Programming :: Global Symbol "$psid" Requires Explicit Package Name At Line 16?

Jul 4, 2011

I have a perl script which was written for me by a professional (I have some basic knowledge), is working fine at the moment but on moving it to a different server as I'm changing a server (new server is shared and supports perl modules), I get the following message"Global symbol "$psid" requires explicit package name at line 16". I get this for every single one for my values for the whole script which is about 2000 lines. Same error messages for main and admin.I haven't changed anything on moving it to the new server apart from the first line which is the location of the perl.I thought it would be too much to post the whole script here but anyone has any idea why is doing it taking into account that it works on a different server?

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Programming :: RPM: Package Requires Old Version Of Same Package?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm building a certain RPM package that must require an old version of that same package in order to be installed/upgraded. Is this possible?

For example:

For a package foo v5, somewhere in the spec file:
"Requires: foo >= 4"

I'm declaring this on the Requires tag of the spec file, but when I try to install or upgrade the package (without having the previous required version installed) I get no dependency error! As for other dependencies it all works fine. If, instead, I create a package named "bar" that "Requires: foo >= 4", when installing I do get the expected dependency error. I'm thinking it's not possible to require an old version of the same package.

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Programming :: Pipeline When The File Requires Two Command Line Args?

Jan 18, 2010

Suppose that there are two files

$ cat abc1
a1 a2


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Programming :: Global Bash Shell Functions - Line 2: Echotm: Command Not Found

Sep 13, 2010

I wonder if there is anyway to make a user-defined bash shell function global, meaning the function can be use in any bash shell scripts, interactively or not. This is what I attempted:


$ tail -n 3 /etc/bashrc
echotm () {
echo "[`date`] $@"


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Ubuntu :: Tried CoLinux, Which Requires Admin Access, And Portable Remix, Which Gives Some Unnecessary GUI And Slows The Computer Down?

Feb 14, 2010

This isn't an Ubuntu question as much as it is a general Linux question, but is there a text based Linux emulator (preferably BASH) similar to DOSBox?See, I need GAS, Gnu Linker, gdb... pretty much everything in binutils, as well as a platform to test my programs at school, which runs Windows. I've tried VirtualBox, VMware and QEmu; QEmu is a b**** to access any files outside of the VM, VMware is hard to get portable, and all 3 require administrator access. I've also tried CoLinux, which requires admin access, and PortableUbuntuRemix, which gives me some unnecessary GUI and slows the computer down

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiple Admin Passwords - Opration Requires Root - Administrative - Privileges

Jan 10, 2011

I downloaded a driver for my printer today and I opened it in the terminal. Then a window popped up saying "This opporation requires root (administrative) privileges. Please enter the administrative password below:" I typed in the same password that I use when authorizing the installation of programs from the Ubuntu Software Center and I tried it multiple times. Each time, it rejects the password. I even tried downloading something else from the software center, just to make sure the password was correct, but the system had no problem with the password when downloading from the software center. So, is my software center password different from my administrator password?

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General :: What Does An Arrow ('->') Symbol Mean On Command Line?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm working with Terminal (Mac OS X), but I think this is a built-in part of Linux. Sometimes, when I execute a command, Terminal returns a new, indented line with just -> on the line. It seems like it's waiting for something, but I don't know if it requires action on my part or not. Pressing enter simply returns another, identical line. When I Ctrl + C, it says Aborted, meaning something was clearly processing.

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Software :: Install A Package That Requires X11?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm trying to install a package that requires x11 and complains that it can't find it. It appears my X version is an older one. How can I check which version I have currently installed, just to be sure?

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Slackware :: RPM Requires Full SeaMonkey Package Install

Dec 19, 2010

There is a "standalone seamonkey-solibs package for RPM, gxine, etc". But after recent upgrades in -current, I can't use rpm without full seamonkey package installed. Can someone revise the contents of seamonkey-solibs and add missing files to it?

$ LANG=C rpm -qp --qf %{NAME} opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm
error: opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm: Header SHA1 digest: BAD
error: opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest)

And `rpm2txz -nd opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm` doesn't work as expected without seamonkey package installed.

