Programming :: PHP - Getting Error When Trying To Update Table With Pg_query_params()

Mar 24, 2011

Provided this example code with a few givens:

- a database connection has already been made and proven to work
- the variables $newname, $newnumber and $oldnumber have a value; $newname is type varchar(25), the other two are integer).

PHP Code:
$params=array($newname,$newnumber,$oldnumber);$new_result=pg_query_params($db,"UPDATE mytable SET name=$1, number=$2 WHERE number=$3",$params);$new_number_rows=pg_affected_rows($new_result); 

I get an error, and when looking on the database end I the query with the $1 $2 and $3 instead of assigned values; pg_last_error() shows: Quote: ERROR: syntax error at or near "WHERE" LINE 1: WHERE number=$3 ^

Since the given name may contain quotes, or someone may try sql injection, I wanted to use this safe(r) function;

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Programming :: Using Perl To Update Mysql Table On Certain Event?

Feb 6, 2011

I'd like to use a perl script to update a fields in mysql database when pianobar (command line pandora radio player) starts a new song. Pianobar has the ability to run a script based on events, I'd like to take advantage of and use perl toparse the artist,song,album and update the corresponding fields. Then later retrieve them and display them with php/html. I am by no means proficient with perl. I started to use bash, but it looks like perl will be much more efficient and and less time consuming.

#! /usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;


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Programming :: Make Shell Script To Use Sqlplus To Update Some Database Table?

Feb 8, 2010

How can I make shell script to use sqlplus to update some database table? This is what I'd like to make:

- login to db server (I have create ssh-keygen to bypass the login session)
- login sqlplus / as sysdba
- update status set status='END' where status='BEGIN';
- commit;
- quit;

I'm using oracle 10g database and SLES 9.0

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Proxy - Error "can't Initialize Iptables Table `nat': Table Does Not Exist"

Aug 19, 2011

We purchased a virtual server from GoDaddy (1 month trial) to set up as a proxy for our networks (24 of them). I am having 2 separate issues. The first is I can't configure/install NAT and support is telling me the only way I can is to purchase a dedicated server. Here's the error:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128 iptables v1.3.5: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. Here's the fix: [URL] So, what I am hoping to do is configure this by just opening port 3128 directly, and only allowing access from our networks. As a test I did this and allowed only from our office and it did not work. However I can't connect, so I am wondering what I am doing wrong? Here's my squid configuration:


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Programming :: Getting Table Name From A Text File?

Mar 11, 2011

I have been working on this since 3 days but wasn't able to achieve what I want

I have a big text that has the following format:

Current max fieldLen for table1 (a):
Fld# Width MaxWidth ERR NAME
---- ------ -------------- ------ ---------
2: 80 38 *** field-name
3: 4 2 field-version
4: 40 7 field-value


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Programming :: Getting Table Data From Web Pages?

Jul 18, 2011

I am writing a program and I need to be able to grab data from web pages.The data I am looking for is on wiki pages with basic tables.A simple example would be like grabbing all of the episode data from a TV show of something similar.

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Programming :: PHP Ignores One MySQL Table But Not Others?

Sep 23, 2010

I have just run into a baffling error. I have a database set up in MySQL with six tables. My PHP based website performs queries of all kinds on these tables (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). On my most recently setup table, the "Orders" table, I am able to perform queries from the server, as well as from my PHP MySQL Admin interface, but all activity from my webpage states that the Orders table does not exist. All other tables are running fine. I have tried rewriting the query script, checked for case sensitivity problems, even cut and pasted other working scripts in place, changing the table and field names as needed. No success. What could cause a single table to not show up like this?

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Debian Configuration :: Jessie (Stable) 8.4 Update Unknown Partition Table Message

Apr 17, 2016

I update Jessie "stable" 8.2 to 8.4 and now I get 5 minute interval kernel messages:

Apr 18 06:39:52 OraHost kernel: [131985.494726] sdc: unknown partition table
Apr 18 06:45:03 OraHost kernel: [132295.755942] sdc: unknown partition table
Apr 18 06:50:03 OraHost kernel: [132595.946564] sdc: unknown partition table
Apr 18 06:55:13 OraHost kernel: [132906.139327] sdc: unknown partition table
Apr 18 07:00:23 OraHost kernel: [133216.340555] sdc: unknown partition table

I believe this has something to do with an mdadm update which was included in the release. When I configured the array, I didn't partition the disk devices, so maybe that has something to do with it. I am thinking of rebuilding the array and partitioning prior to build, but a quick fix would be referable.

And also something appears to have happened to the raid device since the update.

Prior to update, the array was /dev/md0 - now it is /dev/md/0 which is a symbolic link back to /dev/md0.

mdadm --detail --scan now reports /dev/md/0 where previously it reported /dev/md0

I created a new RAID1 array on a fresh system and immediately after the create, these messages appear at 5 minute intervals.

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Programming :: Unable To Delete A Table In MySQL?

