Programming :: Find Files With Missing Text?

Oct 19, 2010

Need to make sure a security line is added in to every webpage on a site, trying to find out how to list only the filenames of the pages that are missing the text. awk or grep? o what I want is to list all files NOT containing the word 'securemasthead'

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Programming :: Command For Find/Replace In Text Files (inc. Files In Sub-folders)?

Oct 11, 2010

I found this command that works great finding and replacing a simple string to another in files located in that folder and all sub-folders.

Code: find . -name '*.php' | xargs perl -pi -e 's/OldText/NewText/g'

The problem I have is that I need to replace a more complex string, like this: Old string: /mnt/stor6-wc2-dfw1/627896/982574/ New string: /mnt/stor8-wc2-dfw1/369587/302589/ There I don't know how to do it... since the / is what separates the old from the new strings, and the strings that I want to replace have / in it. Also, I would like to know how to specify under what folder replace the files, for example, I want that it search/replaces all files under /var/www/mysite/htdocs folder.

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General :: Command Line - Use Find To Find Text Files?

Jul 15, 2011

Is there a way to specify to find that I only want text files (and not binary files)? Grep has an option to exclude binary files, so I thought find probably has a similar feature, but I've been unable to find it.

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General :: Find Text Within Files?

Nov 23, 2010

find text within files? detailed at Code: man grep

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General :: Find And Replace Text From Many Files In A Dir?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a many directories each with about 20 html files inside. All the files have .html ext. What I'm hoping is possible is from command line to find some text in each one and replace it with some other text.

Basically what I want to replace is;


I can do this easily with dreamweaver or some other application but because I have 960 pages total to do I'm hoping to do it this way.

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Programming :: Exact Text Find And Replace?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a sysctl.conf that has the following in it:

kernel.exec-shield-randomize = 1
kernel.exec-shield = 1

When I grep kernel.exec-shield I get both line, hence I keep over writing the kernel.exec-shield-randomize in my script because it finds them both for my sed commend.

How can I get an exact match with either sed/awk/grep in shell so I can do a find and replace?

Example: sed 's/^kernel.exec-shield =.*/kernel.exec-shield = 1/g' /etc/sysctl.conf will replace BOTH lines

Example: grep "^kernel.exec-shield" find both line and I want it to find only the exact line.

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Software :: Find And Delete String In Text Files?

Mar 6, 2010

I have a series of file names in a text file that I generated by running

bash-4.1# ls -alt *.txz | awk '{print $8}'
and then copy pasting the output. All of these file names have the version number

I just want a method to remove that version number from all the filenames so that I can then add all the packages without version numbers to a blacklist file.

I've tried kwrite and mousepad and both have a search feature and a replace feature but I haven't been able to just have the text removed successfully.

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Programming :: Find String In Text File And Add Something To That Line

May 26, 2011

I want to know how can I add something to a specific line.. the output would be something like:
def 123

Search for string "def" and add something to that line.

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Programming :: Find String In Text File (bash Script)

Apr 17, 2011

write such script (bash script). I have some text file with name filename.txt I must check if this file contains string "test-string-first", I must cut from this file string which follows string "keyword-string:" and till first white-space and save it to some variable.

For example. File: PHP Code: PHP Code:
Start 15022011 Eng 12-3-42
SN1232324422 11 test-string-first
SN322211 securities
HH keyword-string:123456321-net mark (11-22) 


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Ubuntu :: Command Line - Find And Replace Text Within Multiple Files?

Aug 28, 2010

I'm pretty sure this is doable from the command line, but my CLI skills have degraded a lot since my pre-Y2K admin days. The goal is to search all the files in the directory for a very long string of text and replace it with another string of text. The text being searched for is my Google Adsense code (which will be stripped from my website) and it will be replaced with a placeholder so I can easily tack something else in there in the future.

Seeing how I have that long snip of code on about 100 pages, automating the process would make life easier.
If I was searching for a single word, I can see ways to do this.
If I paste the code I'm searching for into a text file, is there a way to:
find (contents of oldstring.txt) and replace with (contents of newstring.txt)?

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Programming :: Extract The Text From Files?

Aug 28, 2010

I have many files in a folder from which I need to extract some contents, these are basically text files wich have individual lines with (i.e)

name: john
address: whatever
phone: 123456

Some caveats

1. Sometimes a line might be missing.

name: johnn
phone: 123456

2. Lines are not in the same line-numbers across the files I did try some things with awk based on google searches but I couldn't extract the data of each file into a single line (this is the ultimate goal):


I don't have knowledge other than having put some bash scripts together for backup jobs, so I am open to install anything that could to pull this off.

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Programming :: Substitute Text In Many Files?

