Programming :: Python : Pass Output Of System Commands To Variable?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm trying to write a python script that will use the current user's name when interacting. Ex: when started, it should say "hello daweefolk" when I am logged in.
I've tried
username=os.system("echo $USER")
but the variable remains empty.
What is the correct code?

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Ubuntu :: C++ - Can't Pass System Output To Variable ?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a line that looks something like this:


How do i put its output in a variable?

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Programming :: Python: Using Strings To Run Commands In Os.system('')

Jun 20, 2011

I was zsync-ing the latest Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha and thought I'd make a little GUI for it as a small project. The gui is set up, I just need to figure out how to run zsync with content from to variables, cto and cfrom. I tried the following code:


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Programming :: Pass Variable Between Scripts?

Mar 9, 2011

I need to pass variable from to and update the value of the passed variable in and then return the updated value of the variable from to

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Programming :: Pass Variable In Mysql Qyery In C Programming?

Dec 4, 2010

i want to pass variable in mysql qyery in c programming

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Programming :: Pass A Path As A String To A Variable?

Apr 17, 2009

I'm trying to pass a path as a string to an array, but its evaluating it as a command instead. I want to take the literal string "/mnt/accounts/user/temp/*.jpg" and assign it to an array{1}, but when i echo the array variable, it displays it as



I just want it to be the actual text "/mnt/accounts/user/temp/*.jpg" which i will be combining with other text to create a longer path elsewhere in the code.

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Programming :: How To Pass Sed Address By Shell Variable

Aug 2, 2011


I am somewhat confident that there is a neater way.

Question: Does anybody know the answer?

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Programming :: Pass A Shell Variable To An AWK Command?

Dec 23, 2010

I have the following code :

if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then


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Programming :: Pass Variable From One Shell Script Into Another

Oct 2, 2009

I have some messy code that I wrote a while back and I am trying to organize it. The program opens xpaint and uses xwit and xte to draw packman and so on. I want to split it all up I am going to add more to it. Basically like i would want drawing packman in one function i guess you could call it and then coloring him or the background in another

pkill xpaint
res=`xwininfo -root | grep geom | sed -e 's/^.*try ([0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*)+.*$/1/'`
Xoriginal=`echo $res | cut -d 'x' -f 1`
Yoriginal=`echo $res | cut -d 'x' -f 2`

X=`echo "($Xoriginal/2)-400" | bc `
Y=`echo "$Yoriginal/2" | bc `
bob=`echo "$Y/2" |bc `
echo $X
echo $Y

/usr/bin/xpaint -size "$Xoriginal"x"$Yoriginal" -popped &
sleep 4
paintersMom=`xwit -all -print | grep XP | cut -d ":" -f 1`
canvasWin=`xwit -all -print | grep Untitled | cut -d ":" -f 1`
#toolres=`xwininfo -id $paintersmom | grep geom | sed -e 's/^.*try ([0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*)+.*$/1/'`
#canres=`xwininfo -id $canvasWin | grep geom | sed -e 's/^.*try ([0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*)+.*$/1/'`

#echo $paintersMom
xwit -id $paintersMom -move 0 0
xwit -id $canvasWin -move 0 0
xwit -root -warp "$X" "$Y"
sleep 4
for((i=45; i < 315; i++))
xte 'mousedown 1'
ang=`./deg2rad $i`

movex=`echo "$X+$bob*c($ang)" | bc -l`
movey=`echo "$Y+$bob*s($ang)" | bc -l`
xwit -root -warp "$movex" "$movey"
xwit -root -warp "$X" "$Y"
xte 'mouseup 1'

#xwit -id $paintersMom -focus -raise
#sleep 1
#xwit -id $paintersMom -warp 30 390 #// fill in command on tool bar
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1
#xwit -id $canvasWin -warp 221 40 #// color selection
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1
#xwit -id $canvasWin -warp "$(($X-150))" "$Y" #//location on pac man
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1

#xwit -id $canvasWin -warp 62 44 #// selecting color black
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1
#xwit -root -warp 62 120 #// selecting back to canvas
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1' #// color canvas black
#sleep 1
#xwit -id $paintersMom -focus -raise
#xwit -id $paintersMom -warp 27 108 #//click back to pencil
#sleep 1
#xte 'mouseclick 1'
#sleep 1

Here for example $paintersmom is would be in the drawing of pacman but I would also want to use it when I colored him in.. but I would want both processes in a different shell script.

