Red Hat / Fedora :: Can't See Files In FTP Nor Access Them From Web

Sep 3, 2010

I set up nginx on a VM somewhere and everything is working fine. Then I tried to build some directory structure under the nginx root HTML folder. I received 403 forbidden for a file so normally I assumed permissions. Using root I gave entire dir structure chmod -R a+r /usr/share/ngnix/html/myfolder. Still 403.
Then I SFTP'd into this box using a didcated web FTP account. I am not that experienced to be able to tell how is this user set nor which permissions it has, but by default it can view all directories in the system. When navigating to the HTML root I could see myfolder but when going inside I was seeing nothing. No subfolder, no files. needless to say ls -al from bash on any of these is giving me rwxr--r-- for all files and directories.

if I copy some arbitrary file from within the myfolder dir to html root and give it a+r it IS accessible from web and SFTP. If this were only a 403 I would assume something I am not configuring properly on nginx, but since SFTP is showing same behavior I am led to believe it is something in the directories themselves!? What else is there besides file permissions?

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Fedora Networking :: How To Access Shared Windows Files From Fedora System?

Mar 24, 2009

How can I access shared Windows files from a fedora system

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Fedora Security :: MLS - Categories And Access To Files?

Apr 7, 2010

I have 2 users: carol, carol2 and 2 files in /: filea, fileb. I want to carol has access only to filea and carol2 only to fileb. I need to do this with MLS (range). I dont want do this with levels because user that is higher has access to both files. How to do that?

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Fedora :: Move Files In F13, Access Denied?

Nov 7, 2010

I am somewhat new to Fedora, only having F13 for 2 months and F12 about a year ago on my dieing AAO. Anyways...I am trying to get the Apache web service up and running. Type in http://localhost and I get the Apache welcome screen. Now I try to add my webpages to /var/www/html/ and it says Error Moving File: Access DeniedI tried to find where to login in as root and find nothing. I am VERY unfamiliar with command line prompt other than for the yum installs

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Fedora :: 14 - 'hack' Account And Get Access To His Files

Feb 12, 2011

Last week some bad news hitted us, my uncle deceased at the age of 39, to young and very unexpected. We enherited his computer, but theres a password on his account. Googling didnt really worked for me.. I have totally 0 experience on linux systems. Is there a way to 'hack' his account and get access to his files, fotos and other stuff that is precious to us?

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Fedora :: Access Some Files On That Cloned Disk?

Aug 4, 2011

I made a clone of my ordinary disk with Clonezilla some times ago. Now I want to access some files on that cloned disk. Since the cloned disk also has a LVM structure I don't know how to mount it. When I connect the cloned disk I can see both /dev/sdb1 & sdb2. vgdisplay -v gives me:


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General :: Access Windows 7 Files From Fedora 15?

May 29, 2011

I am trying to access my Windows 7 files from Fedora 15. can view the Windows network from Linux and it displays the laptop fine. I can view the folders on the Windows 7 laptop but I can't access/open them. I receive an 'Unable to mount file' message in Linux. I have Samba installed and running fine. Is there something I have to change in the Linux firewall or samba.conf?

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Fedora Hardware :: Can't Access LG Vu C920 Phone USB Files In F12?

Jan 31, 2010

In F10 I could access Pics, Music, Video, etc files on the USB card with no problem. In F12, nada.lsusb sees the phone, lists it as ID 05c6 : 1000 Qualcomm, Inc.When I hotplug the phone on a F10 install I see that it loads 3 modules. vfat, fat, and usb_storage.So, on the F12 install I modprobed those drivers, plugged in the phone, and still no trace of it.I get the feeling that I'm supposed to modify some udev or hal files to get this thing working again, but

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Fedora :: Access Files Remotely But Remain Secure?

Mar 15, 2010

I would like to be able to access my data file that reside on my Linux machine at home from the Internet but I don't want to open any "doors" for lack of a better word that will compromise the security of my files. I am running F11 and I am using cable broadband and a Linksys router.I have been able to get ssh working with OpenSSH while I am at home but I don't really need or want to ssh remotely, I would rather setup what I think is called an ftp. I just want to be able to up and download files to my Linux machine.

