Red Hat / Fedora :: Extract Particular Data?

Nov 30, 2010

Suppose there is a list of files each containing an IP range with their their respective downloads and uploads. I can extract the IP with successfully from all the files,but when I want to extract the IP with or like this , grep returned with IPs* .How will extract the exact lines having

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Tar - Any Way To Extract Data On Same HD

Oct 6, 2010

I have a host with CentOS 20 GB HD. I want to extract the backup file filename.tar.gz on the host. The file size is 14.9GB and hd is 20. Is there a way to extract the data on the same HD without having to download the file on my local pc and then extract and re-upload.

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Fedora :: Extract Data From Zip Archive With Password?

Dec 11, 2009

Man I can't extract data from a zip archive with password witch contains ")" and "(" characters...See my treminal:Quote:

[swampyx@AMD-RO-HD ~]$ unzip
[] zplW/ password:


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Programming :: Extract Data By Sending Queries To A Website?

Dec 17, 2010

What would be the best way to extract data by sending queries to a website?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.2 & OpenOffice 3.2 \ Find It Necessary To Extract Specific Data From Received?

Oct 14, 2010

Elsewhere is my question about 11.3. I have had to abandon that and 11.3 as my RAM is too small. Now, for the first time in many years, I find it necessary to extract specific data from received .pdf files. According to OpenOffice, editing of these files is only possible from version 3.2. My concern is whether this later vesion will be compatible with 11.2.OpenOffice installed is The same question has been directed to their Forum.

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Ubuntu :: Extract Data From Encrypted Home Partition Without Booting It?

Jul 17, 2010

Around six months ago (last time I reinstalled Ubuntu 9.10), on a whim I decided to check that option to "encrypt [my] home directory". I wanted to see what it was like. Mistake. Since then, I've been unable to figure out how to access the data in my home directory using any method besides booting the computer (usb drive, rip-out-and-stick-it-in-an-enclosure, etc.). Specifically, I find that shell script sitting there that tells you to run it in order to see your files, but it gives some kind of error. I also still have the code Ubuntu tells you to write down in order to decrypt your files.

Fast forward to this past week. I brought in the laptop to Best Buy for repairs to the hinge (the hinge! Ace Hardware could fix this problem! But I wanted to make full use of the service plan.), and I got a phone call a few days later, saying that it hit Best Buy's "No Lemon" policy. They were going to keep my computer and give me in-store credit toward a new one. Of course, I refused to pay ~$70 for them to back up my data for me; what could possibly happen to it when they were fixing a hardware problem?

Anyways, I pleaded with them for my hard drive back, and they said that they could ship the hard drive back to the store so I could get my data off of it. I'm planning on going in there with my external backup hard drive and an external enclosure and doing it myself at the counter (If they charge $70 to back up a Windows partition, how much more will they charge for an encrypted Linux one?). I don't want to embarrass myself by standing around and not being able to get into my own data.

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Fedora :: Where Is 'Extract Here' Option Gone

Jun 12, 2011

Fedora 15 with Gnome 3 is turning out to be dream for me. I am loving it, except few of the old things are gone. I don't care about the not so important stuff but I do care about the Extract here menu option, that I used to have before. I did checked I have latest unrar installed but still I don't see in Nautilus 3.0.2 context menu Extract Here option to unrar compressed files. So, I have to use the Archive manager which I want to avoid. Other feature I am missing is status bar in desktop (bottom bar) any idea how to get that back on gnome 3.

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Red Hat :: Extract RPM From Fedora 12 On CentOS 5.5

Aug 21, 2010

I have problems to compile vanilla kernel on CentOS, so I downloaded kernel rpm from Fedora 12 that is similar version to extract config file from it. However, standard method


rpm2cpio file.rpm | cpio -idmv
does not work. It says something like


cpio: warning: skiped ... lines of junk
cpio: y4: unknown file type
cpio: premature end of file

I tried find answer using Google, but nothing about extraction of this new Fedora rpms on CentOS, only on older Fedora.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Extract Certain Strings From A Variable

Mar 18, 2009

I have one question.

