Red Hat / Fedora :: Disabling Nouveau / Installing NVIDIA Driver?

Nov 26, 2010

First some specs:
Fedora 13 (Goddard) 32-bit
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260

The DVI output on my card works just fine to my monitor, which is what I've been using. I installed no drivers; it just worked. However, now I need a duplicate screen to be given via the s-video output, but it doesn't work. Nothing is being given to the tv and nothing is being detected under monitors. From what I understand, this is because I need to install the appropriate Driver.

I downloaded my driver from the nvidia website, but it won't install. it tells me I need to disable nouveau.

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Fedora Installation :: Enable Nouveau Back After Installing NVIDIA Driver?

Oct 17, 2010

I had installed my NVIDIA 9500GT driver on my fedora 13 by disabling nouveau, so should i enable it back after installing NVIDIA driver?

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Ubuntu :: Activating Nouveau - Disabling NVIDIA Manual Binary?

Jun 20, 2011

I was having slowdown freezes with the NVIDIA proprietary drivers for Ubuntu 11.04 (additional drivers), so I decided to try the latest binary from nvidia that I had to install manually. I purged the system of the nvidia drivers and then installed the manual nvidia driver (sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-*). But I got the same slowdown freeze (just took a lot longer to happen now) and when I uninstalled the manual nvidia driver, X would fail to initialize (no nvidia modules). Is there a package or configuration utility I could use to install the nouveau driver after removing the manual nvidia drivers or am I screwed? Cause the Nouveau driver works fine, I just wanted to see if I could switch to Linux since all the games I play work fine through Wine.

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Fedora :: Nouveau Gallium3D Driver Will Work With Nvidia Cards In 13?

Apr 2, 2010

I read that the Nouveau Gallium3D driver will work with Nvidia cards in Fedora 13 (YAY!)What I was wondering is this - will the driver work in 12 or will I need to get 13?

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Fedora :: Nouveau Makes F13 Unusable Until Nvidia Releases Driver

Jun 18, 2010

I am using an Nvidia GeForce FX5200 card and nvidia hasn't released a driver that seems to work with it in Fedora 13 yet.. However, I decided to do an install of F13 and use the nouveau drivers until Nvidia updates their drivers, however, the nouveau drivers don't work worth a crap with my card I did a fresh install and then ran a yum update. What I am seeing is after a few minutes, all the icons disappear, no fonts, and nouveau starts throwing errors to my message log. Here are the messages I get:


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Fedora :: Install F15 Without Nouveau To Make Nvidia Driver Installation Easier?

Jun 7, 2011

Can this be done similar to some other O/Ses so Nouveau doesn't pre-screw up the kernel for 3rd party drivers??? Would be great in F16 if we were given a choice re: wanting nouveau or not. I simply can not get F14 or F15 to work with the 270.xx drivers on recent equipment.

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Fedora :: F15 Disable Nouveau Driver In Prep To Install Nvidia Drvr

Apr 26, 2011

Nouveau won't go away.I done the rdblacklist in grub and blacklist in modprobe.d but it still persists.Is there something else I need to for Fedora 15?

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall The Nouveau Driver And Install For Old Nvidia TNT2 Card?

Nov 30, 2010

Only about 1.5 weeks into Linux guys so bear with me. I'm trying to uninstall the Nouveau driver and install for my old Nvidia TNT2 card. Following these directions I run into a problem in the first step. When I execute the Ctrl+Alt+F1 command and get:

Ubuntu 10.10 splat-desktop tty1 splat-desktop login: if I enter splat which I believe is my username and the correct p/w I get an incorrect login response.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: How To Clear Proprietary NVidia Driver And Replace With Nouveau Driver

Jun 13, 2011

There is one thing missing (I think) a clear guide to clearing out Nvidia and replacing it with nouveau. For all but hardened gamers, nouveau on 11.4 delivers. It also removes one more barrier to what I think is the intended goad of Tumbleweed.The problem IMHO is not that there are no clear guides. The problem is there are too many. No sooner does one person do a guide (that is clear) and someone else who does not like some point writes another guide that they think is more clear (but in fact is less clear in other aspects). And this goes on ad infinitum.IMHO we have too many guides - many of which are sufficient clear ... but the VAST number only serves to confuse users more.

Having typed that, IMHO this is NOT a Tumbleweed specific issue, but its MUCH WIDER in scope and hence does not belong as a discussion in this Tumbleweed thread.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Switching From Proprietary Nvidia Driver To Nouveau?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 10.10 with the proprietary Nvidia-driver for my graphics card. I'd like to switch to the open source Nouveau driver. What is the best way to go about this?