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Programming :: Pass _server Variable To Html?

Dec 20, 2010

This is a section on a php file running within a a Joomla module. I have the following code:

<?php echo '</div>'; ?>


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Programming :: Pass An Expect Command Result Into A Variable And Then Use It Again?

May 4, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that would locate the oldest file of a certain type on a server. Here's the commands:

OLDEST_PATH=`find -L / -depth -maxdepth 6 -mindepth 6 -type d | sort -f | head -1`
OLDEST_FILE=`find -L $OLDEST_PATH | grep .mp3 | sort -f | head -1`

I'm writing this all in expect but I'm having problems. The main problem I have is whenever I try to run the first command, I can't seem to isolate the result of the OLDEST_PATH so that the 2nd command will work. There always seems to be a newline in the variable and the result is only "find -L" command running and it bypasses the variable. If I can just figure out how to get the 1st and 2nd command to work, then I can figure out the 3rd. Here's some code:

send "find -L / -depth -maxdepth 6 -mindepth 6 -type d | sort -f | head -1
sleep 20
expect -re "(.*)


I know there is a better way to write this. I've tried multiple ways and this just happens to be the last way I've tried it. If you try running this, you'll notice that there is still carriage returns after the result of OLDEST_PATH and it prevents the 2nd "find" command from working properly.

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Programming :: Pass Complicated Commands As Argument To Another Script?

Apr 21, 2010

I am attempting to script some tasks I have to do, but I have no control over one of the scripts I have to use... and they output all kinds of useless things on the screen. My goal is simple: Capture all output from their scripts, and create a progress line that only shows the most recent output from their stuff. So, here was my first solution; a file I called "spin":

STRT='date "+%s"'
while [ -d /proc/$PROC ];do
last3=" 'getLine $2' "

To use it, you pass it a process ID and a file that contains the output from that process. As the process continues, a kurby dances on the screen (To let you know that the process has not hanged), and the tail of the output is shown (To let you know what it is doing). When the process ends, the kurby stops dancing and the time it took is displayed.

And here is the file I call "noise":
while [ i -lt 100 ];do
echo "Look at me count!$"
sleep 1
let "i=$i+1"

This does nothing but create random output, for testing. It counts from 1 to 99 on the screen. To run my test, I do the following:
(noise) &>tmp.txt & spin $! tmp.txt

It works relatively well, but it is messy. I don't like creating a temp file, and I don't like the messy syntax for calling my program. I decided that I would rather move everything into the spin program, to make using it less messy:
#Spin Psuedo code
#$1 = command I am about to run
(exec $1) &>tmp.txt & spinX $! tmp.txt

By executing the process inside of the spin code, I can get rid of the tmp file later on without changing a lot of scripts (Or move it, or whatever). I can also call it by passing the command to the script, which I find more elegant.

So here is what I would like to know:
1) If possible, I would love to get rid of the tmp file all together, and store the most recent line of output from script 1 into a variable that script 2 can print out instead... is it possible?
2) How can I run a random command that is passed as an argument? Basic ones work fine, but anything with a pipe fails me.

Example of a script:
echo;echo "Recieved command: ";echo $1;echo;
echo "Attempting to run command: ";echo
exec $1

Example code for passing commands to script:
> "ls -al" #works
> 'ls -al' #works
> "ls -al|grep *.sh" #fail
# Output:
#ls: invalid option -- |
#Try 'ls --help' for more information.
> "ls -al|grep "*.sh"" #fail
# Output:
#ls: invalid option -- |
#Try ls --help' for more information.
> 'ls -al|grep *.sh' #fail
# Output:
#ls: invalid option -- |
#Try 'ls --help' for more information.

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Programming :: Modifying Timestamp Variable In Python?

