Programming :: Sorting Specific Values From An XML File

Sep 21, 2010

I need a shell script which gathers the data from a remote XML file and then displays it according to my needs.. I need this for my job due to the fact that I need to keep track price changes of euro, usd, gold, etc. The XML file I am talking about is located at this page: here. The reason I am posting the URL is that I need to use curl to get this file and it does NOT have newlines after each tag. I thought that that would be a problem. Here is what I need from the script: 1) curl to get the page 2) make use of sed, awk, etc. to display its contents in a more structured and readable manner as shown below:

A: 64.125 (% -0.26)
B: 81.130 (% -0.32)
C: 1.4930 (% 0.00)
D: 1.9590 (% 0.36)

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Programming :: Sorting A Dictionary File?

Nov 1, 2010

I have this dictionary file that has this format:


I want to sort this file so the LONGEST Substitute Values are listed at the top ( so SUBSTITUTE_VALUE_HECL would be first in the list). Obviously I want to keep the related values tagging along with them, so the whole first line would be

Playing with sort This has me pretty close: sort dict.file -k1.1n,1

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Programming :: Splitting A File Based On The Values Read From An Input File?

Jul 27, 2010

I am splitting a file based on the values read from an input file. The below one is the script.

1)How do I add the header which is present in the original file to the new split files created?(For eg. pharmacyf conatins header as table column names. The new files created (ODS.POS.$pharmacyid.$tablename.$CURRENT_DATE.dat) are without the header).

2) Also the script is creating 0 byte files for the pharmacyids which are not available in the intial file? Can this be avoided?

for pharmacyf in *
tablename=`echo $pharmacyf |cut -f4 -d'.' `
while read pharmacyid
grep -w $pharmacyid $pharmacyf >> $OUT/ODS.POS.$pharmacyid.$tablename.$CURRENT_DATE.dat
done< inputfile

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Programming :: Variable String File Base - Output File Doest Not Exclude The Values In Grep -av

May 1, 2011

My script.

This is may script:


Problem: Output file doest not exclude the values in grep -av

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Programming :: Grep Multiple Values In Single Pass Through Log File?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a huge binary log file. There are lets say 4 id's that I want to find in a log file. I know that those 4 id's will be present in the log file and I also know in what order they will be present. I want to find 1st id from the log then 2nd id and then third id and so on..

Simple/inefficient solution is: Loop through the id's and then grep in the log file. Problem with this solution is for each id grep will search from the beginning of the file.

Better/efficient solution would be: Sine I know the order in which id's will be present in the log file. Loop through id's, grep 1st id and then move on to grep 2nd id and so on...this way I can grep all id's in one pass. Is this solution possible ?

I have 500000 + values to find in log files and I have to find efficient solution for it.

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Programming :: Updating A Text File (replacing The Existing Parameters With The New Values)

Nov 9, 2010

I have a text file that needs to be updated to be used by some fortran code later. it looks like that:

1,1 !Ms for y-stations, Ns for x-stations
0,0,0, !xsta, ysta, zsta

I need to replace the "0,0,0" with new values for xsta,ysta and zsta;

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Programming :: Octave - Load A Text File With Floating Point Values Into A Matrix?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a .txt file with the format


I am wanting to load this into octave and perform operations on the data.


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Programming :: How To Write To A File With Specific Indentation Through Php

Dec 12, 2008

I am a beginner with php ,trying to work my way through.
I have a file to be written with particular indentation and by appending some special characters...
this is the o/p file i wanted. could anyone please guide me as to how i can write it? code...

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Programming :: Printing A Specific Word Out Of A File?

Jan 6, 2011

so i have a file that has the following

ID1 age_11 dog_n3 parent_dog_n1
ID1 age_7 dog_n4 parent_dog_n3
ID1 dog_n5 age_4
ID1 dog_n6 age_4


As you can see i would like the output file to be just the dogs, not the otehr information. But because the information is mixed up how can i extract only the dogs? (i cant do and awk '{print }' because the dogs are found in colounm 2 or 3 or sometimes even 4.

