Programming :: Bash Find Files On Time Help?
Mar 11, 2011
I am trying to find a nightly backup if it was successfully copied over, rename it and curl, but it's always passing the check even if the file is older than specified. From the command line it does as it should. Example is here;
find /backup -type f -mmin +4440 -exec echo "found" {} ;
- nothing returned (good). Then I change the time
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Jun 23, 2009
I have scowered the internet for the answer to this one. I need a script to rename multiple files to the same exact name, run a program on the file then do the same for the next file. We have a unix backend system that is expecting to load the file with the filename of So I will have files named card.2009xxx, like i said i will have around 4 or five of those. I want the script to rename card.2009xxx to, run our unix program on which inturn changes the file name and once complete i want the script to rename the next cards.2009 to ""Until there are no more left in the directory and the unix program has processed all the files. All of this is occurring in the same directory. I have written some scripts but they fail by moving for example cards.200901 to then immediately moving cards.200902 to and that is not good because it is overwriting valuable data
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Feb 3, 2011
i want to find all files with .h or .c extension and print them on the screen. How can i do it with bash script programming?
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Feb 25, 2010
I'm working on a bash script that will go through a directory, find the sub-directories that have been created since the last time the script ran, count the results, and output that integer (will most likely be '1' or less per each instance run) to a file. Give the circumstances, my previous (and very limited) experience with bash is not sufficient for me to pull this off. since it probably has bearing, is that my mail server stores files that it flags as viruses in a folder. It creates a sub-directory for each virus that it quarantines .I want to count those subdirectories and graph them with MRTG. Hence the script. I'm going to post what I've got so far and the purpose of it, because I'm told I have a very odd and efficient way of doing scripting.
But then it dawned on me that it wouldn't work because I would have to not count the directories that have already been counted and count the ones that have not been counted. Given that the purpose of this is to generate a graph about every 5 minutes, using find won't work because, to my knowledge, that will only find things based on whole day values, I need it almost down to the minute.
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Jun 5, 2009
I want to remove duplicate or multiple similar lines from multiple files. I.e. if I have four files file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt and file4.txt and would like to find and remove similar lines from all these files keeping only one line from these similar lines. I only that uniq can be used to remove similar lines from a sorted file.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a bash script that is tracking ERROR connections (running in a cron every 15 minutes), sometimes the errors are true and are not connecting. But most of the time, the disconnects/reconnects are between 30 seconds are sending out false positives. I am looking for a time comparison code to pick out the 30 second disconnects and know that this is and "ok" error. Here is a section of the log with timestamps, errors, etc.
Tue 2010-06-01 22:01:30 ERROR [DataBufferSendService] caught exception: [NetworkAPI] Exception: [SocketStream] socket error
Tue 2010-06-01 22:01:32 ERROR [DataBufferSendService] caught exception: [NetworkAPI] Exception: [SocketStream] socket error
Tue 2010-06-01 22:02:00 INFO [Client] connecting to on port 8016
Tue 2010-06-01 22:02:02 INFO [Client] connecting to on port 8016
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Jun 8, 2010
I write a bash script to time some downloads from a server using ftp connection. ( something like: "time ftp 'options' ) I need to count the time for a list of files in a loop and output the result in a file.
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Sep 18, 2010
How would I go about finding all the folders in a directory than contain less than x number of .flac files?
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Sep 28, 2010
Im looking for assistance to create a script to find and replace files.Probably best if I give you the background Our server uses a specific application which stores user data, each user data account (a folder on the server) has a file called 'Profile.xml' this file gets updated and replaced about every 30 mins similar to the fashion logrotate works i.e. Profile.xml.1 Profile.xml.2 -> .10
What we experience is that if the application crashes unexpectedly while it is doing its user profile refresh task we end up with sometimes a few hundred Profile.xml files which end up 0kb(should be around 4kb) , and our server see's these as corrupted profiles and will not see them. Our fix is to go back thru and rename the Profile.xml.1 to be Profile.xml (or sometimes up to Profile.xml.5 to Profile.xml) We want a script we can manually run to automate this process The server tree is
What we have so far is a script which finds the affected files
find /mnt/ -maxdepth 4 -name Profile.xml -size -1k
This will display a list of affected profiles, and we can append it to a text file with >>output.txt on the end.