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Fedora Networking :: Access The Shared Files Of Computes With Windows?

Feb 21, 2009

i need to access the shared files of computes with windows on it.i have fedora 8 on my machine..our computers are on the same network of the do i access my friend's shared file.??

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Fedora :: Install .bin Files Getting Error Installer.bin: Access Denied?

Apr 4, 2010

I have same problem with *.bin files.When I try to install software from *.bin file I see error:

[andrew@notebook Programming]$ ./installbuilder-qt-professional-6.3.0-linux-x64-installer.bin
bash: ./installbuilder-qt-professional-6.3.0-linux-x64-installer.bin: Access denied
[andrew@notebook Programming]$
When I run command ls -la I see this:

[andrew@notebook Programming]$ ls -la installbuilder-qt-professional-6.3.0-linux-x64-installer.bin
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 andrew andrew 82624164 Апр 4 16:39 installbuilder-qt-professional-6.3.0-linux-x64-installer.bin
[andrew@notebook Programming]$
This error exist if I try to install this application with root access. What I mast do for fix this error?

P.S. I have Fedora 12 x86_64 on my notebook ASUS M51Sn.

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Configured - Access My Music Files

Apr 14, 2010

I need to connect to upstairs windows-7 machine that is connected to router. I have laptop downstairs running F12 (gnome) with wireless connection.

I need to access my music files on upstairs computer. Do I need samba?, without it so far I am getting an error can not mount the windows machine...

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Fedora :: Access Folders From Live CD To Edit Installed Files

Feb 28, 2010

I am trying to install Fedora 10 on an old P3 Inspiron 5000. When I boot from the Live cd the screen is split into three sections and is hard to navigate. I am able to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and log out and log back in to proceed with the installation. The problem is when I finish the installation and reboot to the new OS it boots to the triple section mode again because my xorg.conf is not edited. To do any commands in Fedora I need to get through a brief user setup in which I cannot navigate through until I can see the screen better. Is there a way to boot to a graphical type safe mode so I can see the whole screen to finish the installation?
How can I access folders from the live cd to edit the installed files? This way I can edit the xorg.conf file before booting and all would be legible.

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Fedora Installation :: Access Mint's Home Folder And Files But Since Username?

Feb 9, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 a couple of days ago. This is my secondary operating system. The main one is Mint 8 and in order to have the same documents in both OSs I have a separate /home partition, but for some reason I don't see any of my Documents. In the installation I told fedora that I already had a /home partition and to use it. Also if I mount Mint's disk, while I can browse the folders, I can't see any document .

Finally I can access my Mint's home folder and files but since my username in fedora has a capital A it created another home folder. How can I change my home folder path so it point to the other home folder?

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Fedora Servers :: Can't Access Or Modify File Unless Directory Mode Is 777 And Files Are 666

Nov 8, 2010

I have a multi user system for my roommates and myself that has separate folders for each of us. I've got user authentication working with samba, but unless I set every file and folder readable/writeable by all users, I can't browse it or edit the files.This isn't ideal as the shares are open to other users access, so I'm hoping there's a way to keep folders at 750 and files at 660 while allowing samba users to browse, delete and edit.Also, the samba share is actually a mounted NFS share from another server. Both the NFS server and the Samba server have the same users/uid's. When a file is created from a Windows host via the Samba client, the NFS server's permissions do show that the correct user owns the files, but since the files aren't mode 666 but 640 I can't edit or delete the file.

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Fedora Servers :: Cannot Start Apache - No Read / Write Access To HTTP Files

Jan 14, 2009

I am trying to setup my webserver and I am trying to make a website to run under suexec but somehow I cannot start my apache it directly fails and SELinux is giving me errors and don't really know what to do with it, it is giving me some command to type but not sure if this will make my server less secure. The SELinux error is as follow:

SELinux prevented httpd reading and writing access to http files.