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Fedora :: Installing The Nvidia Driver On F12?

Jan 22, 2010

I have some trouble installing the nvidia driver on Fedora12. I started to follow the guide posted by Leigh here:[URL]..I enabled the rpmfusion repo, but when i wanted to install kmod-nvidia and xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 i had a depadency failure Here's what i got:

[root@Nuclear pinter]# rpm -Uvh


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Fedora :: Installing The Nvidia 8800gt Driver On F12?

Dec 22, 2009

I have trouble installing the nvidia 8800gt driver on Fedora 12.It keeps on asking me to exit the x-window, but how?

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Fedora :: Does Not Start After Installing Nvidia Driver

Jul 30, 2010

I installed nvidia graphics card on my fedora 13. It is not starting since then. Just the logo of fedora comes up, progresses, and it stops. What can be done to boot the os?

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Fedora :: Advantage Of Installing The Nvidia Driver?

May 25, 2011

Currently I have F15 running with the nouveau driver. What is the advantage of installing the nvidia driver?

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Hardware :: Installing Nvidia Driver In Fedora 10?

Dec 1, 2008

I am having a world of trouble getting my old GeForce2 MX400 to work in a fresh install of Fedora 10. I included the RPMFusion directories, so my yum repolist includes:

rpmfusion-free RPM Fusion for Fedora 10 - Free enabled : 324
rpmfusion-free-updat RPM Fusion for Fedora 10 - Free - Update enabled : 0

But when I type yum list | grep nvidia, nothing comes up. When I type yum install kmod-nvidia or yum install akmod-nvidia, it says there's no package like this. Have these been updated for Fedora V10 yet? If they haven't, I guess I will just have to use another distro. BTW, when I tried installing the driver from the NVIDIA website, it says it needs to recompile the Kernel, and after installing gcc and make, it still gave some weird error about how with kernel 2.6 it can't find the proper kernel headers or something like that. I heard somebody post that you shouldn't use the NVIDIA drivers, they mess up OpenGL, you should you Livna kmod-nvidia.

1) Would you recommend livna kmod-nvidia or Nvidia's own driver's for a GeForce2 MX400 and Fed 10?

2) Whichever you recommend, could you give some clue how to get around either problem I'm having?

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Fedora :: Plymouth Not Working After Installing Nvidia Driver?

Nov 20, 2009

I used leighs post to install the nvidia driver for Fedora 12 and now plymouth does not work it uses the text theme. Right before it goes into the text theme I get this message:

"Unknown boot option `nouveau.modeset=0' : ignoring"

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Fedora :: After Installing Nvidia Driver FC12 Not Able To Start System

Mar 9, 2010

I just install FC12 after all settings are done I install nvidia driver for PAE kernel whit the command # sudo yum install kmod-nvidia-PAE after reboot the system is not able to boot again.What I can do to uninstall the driver?

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Fedora :: Installing Nvidia's Propriety Driver From The RPMFuzion Repos

Mar 18, 2010

I borked (broke) my install of Fedora 12 I have an Nvidia 6600 GT AGP card. I was using the Mesa driver. I wanted something better so I tried installing Nvidia's propriety driver from the RPMFuzion repos. Everything seemed to go fine until I tried restarting the computer. It shows the F logo in a balloon type circle filling up and then goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left corner and stays that way. If I press F2 when Fedora is starting then I see a list of what is happening. It gets to the point of ''Starting atd.........OK'' and then it stops and the screen starts flashing. Curiously, earlier in the list it shows that the Nvidia driver starts OK.

If I had to guess I'd say that the xorg.conf file has some setting in it that isn't working with the Nvidia driver. But I have no idea how to get to a prompt so that I can go to the folder containing the xorg.conf file and rebuild the file. Or, if you know better than that and know what I've really done then I'm listening.

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Fedora :: Installing NVidia's Driver With Their Shellscript But It Didn't Work

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying Fedora for the first time. I tried installing NVidia's driver with their shellscript but it didn't work for lots of reasons. Has anyone done this before?:[URL].. Does it work? I never used a distro with a package manager before. Aren't there several different drivers for different NVidia cards? How do the instructions in that link make you get the correct driver? And then does it create an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?

EDIT: or is the Neaveau driver good enough already? I can't figure out if it's basically a finished product or not.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F13 X86 64-bit Nvidia, Nouveau?