Mar 11, 2010

I have this PHP Program I have been hobbying for years. Started in old PHP3 early PHP4. So with the newer PHP, things are starting to break! I have this string:


And I need to convert to this:


in more than 200 scripts in my directory. I have been toying with perl (in a copy of the dir of course in case I really screw things over, lol) but am not gettig too far. The new code needs to swap ( ) for [ ] and i'm just all hung up! I am getting lost in Perl, I have this, but it does not substitute so I am missing something:

perl -i.bak -pe "s/session_is_registered('UserID')/isset(\$_SESSION['UserID'])/g" *.php

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Programming :: Reading And Writing Text Files In C?

Jan 1, 2011

Reading and writing text files in C?

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Programming :: Play With Calling Text Files In C

May 5, 2010

I am trying to play with calling text files in C. What I have is a text file with 4 columns of numbers I need to average 2 of them. I have started and hit a wall. I have the following so far:


I still need to figure out how to read the data in. I have been reading on this for a few hours and its not clicking. How does the program know which columns with names to call. the data is organized: ID, Day, Speed, Temp.

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Programming :: Read Entire Text Files Into C++?

Sep 15, 2010

im making a program (for the heck of it) that rewrites it code everytime it is run.(my ambition is to turn it into my c++ teacher and watch her be confuzled as to why she cant read my code and why it does weird things) Ive just started c++ programming, and managed to rewrite a program so that when it is run a second time, it says hello world. My problem is that I can only input the file as a single string. What I need to do is to be able to input the entire file into the c++ program, as a single object and then ifstream it out with the destination as the source code.

Also, it would help alot if there was someway to write additional lines to an existing text file instead of overwriting what is already there. That way, every time my c++ runs and rebuilds itself, it adds another couple of lines of code to a txt file and when the final iteration is complete, it loads a text file that was created by the program and uses it to program itself. I heard there is some sort of spawn command, can it be used to open up notepad and write to it? it would be awsome if my various programs could open different notepads with various messages

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Software :: Join 2 Text Files Based On First Number Present In Every Line Of The 2 Text Files?

Jan 22, 2010

I have 2 text files : file1.txt and file2.txt

cat file1.txt

15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces
34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces

cat file2.txt

2 this is sentence1file2
6 this is sentence2file2
54 this is sentence3file2

I would like to join these 2 files. The result should look as follows :

cat joinedfile.txt

2 this is sentence1file2
6 this is sentence2file2
15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces
34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces
54 this is sentence3file2

==> so the joined file must be sorted on the first number. Any ideas how this can be achieved ?

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Programming :: Editing Text Files With Information From PostgreSQL DB?

May 16, 2011

Is there any way to edit text files with information in a database? The file is supposed to be always the same.. the information is going to be addedd in a specific format

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Programming :: Pull Http Links Out Of Text Files?

Aug 15, 2010

I am trying to figure out a way to pull http links out of text files and then output the results in a log. The text files are in folders like this inside a source directory.



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Programming :: BASH Read Text List Zip Files Into A Single Archive?

Jul 22, 2010

AKA "zipping on the fly .. the slow-as-molasses way." The list includes full pathnames to each file, and they're all in subfolders of the same parent folder (which, unfortunately, is not the root folder of the drive or system on which the files reside). A cleaned-up and radio-ready portion of the list looks like




What I'd like to be able to do is zip all the files in the list into a single archive, to avoid the step of having to copy them to the same location (presumably another folder on the HD) and then zip that folder. I'm more inclined to make provisions about extracting to a single folder at some other time. Is this possible in BASH, or would I have to consider a faster, more robust scripting language such as python or perl?

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Programming :: Creating A Ftp Script That Will Take Connection And File Details From Text Files?

Nov 23, 2010

I need a little help creating a ftp script that will take connection and file details from text files.For - script that looks for details and does transferftpparams.txt - ftp server connection details in single line csv formatftpfiles.txt - files that need to be transfer, one file per line.I have tried using awk with no success

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Programming :: Parsing Text Files In Bash / Cant Seem To Read The Array Back?

May 29, 2011

PI'm trying to write a script to list all open ports in the MINIUNPND chain in iptables and use the procotol, port and destination ip to open ports on another router using upnpc.Here is the output of iptables -L MINIUPNPD

>iptables -L MINIUPNPD
Chain MINIUPNPD (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:19955
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:20054
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere udp dpt:10654
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:29955

No matter what i do i cant seem to remove the first 4 characters from the MYPROT array to leave only the digits. Also i cant seem to read the array back???

I thought it would simply be a loop reading each line and passing the fields in variables, executing upnpc commands i need then moving to the next line of the file until it reached the EOF.