Detailed Description:
SELinux prevented httpd reading and writing access to http files. Ordinarily httpd is allowed full access to all files labeled with http file context. This machine has a tightened security policy with the httpd_unified turned off, this requires explicit labeling of all files. If a file is a cgi script it needs to be labeled with httpd_TYPE_script_exec_t in order to be executed. If it is read-only content, it needs to be labeled httpd_TYPE_content_t, it is writable content. it needs to be labeled httpd_TYPE_script_rw_t or httpd_TYPE_script_ra_t. You can use the chcon command to change these contexts. Please refer to the man page "man httpd_selinux" or FAQ [URL] "TYPE" refers to one of "sys", "user" or "staff" or potentially other script types.

Allowing Access:
Changing the "httpd_unified" boolean to true will allow this access: "setsebool
-P httpd_unified=1"

Fix Command:
setsebool -P httpd_unified=1

I will write down how I did setup my server so maybe you can see a mistake I did. First I changed my Apache httpd.conf I added the following to it:
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
DirectoryIndex index.html index.html index.shtml index.php

SuexecUserGroup ulyaoth ulyaoth
DocumentRoot /var/www/ulyaoth/www/html
ErrorLog /var/www/ulyaoth/logs/error_log
CustomLog /var/www/ulyaoth/logs/access_log common
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.shtml index.php
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/ulyaoth/www/cgi-bin/
<Directory /var/www/ulyaoth/www/cgi-bin/>
AllowOverride none
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Options +execCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

Then I created the username "ulyaoth" with the group "ulyaoth" as I specified with my suexec, then I created all the directories as specified in my httpd.conf and "chown ulyaoth:ulyaoth (dirname)" them to the right group and username.

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Fedora Security :: Print - SELinux Is Preventing Access To Files With The Default Label - Default_t

Mar 13, 2009

I went to print something and I get this message: Summary: SELinux is preventing access to files with the default label, default_t.

Detailed Description: SELinux permission checks on files labeled default_t are being denied. These files/directories have the default label on them. This can indicate a labeling problem, especially if the files being referred to are not top level directories. Any files/directories under standard system directories, /usr, /var. /dev, /tmp, ..., should not be labeled with the default label. The default label is for files/directories which do not have a label on a parent directory. So if you create a new directory in / you might legitimately get this label.

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Ubuntu :: Permissions For Folder Access For 'Others' Is Always Set To 'Access Files'?

Apr 22, 2011

I've created a new user for a SSH tunnel only.After login I can access all directories because permissions is set for "Others" to "Access files".Now my question: Is this normal that permissions for Folder access for "Others" is always set to "Access files"?I don't want my SSH tunnel user accessing the directories.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Files From Hdd Missing \ Files That Were Located On C(vista) Cant Access Any Of The E Ones?

Mar 7, 2011

I changed to wubi last night, i decided to go that way cause i was informed it was a safe way to try giving it a try for linux and ubuntu without any special effort needed to be payed and easily deleted if i am not pleased.Thankfully i am pretty satisfied with the results, i pretty much dealt with most of the issues i have faced so far successfully and i am running it ok beside one important thing.See i am using my laptop, which has a hdd of 250GB.On my Vista there are 2 different hdd C+E by default, they separated my hdd.So while i have windows on C and E is pretty much used for my additional data(see movies, music etc) when i installed wubi i installed it on E, thought it would be better and it had more space.

Now though, while i can access threw ubuntu all my files that were located on C(vista) i cant access any of the E ones, and search file dont helps either.The "vista hdd" as ubuntu describes it, its a 250 gb disk on computer, which means it should contain both of the vista disks.But sadly thats not the case.i cant seem to be able to find them anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: Permissions For My Home Directory Were Accidentally Changed From 'access Files' To 'create And Delete Files?

Nov 25, 2010

the permissions for my home directory were accidentally changed from 'access files' to 'create and delete files', and I changed them back, but ever since then I am not able to change any preferences/settings at all. power management, themes, panels, emerald, anything. my user account is supposed to be the administrator, and all the user privliges are checked. how to get control of my computer back?

