Programming :: Transmitting Data Across Webpages?

Sep 18, 2010

For a page I'm making, there'll be a "make a friend" link, upon clicking which, the user will be taken to a login page, so that they can authenticate themselves (i.e. WHO wants to make a friend). I want the link to be processed by a "makefriendlogin.php" script which will have "person" as an argument, ie. makefriendlogin.php?person=26 (the number comes from a database, don't worry about it). My question is, how do I write the makefriendlogin.php script, so that the "author" argument will be available to the "makefriend.php" script that'll actually do the authenticating for the user when they enter their name and password?

I thought of something like this:

<form method="post" action="makefriend.php">
<input name="username" type="text">
<input name="password" type="password">


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Programming :: Make Data Persist Through Webpages Via Forms?

Aug 17, 2010

For a website I'm making in PHP, I need a link on a particular dynamically generated page, called "Make a friend". Clicking this will take the user to a page where they have to provide their username and password, and if it's correct, the database will be updated. When the "make a friend" page is generated, the link will have a ?author=32 (say) argument, to reflect the author's id in the database. Now my problem is, that I need the author AND username and password as arguments to the "make a friend" script. How do I do this?
Instead of making the link a link, I've been toying with the idea of making it a form button (which will look better anyway), and using a <input type="hidden"> argument, for the NEXT page, which will be the page requesting the username and password, but I still can't seem to come up with a viable solution somehows.

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Ubuntu :: Belkin Wireless G Router Not Transmitting / Connecting?

Oct 5, 2010

Ubuntu 9.04.
Belkin Wireless G router.

Has been working fine. Today it is not. I have done nothing to it. It just keeps saying "Looking up *********" and "Cannot connect to server".

I hard wired the pc to the modem and it works fine. Hard wired the pc to the router it works fine. Running wireless, both of my computers are not connecting.

If I remember, one of the lights on the router should be lit solid, just as it is on the modem. However, all lights are blinking. The only solid light is "power".

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Hardware :: Netgear WG111v3 Stops Transmitting After Short While / Sort It?

Jun 14, 2010

OK, so running Ubuntu Server Edition 10.04
kernel 2.6.32-22-generic-pae
lsusb brings this:
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0846:4260 NetGear, Inc. WG111(v3) 54 Mbps Wireless [RealTek RTL8187B]

So the problem is that puppy, a USB Wi-Fi adapter if I unplug and plug it back in, it'll respond for a little bit, but eventually will stop transmitting. code...

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Programming :: Get Data From Serial Port Function Read() Blocks When Data Not Available?

Jun 11, 2009

I am using read() in c++ to get data from a serial port. However, if no data is available on the serial port the function blocks until dta arrives.Example code:

char m_readBuffer[255] = {0};
char* p_curChar = m_readBuffer;


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Programming :: Data Directory In Automake - Data Is Always Read-only ?

May 9, 2010

I have some data files that should be distributed with my program. Using dist_pkgdata_DATA in, I get these files installed to /usr/local/data/share/package-name. The problem is that data is read-only, and my program needs to modify it. Playing with dist_sharedstate_DATA, dist_localstate_DATA, dist-data_DATA varibles, I got different installation directories, like /usr/local/com, usr/local/var, but data is always read-only.

How can I distribute modifiable data files with my package? I need some common directory for all users, or maybe local data in a user directory.

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Programming :: Convert The String Data Type To Other Primitive Data Type?

Mar 4, 2011

I am trying to generic way to convert the string datatype to other primitive data type. To achieve, i used Template . But i getting error and couldn't resolve the issue and error reported is also clueless.

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>


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Programming :: C++: Getting And Handling Web Data?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm just starting out on a project relating to web search, to be done in C++. Which library should I use to help with downloading web pages into memory so that I can process them? The big thing is I want to be able to download the pages into variables/structures without actually putting them onto the hard disk.I googled and saw libcurl, but I was confused by some of the examples and wondering if this was really what I wanted.

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Programming :: Data Structures Using STL?

May 19, 2010

Anyone know some links where i can find about data structures using STL ?

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Programming :: Get The Data From A Tag In XML File?

