Programming :: Your Opinions Of The Best Combination Of Programming Languages To Learn
Jun 10, 2010
I want to know your opinions on the best combination of programming languages to learn if you want to learn more than one. An explanation of your choices would be real nice. I've included a multiple-choice poll that has the langauges from the Member's Choice Awards 2009 list of best programming languages on it. Please vote for your choice of languages also. It should be interesting to see what the numbers are like when people can vote this way, and choose more than one language.I'm voting for Python/C just as an "overall" opinion. It's what I'm going to learn. I've done quite a bit of reading and experimenting and this is what I've personally settled on. My opinion is just a personal "overall" opinion. You can also pick just a single language, and vote for just a single language if you think it's better to learn just one.
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Mar 25, 2010
have a previous background in internet programming languages such as XHTML, DHTML, CSS and javacsript. I would like to start programming and managing my linux system (like an expert) and starting on linux projects also. My question is which is the best programming language to learn: C, C++ (may b even C+), python, Perl etc... I'm learning BASH right now cause I know its a necessity for linux systems. but what would you guys suggest after that I learn.
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May 4, 2011
I am just starting to learn Linux and am interested in a career in Linux. Actually I wanna go for RHCE, which is the first step for Sys Admin..right?? Basically I do NOT want to go into programming/developing as I don't feel it's my cup of tea (and also may be it sort of boggles me). Still, from what I gather I am having confusions regarding whether I should learn any programming language for a career in Linux.
Here I am avoiding programming..and now I get to hear that Linux career uses programming..That's sort of frustrating...My friend told me I need to "master" C. Do I need to learn some programming language?? If yes, then to how much extent?
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Nov 23, 2010
So a friend and I are new-ish to linux (I am reasonably comfortable with basic /etc text editing, command admin). We are, however, completely new to programming and (x)html. We have a few (what we think are) interesting ideas for dynamic websites.Ideally we would like to develop our own course of study to get to the point where we have a basic understanding of programming so that our adventures in the programming of a dynamic website would be possible. Much of what we need learn to do is the following: use daily updated public-domain data from several other sites, manipulate that data algorithmically, which would then yield updating output on our site. Here is what I would like to do:
1. learn the basics of programming with a language that would teach good code habits and fundamental understanding.
2. become comfortable with (x)html
3. learn another language for the extension of (x)html into a dynamic data-heavy website.
Question could you please suggest a way about going about 1>2>3?Ideally the language of (1) would be something that would not be "wasted" just on web design etc. As a language, C really appeals to me. However, if learning this wouldn't lend itself to being helpful in learning another language for webdesign maybe I shouldn't use it(?).If (1) weren't to be C, what language would be funadmental enough to teach good coding but also be helpful in learning (3)
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Jun 28, 2009
I've been working in the real world for a year making some money to go back and finish my masters, and now I'm coming to the end of my contract and am realising how little i remember and how small my scope has become; i basically do shell scripts and perl these days, and its making me uneasy. So instead of bitching about it , I'm going to endevor to complete Project Euler Using randomly generated programming languages for each problem, selected from
And post the fruits of my attempts at my blog (shameless plug) aswell as opening up my svn repository when I'm done. (altho i need to ask in another thread about svn permissions....)To my shame i havent ever touched C#, JavaScript, Ruby or Python, so all in all its going to be very interesting how much i screw up.Anyone have any additional ideas, or languages I'm missing or such? I was considering TCL or Haskell or Erlang at a strech, but i dont know how useful these three would be.
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Jul 11, 2011
What book you recommend to learn programming in C ANSI ?
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May 30, 2009
Forgive me if this question displays volumes of ignorance, but which programming languages can/do run natively in linux/the various linux distributions?I'm not exactly new to programming, but all of my work so far has been done in .NET and Java environments, and as such, has involved using Windows native-running programs or programs that run in the JRE.If this is a stupid question, please help me to ask a better one.
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Mar 4, 2010
I wanted to try learning Assembler, I wonder if you know of any good tutorials or hints? I have an x86_64 CPU running (obviously) Linux.
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May 15, 2011
ubuntu terminal mingling made me want to learn programming, i started with python, using idle workspace (is this the right term?)i got to the stage when i need and want to use SPE workspace.i have downloaded it, but can't type in it - when i type, nothing happens at all.where have i been wrong please ?
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Jan 21, 2011
i want to learn a scripting language,which one should i go for ,among perl and python.
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Oct 30, 2010
A good book to learn about threads in C/C++?
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May 26, 2011
Which scripting language to learn for Linux Administration? Python, Ruby, Perl, or PHP?
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Aug 13, 2010
I am going to school for Network Engineering and hope to one day be a systems administrator or something similar. I was wondering what some good scripting languages would be to learn. I know the obvious, Python, Perl, Shell Scripting and PHP, but what else?
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Jun 27, 2010
I am web developer, i am work with php,and want choice best linux for create my project
and learn web server
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Oct 5, 2009
I went to the sun website but all I see are upgrades to JDK 6, I dont see where to download the actual JDK.
Anyone know where I can download the JDK for Linux?