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Programming :: Sed Regular Expression - Write Script To Edit Text Files?

Jun 29, 2010

I am trying to write a script to edit text files formatted like this:

There are never line breaks or spaces in the actual files.

I want to delete all instances of the character "@" and everything between it and the next "," (including that comma) or the next ")" (including that close parentheses) whichever comes first. My desired output file would be like this:

I figured out how to do this using sed for either "," or ")" but both looking for whichever comes first.

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Programming :: Way To Find Core Files In System With Out Using "Find" Command

Jul 30, 2010

Is there any way to find the core files with out using the FIND command?

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Programming :: How To Find Files With Partial Name

Sep 1, 2010

I am fairly new to linux but I want to write a function to find any file with only a partial name. I can only use sh shell and busybox applets for this.I could do something like the sad code below...


TEST_ONE=$(find /path/to/directory -name *$1*)
TEST_TWO=$(find /path/to/directory -name $1*)
TEST_THREE=$(find /path/to/directory -name *$1)


fi I just made that up but obviously it is pretty bad I'm sure there is a much better way to do it but I just can't think of a way. I also would like to have the file found even if capital letters are used and the file is all lower case.

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Programming :: Excluding Files From Find?

Oct 22, 2010

I have spent the last hour searching for a solution to this, but I can't get it to work. Here is what I am trying to do:

I have directories for different months in one folder. So for example Code: ../folder/Jan/
etc. Some of the folders have a dot in front of the month as so: Code: ../folder/.Sep/


I am trying to find all the csv files EXCEPT those in a folder that has a dot. For example I want all the csv files in ../folder/Jan/ but I want none in ../folder/.Oct/.

I also want to exclude all the files in the /Aug/ folder that represent days 10-31.

Here is what I have so far: Code: find /some_path/folder/ ( ! -name "Aug[10-31]*.csv" ! -path "/.*/" -name "*.csv" ) | more This command lists all the .csv files except those in the /Aug/ files. So it just ignores the /Aug/ folder completely but lists every other .csv file.

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Debian :: Lenny : Find And Grep "missing" Files?

Aug 24, 2011

i need to scan all files on a dns server (bind 9, lenny) to find a string (192.168) i been suggested to use find with grep i filter out the things i dont need like logs here's the command

find /* -name "slot*" -prune -o -name "var" -prune -o -name "proc" -prune -o -name "log" -prune -o -name "*logs*" -prune -o -name "*history*" -prune -o -type f -print | xargs grep -n '192.168' 2>/dev/null

it show me results with various depth in the directories but it fail to show the occurrence that are in /etc/bind/zones/ if i run the exact same command but with the path being /etc/bind/* the missing occurrence are shown what did i do wrong ?

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Programming :: Perl: Find Variable Text Between Keywords And Replace W/ "term_<variable_text>_term"?

Jul 12, 2010

I am trying to write a Perl script that can open a file, find text that appears between two identifying strings (for now, "start" and "end"), then modify that text by enclosing it between "term_" and "_term" . Since the identified strings vary, the replacement string becomes "term_$1_term". From looking at other threads in this forum I've been able to get as far as spitting out the modified terms using the following code:

open FILE, "start2.txt" || die ("Could not open file <br> $!");
$text = <FILE>;
while ($text=~ s/start (.*?) end//) {


The problem is how to get "term_$1_term" into the file in the same while loop, which I'm guessing would be some of variant of "$text=~ s/$1/$term/;" (which doesn't work as it stands).

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Programming :: Find Files Older Than X And Count Them?

Nov 29, 2010

I have log files that should be parsed and then deleted by a script on a regular basis. Sometimes things don't work for a variety of reasons and the log files sit and sit and are never dealt with. What I need is a small script that can give me the files older than X days and a count of those files.

What I have so far helps me take care of things manually but I need a little automation in my life Here is what I have: I can count all the files in the necessary directories recursively with this: ls -laR | wc -l And I can find all the files that are older than 10 days that haven't been deleted yet by doing this: find /home/mike/logs -type f -mtime +10 But how do I put both of them into a script that will just give me the end number of both?

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Programming :: Find A Word From Different Files In System?

Dec 22, 2010

How to find a word from different files in linux ?
Is there any command like (find . / -name *****), that can search files in the system for a particular word in Linux?

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Programming :: Bash Find Files On Time Help?

Mar 11, 2011

I am trying to find a nightly backup if it was successfully copied over, rename it and curl, but it's always passing the check even if the file is older than specified. From the command line it does as it should. Example is here;

find /backup -type f -mmin +4440 -exec echo "found" {} ;
- nothing returned (good). Then I change the time


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