Oct 29, 2010

I've implemented a python script in conky that shows my stock portfolio.But, in the output of last updated timestamp, I get a time several hours in the past. The url for fetching stock data is: [URL]This is a norwegian stock, and I also live in norway. So the timestamp is not translated to the stock market of where it came. I can't find any 'localizing' stuff in the url either.Now my question is this: The script puts the time into a variable, the varable now contains ex 11:23 Is there any way I can add 6 hours or so to this variable

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Programming :: Open Gnome Terminal (pass Commands ) On Clicking Glade Button

Dec 18, 2010

I am working on a small project for making a small configuration tool for ubuntu 9.10 for new linux users, that make their system working easily without knowledge of the linux commands.I created a gui in glade and loaded the gui with my python program to show up, now i wish to have some python codes that can launch a gnome terminal (and also pass some linux commands to it) on the click of a button contained in the glade file.

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Programming :: Python: Commands.getoutput (command) Fails

May 26, 2010

I've writte a small Munin plugin using python, which basically runs a shell command, and write the output to a file. For some reason the script fail quite often, and it seems to be failing at the "commands.getoutput" statement. This is what's leading up to that statement:


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Programming :: Piping Cat Output To Variable?

Jan 10, 2010

New to ubuntu and shell scripting in general... currently I stored some data into a text file. Right now, I would like to output the data from the text file and store it into a variable. Here's what I have so far:


This definitely works and READ_FILE has the necessary data. However, this command will trigger an output to std output and I will see data on the screen, which is not what I want. I tried:


and various other variants of this. It does not output to std output but neither does anything gets stored into $READ_FILE. I tried:


and it arrived at an error of "ambiguous redirect".

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Programming :: Retain The Eol In Bash Variable Or Ssh Output?

Jan 17, 2011

I have to save the result of ssh/grep into a file to keep the eol ("/n"):

ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $USER@$NODE "cd $LOG_DIR; grep -h '$pattern' log.*" > $file

So that when I grep on the local file again later, it can be printed out with original log lines. Otherwise, the log lines will be dropped and lines becomes concatenated into a single line, e.g., if I rewrite the script in this way, echoing the $result is not a good idea..

result=`ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $USER@$NODES "cd $LOG_DIR; grep -h '$pattern' log.*"`

is there some workaround that I can save it to a variable rather than file but still keep the eol? That will simplify my script and don't need to do all those I/Os!

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Programming :: Java Output Into Bash Variable?

Feb 20, 2011

I have a bash script that calls a java class method. The method returns a string to the linux console when run independently. how can I assign the value from the java method to a variable in a bash script?running the script: java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter]

output: my_string if added in a bash script:

read parameter
java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter] | read the_output
echo $the_output

the above doesnt work, I also tried unsuccessfully:

the_output=java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter]
the_output=`java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter]`
java -cp /opt/my_dir/class.method [parameter] 2>&1

How can i get the output stored into the_output variable?

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Programming :: Receive Command Output And Store It To A Variable?

Apr 3, 2010

Suppose I want to account number of files beginning with abc , I can use "ls 'abc* | grep abc | wc -l", this will return me a number.
I want to store this number in a variable, say var1, so I tried
1. "ls 'abc* | grep abc | wc -l |read var1", but this didn't work as var1 has no value somehow.
2. var1='ls 'abc* | grep abc | wc -l', this just assign the entire string "ls 'abc* | grep abc | wc -l" to var1, which is not I wanted.

I don't want to store the value to a temporary file and then read the value from that file. I think there should be a direct way to get the value, but don't know how. I know in tcsh, one can just use set var1='ls 'abc* | grep abc | wc -l', but it also doesn't work in bash. Can anyone give any clue about this?

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Programming :: Allow Interleave Output When Run Commands Concurrently?

Feb 23, 2011

I am working on the shell using c language. I just would like to ask when I run some command in the backgrounds, how can I allow interleave out? I want to the output like this:

shell> command1
shell> command2 &
shell> command3


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Programming :: Write Output Of Two Commands To A File?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm writing output of top command to a file However since top does not provide time I would like to append the 'date' command and then write all this to a file.

so something like top -d 1 -b; echo 'date' >>file

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General :: Which Commands To Use To Output The Current Users Logged Into The System

Apr 27, 2010

Which commands do you use to output the current users logged into the system and accessing a specific file?