Dec 3, 2008

have a tag in XML file in unix like this <EmailAddress></EmailAddress> this tag is there for multiple times in the xml file and the data is in continuous line like below State>UN</State><Zip/><CompanyName/><EmailAddress>FDF@gmail.COM</EmailAddress><PromoType>UNKNOWN</PromoType></Promotion></PromotionList<State>UN</State><Zip/><CompanyName/><EmailAddress></EmailAddress>I have to check the data in between bold tags is valid or not ... means have to check whether its a email address or not and have to find the length of the attribute means tag ...script is in kshsorry if its already asked...i checked but i didnt get Exatly matching result for my requirement

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Programming :: Passing Data Between Php And C

Aug 21, 2010

I'm trying to work out the best way to achieve the following.

1)php page that grabs data from a local database. (not a problem)

2)It then needs to send this data to a c program/service running on a remote server. (I probably need it to be able to handle 4+ million reocrds in an array)

3) The c service then needs to process the data and send it back to the initial php script that called it. i was hoping this could be in a an array like structure of some kind. 4)update the db with the results.

I was thinking of using gsoap to write a simple c soap service that php can communicate with. Would this be the right way of doing this or would something like sockets in php be a better way of sending this volume of data as an array or struct to linux c socket if thats even possible.

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Programming :: Read Data From A Socket?

Aug 24, 2010

I need to read data from a socket but it should be always listening because data arrives continuously .. I thought something like this would do it but it doesn't work .... I already set the socket options before

Code: char databuf[1024];
int datalen = sizeof(databuf);
if(read(sd, databuf, datalen) < 0)


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General :: Data Type In Programming?

Jun 14, 2010

I declared a variable as int data type which was a placeholder for a resulttatus (meaning, based on the result status that variable varies from 0/1/2/3. It can contain only these four values).data type is 4 byte integer in C#. But I can declare this variable as which represents a 1 byte integer. Since that variable contains only 1 or 2 or 3 or 4, declaring the variable asis wastage of memory space.Before declaring any variable we need to just think of the memory space needed for that variable, our requirement,

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Programming :: Access CD Audio Data?

May 13, 2011

I'm looking for a way to access the raw data on a CD.I have a small program that I'm using to play raw PCM data pushed into stdin.I'd assumed that I could just use:play-pcm < /dev/cdromBut this isn't producing any data.Will I need to do this programatically or is there a simple way for me to grab raw data from an audio cd in the same way I might do so for a data cd?

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Programming :: Adding Different Data Types?

Jun 9, 2011

i am searching for a table that gives info about the result of operations (+ , - , * , /) on data types

i mean if we * int by another int, the result should be assign in long so no overflow happens.

something like that.

like what will be the result of mult unsigned int by signed it , is there tables for such operations.

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Programming :: C++: Extracting Data From A NESTED STL Map?

Feb 8, 2011

Code for insertion of data:


#include <map>
#include <iostream>
int main ()


I don't know how to fetch the data from the nested map here.

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Programming :: Communication Data Between Different Process

Nov 22, 2010

I would like to send struct data from process A to process B but I dont known what is the best way. I have read about IPC, but there are a lot of ways to do it.

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Programming :: Cut Column An Edit Data?

Mar 26, 2011

Mar 26 12:32:53 name sshd[3261]: 27 12:42:53 name sshd[3262]:
how to make this data in output as:

"Mar 26 12:32:53","name","sshd",""
"Mar 27 12:42:53","name","sshd",""

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Programming :: Data Directory In Automake ?

May 9, 2010

I have some data files that should be distributed with my program. Using dist_pkgdata_DATA in, I get these files installed to /usr/local/data/share/package-name. The problem is that data is read-only, and my program needs to modify it. Playing with dist_sharedstate_DATA, dist_localstate_DATA, dist-data_DATA varibles, I got different installation directories, like /usr/local/com, usr/local/var, but data is always read-only.

How can I distribute modifiable data files with my package? I need some common directory for all users, or maybe local data in a user directory.

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Programming :: Data Transfer Between Threads?

Dec 14, 2010

In posix multi threading, how to send thread1 local data to thread2...?

