cannot Create User Home Directories?

Jun 4, 2010

Why when I command "useradd -m barth" do I get the error message: "cannot create directory /home/barth"? It only does this when a partition is mounted to /home.

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General :: Create Directories From A File List?

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to write a script to pick the directory name from a list of file. Here is a detailed picture.Have a file name LIST which contains the follwing for example/apps/oracle/product/test1/apps/oracle/product/test2/apps/oracle/product/test3I need a script that reads these line from LIST and creates foldersin /apps/oracle/product/test1/backup/date/test1 after reading the first line
/backup/date/test2 after readin the second line/backup/date/test3 and so on.

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General :: Create Separate Partitions For Directories AFTER Installing?

Sep 28, 2010

I want to create a separate partition for /home.inuxMint is *already* installed.PartedMagic be used for the same, NOW

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Programming :: Script To Create Some Directories To Organize Photos ?

Sep 15, 2010

I am trying to write a simple script to create some directories to organize photos.

Next I want to cd to the newly created dir DATE_BANDNAME, how can I do that?

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OpenSUSE :: Create Saome Variables To Make Shortcut To Some Directories?

May 25, 2010

Here is the issue:I create saome variables to make shortcut to some directories I go frequently (so, I then I type, e.g. cd $P_DIR). Of Course before that I put a valid value into P_DIR variabe.Also, alias, asalias cls=clearSo, I type cls, and is the same as the commando clear (but shorter)What I want to do is that those variables as aliases stay in the computer when I reboot or turn off and turn on.So, I put "somewhere" (this is the place(s) maybe one for variables, and other for aliases, turn of the computer, and when I turn on, the aliases and variables are still there

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Upload Images Because It Cannot Create The Directories Required

Jun 1, 2010

I'm running OpenSuse 11.0 in a lamp configuration with Apache 2. I configured Apache with the .conf files instead of YAST because I am running virtual hosts (that's another story).

My problem is that my server will not render the pages unless the permissions are set to 775 which I know is not necessary. This is also causing a problem because I am trying to install WordPress onto the server. WordPress will run, but it unable to upload images because it cannot create the directories required.

Apache2 is running as 755 with root as owner and www as group. I changed the owner of the htdocs sub-directories to myself, and created a group that has permissions to write to the directory. WordPress runs as my user and has the same permissions (775).

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General :: Virtualbox - Can't Create Directories In Virtual Box Shared Folder?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm mounting a shared folder in an arch linux guest on a windows 7 host in Virtual Box. The shared folder's filesystem is ext3 and is mounted in windows 7 with Ext2Fsd. I mount the shared folder at boot with this fstab:

D_DRIVE /home/tony vboxsf rw,gid=1000,uid=1000,auto 0 0

I believe my user in the guest OS has the right uid and gid:

[tony@kiwi ~]$ id uid=1000(tony) gid=1000(tony) groups=1000(tony),1002,(vboxsf)

I can create files and remove them fine, but I can't seem to create directories.

[tony@kiwi ~]$ mkdir foo mkdir: cannot create directory `foo': Protocol error

Its weird because the directory looks like its there, sort of.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba - ADS- Automatically Create Home Directories

Mar 22, 2010

At work, using SambaKerberos and ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto, I joined my machine to our ADS network. Again using ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto, I modified both common-account and common-auth with these settings.

file: /etc/pam.d/common-account
account sufficient
account required
file: /etc/pam.d/common-auth


According the the doc, when I first log in as a domain user, it should create the home directiroy /home/<whateverdomain>/<theusername>, but it doesn't.

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Ubuntu :: Script To Create User, Directories And Site In Apache?

May 24, 2011

I've had a recent idea to have PHP take information from a form, save it to a file, which in turn is read from a local script as root (cron) which will create the user account, proper directories, add the website to the Apache sites, and reload Apache. anyone actually accomplished this before? And if so, can I get some links or some ideas to possibly help me on the process of getting started?

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