Programming :: Use Bash To Open A File?

Dec 12, 2010

How do I use bash to open a file, (file name as first parameter) cut n char from begin of each line, and write shortened lines to new file (outputfile name as the second parameter, n as the third parameter)

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Programming :: Bash : How To Make Firefox Open But Minimize

May 3, 2011

I am relatively new to scripting, but I was wanting to open a firefox window from a bash script, but have it open, then minimize. In the script, I have a single instance of: firefox & but is there a way to minimize it, versus have it displayed on the screen? I was wanting the command terminal to remain visible and it can't since the firefox window is open in front of it. I looked all over the place, including the man pages, but to no avail. I can make the height and width changes, but no minimize. Either that, or to be able to bring the terminal window back to the front automatically.

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Programming :: Bash Script To Test For Open FTP Sessions From Specific Clients?

Apr 8, 2009

I look after a server which accepts automatic overnight PASV FTP uploads from remote clients. When the uploads are complete, my Bash script copies the files to another location. The problem is, my script needs to be a bit smarter when it comes to detecting active FTP sessions.

I was using:


netstat -n | grep ":21 " | grep ESTABLISHED

to test if there were active sessions, but came unstuck when a local user left an unrelated FTP session active. The result - my script hung around all night thinking there was an active upload from a remote client. My server is behind a firewall, so remote clients all show an internal (NAT) address,so I can't differentiate by source IP address.I can't install LSOF or FUSER for security reasons. Is there a way I can test for active FTP sessions from specific users? I am running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Tikanga).

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Programming :: Make A Bash Script That Will Open Up Port 23 For A Netcat Connection?

Apr 14, 2009

I'm starting to like making bash scripts. It's kewl making creative ones. Right now I'm trying to make a bash script that will open up port 23 for a netcat connection. Once there's a connection, I'd like for the script to open up xmms and play a sound effect, as well as echo a txt file to the desktop saying that a connection was made at this specific time. When I execute the script, it stops exection at the first line. So far I have this:

sudo nc -lvnp 23
while [ 1 ]


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Programming :: Bash File Comparing - Report How Many Matching Words My Main File ?

Jun 9, 2009

I have been messing with diff and grep for 2 days now without result

I am trying to match a file consisting of words to many separate other wordfiles in a specific directory. one by one.

What i want the script to do is to report how many matching words my main file has with every file in the directory, each in turn


Each of em are plain text files with 1 word per line

Output should be something like:


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Ubuntu :: Bash Scrpting - Error - Can't Open The Script File And Only Runs Once

Jan 26, 2010

I am trying to run a PHP script over and over again. I would love to be able to just write a small bash script that will just do this for me, however I am having trouble writing a for loop that works. Here is what I have now:

When I run this (./bash_import) I get the following errors:

I have also tried just doing the "php wps_product_import.php" on 20 different lines and I get an error saying it can't open the script file and only runs once.

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Programming :: Bash File Which Requests File Name

Nov 30, 2010

What's the easiest way for me to make a program that requests a file location and then tar balls it. I basically want to start making a simple method of using pv with tar (lzma).

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Programming :: Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Aug 6, 2010

I am running after compiling a program and I find that I get the following. How best can I avoid this as i cannot run the program. I have tried removing the offending package, although I cannot find it. I have also tried re-installing. I have also tried changing FC and F90 flags to avoid the MPI version.

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Programming :: Bash Awk Column To End Of File?

Sep 4, 2010


ls -lhGg | while read line; do echo "$line"; done | awk ' { print $3" "$6 } '

what i want to do is be able to print column 3 and every column greater then 5. Has to be to the end of the line, since different filenames can have different amounts of words in them and the blank space is the separator. my current code works just fine if the file has no blank space.

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Programming :: Print File Name In BASH

Feb 26, 2009

I want to write a script that returns me name of the files that begin with the specified characters. like

Script out should be

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Programming :: Bash File Names With Spaces?

Jul 24, 2010

I have a laptop that I am in through SSH. The laptop does not have an Xwindow system so I am using the program fbi to open an image on my laptop screen from my SSH connection:

fbi -T 8 picture.jpg #this opens the image on the laptops tty8 terminal

I've found that making a for loop does not work with files that contain a space in the name. Something to due with a bug that they call a "feature" that stops the first variable at the first whitespace.

Using a "while" loop is not exactly what i require either seeing as I want to be able to view each image in the directory on screen and tag it accordingly, before it jumps off to the next image, and I'm not sure how to add a pause to a while loop.

How do I make a Bash script and loop Variables handle files like "files that contain spaces.jpg"

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Programming :: Bash - Delete Only One Line From A File?

Apr 9, 2011

I would like to delete a single line from a file that contains many lines passing through the same values ​​as the two parameters. Again, I would like to delete a single line and not all those that contain parameters. How can I make bash?

