Programming :: Python - Find And Replace While Typing In Raw Input
Apr 30, 2010
I'm writing a program in Python that presents a place for the user to input one-line of text (using raw_input). I need, however, as the user types, for certain words to be replaced, even before the user hits enter.
I try to make an animation so you can see what I mean, here the word "pig" gets replaced with "sheep":
>I |
>I l|
>I li|
>I lik|
>I like|
>I like |
>I like t|
>I like to|
>I like to |
>I like to e|
>I like to ea|
>I like to eat|
>I like to eat |
>I like to eat p|
>I like to eat pi|
>I like to eat pig|
>I like to eat sheep|
Note, the user never typed "sheep", the program replaced "pig" with "sheep" as soon as they finished typing the word "pig". The user did not use "Enter". Is this at all possible in Python?
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Mar 16, 2011
i cant use regular expression in replace function. I want to do this
a = ' Bad boy'
b = a.replace("b[aA]d", '')
Ofcourse this is a simple example for my query. Its not working so shall i assume regex dont work with replace function ?
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Jun 17, 2010
Half the time I click on a text box to write and star typing only to find out I'm typing somewhere other than where I clicked.It's not dwell click and the active text box seems to be related to mouseover.
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Apr 6, 2011
The intent here takes a little background info.I'm trying to make a basic inventory control to reinforce my studies. It will have a while loop that displays amenu for add, edit, view, and quit. Lets assume the following:
class inventoryItem:
itsDescriptiveName = None
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Sep 28, 2010
Im looking for assistance to create a script to find and replace files.Probably best if I give you the background Our server uses a specific application which stores user data, each user data account (a folder on the server) has a file called 'Profile.xml' this file gets updated and replaced about every 30 mins similar to the fashion logrotate works i.e. Profile.xml.1 Profile.xml.2 -> .10
What we experience is that if the application crashes unexpectedly while it is doing its user profile refresh task we end up with sometimes a few hundred Profile.xml files which end up 0kb(should be around 4kb) , and our server see's these as corrupted profiles and will not see them. Our fix is to go back thru and rename the Profile.xml.1 to be Profile.xml (or sometimes up to Profile.xml.5 to Profile.xml) We want a script we can manually run to automate this process The server tree is
What we have so far is a script which finds the affected files
find /mnt/ -maxdepth 4 -name Profile.xml -size -1k
This will display a list of affected profiles, and we can append it to a text file with >>output.txt on the end.
if 'pattern' in 'location' equals '0kb' then 'cp' Profile.xml.1 Profile.xml
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Aug 13, 2010
I have a sysctl.conf that has the following in it:
kernel.exec-shield-randomize = 1
kernel.exec-shield = 1
When I grep kernel.exec-shield I get both line, hence I keep over writing the kernel.exec-shield-randomize in my script because it finds them both for my sed commend.
How can I get an exact match with either sed/awk/grep in shell so I can do a find and replace?
Example: sed 's/^kernel.exec-shield =.*/kernel.exec-shield = 1/g' /etc/sysctl.conf will replace BOTH lines
Example: grep "^kernel.exec-shield" find both line and I want it to find only the exact line.
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Aug 13, 2010
I have a file with the following in it:
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -nobanner
:1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X
I need to add "-nolisten tcp" to both of these lines and cannot figure out how to do it. I can get it to do the first one, but not the 2nd and so on. How do I search the file and loop though it to change them all?
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Mar 10, 2009
What is best way to replace the 1 and the 3 below with a 0 using a shell script? It is in a text file with lots of lines and similar lines:
lots of text
lots of text
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Jul 8, 2010
I'm using an application, then suddenly, it won't take any typed input. Happens on my internal and USB keyboard (is a laptop). Happens usually to just one application at a time (I can type in other applications). The only way I see to fix it is to quit the application, and restart the application. Very bad if I have lots of work open!