if 'pattern' in 'location' equals '0kb' then 'cp' Profile.xml.1 Profile.xml
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Mar 31, 2011
I need to rename the resulted searched files from a loopI have the following code:
find . -name DOC* | while read i
find $i -type f -name '*.txt'
basically, I am searching for all txt files inside any folder starting with DOC name.this code is working fine with me.I need to rename those .txt files to .txtOLDOS: Ubuntu 10.4Bash shell
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Jan 6, 2011
I am currently writing some convenience methods for my terminal in my bash_profile and am sure if what I am writing is "the best way". I figure a good way to verify whether what I'm doing is right or not would be to find some source code of more established programs and see how they do it.My question then is, where can I find this code on my Mac? An example is, with Macports installed, where is the source code that opens the port interactive console when I type nothing but "port" in my shell?(I added Linux in the title even though I am on a Mac because I assume the answer would be the same for both)
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Jun 8, 2010
What kind of method to find the duplicates files on linux, to find just using the file name, sometimes i figure out people often to copy their files to another directory and i want to find out if there any same file name in the linux box.
2. what about if i want to find the duplicate files based on contents of the file, example is in picture file if users store picture files from digital camera first they just save the file name in default but when they want to give that picture to others they will rename it, i've been used method md5 for this situation in python script but it takes long time
I'm asking this question just to know to use bash script a lot in work and i want to test out fdupes at home, is fdupes use similar md5 scan to find duplicate files?
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Dec 4, 2010
what i wanted to do was find all the files with a specific name from a tree, sort them by modification time and have their directory appended to them so that i knew where they were (because they all have the same name). i tried a whole bunch of different things and finally did this:
find . -type f -name world.sav -exec ls -l '{}' ; > ~/dfsaves.txt; gawk '{$1=""; $2=""; $3=""; $4=""; $5=""; print}' ~/dfsaves.txt | sort -n > ~/dfsavessorted.txt
this did the trick pretty well, but as you can see it is far from elegant and i think i'm doing some things wrong and kludgy
first thing i tried was "ls -lRt | grep world.sav" which worked except i couldnt distinguish the files because there were no directories. that took a lot of looking till i accepted i couldnt make ls print directories as well and append them to the files somehow that their relationship would be clear. i tried piping ls to find, doing it in reverse, passing them from grep etc. etc. until i read some more stuff online that got me using gawk and sort. the questions:
1. is there some other, more elegant and simple way to do this kind of detection and sorting?
2. is there any way to use a pipe after using exec? the semicolon seems to prevent this entirely, forcing me to use an intermediate file as above. i could just remove it later, but i'd prefer a straight piping.
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Aug 6, 2010
We have a script that FTP files 3 times a day, once ant 02:30, 04:00 and 13:00. Once the process runs it puts a copy of the file sent in the processed folder. What I'm trying to do is check to see if the files are there and if not send an alert /email. The file names are IVF_20100806_*.150, PLAZ_ 20100806_*.151, TRAN_20100806_*.152 and TRAN_20100806_*.151
This is what I have
. ${HOME}/.bash_profile
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May 15, 2011
i had a problem with the find command in bash (which i deem is close enough to a promming language, if not please move this thread :P). i tried to reduce the command to the problem. i want the backticks, or $() for that matter; to be evaluated by -exec of find, not by bash. is that a caveat of find?
$ find testd -exec echo `basename {}` ; #confused me
edit: i found out whats causing this. `basename {}` gets evaluated by bash before find is invoked, returns {} and `find . -exec echo {} ;" is run. now my question is, how to escape this eveluation from happening before.
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Mar 17, 2010
I am writing a script based image manipulator but i need to know if X is running so i can tell if i use CACAVIEW to imagemagick DISPLAY command.
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Mar 18, 2011
I am looking for a bash script which is compatible with Mac, to find duplicate files in a directory.
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Jun 21, 2011
Linux command to find files changed in last n seconds. shell script,that we can run from cli or command.
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Apr 17, 2011
write such script (bash script). I have some text file with name filename.txt I must check if this file contains string "test-string-first", I must cut from this file string which follows string "keyword-string:" and till first white-space and save it to some variable.
For example. File: PHP Code: PHP Code:
Start 15022011 Eng 12-3-42
SN1232324422 11 test-string-first
SN322211 securities
HH keyword-string:123456321-net mark (11-22)
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Oct 13, 2010
This may be a basic bash array/string operation related question, but I couldn't find any direct answer. So here it goes:I have a lot of data sorted in various directories. All directories need same processing except for a special group of directories. I have a symbolic link of the script in discussion in each directory. I want the script to get the name of the current directory, check if that belongs to special group and do specific operations.So I get the name of the directory
mm=`basename `pwd``
Now the the group of directories that needs something different to be done, contains these
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Mar 16, 2011
How to use Big O, Big Omega, and Big Theta to find running time of algorithms because it looks confusing which one of them to use..