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General :: Access Files From Windows NT Files To The Box - RHEL5

Apr 1, 2009

how to access files from windows NT files to the linux box (RHEL5)

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cant Access My Site. Forbidden You Don't Have Permission To Access / On This Server

Feb 9, 2010

Have no idea what I am doing operating a server. Our programmer got a new job and I am the one who has to take it over. Everything was fine til yesterday. You see I made a control panel to easier update the site www(dot)discoverysound(dot)com

but yesterday when I went to update the site I got an error called fopen. I thought I fixed it (and boy did I ever) but now I cannot get to my site because it says Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Apache/2.0.47 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.47 OpenSSL/0.9.7a DAV/2 PHP/4.3.3RC4-dev Server at www(dot)discoverysound(dot)comPort 80.

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Ubuntu :: How To Access Files

Jul 29, 2010

Fairly new to Ubuntu and I have a quick question. I have XP in virtual box and I just installed Office. I now need to access the office files I have in my windows partition on the computer. How can I do this?

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OpenSUSE :: Access The Others Directorys And Files?

Sep 4, 2011

I have created 2 users in Opensuse 11.4 but when logged on as either I can access the others directorys and files, how can I encrypted these so a user cannot access the others files.

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General :: Access Windows Log Files?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to remotely access windows log files from linux. So far I've found two different approaches.

Install syslog server on windows machine and let windows send log files to linux, read those files Remotely access log files with wmi implementation for linux.

Does anyone know about limitations for those two approaches before I dive into implementation?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - How To Access Files Through VPN

Jun 30, 2010

My system reports it successfully connected to the VPN at my workplace (pptp / windows server). So I had to enter my username and password in the VPN configuration screen, etc. My machine has Ubuntu 10.04. I tried to find out how to open the files on the server. In windows, after opening the vpn I would go to this location in the file manager:
This would show me the files I am looking for. In the linux terminal, and the Nautilus file manager, these locations do not exist. I tried using mount.cifs to mount this location and it didn't work. (fails with these messages : mounting the DFS root for a particular server not implemented yet no ip address specified and hostname not found). How do I get to these files on the Windows share?

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 - Can't Access The Files?

Jul 23, 2010

I was dual booting windows 7 RC and Ubuntu, and then I upgraded to Windows 7 when it came out, but left the RC on my computer because I had some files on there that I needed. Some of the files that I have on the hard drive where the RC is are encrypted and now I can't access that operating system therefore I can't access the files.

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Ubuntu :: Access Camera Files From CL?

Aug 28, 2010

picasa & digiKam can connect & grab pix/vids+ i can see my files in dolphine with the path
camera:/USB PTP Class Camera@usb:/how do i get to these files from the command line ?i'd like to process new videos with a scriptbut for now i'm having to use the GUI to copy locally... then run my scriptmy setup (though probably irrelevant): kubuntu lucid + a new shiny iphone4 (preloaded with 4.0.2, so not JB'd, yet ... otherwise i'd just SCP the files over)

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Windows Files?

Nov 2, 2010

I have dual boot. Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I don't have a partition. I have formatted the disk to NTFS then installed XP first. After that I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS under Windows.

I have decided to access Windows files from Ubuntu. I have used Gparted to know where my windows is. Then I have found this.


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Ubuntu :: Getting The Access To Drives And Files?

Apr 7, 2011

Our computer is loaded with Ubuntu, and my wife and I have separate accounts, which is fine. I have a backup drive with data and music and, if I want to reinstall or back something up, I have to log in as each user to do so. That is OK security wise, but I want to do a complete reload and would prefer to be able to access her home folder from my account, back it up to the other drive, reinstall and then copy everything back so she can use her files.

Also, I have a couple of files in my home partition that she wants access to occassionally. I would like her to be able to access my home directory to get to those files. If I put them on the backup drive, she cannot open them as I have the permissions. We also run KMyMoney, and would like to be able to use the same file whichever user is logged in.

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