Assumed I have have a variable $userlist, it has the following contents:


How can I write a bash script that extracts all the strings smithk, smithk2, smithk3, etc from variable $userlist, and assigns these strings to a new variable?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Extract Files From A .dd File?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a file : cpq_cciss-2.6.20-34.rhel4.i686.dd which is designed to build a floppy disk; these floppy is used to hold disk driver which is not on RedHat CD-Rom. But this .dd is not complete: some files, like /drivers/pci.ids are missing.My idea is to extract all files from .dd file, put missing files and then re-create a new dd file. But, how can extract all files from initial .dd file, and then recreate a new one?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Extract .part Files

Jul 8, 2011

I'm trying to extract .part files. These are mac extensions similar to .rar or .zip. I need to extract a whole bunch of them simultaneously. Theyre probably registered in sequence just like .rar files. What program can I yum install or where should I look to extract these to what will probably be an ISO.

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Fedora :: Can't Extract With Unrar / Make This Work?

May 18, 2010

I have a .rar file called Japanese, and every time I enter the command "unrar e Japanese.rar", I get the response "Cannot open Japanese.rar No such file or directory No files to extract".

I've done everything on this site, but I can't get it to extract. What do I have to do to make this work? Do I need to set the directory or something? I've seen other people mention that as a solution for other problems, but have no idea how to do it.

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Fedora :: How To Extract Line From Text File

Aug 24, 2010

I'm trying to figure this error message out. This little script is supposed to tweet my laptop's IP address, as a cron job, I'm hopeful that it would do so even if it's stolen. This is a variant of one that works, but this doesn't, and I can't see a difference in the curl line of either one.

wget [URL]
TWEET=`sed -n 1p index.html`
curl --basic --user "$user:$pass" --data-ascii "status=$TWEET" "[URL]"
rm -f index.html
This is the error message.

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: status=; Cannot allocate memory
{"request":"/statuses/update.json","error":"Client must provide a 'status' parameter with a value."}
Why does curl think the status is the URL?

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Fedora :: Extract Specific Files From A .tar Archive?

Jul 20, 2011

I have a .tar archive of music that I would like to extract specific files / folders from. I've been looking at man tar but I don't seem to be able to find any information related to my quest, although someone will likely point out that it's right there in front of my nose

Anyhow, the file is called music_archive.tar and I would like to extract the folder /music/P/Pink Floyd/The Wall/. Anyone know how to do this

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Software :: How To Extract File *.rar On Fedora Core Ver 13

Jan 22, 2011

I use Fedora Core version 13 on laptop. my friend usually use windows OS, and send to me more *.rar I can't extract file *.rar on FC 13.

If use know, how to install WinRar on FC 13

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Fedora :: Tool To Extract A Multi-sector Nrg File?

Dec 16, 2009

I have a multi-sector nrg file that I would like extracted. I can't seem to find a way to extract the contents of it! Please tell me if there is a tool I can use to do this!

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Root Directory - Password To Extract / Copy Any File

Jul 20, 2010

Why do I always need to write "su" then my password to extract or copy any file in fedora 11. How to configure so that I always be in my root directory.

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Fedora :: Extract Monitor Serial Number / Manufacture Date Using EDID?

Aug 29, 2010

I can not for the life of me determine how to get the monitor serial number / manufacture date using Extended Display Identification Data (EDID). Does anyone know? None of the following provide this info:

monitor-edid --v
monitor-edid --MonitorsDB
monitor-get-edid | monitor-parse-edid
dmidecode -q

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Installing MPlayer - Not Able To Extract The Codecs In The /usr/local/lib/codecs Directory

Apr 2, 2009

I have FC10! so far i have downloaded the mplayer and its codecs.further i extracted both the packages( in DOWNLOAD folder).but I'm not able to extract the codecs in the /usr/local/lib/codecs says you do not have permission. how should i know whether to compile the mplayer or is it pre-compiled?

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Fedora Installation :: How To Extract Bootable Part From The Installation DVD

Jun 24, 2010

I need to install fedora on my new 16 DELL servers. I will doing it through DRAC (Dell remote access console) but DRAC can mount only one ISO at a time. I am planning to do multiple installations at the same time.hence i need multiple boot.iso files for each and every DRAC console that I open for each server.The question is...How to extract just the bootable part from the fedora DVD? I don't whether it should be called boot.iso, but I hope you get my point.I believe it has got something to do with the "isolinux" folder on the DVD, but I don't know what and how.