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Programming :: Storing Grep Output To Feed Awk To Retrieve Entire Records Matching Variable

Jul 28, 2010

I have two files :



What I need to do is to extract from fileB the fields containing only the strings in fileA.

I thought awk could do the job easily with :

awk 'BEGIN { RS = "###" } /'$variable'/' fileB > output

where variable would maybe be the output of grep from fileA. So can I store the output of grep in a variable to use it afterwards with awk ?

something like that:

result=`grep prot. fileA` ; awk 'BEGIN { RS = "###" } /'$result'/' fileB > output
but that doesn't work. I'm always getting the entire fileB.

The output of grep get stored in the variable, I verified that with echo. So there is something that I just don't get... It seems to me that the above line should work.

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Programming :: Calling Bash Script With More Than One Variable From Python Script?

Oct 4, 2010

I am calling a bash shell script from a python script trying to pass several arguments to the bash script with no succes can this be done? I have researched (google) with no clear indication of how to achieve this. Using "os.system"

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General :: Pass A Variable From One Script To Another?

Nov 22, 2009

I want to pass a variable from one script to another, I have a feeling it's extremely simple.

I looked at exporting, but apparently that clogs up the shell, so I don't want to go down that route. Any suggestions?

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General :: Pass A Variable To A Function That Already Being Escaped?

Jul 28, 2010

What i want to do is create multiple informix sql statements & later run them via a bash script.

Here is what i have so far (this works) but is meant to be run from a cron job so it only does one day at a time:

echo "
update hst`date --date='yesterday' +%m%d%y`
set x = 'GARP'
where y in ('CRE', 'LAC', 'SRL', 'JAG', 'JNM', 'BIM')
and appl = '';


The problem here is it doesnt want to read the variable $x correctly so the statement fails.

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General :: Anything Syntactically To Pass Variable To Smbclient?

Feb 23, 2010

I am trying to pass a variable to smbclient (OS X), but the variable is recognized only as its strict text.

Is there anything syntactically I have to do pass a variable created in the shell (bash) to smbclient (or perhaps any other interactive app)? I've seen references to variables as $[variable] or ${variable} but I've not been able to figure out what works.

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General :: Recalculate Variable For Each Pass Of An Until Loop?

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to write a script that will find any user on the server running more than one instance of the epiphany web browser process, then kill all their epiphany pids. (This is necessary sometimes to cure lockups, and repeat processes are the telltale sign in this case). I have tried implementing the until loop:

USER=`ps aux | grep epiphany | grep -v grep | sort | uniq -d -w 5 | awk '{print $1}'`
until [[ "$USER" == "" ]]
ps aux | grep epiphany | grep -v grep | grep $USER | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs kill

Unfortunately, the script only calculates the USER variable once at the beginning of the script. Fair enough, that's how it's written. My question is, how would I get the USER variable to update for each pass of the until loop so that it could cure multiple users of this ailment if necessary? That is, calculate $USER, kill their epiphany pids, repeat those two steps until the $USER variable comes up blank, then exit.

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Server :: Get Variable From Bash From Mysql Or Pass From Php?

Apr 26, 2010

I am not parsing on a webserver so is it possible to have both

#! /usr/bin/php &

in the same script? Alternatively, I have a current bash script that I need to get some variables from mysql and not sure how to get mysql results in bash:


mysql -h -u username1 -paaa -e "USE squid; SELECT email, usern FROM TABLE WHERE blah blah;"
emailadd="resultfrom above"

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Programming :: Storing Output Of "time" Command To A Variable

Jan 21, 2011

In my script, I need to get execution time of a command (say 'ls') in mili seconds level. For this i tried using "time" command to retrieve the total execution time in milli seconds. But, the problem is that, how to save the output of time command in a variable. The format of the command is like "time ls -R /opt" Going further, the o/p of 'time' command is:

real 0m0.003s
user 0m0.004s
sys 0m0.000s

Here, in my script, I would like to use only middle line "user 0m0.004s" saved to the variable but unable to find out the way.

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