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Oct 11, 2010
I found this command that works great finding and replacing a simple string to another in files located in that folder and all sub-folders.
Code: find . -name '*.php' | xargs perl -pi -e 's/OldText/NewText/g'
The problem I have is that I need to replace a more complex string, like this: Old string: /mnt/stor6-wc2-dfw1/627896/982574/ New string: /mnt/stor8-wc2-dfw1/369587/302589/ There I don't know how to do it... since the / is what separates the old from the new strings, and the strings that I want to replace have / in it. Also, I would like to know how to specify under what folder replace the files, for example, I want that it search/replaces all files under /var/www/mysite/htdocs folder.
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Feb 5, 2010
when we do enter on a folder it take some time for loading the folder depending on the no of entries in the folder . If the folder has more entries it take more time to load and if less no of entries then correspondingly less time . the delay in loading the folder varies due to reading of the folder entries in advance . SO what i want to know is that what is the MAX no of entries read in advance while opening a folder in linux and also how can we calculate this
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Sep 1, 2011
I'm trying to write a bash script which will find files then move them to a specific directory.
So far I have:
#script to find and move files
find $src_dir -iname '*.avi' -type f -exec mv '{}' $des_dir_mov ';'
I'd like to have all the possible movie file types then the image file types checked in a loop.
Every time I try to include an array in this script it breaks
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Mar 18, 2009
I'm trying to find a proper command to move a certain set of files according to date/time range. I am thinking that the command should be something like:
ls -l | grep 'date/time range' | mv /folder
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Dec 5, 2010
I'm starting bash shell script and I'm looping without any solution.
I'm trying to find some files under a folder hierarchy and in case of errors moving these files to a destination folder under the same hierarchy recreating this hierarchy if not exists.
Finding all ._* files under /src and moving them to /dest recreating folder1 or the others which contains ._* files but without moving files which does not correspond to the pattern.
I tried find command and I'am getting all needed files
But I don't know how to use the output to get the parent folder of files which are found to
1- create folder with mkdir -p /dest/folder1 or /dest/folder1/folder4
2- move found files from /src/... to /dest/... with rm command
I'm working on a find command as this trying to do all in the same line but ... little lost
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Feb 14, 2011
I wanted to find and replace a string from a perl file. I have written a script in bash which runs the following command.
perl -pi -e "s/$findstring/$replacestring/" testfile
where as $findstring = print F_WC_TMP"$line
and $replaceString = $line = join ' ', split ' ', $line; print F_WC_TMP"$line
But when I am running the above command, i think it is replacing the $findstring with the above mentioned string and hence it contains a $line, it is looking for the variable $line and not finding the exact string. I am confused about how to search for a string that contains $ in it and replace it with another $string.
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Dec 8, 2010
I am an uploader to a various hosts, so this tiny script me a lot. I make a rar archive and split files with 100mb. I could get 3-4 or even 76 parts of rar files and it would take me some time to paste all these urls to remote upload function of filehosting sites. For example:
server:/home/cober/downloads/teevee# ls -al
total 358784
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Dec 8 19:38 .
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Jul 13, 2011
I have a lot of filenames (strings) following the same convention
What I want to do is to create a script that will interpret the following string and save into variables part of its name
m02_+1+7_London_0000$01.cfg as
then I want to copy the files that go all the files with the same City and X and Y to the same subfolder City/MX.Y I will need some help start doing that. And I think the first would be to get part of the filenames strings into variables.
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Jun 15, 2011
I'm making a small script for searching and doing some operations with photos, but I'm kinda stuck on this little function:
function findallformat {
if [ $1 = -pre ] then
That function should find for every file with a certain type; and you can specify a prefix using a "-pre" followed by the prefix that you want to search. The format should be "stackable", so you can use as many types that you want, without repeating the same function on the code.
Example: findallformat -pre IMG_ .JPG .CR2 #That should search files that start with "IMG_" and finishes with .JPG and .CR2. My problem it's that, when I try to use it on the script, it says "bash: syntax error near `token' unexpected `}'"
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