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Programming :: Reading Specific Lines From A File?

Sep 10, 2009

To save on the writing of WAY to many files with very little in them, I want to put it all in one file and read a specific few lines. There will be six variables to be read at a time. Format is as such:

//Set 1
string name


From name to 5th number is a set. The name will be of different lengths for each set. This will be a big file of probably 40+ sets. My problem lies in reading one and only one set be it set 5 or set 34. It needs to be done in C++.

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Programming :: Remove Specific Lines From File

Jan 21, 2011

I'm trying to come up with ideas for a simple way to strip a specific "entry" from a text file.I know tools like sed and perl can remove specific lines from a file but I haven't been able to come up with an elegant way to do my group of lines.In my file, the first "Location" line and the "SVNPath" line should be unique every time... but are they enough to strip out the whole set of the group plus the trailing one line of white space separating each group? Add to this, my file will grow as new entries are added (always appended to the end) but new entries will have the same formatting.

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Programming :: Sorting 2 Dimension Array?

Aug 5, 2010

how to sort the 2 dimensional array below by column 1 then by column 2?

22 55
2222 2230
33 66
44 58
222 240


this is a small part in my awk script. the input data is not in file, but it was manipulated in my script.

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Programming :: List Sorting In Python?

May 10, 2011

I have a list of list and I'd like to sort the list according to the last value of each row.

Let's say we have the list

L1 = [ [1,2] , [4,6] , [78,-3] ]

I wish to get

L2 = [ [78,-3] , [1,2] , [4,6] ]

Is there a simple way to do that in python?

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Programming :: Bash Script To Locate A Specific File?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm new to bash scripting and I've searched around the forums and Internet for this but haven't had any luck. I've found similar things but not what I need. What I need to do is write a simple script that uses what the user inputs to locate and display where a file is. I would prefer to use locate instead of find since I know that the person I am writing this for has locate on her machine (my mom, who is just beginning with Linux).I'm writing the script to make things easier for her while she learns In this particular part of the script I would like to be able to have the script prompt to enter the file she is searching for, read the her input and then display for her where the file is. I realize it would in most cases be much simpler just to teach her how to use locate, but she is very impatient and this is just a part of the script I will be writing, but I can't figure out how to do this.

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Programming :: Extract Specific Lines From A Flat File?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to extract specific lines from a flat file. I need lines that fall within a range of coordinates. The -F can be either ! or = If the line is in this set range I need all of the data on that line. ranges lat 36 to 39 and longitude -74 to -84

awk -F '=' '{lat=substr($2,1,2); lon=substr($2,10,3); (lat >36 && lat <39) && (lon >-74 && lon <-84); print lat"--"lon}' < net.log

example line from the flat file
K4MQF-3>APN383,VA2-2,qAR,N3HF-5:!3818.65NS07800.17W#PHG77306/W3,VA3/Clarke Mnt

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Programming :: Deleting Lines From A File With Specific Pattern Using AWK?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a file which contains milion of records. It contains 12 columns seperated by "||" (delimeter).

First two fields contain first name and last name of a person. Now my requirement is to delete all those records from this file for which:

First two fields does not contain any alphabet.

For e.g i have below mentioned records in file:


Now, last two lines should be removed from this file since first two fields does not contain any alphabet for these two records.

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Programming :: Get The Specific Text From A Txt File In Bash Script?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a text file which stores the list of files & dir, I want to get only file's extensions from this file & want to store it in another, below is the file's contents & from it I want to get the extensions sh, pl & h & want to store it in another file. Also I don't want directory list.