Software where I have seen this problem:
save dialogs
My setup:
Debian 5.0.4
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Apr 9, 2010
I am trying following script can I do this or is there a way to do find and replace the replacing word is dynamic input by user
echo -n "Enter name:"
read RP_USER
sed 's/text1/$RP_USER/' /home/user/file1 > /home/user/file2
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Apr 26, 2009
I would like to have a script that will do a search in an XML file for a specific block of XML code and replace it with a different block of XML code using the Windows build of GNU Sed 4.1.5.
Here's the text I want to find:
And here's what I want to replace it with:
There is however a lot of stuff in there that would mess up sed, and the one example from the sed FAQ (from the Sourceforge site) that looked promising and easy enough to figure out (4.23.3. Try to use a block of "literal strings") fails with this error message: sed: file blockrep.sed line 18: unterminated `s' command
Anyone got any ideas, or even an alternate program that can do this? (Preferably one that I can automate.)
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Aug 15, 2010
While typing commands it takes more time to type.let me know on how to correct this
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Feb 14, 2011
I wanted to find and replace a string from a perl file. I have written a script in bash which runs the following command.
perl -pi -e "s/$findstring/$replacestring/" testfile
where as $findstring = print F_WC_TMP"$line
and $replaceString = $line = join ' ', split ' ', $line; print F_WC_TMP"$line
But when I am running the above command, i think it is replacing the $findstring with the above mentioned string and hence it contains a $line, it is looking for the variable $line and not finding the exact string. I am confused about how to search for a string that contains $ in it and replace it with another $string.
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Dec 31, 2009
I have some tools that seem to have issues with Python 2.5 but are OK (on other systems) with Python 2.6. So, I was considering upgrading my Python interpreter to the current 2.6.4, but I know that in various RH distros, this was strongly discouraged. Is it OK to replace my current Python 2.5.2 on F10? If so, should that be done from source or can I do this cleanly through yum?
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Oct 11, 2010
I found this command that works great finding and replacing a simple string to another in files located in that folder and all sub-folders.
Code: find . -name '*.php' | xargs perl -pi -e 's/OldText/NewText/g'
The problem I have is that I need to replace a more complex string, like this: Old string: /mnt/stor6-wc2-dfw1/627896/982574/ New string: /mnt/stor8-wc2-dfw1/369587/302589/ There I don't know how to do it... since the / is what separates the old from the new strings, and the strings that I want to replace have / in it. Also, I would like to know how to specify under what folder replace the files, for example, I want that it search/replaces all files under /var/www/mysite/htdocs folder.
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Mar 22, 2009
I want to be able to do
sudo ./
instead of always having to do
sudo python
What do I need to change?
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Nov 30, 2009
I've already used line split stuff to transform my data into something like this in a text file:
['1', '1', '3', '20.7505207']
['2', '1', '3', '23.0488319']
['3', '1', '3', '-1.5768747']
['4', '1', '3', '-26.4772491']
How can I get this on a python program so I can manipulate it as an array?
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Jul 28, 2009
I have script that I'm working on that updates a username in all the files that are called for my framework. since i host a bunch of these web apps i need to do it to all of them. so I need to figure out how to update these files automagically with out me watching it to call vim every time. heres what I have so far
This finds the files but now i need to figure out how to do s/bob/fred/g on those files.
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Jul 12, 2010
I am trying to write a Perl script that can open a file, find text that appears between two identifying strings (for now, "start" and "end"), then modify that text by enclosing it between "term_" and "_term" . Since the identified strings vary, the replacement string becomes "term_$1_term". From looking at other threads in this forum I've been able to get as far as spitting out the modified terms using the following code:
open FILE, "start2.txt" || die ("Could not open file <br> $!");
$text = <FILE>;
while ($text=~ s/start (.*?) end//) {
The problem is how to get "term_$1_term" into the file in the same while loop, which I'm guessing would be some of variant of "$text=~ s/$1/$term/;" (which doesn't work as it stands).
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May 16, 2011
The "find by typing" feature in Unity, as far as it concerns files and folders, is rather limited. Is there a way to specifically add a directory to the places where this feature is looking? (where is it looking anyway? most of my documents don't show up, even in my "home" directory...
