write such script (bash script). I have some text file with name filename.txt I must check if this file contains string "test-string-first", I must cut from this file string which follows string "keyword-string:" and till first white-space and save it to some variable.
For example. File: PHP Code: PHP Code: Start 15022011 Eng 12-3-42 SN1232324422 11 test-string-first SN322211 securities HH keyword-string:123456321-net mark (11-22)
I have large text files with space delimited strings (2-5). The strings can contain "'" or "-". I'd like to replace say the second space with a pipe. What's the best way to go? Using sed I was thinking of this:
[Syenite] RegionUUID = 8fc56fdd-0afd-4074-9432-0ae8f42b799f Location = 9992,10007 InternalAddress = InternalPort = 9000 AllowAlternatePorts = False ExternalHostName = What I need to do is find out what the IP address is after "ExternalHostName ="
After that I will need to compare that IP to whatismyip and if it's different then replace it but that is easy to do with sed. I just can't figure this simple hurdle out.
I need to find a string in a file ... then delete the line it is on, as well as the next 6 lines. Or, delete the line the string is on and all subsequent lines until the search finds the character "["
filename = test.txt
contents: [foo] test>test test>test test>test
so, in this example. I'd like to search the file for string 'foo' and delete all lines from that line until [bar] (not deleting the line with [bar])
I have to delete a certain line of text from the a textfile via ubuntu's shell scripting.I have done research, and it seems that most people advocate the usage of sed /d option. sed makes does not edit the text file. Hence, most options I discovered involved the use of a temporary variable/textfile and then overwriting the old file with the temporary new file. Is there anyway whereby I can bypass the use of temporary storage containers? I hope there is any magical combination of commands to edit the file directly.
im tryin to make a tool in visual C++ which will take an input string through a text box,then it will compare tht string with a text file containing data and display the matched results in list box.
I have two txt files containing x and y coordinates: xcoord.txt & ycoord.txt. I need to open them; read them line by line to get each coordinate; then each time I need to update Xs and Ys parameters inside another file called "dc.in" with the grabbed values.
Finally each time I need to run two exe files ( dc_2002 and st_vac) and produce corresponding output for each Xs and Ys ( dc.in is an input file for this exe files)
I have written the following code but it does not work:
Was wondering if any perl guru's could help me with a quick log file adjustment. I have a text file that looks like so (tabs and newlines are revealed so you can see what separates the data):
There are maybe 100 lines of text in this file at any given time. I need to delete all duplicate lines only looking at the first bit of text prior to the first tab. It doesn't matter which one gets deleted as long as there are no two lines that begin with that same text at the beginning before the first tab. So in this example, either the fist line "1234" or the last line "1234" would need to be deleted. I already have code in my script that opens the files - I just need the code to read the text into an array and the part that would find matches based on the above criteria, and make the deletions.
If it would be easier, I can even do a system call and use SED (v4.1.5) and/or AWK (3.1.5) instead.
bash 3.1.17(2) I'm trying do write a shell script which must operate on each line of an ASCII text file. So, all the code must be inside a loop, and inside the loop, the first thing should be to read the next line from the file. I have the bash read command. But it reads from stdin. Any way to make read from a file?
a sed command to add a text before line number in text file? I have text file with 500 lines, and i want to add 3 more lines with text after line 300, OR before line 302, isn't no problem.
I am having trouble writing a script that monitors a text file. When the file contains number 1 (or any other string that is not a command) it does nothing, but when it is something different from 1, it executes that command.
So, there are 2 files: monitor.mon - this is the file that will be checked constanlty; and test.sh - the script that does the job. The monitor.mon file will have its content modified by php. This means a web page will have a form where I input commands and writes does commands in the file. Test.sh will watch when the file's content changes from character 1 to a command, execute that command and write back a 1 so it will not execute it more times.
I tried combining while and if but with no success. Tried reading the file with cat and grep -e but it doesn't seem to recognize when content changes.