A scripts/
A scripts/svn post_commit scripts
A scripts/tmp/


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Programming :: (PHP / XML) Sorting Through Multi Dimensional Array

Sep 17, 2010

I am parsing through XML documents with a PHP script and creating an array because, as far as I know, I can manipulate arrays better than the features DOM gives me. That part is not as important, though. The array it produces though is multi-dimensional, but somewhat inconsistent. If I have the following XML:

PHP Code:
<domains> <domain>
<title></title> <bookmarks>
</bookmarks> </domain> <domain>
<bookmarks> <bookmark></bookmark>
</bookmarks> </domain> </domains>

To call the first bookmark from the first domain, it would be:
PHP Code:
To call the first bookmark from the second domain, it would be:
PHP Code:

The problem is, I want to simply call bookmarks through a simply 'foreach()' or 'for()' function and the lack of consistency might be a problem, but the fact that some levels have a '0' array key and others do not is causing a problem.

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Programming :: Reorganizing / Sorting Spreadsheet Using Shell?

Jun 25, 2011

I have a problem to reorganize a spreedsheat using shell, I want to use "sort" to organize the first column (descending scale) and then organize the second column in an ascending scale related to the first column so that the final result should be that one displayed at the end of the message. I have tried "sort -r -n" but I don't know how to reorganize the second column related to the first column.

40.0 20.0 9
40.0 15.0 8
40.0 10.0 14
40.0 5.0 12
39.0 15.0 18
39.0 10.0 19
39.0 20.0 5
39.0 5.0 4
41.0 20.0 10
41.0 15.0 12
41.0 5.0 8
41.0 10.0 7

41.0 5.0 8
41.0 10.0 7
41.0 15.0 12
41.0 20.0 10
40.0 5.0 12
40.0 10.0 14
40.0 15.0 8
40.0 20.0 9
39.0 5.0 4
39.0 10.0 19
39.0 15.0 18
39.0 20.0 5

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Programming :: QListView - Way To Turn Off / Reverse Sorting?

Aug 23, 2010

QTreeView and QTableView have sort functions, but I need to sort a QListView, and for there to be no way for the user to turn off or reverse sorting.

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Programming :: PHP - Sorting Multi Dimensional Arrays By One Column

Mar 17, 2009

I just started programming in PHP so I haven't figured out how to do this yet, but I have a multi-dimensional array that I need to sort by one column. That's fine...but I need the sort to ignore case! Right now I have it sorted by 'name' (the other column is 'uid').

The problem is that by the default the sort is case-sensitive so the array looks like this:
Apple 4015
Banana 4011
Cherry 4045
avocado 4046

I want to be able to sort the the 'name' column in a case-insensitive manner so that the array actually looks like:
Apple 4015
avocado 4046
Banana 4011
Cherry 4045

How to accomplish this? Just FYI I'm not actually sorting the PLUs for fruits...but it was a simple example. I'm actually doing this for a Facebook application.

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General :: Sorting A File With A Variable Name?

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to sort a file, so I can compare it to another file later. I am storing the file name in a variable called curMo. I then call sort $curMo and it hangs for a very long time and I have to quit the process. why this is not working or how to make it work?

Here is part of my code:

#sort this file for this Location
sort -u $curMo -o $curMo.sorted

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General :: Sorting A First Non-numerical Column In A File?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a file like:

ER- V67
ER+ V68
ER- V69
ER+ V70


I am using the code:

sort -k1

but it prints it by sorting the second column.

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Programming :: Search A Bunch Of Files In A Specific Folder For A Specific Number?

Jul 24, 2010

I need to search a bunch of files in a specific folder for a specific number and add all the numbers together to a total sum. I use Rsync everyday, everytime I run rsync i get a logfile (rsync output) witch contains the textstring "Total bytes sent: xxxxxx".

The "xxxxx" can vary in lenght. I need to extract the "xxxxxx" from each file and add the numbers together to a total size over a week or a month. Is this possible? And I wish to only use bash. One way of doing stuff at a time my friends .

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Ubuntu :: Tweaking Nautilus' File Sorting Order?