Apr 29, 2010

this may be asking too much (especially from leigh123, 'cause i know you're working hard), but i've lost track of the current status of the great nvidia driver vs. nouveau driver debate, and what we can hope to see in f13 in about 20 days. could you provide or point us to a layman's summary of what graphics capabilities we can expect with a "default" configuration when we bring up f13?

in particular, can we expect nouveau to provide 3-d for f13 (or in the near future)? nvidia install guides, leigh123, but despite your best efforts, the procedures seem to be getting more involved as time goes on, not less (and not noticably more reliable, either). between graphics card drivers and flash plugins fighting firefox (not to mention adobe fighting videos and hulu) it's discouraging to actually lose capabilities that were once available when upgrades are made.

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Fedora :: X Server With Nouveau Driver?

Nov 6, 2010

I have a machine running FC 13 and a GeForce 210 Graphics card. I'm running the kernel (if I use the newer kernels like, and, the X server won't even start; that was the subject of a different thread which didn't get answered). After a few hours, the screen is displayed in a disorganized state: each quadrant is displayed in the wrong space, and the X server won't respond to mouse movements (this isn't a screensaver). This is different from a previous problem where the X server simply hangs after an hour of so when I use GUI programs (that was also the subject of a different thread which didn't get answered). I think I'm running the Noeveau video driver, but not sure.

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Fedora Installation :: FC14 Upgrade Breaks X, Nouveau/nvidia?

Jun 17, 2011

My system with kernel-, NVIDIA 3800 + Samsung 2233 and 3Dvision kit works fine, but upon upgrading to kernel- the system won't go past the blue->white bar along the screen. The modprobe.d directory has the file blacklisting nouveau and there is the grub entry rdblacklist=nouveau, but do I need to re-run the nvidia installer. If so I think I need to reset the init level to stop X11 trying to load. and will I need to keep doing this everytime I upgrade the kernel if I have nvidia drivers installed?

Leigh123linux desired code output is below



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Fedora Hardware :: Get Rid Of Nouveau Driver (permanently)?

Feb 17, 2010

I am running F12. With prior kernels - or before - I could simply rename the nouveau.ko driver to nouiveau.ko.bad. Then the kernel would load the nv driver instead, and everything worked great. FWIW: adding rdblacklist="nouveau" to the kernel params in grub.conf didn't seem to do anything.

On a recent update, a new kernel was added: I did the same rename trick as before, but this time the kernel still loaded the nouveau driver, and then X failed to load. So I had to fall back to the older kernel.

Is there a way to keep nouveau from loading with the newest kernel (ie, the one above)? And also, is there a way to keep nouveau from loading for any new kernels?

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Fedora Hardware :: Unable To Install Nvidia - Nouveau Doesn't Work

Jul 3, 2010

I have Fedora 11 installed on a system that initially had an ATI 1650 type card. I recently replaced it with a GeForce GT 220. I don't believe there was ever an xorg.conf generated or used with the ATI card. Initially, when I replaced cards and rebooted, I was able to start up KDE or GNOME but with only 2 very low resolutions available(the highest being 800x600). Next I ran Xorg -configure to generate an xorg.conf file. Everything I am seeing in this file seems to make sense. But now, when I startx all I get is a red error box being displayed by the CRT monitor with this message:

Signal Frequency is out of range
FH 30.1 kHz FV 24 Hz
Please Change Signal Timing

The only way I can get my X system back is to go into the xorg.conf file (in the Device Section) and change the driver to vesa. But I still only have 2 very low resolutions available.

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Fedora :: Install Nvidia Proprietary In Runlevel 3 - Deactivate Or Unistall Nouveau

Jan 25, 2011

ill try to write in english as well as i can.So, my problem is this:Fedora has Nouveau drivers installed by default, and I want to install nVidia propietary drivers.When i try to install Nvidia propietary in runlevel 3, it says that ive to deactivate or unistall Nouveau.

Ok, i do that, but the next reboot, the tty doesnt work (black screen) and i cant access runlevel 3 correctly and i cant install propietary driver. I have looked this in google and i didnt find nothing, so i ask here.