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Programming :: Get Data Of A Windows System?

May 7, 2010

get data(like CPU Usage, Memory Usage) of a windows system through my Linux server.Because I want to monitor all the systems that are in my network. How to get data from a windows system into linux ?

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Programming :: Getting Table Data From Web Pages?

Jul 18, 2011

I am writing a program and I need to be able to grab data from web pages.The data I am looking for is on wiki pages with basic tables.A simple example would be like grabbing all of the episode data from a TV show of something similar.

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Programming :: Getting The Name Of The Process That Sent Data To A Pipe?

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to automate some directory naming when we're manually running some scripts and are using tee to direct the output to a file (log). Right now this is what we do


./ 2>&1 | tee /home/user/some_dir/logs/manual/some_script_20110216_1628.log

As a matter of laziness and keeping the log files consistently named, I'd like to create a function to pipe it to so that it's doing all the naming How I envision the command running


./ 2>&1 | myfunc

And what the logfile name should look like (and in the right directory)



I was thinking of adding a function to our profile to handle this. Just in testing I was trying to stream line right on the command line, but I'm having some difficulty in getting the name of the script that is pushing data over the pipe. Here is what I've tried


./ 2>&1 | tee $(cd ../logs/manual; pwd)/$0_$(date +%Y%m%d)-$(date +%H%M).log

but that created a file named


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Programming :: How To Detect Compressible Data

Apr 13, 2011

I am working on a project that takes multiple blocks of memory that are no more than 1500 bytes in side and tries to compress them. Currently I just compress them and compare the old length to the new length. If the new length is smaller it copies the compressed data into the original datas memory space.The problem I have is when lots of these blocks of memory do not compress well its huge amounts of wasted CPU.

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Programming :: How To Create Bitmap From Raw Data In GTK?

Apr 3, 2010

The only API i have found for something like this is gdk_bitmap_create_from_data. But it requires XPM data, not raw. So, how can i make a bitmap from raw 'char[x*y/8]'?

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Programming :: Insert Data In A Nested STL Map?

Dec 13, 2010

Following is the declaration:

std :: map <QString, std :: vector <std :: pair <QString, QString> > > configFileDataVector; How should I insert data in it? All the examples which I have looked up in Google are of plain maps!

I tried this, but it failed:


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Programming :: Use Expect To Get Data From Telnet?

May 21, 2011

I'm trying to use expect to get data from telnet

Here's my code :

set equipment [lindex $argv 0]
set trunk [lindex $argv 1]
set fraction [lindex $argv 2]


so in bold letter not send in 1 line, but i want sent it to 1 line

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Programming :: Where To Rsync Rollback Data

Apr 14, 2011

I've been given an old rsync script to update some data files on a few different servers... I am trying to understand what directory on the server it gets it's files as the way it seems to refer to the data on the server is:
Not sure what the "::Firstlogic" part with the two :: means.

Here is the entire script:
# Begin user-configurable options #
# Who can run this script
# From where we rsync the update data
# From where we rsync the rollback data
# Where updates will go
# How to do the rsync .....

# Here is where we do the "work".
splash# Check user and print warning
if [ "${rsync_test}" == "-n" ]; then
update_address_data# Test the monthly update
stop_address# Stop the address standardizer
update_address_data# Load the monthly update
clean_logs# Empty the old log files
start_address# Start the address standardizer

I have not tested this script yet but evidentialy it used to work. I just need to find out where to stick the files on to test it out. The server it points to no longer has the files on them...

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Programming :: Passing Data To A New Thread?

Feb 11, 2011

I have to launch a new thread from my existing main program and pass data to it.
For now the data is simply a string value.

How I go about passing data to a new thread while it is running.

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Programming :: PHP - How To Parse Data Into Variables

Apr 17, 2011

My php knowledge is very poor (only worked with strings so far), and I am faced which a task that is a real challenge for me: I have a variable, that contains data of different type, in this order: byte, byte, string, string, string, string, short, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, string.

Strings are of variable length. How could this data be parsed into variables of the right type, and then all converted to strings? What are the functions to use? Strings are unicode ones, and they are delimited by "

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