Dec 31, 2010

I've recently switched from Windows to Ubuntu and have a question regarding tweaking the character order Nautilus uses for alphabetical sorting. In my music/graphics/etc folder hierarchies, I have used a hyphen at the start as a 'hack' to 'sticky' some folders above the rest for quicker access. This worked fine in Windows, but Nautilus ignores a hyphen in it's sorting calculations. Is there anyway, simple or complex to replicate this behaviour in Nautilus?

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Programming :: Replace Specific Character After Specific Line By Awk?

Jul 19, 2010

I want to replace specific character in a file after every specific line. example as follows.

O 000000000000000000
A 111111111111111111
C 222222222222222222


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Programming :: Else &amp; Return Values?

Oct 12, 2010

i am having two small issues with a function i have made.sorry if it is a mess, i am still learning bash.the first is calling the nonpersistssh function (second line) and assigning the return value to nonpersistdiag.the function returns 1, but nonpersistdiag seems to only contain 0. i am unsure on how to proceed.the second problem is the nested else clause on line 10. it is a syntactical error. how would i declare it correctly?

Code: function endsession(){
nonpersistdiag=$[nonpersistssh]# a function that returns an exit code
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop; sshdiag=$?


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Programming :: Modifying Hex Values From A Script?

Nov 11, 2010

I can use hexedit to manually edit one or two hex values in a binary file, but if I want to change many of the, this is impractical. Is there any tool that will take parameters like Code: someTool filename byteNumber replacementByte ?

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Programming :: Extract Values From Array PHP

Jul 2, 2009

The idea is to make a website to check the availability of domains and it works but its not pretty yet. Below is what i have till so far:

## this is the API from my domain registrar.
<?php $client = new SoapClient('');
## I have a search box that sends the request to this page
$var = $_GET ["s"];

## remove the most common subdomains from the request.
$var=eregi_replace("www.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("mail.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("ftp.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("pop.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("smtp.", "", $var);

## remove any TLD extension from the request.
$split = explode(".", $var);
$main = $split[0];
$arraysize = sizeof($split);
for ($x=1; $x<$arraysize; $x++) {
$tld .= "." . $split[$x];
## login to the API
$paramLogin = array('handle' => 'randall', 'password' => 'password');

## match the domain with any possible TLD
$varcom = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'com');
$varnet = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'net');
$varorg = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'org');
$varbiz = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'biz');
$varinfo = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'info');
$vareu = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'eu');
$varnl = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'nl');
$varbe = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'be');
$varde = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'de');
$varcouk = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => '');
$varorguk = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => '');
$varname = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'name');
$varmobi = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'mobi');
$varin = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'in');
$vartv = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'tv');
$varcn = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'cn');
$varws = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'ws');
$varnu = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'nu');
$varbz = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'bz');
$varcc = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'cc');

## this requests the domain.COM and domain.NET
<div id="content">

## below prints the result
print "<html><body><pre>";
$result1 = $client->__soapCall('Login', $paramLogin);
echo "<b>Result Login:</b>
" . print_r($result1, true);

$result15 = $client->__soapCall('AvailabilityDomain', $varcom);
$resvarcom = var_dump($result15, true);
$result15 = $client->__soapCall('AvailabilityDomain', $varnet);
$resvarnet = var_dump($result15, true);

print "</pre></html>";

## the returned array looks like this

Result Login:
[code] => 200
[message] => Login succesful
array(3) {
string(3) "200"
string(20) "Domain not available"
object(stdClass)#236 (1) {
string(5) "TAKEN"
array(3) {
string(3) "200"
string(16) "Domain available"
object(stdClass)#232 (1) {
string(4) "FREE"
## till so far it works

What I need to do is to make this ugly looking reply in to something more readable, basically if TAKEN print occupied and if free print its yours to grab. I have been struggling with the in_array function but i'm not getting anywhere close in getting it to work.

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Programming :: Get Variable Values From Keyboard?

Jul 11, 2010

I have been reading the Wikibook on C Programming for quite some time and am up to the variable part. I did learn several new things, like that too many variables hog memory.

What I want to know is how to assign a variable to the keyboard (in the C/C++ family) as such that the user has to type it in.

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