Oct 17, 2010

A sed mishap prior to a database import left me with a table name with, eh, well, this: Code: mysql> show tables;

| Tables_in_someday |
| day20101016 |
| day20101017); |

I've corrected the sed mishap and imported the database the way it was intended Code: mysql> show tables;

| Tables_in_someday |
| day20101016 |
| day20101017); |
| day20101017 |

But I can't seem to drop the table day20101017); because no matter how I seem to escape it it errors.

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Programming :: Bash - Remove From Text Table?

Nov 7, 2010

i have a table in a text file. How can i remove from that table for example "SLS= " if the value is empty? Is it possible to do it in bash awk or sed? [URL]

10.25 SLS=* G.V.=* BBU=122 G.V.=14
10.28 SLS=196 G.V.=198 BBU=* G.V.=*
10.08 U.T.=* I.M=--
10.15 U.T.=-0.522 I.M=*

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Programming :: Put A Dotted Line Around A Table On A Webpage (CSS)

Mar 17, 2010

How to put a dotted line around a table on a webpage (CSS)

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Programming :: Output Data To An Ascii Table?

Oct 18, 2010

I've got lines of data in the following format:
space1=number of times error has occured
space2=IP address

I've set this out nicely with printf and made it email me, the problem is - it's not entirely clear what each column/space is and the IP and occurances can sometimes seem confusing. Is there any (easy) way to output this into an ascii like table? There will always be 5 occurances, and the format will always be the same

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General :: Error : Seems To Have A -t Table Option

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to increase performance on our system. I wanted to tell iptables not to retain entries into the ip_conntrack. I try to put this int he iptables but I receive the error : seems to have a -t table option.

The entry I'm adding is: -t raw -A PREROUTING -i lo -j NOTRACK

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Ubuntu :: Open Office - Import The Contents From Web Page Table To Presentation Table?

Oct 23, 2010

i need to prepare a presentation for that i have to copy a table from [URL] to my power point slide. but when i am copying it i am just getting a table with single column. is there a method to import the contents from web page table to my presentation table?

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Programming :: Bash - Generating A Table With Aligned Fields

Apr 9, 2009

I want to write a function which calculates the space needed between fields, to generate a table with aligned fields, like when you type "ls -l", the operating system generates a table with beautifully aligned fields. I've got this code so far:


for line in $(cat tmpSearch)
line=`echo $line | tr ":" " "`


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Programming :: Copying Data To Clipboard Using OSF/Motif, C++, And XRT Table?

Dec 23, 2010

I am working on an application in Motif and C++, which uses an XRT Table. With the XRT Table being an infrequently used product, it is hard to find good documentation on it, and one area in particular is sorely lacking... a good explanation on how to copy text from the table to the clipboard used by other X11 applications. I've come across an example application that demonstrates how to copy text to the clipboard, but I cannot seem to merge that knowledge with what I'm provided with the XRT Table API. Does anyone have any knowledge in using the XRT Table, and in particular, with copying selected fields within the table to the clipboard?

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Programming :: MySQL And PHP - Table Column With Multiple Values?

Dec 1, 2008

I am writing a script to mine data from my game server logs which are going to mysql. My first question is syslog-ng is sticking $msg into one colum it self, $msg tends to be a long string here are a few examples:

cn name team frag death flags role host.
0 Maik CLA 2 0 0 normal *.70.233.118.
1 lizardncd RVSF -1 3 0 normal
[*.22.247.40] lizardncd fragged Maik.

And they are not always in the same format, How could I parse this data to do something useful, like creating a user stats page with frag counts and flag counts. Should I create a script that runs in a cronjob that parses this data to a new table maybe once a day. Even then the $msg string value is random and I am thinking in terms of awk.

Second. I would like to keep track of what ip's are using what nicknames. Kinda in the sense of and ip associated to a array of names that have been used on that ip address so I can keep track of users. How would this work logically with a mysql db, could a column allow multiple values, then loadable into an array, which then can add, remove, and store to mysql.

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Programming :: Parse HTML And Print Specific Table?

May 13, 2009

I'm trying to write a script that will spider a particular webpage that shows the current inventory for their products. I need to figure out the optimal method of parsing the web page, and extracting the <td> line for the "qty" for "Product 2":


<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
<td align="left" style="background-color: #EAEAFF; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1" nowrap width="20%" height="50">
<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="2"><b> Evaluation


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Programming :: Shell Script To Table RAW Device Values?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm working on a script to table the outputs of various commands that depend on each other. The commands are these:


[root@kybsdc2 ~]# raw -q /dev/raw/raw1
[root@kybsdc2 ~]# sginfo -a /dev/dm-5 | grep Serial
[root@kybsdc2 ~]# multipath -ll

which give these outputs:


#/dev/raw/raw1:bound to major 253, minor 5
#Serial Number 'P3e8hZWrsSeX'
#netapp (360a9800050336538685a577273536558) dm-5 NETAPP,LUN
[size=1.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]


Also the RAW13 device has completely wrong output due to 1 occurring more times throughout the sequence causing more information to be displayed then needed. The last point is if I could somehow remove the '' in the serial number outputs and the = sign from the device sizes. I guess I will have to either put a whole lot of logical IF or CASE statements in but somehow I need to streamline and make this code dynamic!