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Programming :: Bash There Will Be Empty Lines At The End Of The File?

Mar 26, 2011

Using awk I pull the first field of a random line from my datafile.myvar1=`awk -F" " 'NR=='$randline' {printf "%s", $1}' myfileThis works fine. The problem is there will be empty lines at the end of the file. Rather than using awkto filter out blank lines I would like to figure this out first.So I test $myvar1 for a blank string after setting $randline to one that I know is blank:test -z "$myvar1" && echo "true" || echo "false"But, this returns "false"? So the string is not zero length. Why? It's a tab-separated file. Is awk storing the tab with the $1 field or something.This is where I get headache. I try to echo my variable to see what it looks like.

echo "$myvar1"
outputs: nothing
echo "My variable is [$myvar1]"
outputs: [y variable is [

Why is the closing bracket at the beginning? What character could be stored in $myvar1 that would do such a thing and how did it get there?

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Programming :: Bash To Monitor IP Addresses In A Txt File?

Oct 13, 2010

This code uses ping to check connectivity to a remote location and logs it to a .html file which is then stylized by css..


#! /bin/bash
path="$HOME/Desktop/IP_Monitor" #Path to write out files
ALT="0" #For styling alternative row


I need to add a feature such that instead of hardcoding the ip address .. it takes them from a list and makes new files for each ip address for logging.. And also when log files are completed , They should be compressed using tar. How should i go about adding both these.. This is my first bash script.

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Programming :: BASH Read File Once Then Return To Top?

Aug 8, 2010

I have a script that reads part of a line, delimited between the first and second intended part by a colon. Then it "chops" the part after the colon, which are words offset by commas (counting them beforehand so as to catch every word in the string's second part), like this:




single script that parses/breaks both parts of a line like this "COLORS.JPG:red,orange,yellow,green;blue,indigo,violet," so that the two parts, separated into single words (or two and three words, sometimes with spaces) can be used as single-line annotations and written to JPEG files using Exiv2. So far, I haven't been able to come up with a script that does this without one part of the total string(usually that part after the colon) becoming the first word in the second array. In other words, I look for this:


[ ]red
[ ]orange
[ ]yellow


Or vice-versa (ie, the second array winds up as a single-line "member" of the first). I think it's because I'm using a single while read loop to read the text file in which the filenames and substrings happen to be. If there's some way of reading a file once and going back to the beginning to read it again in another while loop, I haven't found it.

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Programming :: Bash - Read File Without Whitespace?

Mar 14, 2011

I am struggling with Bash scripting at the moment (I can't seem how anyone can write scripts with this language!!!) I have a need at home to have a cron job execute daily to lookup my downloads.txt file, read each url (per line) and download content from that url. Then that entry needs to be removed (well I keep all urls in memory and clear the file afterwards). If an error occurred during the download process, then the url is written to a downloads.err file. I got all the above working except for properly reading the url from the text file without including newline characters. I am using the following to read:

while read url; do
--Do whatever here--
done < downloads.txt

How can I get it not to let the url variable have newline characters?

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Programming :: Bash Removing String From File?

Aug 7, 2010

I am trying to remove everything before my string code...

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Programming :: Bash Scripting: Menu From File?

May 29, 2011

I have a file called list.txt with on word on each line that changes in length. I'd like to make a menu, each line being its own choice. I pieced together most of it the only thing missing is a failsafe for typing a number out of range

p=`cat list.txt | awk '{print$1}'`


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Programming :: Reading From Text File In Bash?

Nov 8, 2010

I need to Read a path of a file witch is written in Text file i used this


while read line
echo $line
done < $FILENAME

it worked and showed me the Line witch was written in my file but now my problem is how am gonna use that line as a path i mean for example if am gonna execute a linux command on that file like dpkg -i /path/to/the/file how am gonna export it from The $Line variable and use it after the command.

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Programming :: Passing Arguments To A Bash Source File?

Apr 24, 2010

Is it possible to pass arguments to a source file in a bash script? For example

. /dir1/dir1/funclib -a -b

How would you check for the passed arguments in funclib without getting confused with any arguments passed to the main script?

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Programming :: Bash Script To Locate A Specific File?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm new to bash scripting and I've searched around the forums and Internet for this but haven't had any luck. I've found similar things but not what I need. What I need to do is write a simple script that uses what the user inputs to locate and display where a file is. I would prefer to use locate instead of find since I know that the person I am writing this for has locate on her machine (my mom, who is just beginning with Linux).I'm writing the script to make things easier for her while she learns In this particular part of the script I would like to be able to have the script prompt to enter the file she is searching for, read the her input and then display for her where the file is. I realize it would in most cases be much simpler just to teach her how to use locate, but she is very impatient and this is just a part of the script I will be writing, but I can't figure out how to do this.

