Programming :: SQL Substring Matching A Character?

Apr 7, 2011

I have the following string:"My dog spot(page 1)". I want just "My dog spot". How do I do this in SQL Server?

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Programming :: Awk Character Position Matching?

Apr 22, 2011

I am trying to check if the 9th character in a file on each line is a v and if so, then print the first word. I've tried a number of variations and am stuck !If it's possible to also check if character position 1 begins with a s in the same awk, that would make it cleaner instead of using egrep.

egrep '^s' file | nawk '{virtual=substr($0,9,1); if ($virtual=="v") {printf "%s", $1}}'
nawk: illegal field $(e)
input record number 1
source line number 1

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Programming :: Perl Only Matching Single-character Regex Patterns?

Jan 20, 2009

I'm having a small issue with regex matching in Perl. I'm pretty certain it's a simple fix, but it all looks correct to me...

If I run the following:


It prints out all the lines containing a 'P', as one would expect. But when the regex is


I get zero lines printed. It seems to match only single-character patterns.

The file I'm reading is: (It has the same effect whether I leave it with Windows linebreaks or convert them to unix).


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Programming :: Matching Two Tables Of Non-matching Sizes?

Mar 2, 2011

I have two table files with x (1st column) ,y (2nd column) coordinates and intensity (3rd column). I need to match these two tables and divide the intensities at the consecutive coordinates on the 3rd column. The problem is the size of the tables are not same and I want to ignore the lines if they are not in one of the other file.

Here is Table 1:


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Programming :: Getting Substring Of The String?

Sep 13, 2010

I want normal substring of a string that actually is a url as follows

SITEURL/main.php?page=122&type=download_file&fileID=9&user Id=user1&org=org1&mainmenu=main1&submenu=sub1

What I want is a substring like below


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Programming :: Extract A Substring Using Regular Expression With SED

May 7, 2011

I've spent most of the evening browsing the web, trying many things I've found on various forums, but nothing seems to work.

I have a test.txt file containing many lines like the following ones :

<insert_random_text>228.00 €<insert_more_random_text>
<insert_random_text>17.50 €<insert_more_random_text>
<insert_random_text>1238.13 €<insert_more_random_text>

And I want to extract :


There is always one occurrence of € in each line. I want the numeric value that precedes this € occurrence. The random text (before and after) may contain numbers too, so the € may be important to parse, in order to correctly identify the number to return. The last character that precedes the number to extract is always a ">" (coming from an HTML tag).

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Programming :: Find A Substring/member In A String/array Using Bash?

Oct 13, 2010

This may be a basic bash array/string operation related question, but I couldn't find any direct answer. So here it goes:I have a lot of data sorted in various directories. All directories need same processing except for a special group of directories. I have a symbolic link of the script in discussion in each directory. I want the script to get the name of the current directory, check if that belongs to special group and do specific operations.So I get the name of the directory

mm=`basename `pwd``
Now the the group of directories that needs something different to be done, contains these


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General :: Use The Man / Info / Apropos Pages - Character Instructed The Shell To Interpret A Special Character As An Ordinary Character?

Mar 27, 2010

1.What character instructd the shell to interpret a special character as an ordinary character?

2.What directory contains some of the utilities available on the system in the form of binary files?

3. What command is used to search the location of a utility?

4. What command is used to instruct the editor to write the file and quit the editor?

5. What key quits the more utility and displays the shell prompt?

6. What command starts a child shell as the super user, taking on root's identity and environment?

7. Which wildcard characters can be used for searching all the files in the system that start with "A"?

8. The user name or login name of the super user is????


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Programming :: Substring Extraction - Bash Gives "bad Substitution" Error

Jul 16, 2010

I'm trying to use ${VAR:0:4} substring extraction described here: and it works perfectly if i issue a command in bash. But when i put it in a script file and run it, bash gives me "bad substitution" error. Does anyone know how to fix it?

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Programming :: Command Replaces "abb" Substring?

Oct 6, 2010

Here's my question. This command replaces "abb" substring

echo abbc | sed "s/.*b//g"
And this command doesn't work (lazy regex):


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Programming :: ! For Not Matching Bash Regex?

Jan 13, 2011

In a bash-script, only the case if a regular expression does not match is relevant.herefore I used the exclamation mark !. But where to place it?

These two work fine, but are they equivalent?
Code: if ! [[ $abc =~ $pattern ]]; then or
Code: if [[ ! $abc =~ $pattern ]]; then Where is the ! placed more correct?

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Programming :: Add Texts Using Sed In Matching Pattern?

Feb 3, 2011

I need to add some text using sed before and after the matching pattern. Does any one have any clue? /my/file | sed -e "s/first pattern/New Pattern/g" . /my/file.bakNow I need a result like New Pattern

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Programming :: Matching Numbers With Nawk

May 11, 2011

I am struggling to understand why nawk matches values that are either 1 or 2 digits in length, but not 100 (3 digits).

Am I missing something obvious ? Should I use substr to remove the % ?

I am sure it's something to do with character and string matching behaviour with nawk.


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Programming :: How To Do Fuzzy Matching On A MySQL Field

Feb 18, 2011

If I have a MySQL field called, say, "Occupation", which contains "Java Programmer" in it, I would like it to come up when I search for "Java", so that I can get to the other fields in the table.
How do I do this?