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OpenSUSE :: Kmail Akonadi And Mysql Errors - Can't Open And Lock Time Zone Table: Table

May 3, 2010

Kmail 1.13.2 Problem on startup, error is from nepomuk, data storage. "cannot find Redland backend, nepomuk is disabled until fixed. Also see the following error from the akonadi console:

100503 10:00:15 [Note] Plugin 'ndbcluster' is disabled.
100503 10:00:15 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 31413862
100503 10:00:15 [Warning] Can't open and lock time zone table: Table
'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without


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Programming :: Create Table In Joomla And Store User At Chat?

Feb 15, 2010

I need to be able to store users logged at chat server. The chat program stores the login information in a text file (no db). I need a modification so the user info is read from the flat file and stores into a table in Joomla db. I don't have access to source for making the Java Chat Server store the data directly to joomla db is not possible.Any pointer will be appreciated.Below if the code that read s the information from Java Chat Server.

function chat_getChattersFromLocalServer()


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Programming :: How To Sort Two MySQL Table On Date Or Time Column

Jul 27, 2011

I have two different table in a database in mysql that has no share key with each other and I want to sort them with each other on their date time column I mean when I sort it row X of table A that is older that row Y of table B comes earlier.

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Programming :: Perl: Compare CGI Input With Data From A MySQL Table?

Nov 19, 2008

I have this program:

#! /usr/bin/perl
use DBI ;
use strict ;


and I get this error simply running the program from the command line: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 at ./submit.cgi line 24.

is this the right syntax to use, both, for this line:

my (@param) = $cgi->param("firstname","lastname","type") ;

as well as this one:

$sth=$dbh->prepare ("SELECT firstname,lastname,type FROM dts WHERE firstname LIKE $param[0] AND lastname LIKE $param[1] and type LIKE $param[2]" );

or should there be quotes around the $param[0] or something? (also is it $param[0] or $param(0)?)

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Programming :: Arrays In Awk - Take Some Data From A File - Ssh Log - And Print It To A Html Table

Feb 7, 2011

I have a problem with arrays in awk. What i want is to take some data from a file (ssh log) and print it to a html table. I have managed to print some stuff (user logged in and how many times they have logged in) What i want more is to take all the ip that each user logged in from and print it in a row next to the username and times (in the code i typed blabbla where i want the ip to be shown. How do you think i should approch that, multidimensional arrys maybe?


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Programming :: Shell Script To Get Count Of Records In A Mysql Table?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm using MYTHTV with AT&T's U-Verse system. AT&T apparently turns off the set-top box if the box doesn't receive any commands after some number of hours. When this happens the box takes so long to turn on that it doesn't process the lirc IR channel change command. I've rewritten my channel changer to add a lockfile, and added a cron entry to kick off an entry to just "ping" the set-top box once an hour. But, OK, I'd like to play the bandwidth saving game and not do this if there isn't anything in the "record" table.

So, how would I write a script that will check the number of rows in the "record" table in the "mythconverg" database and exit if there are zero rows? I'm afraid I don't know how to even start this. Here is my "" script that does the pinging:

#if there are no rows in the record table, just exit this script
# lock the lockfile - MUST be same one as channel lock
while [ `lockfile "/tmp/mythchanlock.lck"` ]


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OpenSUSE Install :: Invalid Partition Table Error?

May 8, 2010

I installed openSUSE on a XP runnng computer and every thing is OK.When I tried to Install a new XP, I got this error:Code:Invalid Partition Table I fixed it by reinstalling GRUB using Rescue System.I tried fix mbr on XP Repair System and I got that error again.Now I want to keep XP and remove openSUSE. But computer only boots by GRUB and XP's boot loader is unable to boot and shows that error

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Server :: Error : Asr : Invalid Raid Config Table

Nov 11, 2010

I had a RAID controller in a system that would not load Virtuozzo. So I deleted the array created by the 3Ware 9550SX controller before removing it and one drive from the CentOS 4.8 server. Even though I deleted the array when the server boots it shows an error:

ERROR : asr : invalid RAID config table

How can I clear and remove the table without having to reload the OS? Can I? Di I need to run the Seagate Tools and reset the drive?

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Programming :: Importing MYSQL Table From Text File Wo Column Delimiters?

Jun 13, 2011

I am trying to import a data file from old DOS application into MYSQL table The file is clear text file with fixed-width columns, without column delimiters

Example file :


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Programming :: Run Program That Distributes Grades And Puts It In A Table - Keep Getting Segmentation Fault

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to run my program that distributes grades and puts it in a table. The code compiles but when I run it I get a Segmentation Fault. I'm still new to arrays, but I think the issue is where I'm trying to make the table. Here is my code:


#include <stdio.h>
#include "constant.h"
int readValues(int[]);
int findMedian(int[], int);


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General :: Invalid Partition Table - Received An Error Message ?

Feb 12, 2010

Installed rhel 5.3 on dell r710 with md1000 as das.

After creating raid 0 + 1 and rebooting, received an error message below:

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