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Aug 18, 2009
Well I have been interested in programming for a while, and just found out about Linux and Unix. I started out with Java, but now I know I bunch: Flash, C++, C and others. I was working on a mac so I made a few flash games then started to work on iPhone games. I was board one day and I found out about Unix and I thought that would be something else to try.So in an attempt to learn about Unix I have been reading different articles about it, and have heard of using different languages in one program. The article I was reading didn't give any examples, and it assumed the reader has programmed Unix before.
So how do you write programs in multiple languages, which languages would you use, and why would you want to do that?
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Oct 15, 2010
I have recently graduated from uni and during my time there I have developed an interest in HDL, specifically Verilog. As my current job doesn't lend itself to doing anything in verilog so I decided to keep myself sharp by designing a 32 bit processor that is similar to (but not the same as) the MIPS processor it will certainly be RISC. While starting work on it I have decided to start a blog detailing what I have done including the source file as I am entering my work into the wide world I think it needs a licence but I am not looking to make any money or even to derive any fame from what I'm doing. Like I said the main reason to do it is to keep me active in using HDLs.
I hope to gain from the blog suggestions for alternative(better) ways to do what I am doing, for people to use what I have done as an example of a medium sized project in verilog and to force me to have some form of documentation on my project. That's enough self publication to the question. Is the GPL (either version 2 or 3) applicable to work in HDL as it is not a traditional programming language but shares many of the same features? It certainly does not feel like I should use a CC license. I'm not sure this is the correct forum for this question but it seems most applicable.
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Jun 29, 2011
i'm wondering which scripting language is better for distro related activity such as cron jobs , startup scripts and similar things.why is bash mostly used ? is it because of efficiency ?what about perl , python or php as potential successors to bash ?
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Jul 21, 2010
I've got a (very) simple perl xinetd server that I'd like to port to C++. implement something similar using system() or popen() without success.
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Oct 14, 2010
I have a bash variable where the content looks like this where ;f1; and ;f2; are delimiters:
;f1;field1value1;f2;field2 value1 ;f1;field1value2;f2;field2 value2 ;f1;field1value3;f2;field2 value3
So what I need is to extract and put into variables each combination of f1 and f2 in a loop to something like that:
#first pass of the loop I need:
f2=field2 value1
#second pass of the loop I need:
f2=field2 value2
# third pass of the loop I need:
f2=field2 value3
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Feb 19, 2011
I was wondering about a package that can be used to write and compile/run programs in different programming languages. I was also wondering how possible it is to program in Visual Basic 2010 in openSUSE if at all.
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Jul 30, 2011
other than Python, which languages are built into most Linux distros, using a real-time interpreter, like the Python prompt, where you can just enter some commands and test out ideas before actually creating a file with your program?
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Oct 13, 2010
I'm new to Linux and these forums, but programmed in C++ on other systems. I discovered several Linux terminal emulators don't render Right to Left languages properly and so as an exercise I writing my own. It based on GtkTextView widget. Basically is working, but the shell won't issue prompts because it doesn't think my terminal emulator is actually a terminal (isatty returns false)
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Aug 27, 2010
I am interested in learning 3D programming. The thing is, I would hate to put too much effort to learn something that doesn't have future and is dying. My favorite language at the time is Java. My goal is professional programming.
So I have several questions:
1. Should I learn JOGL or start learning C++ and do C++ openGL programming?
2. Is there a big difference between JOGL and C++ openGL programming?
3. Is it worth to learn openGL? Does it have a future?
4. Is it a big difference between openGL and directX coding?
5. If choosing Java, then JOGL or LWJGL?
Why and what is the main difference between them?
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Sep 2, 2011
I'd like to hear some opinions from those of you who are willing to share some, about your experience with KDE or GNOME, about why you chose one or another and about what you miss in one or another. I don't want any "vs" discussions or the likes, I'm simply interested in sharing experiences. (I hope this is not "yet another KDE GNOME post" to bore you off, I searched a little bit and found no such topic).
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm wanting to back up my kids' DVD collections because lets face it: DVD's and frisbees just look too much alike.......Anyway, I can rip the DVD's fine (usining k9copy), but 5GB seems excessive to me for a 1:1 copy.
I'd like to know what other people are using to shrink final file size. Also changing file formats from .aviso that I can just use these same files on the little personal video players the kids got for Christmas would be great. They support a number of file types which escapes me at the moment.
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Mar 7, 2010
Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. I do not have experience in Java, only perl and shell scripts. Recently I have been asked to maintain a software written in groovy (also to make enhancements). So can I learn groovy without knowing java language. or isit I have to learn java before venturing into groovy.
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May 30, 2010
I did searched you tube but my results were not great.I have 2 books on KernelProgramming.I feel I need if some where I can get a video tutorial which can help me to understand how to develop a Linux Device driver that will be great.I had a look at Greg Kroah Hartmans video lecture of developing patches on ......I have been reading books and a lot of stuff.So I wish if I could get a video lecture that would be better
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Mar 8, 2011
I have a server listening on incoming client connections. Once the client establishes SSL connection with the server, the server waits on read() from the client. Only Client can disconnect the connection. I want to have a timer in the server program to wait for x secs after read() and then disconnect the Client connection.
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Feb 9, 2011
I want that I click with the mouse on the video, it paused.I notice that there is "BaconVideoWidget" which I guess is the video rendering widget but it don't have signal named "clicked":
vd = totem_object.get_video_widget()
vd.connect("clicked", vd.hide)
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