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Programming :: Make X Number Of Changes Matching Pattern With Sed?

Aug 7, 2010

i tried searching on google but found it difficult to say exactly what I was looking for.Task - Capitalise x number of letters at the start of Original line - one.two.three.fourRevised line - One.Two.three.four (here only requiring 2 changes)Test data:



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Programming :: Perl Regex Matching HTML?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to find out how to extract the string between the 2 <title> tags: <title>this is what i want</title>.I found lots of results but nothing I've tried works.. EG:$page =~ m/<title>($.)</title>/gism;

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Programming :: Remove Exact Matching Word Using Sed?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a file which has the words "splashimage and "splash". I would like to remove the word only "splash" from everywhere.

Using the following command code...

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Programming :: Rename Files Matching A List?

Jul 12, 2009

Is there a way, preferably in python or BASH, to rename files from a list? for instance, track1.mp3, track2.mp3 should be renamed to the names stored in a file listing song names. I have tried to loop a variable through directory listing and renamed them, only to find that filenames with spaces can't be assigned to a variable as a whole. To solve the problem above, I have tried the read command in BASH, which enables the program reading line by line from a list. However, It was failed to pipe the results from directory listing to the read command.

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Programming :: Sed: Delete Last Line Matching A Pattern?

Mar 27, 2011

I have a question about sed programming, actually a one-liner for which I cannot find a solution, right now. I need to delete a line matching a specific pattern only if it is the last line. In practice, I would put together the following:

# This deletes the last line of a file


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Programming :: AWK (or TCL/TK): Matching Rows And Columns Between Multiple Files?

May 26, 2011

I've been hitting my head against a wall for awhile with this one:As the last part of some data analysis I performing I would to construct a matrix from a series of different files. These files have the format:

file 1 file 2 file 3


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Programming :: Delete Line In File Matching String?

Jan 26, 2010

Quote:Originally Posted by topcatI would like to know how i can write a shell script to delete a line if a particular pattern exists?E.g. I have a text file with multiple lines. Say 1000s. in the following pattern.

If the exists then the line " should be deleted from the file.I have a very similar question but I need to delete one line in a file which matches one very precise instance of a string only. Let's assume I have a file composed of thousands of lines and let's call the file chap-secrets. Let's take the following sample entries:

pp pptpd blahblah *


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Programming :: Multiple Line Pattern Matching And Variable Extraction?

Oct 19, 2010

I have this complex log file filled with entries like

test1-G1/0/0-100-QOS-7001923-ROUTING (ClassMap)
Action: Resolved New
sysName: test1.local


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Programming :: Perl Regex Not Matching Across Multiple Lines Despite Ms Flags / Fix It?

Aug 16, 2010

I have written a regular expression (tested in regexpal and regextester alpha something) with which I want to replace something like code...

but it only matches functions which occupy one line only, despite my tests showing multiple line matching in javascript testers online and using the m and s flags (which should make it multi line no?)

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Programming :: Inverse Regexp Matching / Developing Of An Idea 'pattern Based Filtration'?

Sep 3, 2010

I am interested in the following problem: given a string (pattern) find a regexp which match this pattern.
I will need this for a developing of an idea 'pattern based filtration'.

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Programming :: Storing Grep Output To Feed Awk To Retrieve Entire Records Matching Variable

Jul 28, 2010

I have two files :



What I need to do is to extract from fileB the fields containing only the strings in fileA.

I thought awk could do the job easily with :

awk 'BEGIN { RS = "###" } /'$variable'/' fileB > output

where variable would maybe be the output of grep from fileA. So can I store the output of grep in a variable to use it afterwards with awk ?

something like that:

result=`grep prot. fileA` ; awk 'BEGIN { RS = "###" } /'$result'/' fileB > output
but that doesn't work. I'm always getting the entire fileB.

The output of grep get stored in the variable, I verified that with echo. So there is something that I just don't get... It seems to me that the above line should work.

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Programming :: How To Remove The Last Character

Jun 27, 2010

I have a string like this "/home/test/filename.txt" and i want to delete all character after the last "/". how to do that using sed or awk.

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Programming :: Character Arrays In C?

Nov 3, 2010

I was reading Kernighan Ritchie book chapter 4 which deals with character pointers.I am not able to understand following different type of declarations

char aname[][15] = { "Illegal month", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar" };
char amessage[] = "now is the time";


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Programming :: Get Value In Character String?

Oct 23, 2010

i am compiling the following program in linux. it's in c language. after the compilation with gcc when i run the executable file. it asks for input. but when i enter a name. i prints "Segmentation fault" and then terminate the program. can you please help me.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>


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Programming :: Remove First And Last Character?

Feb 24, 2010

which is the simplest way to have first and last character cropped out from a string? Something simpler than


echo $STRING | cut -b 2- | rev | cut -b 2- | rev

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Programming :: Sed Substitute Everything Until Character?

Mar 30, 2010

I have the following file:


1 line
49 test test=AA:AA:AA:AA:AA=0

I need to substitute on the line number 49, all text until =. I have used the following, but with no actual result.

sed -re '49s/^.+=//' file
sed -e '49s/.*[=]//' file

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