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Ubuntu :: A Package (libsdl Related) Requires To Remove The "ubuntu-desktop" Package

Jun 4, 2011

I need to install the following packages in order to compile a ScummVM fork that is not already compiled for ubuntu.


But installing via Synaptic requires me to remove the "ubuntu-desktop" package.

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox And MySQL Admin Have Black Line Borders?

Feb 10, 2010

Firefox & MySQL admin have black line borders. The tab, address input box, the search box, the scroll bars, and the dropdown menu area have this black line border. MySQL's admin utility displays the same. Can't figure out where to change it. Also other thread is about Desktop-Settings utility crashes. Should I just do a restore of user install defaults? How would I do that and save some of my desktop custom program icons?

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Programming :: Copy And Replacing Specific Line From File1 To File2 Line By Line

Mar 22, 2011

I have two files, file1.traj and file2.traj. Both these files contain identical data and the data are arranged in same format in them. The first line of both files is a comment.

At line 7843 of both files there is a cartesian coordinate X, Y and Z ( three digits ). And at line 15685 there is another three digits. The number of lines in between two cartesian coordinates are 7841. And there are few hundreds of thousands of lines in a file.

What I need to do is copy the X Y Z coordinate (three digits) from file1.traj at line 7843 and paste into file2.traj at the same line number as in file1.traj. The next line will be 15685 from file1.traj and replace at line 15685 at file2.traj. And I dont want other lines (data) in file2.traj get altered. This sequence shall be going on until the end of the file. Means copy and substitude the selected lines from file1.traj into file2.traj.

I tried to use paste command but I cant do for specified line alone.

Here i showed the data format in the file. I used the line number for clarity purpose.


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Ubuntu :: Synaptic Package Manager Not Opening When Accessed From Non Admin Account

Jul 10, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04. I installed it a few days ago.

When I open Synaptic Package Manager, it asks for admin password. But, after I give the password, the window vanishes. Thus, I am not able to open Synaptic Package Manager in non-admin account.

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OpenSUSE :: Symbol Lookup Error: /usr/lib64/ Undefined Symbol: Tgetent

Dec 15, 2009

Apache doesn't start with ( from libedit0-3.0.snap20090923-4.1.x86_64 ).


[Tue Dec 15 16:20:51 2009] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
PHP Warning: Directive 'register_long_arrays' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
/usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: tgetent
Solution: I copied /usr/lib64/ from a previous install and symlinked /usr/lib64/ to it.

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Ubuntu :: Skype: Symbol Lookup Error: /usr/lib32/ Undefined Symbol

Jan 17, 2010

ive made a slight mistake on my Ubuntu 9.10 64bit. I was trying to get Voodoo Motion Tracking software to work, and it was having trouble locating some Qt Libs, so I decided it was a good idea to move its included libs into /user/lib32 directory. Voodoo now works, but Skype instead comes up with:


skype: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib32/ undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv Skype was installed using their own provided 64bit .deb - it was previously working fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Symbol Lookup Error: /usr/lib/ Undefined Symbol: PL_ClearArenaPool

Oct 21, 2010

The most recent update impacted my thunderbird-3.0. When launched I get these error messages

/usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.3pre/thunderbird-bin: Symbol `SSL_ImplementedCiphers' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
/usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.3pre/thunderbird-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: PL_ClearArenaPool

I can only assume the libnssutil3 library was upgraded and this broke the library call in the thunderbird-3.0.

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CentOS 5 :: /opt/dmz/bin/httpd: Symbol Lookup Error: /lib/ Undefined Symbol: OPENSSL_init

Sep 21, 2010

I performed a yum update and now my yum is not working and I am unable to start my apache processes (in a dmz configuration).This is the error I am getting from yum.

yum clean
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/yum", line 4, in ?
import yum


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Ubuntu :: Mixxx: Symbol Lookup Error: /usr/lib/ Undefined Symbol

Dec 6, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and was looking for software to mix mp3's. I want to try mixxx (found here) I installed the most recent package by using the ppa of the project (as described here) Install seems to be ok (no error messages)But when I try to run mixxx from the menu nothing happens. Nothing. Running it from the terminal with the command



I get this error message:


mixxx: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN16QIODevicePrivate4peekEPcx

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Programming :: Access A File Line By Line, And Check The Length Of Each Line.