Quote:Originally Posted by topcatI would like to know how i can write a shell script to delete a line if a particular pattern exists?E.g. I have a text file with multiple lines. Say 1000s. in the following pattern.
If the patternusername@email.com exists then the line "username@email.com: should be deleted from the file.I have a very similar question but I need to delete one line in a file which matches one very precise instance of a string only. Let's assume I have a file composed of thousands of lines and let's call the file chap-secrets. Let's take the following sample entries:
Code: #USERNAME SERVER PASSWORD IP pp pptpd blahblah *
I have a very large data file, with 3 numbers in each line, ex. 3 4 5 ; 6 7 8.I want to add two numbers (0 and 1) at the end of every line, and a string at the beginning of the line. Does anyone know a efficient way to do so?
I want to use SED to do the following: In a text file replace any occurrences of the three character string ZZZ with a quotation mark "and. replace all occurrences of a comma with a semi-colon. It is the S/ / / command which is stumping me on the first issue...inparticular how to get the replace string to be quote.
I have script that I'm working on that updates a username in all the files that are called blah.inc for my framework. since i host a bunch of these web apps i need to do it to all of them. so I need to figure out how to update these files automagically with out me watching it to call vim every time. heres what I have so far
This finds the files but now i need to figure out how to do s/bob/fred/g on those files.
I've been trying to understand pthread in C a little better. So I made a simple program that takes in a string from the command line and creates a thread to print the string. I've looked online and copied the basic concepts but there are something things I'm confused about. The programs works just fine, but I have questions. Here's what I have so far.
One thing I'd like to know is why the 3rd argument in the pthread_create function which is my SendMessage function needs to be typecasted to a void pointer and then send the address of the function. Also as for the 4th argument, I would see typecasting to void pointer in some of the pthread examples I saw online, but in my case I'm passing a char pointer, would this be correct? In which case would I ever want to pass a void pointer?
Do I need a pthread_exit(NULL) in my main and in the SendMessage function? If so, why? I added the sleep() function so that I could let the pthread_exit function in my SendMessage function execute first. I simply saw that the online examples on pthread had pthread_exit() in both locations.
I have a line in a text file that has 40 random characters within a tag and i want to change the characters to a new set of 40 random characters (alphanumeric a-z 0-9 etc)
The line in the text file looks like this:
How would i go about doing that?
Also second question same as the above but how would i remove them instead of replacing them?
Say I have a text file like: Code: 1 3 4 How would I use ksh to put the number '2' into the second line of that file?Okay it's not bash, it's ksh because this computer is OpenBSD
I have a text file called namelist.wps. In this file there is a line that reads:
Code: start_date = '2010-12-26_12:00:00', '2010-12-26_12:00:00', I have to automatically update the year, month, and day of month for this line without changing the rest of the file. Here is the script that I have:
If I have a word in a text file and I need to replace it by another word (for example, i need to replace abc by fff) so what is the command I can type it?
I have a text file called namelist.wps. In this file there is a line that reads:Code: start_date = '2010-12-26_12:00:00', '2010-12-26_12:00:00', I have to automatically update the year, month, and day of month. I set values for the year, month, and day of month using the following code in a c-shell script:Code: set y1 = `date +%Y`set m1 = `date +%m`set d1 = `date +%d` After I do this, how do I update year, month, and day of month, without changing any of the other lines in the namelist.wps file?
I am thinking of appending something to each line in a text file with Java. I prefer not write a new file with content appended from the old one.That 'something' would probably be Time Stamp when the file is created (which is same for each line).I am not sure Java provide some easy way for it or not
I wanted to find and replace a string from a perl file. I have written a script in bash which runs the following command.
perl -pi -e "s/$findstring/$replacestring/" testfile where as $findstring = print F_WC_TMP"$line "; and $replaceString = $line = join ' ', split ' ', $line; print F_WC_TMP"$line ";
But when I am running the above command, i think it is replacing the $findstring with the above mentioned string and hence it contains a $line, it is looking for the variable $line and not finding the exact string. I am confused about how to search for a string that contains $ in it and replace it with another $string.