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Jun 20, 2010
defining keyboard layouts in linux (ubuntu 10.04 here). there does not seem to be any easy, graphical way to define keyboard mappings (except for keyboardlayouteditor, but frankly, i do not understand the installation description.i am using an apple aluminum keyboard with a german layout, but no matter what i do the (<>) and (^°) keys are always swapped (i did manage to change the default behavior for the f1...f12 keys from multimedia back to 'ordinary', application-centric... all you have to do is add the line echo 2 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode to /etc/rc.local... this is so bloody obvious i am ashamed i had to search the web for this!).
adding to my distress, i find the chinese IMEs a horror (not a single one of the many i tried does anywhere come near google pinyin for windows), and have gotten neither ibus nor scime to work in a satisfactory way for me. i find linux keyboard handling a morass. i know this must be one of the hardest problems in computer science, since this subject gets so convoluted no matter whether its on windows or in-the-browser javascript. as a linguist i am well aware of the inherent complications proper text handling poses, but looking at descriptions how to configure xkb makes building interstellar spaceships look like a cakewalk.
find a place in the system where keystrokes are recorded;read out those codes (could be scan codes or character codes) using a daemon (implemented in python; i heard you have to listen to IOCTL or somesuch); when certain code combinations appear, switch them to do what you want;applications now get to see a X where formerly the got to see a U and vice versa;profit!
Is there a place, in ubuntu / linux systems that does allow reading out keyboard codes? Is there a way to block processing of such keyboard actions until an intercepting daemon has processed them? Would such an interceptor work for a broad range of use cases? like on the command line, in a gtk app, in wine, in firefox and so on? An alternative would actually be to grok keyboardlayouteditor, so if someone could post about a readable, complete installation instruction or point out installable packages, that'd be great, too.
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Mar 4, 2010
I have a function definition in a Python 2.x script which take a tuple as one of its arguments, but 2to3 has no answers nor any of my searching on how to represent the same in Python 3.x
def blah(self, (string1, string2))
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Feb 9, 2011
I want that I click with the mouse on the video, it paused.I notice that there is "BaconVideoWidget" which I guess is the video rendering widget but it don't have signal named "clicked":
vd = totem_object.get_video_widget()
vd.connect("clicked", vd.hide)
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Dec 27, 2010
I am working on writing a script for find and replace a string using sed.But know I want to write without using sed.
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Jul 26, 2011
I need to find this "TYPE=MyISAM;" and replace with "ENGINE=MyISAM;" in all .sql files in a directory. How can I do this with sed?
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Aug 5, 2011
I would like help with modifying the following content:
toolbox/perl/man/man3/ExtUtils::Command.3::Command.3 differ
toolbox/perl/man/man3/ExtUtils::Command::MM.3::Command::MM.3 differ
I would like the content to be changed to:
I was not sure how to tell sed what to look for? I tried the following but it did not work. sed -i 's/::* differ//g' mandiff.log
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Feb 8, 2010
I'm in the middle of a data migration project and I have a text file where the data in one of the fields contains a "" at the end of each line. I know how to do a find and replace on ALL backslashes using something like this:
The above example would replace all backslashes with nothing, effectively "removing" them. Does anyone know how I can apply a similar function that only removes the backslashes that exist at the end of a line?
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Aug 17, 2011
Is there any command in Linux which will find a particular word in all the files in a given directory and the folders below and replace it with a new word?
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Aug 1, 2010
I'm struggling with the Vim find/replace command using wildcards.
I have several, big html files with lots of instances of: <p stuffiwanttoremove>
I've been trying the Vim command: %s/<p *>/<p>/ge
but it doesn't seem to work.
Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
I realise there may be alternatives to this (eg a bash script)
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Nov 15, 2010
I want to write a small script to rename a bunch of files. Their name is of the form 'long number'|'name'|'extension', for example:
I would like to rename these to:
If in my script I use something like
sed s/[0-9]//g
on each file, I will get
Football_part.flv, instead of Football_part2.flv,
Nice_weather__ducks.flv, instead of Nice_weather_4_ducks.flv.
how to instruct sed to only remove numbers that are in the beginning of the name in a simple way?
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