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Fedora Networking :: Bulk Abd Real Data Transfer Over Ad Hoc / WLAN Network Under Fedora 13

Aug 21, 2010

I am newbie to linux, I am dealing with Fedora core 13. I have already succeedded in building an ad hoc network and a WLAN network. My next step is to get some networking statistics such delay, throughput, etc. So, I need traffic to flow through the network for both multimedia traffic and bulk data traffic. How to send files between nodes on the network (I found commands ftp, rcp but do not know whether they are the correct choice for this). ID their any application to perform this?

Also, I want to perform some video streaming between two nodes to study the behavior of real time data transfer. Is thier any application to perform this?

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Fedora Networking :: Bsnl 3g Data Card Connection In Fedora 14

Dec 6, 2010

How to connect bsnl 3g data card in fedora14. i tried with mobile broadband connection but it is not working

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OpenSUSE :: Does KMail Account Data - Such As Login Data / Names Of Pop / Smtp Servers

Oct 6, 2010

Where apart from ~/.kde4/share/apps/kmail does kmail keep account data, such as login data/names of pop/smtp servers? I wanted to install an entirely clean version of kmail, so I uninstalled/re-installed kmail via YAST. I manually deleted ~/.kde4/share/apps/kmail. After installing kmail I found that the account data of my Yahoo account were still listed in the kmail configuration panel. Shall I delete the Yahoo account within kmail prior to uninstalling the kmail package?

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General :: Mount: /dev/mapper/gegevens-Data Already Mounted Or /data Busy

Jul 14, 2010

A few months ago I have setup a server with three hard disks. The partition mapping the disks as follows:

Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x7ca36fee


Now I have the following problem the LVM file system don't mount properly.If I open the mount point I see only a few files of the LVM disk. If I want to unmount the disk I get the following error:

umount /data/
umount: /data/: not mounted

If I want to mount the volume I get the following error:

mount -a
mount: /dev/mapper/gegevens-Data already mounted or /data busy

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Debian :: Network Manager Overwrite Resolvconf Vpn Data With Eth0 Data

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to connect to the VPN of my employer; after fix various minor issues I reach this point in which the DNS entries and the default gateway of the VPN are overwritten with the values of the eth0 device that appears by default. Therefore the vpn is not useful.

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Networking :: Serial Port : Read Data, Not Reading Complete Data?

Mar 5, 2010

I have an application where I am sending data via serial port from PC1 (Java App) and reading that data in PC2 (C++ App). The problem that I am facing is that my PC2 (C++ App) is not able to read complete data sent by PC1 i.e. from my PC1 I am sending 190 bytes but PC2 is able to read close to 140 bytes though I am trying to read in a loop.Below is code snippet of my C++ AppOpen the connection to serial port

serialfd = open( serialPortName.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
if (serialfd == -1)


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Programming :: Get Data From Serial Port Function Read() Blocks When Data Not Available?

Jun 11, 2009

I am using read() in c++ to get data from a serial port. However, if no data is available on the serial port the function blocks until dta arrives.Example code:

char m_readBuffer[255] = {0};
char* p_curChar = m_readBuffer;


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Ubuntu :: Excel Data Shrinks To The Small Scale - Unreadable When Copy Data From Another Spreadsheet Onto The New One

Jan 17, 2011

I've been using Excel from OpenOffice with moderate success for the last year. Now I've just tried to open a new spreadsheet and I'm suddenly getting a highly condensed view. The cells are about 1mm X 4mm. If I expand them by selecting and dragging, then try to copy data from another spreadsheet onto the new one, the data shrinks to the small scale -- unreadable.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data - This Directory Has Been Unmounted To Protect Your Data

Jun 3, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 64bit. Acer Laptop

Using ubuntu 9.10 cd to access laptops hard drive.

foun readme file in /media/disk/mark


From the graphical desktop, click on: "Access Your Private Data"


From the command line, run: $ ecryptfs-mount-private

So I tried a couple of ways...

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Ubuntu :: 3TB HD (with Data) Expanding To 3x3TB RAID (without Losing Data)?

Jul 27, 2011

Right now I have a 320GB system drive and 3TB data drive. I want to add two more 3TB drives and do a software RAID5 3x3TB. Is that possible without losing the data that is already on the data drive?Just want to make sure before I bought the 2 two drives. Not looking for instructions on how to do it,but if you want to include some that would be great too Just making sure it will work.

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