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Fedora :: X-Windows Crash After Update (Using Nouveau Driver)

Feb 9, 2010

After updating X-Windows (via yum auto-update) I'm having a serious X-Windows problems when using the nouveau video driver. I had to switch over to the vesa driver to be able to start X-Windows. Below you find the Xorg.log file:

X.Org X Server (1.7.5 RC 2)
Release Date: 2010-02-05
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: x86-06 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5
Current Operating System: Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Fri Jan 29 14:37:28 UTC 2010 i686
Kernel command line: ro root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root LANG=en_US.UTF-8 SYSFONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=be-latin1 rhgb quiet rdblacklist=nouveau vmalloc=512MB .....

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
Please consult the Fedora Project support at [URL] for help. Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.
(II) NOUVEAU(0): NVLeaveVT is called.

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Fedora :: Blue Colors Appear Like Violet When Using Nouveau Driver

May 27, 2010

I've noticed in many versions of Fedora is that the blue colors don't seem so right. They appear more like violet in comparison to the Nvidia proprietary driver.I've tried playing with the new color profiles in F13 but none of them fixed this particular problem

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Fedora Hardware :: Way To Get Both Monitors To Work With Nouveau Driver?

Nov 4, 2010

I have two monitors - one connected to the VGA port and the other to the DVI port. Fedora seems to be detecting both monitors (figured this out because when I rotate the desktop cube, the second screen is also seen.). However, the monitor on the DVI port is blank. This happens even if I use just one monitor with the DVI port. I cannot install the proprietary nvidia drivers because my computer hangs (has been happening since fedora 11 or 10), Is there a way to get both monitors to work with the nouveau driver?

I faced this problem in Fedora 13 as well and was hoping both screens would work out of the box in F14. Is there any way I can do this to make it work like nvidia's TwinView?

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Fedora :: Back To Nouveau Driver - Display On Projector?

Nov 12, 2010

Fedora 13, x86_64, up to date. Trying to get nVidia Quadro NVS 140M to display on a projector the same as it does on the laptop screen, which is 1680 x 1050. I failed to do so with the nVidia driver (latest version), so I want to go back to the nouveau driver and try with xrandr. I have always used the nouveau driver with Fedora without an issue, but in my former life in Ubuntu I sometimes switched back and forth between the "nv" driver and the nVidia driver.

Doing so was trivially easy - just edit xorg.conf replacing "nv" with "nvidia" or vice-versa, then restart X. However, after installing the nVidia driver via Yumex and using the nVidia config utility, I find that now I have an xorg.conf file that is loaded with stuff I don't understand, except that at the top it says it was created by nVidia, and there are two places where it says the driver is "nvidia." I have searched and all I can find is instructions for installing the nVidia driver.

Apparently that is meant to be a one-way ticket, because I can't find any instructions for how to return to the nouveau driver. Except stuff that is over a year old, and complaints from users whose systems failed to start X. What would happen if I just replace "nvidia" with "nouveau" in the xorg.conf file and restart X? I know if it won't start X I can boot to rescue mode and re-edit xorg.conf, but I'd rather ask first and do it the right way than have to repair a broken system.

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Fedora Installation :: Nouveau Driver Reset To Defaults?

Jan 18, 2011

I installed the nvidia driver from the vendors homepage. But since it does not support regulation of brightness (and the display is that bright that I want to downlevel it), I wanted to go back to the default display driver which is the nouveau driver.So I uninstalled the nvidia driver and then I realized that I didn't make any backup of the xorg.conf file prior installing the nvidia driver. Shame on me, yeah.Now when the x-server started, it couldn't find the nvidia driver. Okay, fair as it was removed. Next to that my keyboard becomes unresponsive. That's really aching as I can not switch to a text-based console any longer.I'm able to boot into initmode 3 by editing the kernel parameters in the boatloader. I'm also able to edit the xorg.conf with vi in the shell then and start the xserver to test things by calling xinit.

I already tried to recover a bit from this situation by removing the references to the nvidia driver and replaced it with some information I could find on the nouveau homepage - but no luck so far, keyboard still freezes and login window does not appear. I could take a look into the xorg.0.log which warns me about the keyboard getting disabled but I do not really understand why. Next to that I find some other additional information. My computer experience is quite okay, but I'm somehow new to Fedora, I started half a year ago with Fedora 13 on my other laptop which worked like a breeze.

I wondered where I can find information about how to configure the xserver in the default configuration, if there is some reset functionality or so, that brings me back to installation defaults. Those worked ok for the nouveau driver. Unfourtionatly I was not able to gather the correct package name that would probably had helpded me by removing and installing it again.Next to fixing my setup, I had another idea as this is a quite new install to just re-run the install again on to that machine. Is this possible with keeping the files in my homedir?

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