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Programming :: Bash - Redirect All Subsequent Std Output To File?

Feb 11, 2010

I have got a script with an outer and inner loop. The inner loop issues loads of echo's which need to be redirected to a log file determined by the outer loop. The obvious solution is to redirect every echo to >$LOG and set LOG in the outer loop.


for f in $FILES ; do
for l in $LINES ; do


it is possible to map stdout to $LOG in the outer loop without having to redirect every subsequent individual command output?

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Programming :: Bash File Names Different Than Openbox Trash

Feb 14, 2011

Im writing my first bash script. Its function is to move files to the trash can and write a log file in the same format that the system does to allow for file restoration. The problem is that in bash, everything works fine, but in the OpenBox window session, the files are named after the source directory, not the original name. Heres the script:

# trash - Script to move file or folder to the trash can and create a log file
##### Functions #####
err_output () # Writes error message {
echo "$0: cannot stat `$1': No such file or directory"
exit 1 } >&2

write_log_numbered ()
# Writes log entry for numbered files {
echo "[Trash Info]" > $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
echo "Path="$PWD >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
echo "DeletionDate="`date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo

write_log_unique () # Writes log entry for unique files {
echo "[Trash Info]" > $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
echo "Path="$PWD >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
echo "DeletionDate="`date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
} make_paths () # Makes necessary folders {
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash/files
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash/info

##### Main #####
DEST=$(dirname ~/.local/share/Trash/files/filename)
[ -e "$SOURCE" ] || err_output "$SOURCE"
[ -d "$DEST" ] || err_output "$DEST"
FILE="$(basename "$SOURCE")"

if [ -e "${DEST}/${FILE}" ]; then
max=0 DIR="$(pwd)" cd "$DEST"
shopt -s nullglob for backup in "${FILE}."; do
if [[ "$nr" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
if (( nr>max )); then
max="$nr" fi
cd "$DIR"
max=$(( max + 1 ))
mv -- "$SOURCE" "${DEST}/${FILE}.$max"
mv -- "$SOURCE" "$DEST/${FILE}"

So I run the script with the test file "Junk". In bash, it moves over and its named correctly.
~/.local/share/Trash/files$ ls
file file.1 Files Files.1 Junk
The log file is also named correctly

~/.local/share/Trash/info$ ls
file.1.trashinfo Files.1.trashinfo Files.trashinfo file.trashinfo Junk.trashinfo

But, when I go to view the trash can in the file manager in Openbox, the file is called "Testing" which is the name of the source directory. However, if I go to the trashcan via its full path (going to .local/, then share/) all the files are named correctly. Whats going on here? Is there some way to get the trash can to read the correct file name?

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Programming :: Bash: Handling Input From File And Keyboard?

Jan 20, 2009

I have this little shell script which copies file names taken from inputfile:

while read line; do
cp -i $line something


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Programming :: BASH: Listing Contents Of .zip File Into An Array?

May 18, 2010

I want to list the contents of a zip file amd put each entry into an array. I've been doing


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Programming :: Bash - Statement To Check If A File Exists Or Not?

Oct 6, 2010

This script that I found online does the job it promises. it does convert the files to mp3 without an issue. What I need to include now is an if statement that says If $file.mp3 exists then delete $file.wav

# name of this script:
# wav to mp3
# Credit to the script creator (Nikesh Jauhari):


After that I'm stumped as to how to do the if statement

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Programming :: Bash Script Which Uses Awk To To Fetch A Line From A File?

Mar 24, 2010

Below is the part of my bash script which uses awk to to fetch a line from a file. Choice is set by a case, and i know it is receiving a proper number because of the echo statement. The problem is with the syntax of the awk command it says the error is with one of the ', but when I run the command at the command line and replace "$choice" with a number it works properly. So I am not sure what is going on.

echo "announcing choice $choice"
command="awk 'NR = "$choice"' beerpong.txt | say"

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Programming :: Bash Script And Grep Inside File?

Apr 2, 2010

What I'm trying to do is grep [mysqld] from inside my.cnf and then add lines inside the file should they not be there. how do i do that?

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Programming :: Bash Scripting With File Date Comparison?

Mar 23, 2011

I need to be able to compare a file date with system date and delete files older than 30 days.

the file name is basically

of course the extension is the date the file was created.

Oh and before i get hammered I looked everywhere but am unable to make sense of what I found.

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Programming :: Bash: Split A Text File Into An Array?

Sep 18, 2010

I have a file (called twitterstatus.tmp) that looks like this:


<text>Are we gonna ride the sun home?</text>


How could I feed this into an array, with each element containing everything between the <status> </status> tags?

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