Feb 13, 2011

I want to access a file, and check the length of every line.After, i want to check and replace all lines with length over 10 characters, with a message.Does anyone have a clue on that?

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Programming :: NameError: Global Name 'set' Is Not Defined

Apr 17, 2011

I have a Red Hat 4.9 server running python 2.3.4. However I need some of the new functions so I downloaded and installed Python 2.7.1. I wanted to use the "set" function which was not in the earlier version.

/bin/python is 2.3.4
/usr/local/bin/python is 2.7.1

I have a script running 2.3.4 which calls the 2.7.1 script however it fails because it cannot find the "set" command here is an example

import Mytest


The error message is :

NameError: global name 'set' is not defined

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Programming :: How To Set Up Global Class In JAVA?

May 10, 2011

I've had to do some code in java, a language I'm very much unfamiliarly with so please excuse my incorrect use of terms. The basic outline of my problem is I create a class object as a local within a swing button function it works fine. If I create it as a global ( with I think I need to do ) within main, then prototype it with the other swing objects at the bottom of the file when it is called it causes a host of problems. I think the easiest way is to show it.

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Programming :: Python - Global Name Not Defined

Jun 17, 2011

I found an interesting screencast online about how to make gtk Pyton apps. The thing is, though, the guy was using the interactive shell. I've been trying to get his code into a script, and have been having troubles.

Here's what I got:


It spits out the error "NameError: global name 'browser' is not defined"

I know I'm doing something wrong with how I'm telling it where to find "browser" and "text", but I can't figure out how to point it to the right place.

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Programming :: Compare Two Files Line By Line And Print The Line Which Is Same?

May 30, 2011

I am trying to write a program in C which compares two files and prints the line that is equal.

Here file1.txt has

and file2.txt has

Note: file2.txt consist of only a single string where as file2.txt has multiple lines. Actually im comparing two files with md5sum values.

Here is the code but it compares only first line of files..but it should compare the whole file1..and sorry iam a beginner in C can any1 sujest some modification to this code so can compare file2 with entire file1


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Programming :: Insert Line Using Sed Or Awk At Line Using Line Number As Variable

Jul 25, 2011

I want to insert a line at a particular line number using sed or awk. where line number is not fixed and is in form of variable.

I want to use variable in sed or awk command.I tried something like below, but no luck.

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Programming :: Accessing Global Variables In Script?

Apr 10, 2011

I have a script that goes like this

step 1 - install sdk

step 2 - update ~/.bashrc export some new variables

step 3 - check said variables, if they return a value then we know a reboot has taken place and we can continue to step 4. otherwise halt and isssue a warning that a reboot is needed.

Ok, so this works if I just execute the script when I am logged on as root, and after a reboot & rerun of the script I can check the variables exist and the program will continue as expected. only when I am logged on as root will the variables I exported in bashrc return a value. If I run the script as sudo root the values are blank.

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Programming :: Application Requires Later Glibc

May 10, 2011

My users need to run an application which was build with newer GLIBC_2.11, while my system only gets GLIBC_2.4. It shows error "cannot find GLIBC_2.11" whenever I run it. I cannot upgrade the system, so I have tried building Glibc 2.11 (for example:/opt/glibc-2.11) to another directory, but when I point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /opt/glibc-2.11, I cannot run any commands because of error invalid LFS ABI. I also tried using LD_PRELOAD, but it does not work. Please help me, how can I fix this problem.

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Programming :: Replace All Digits With Symbol In String?

Aug 29, 2010

I am trying to replacee all digits with a symbol (say, big U here) in a string by


The result become 'UsUoUmUeUtUhUiUnUgU' instead of 'somethingUUU' as expected. Looks like my string contains some 'hidden digits' in between the letters. Does anyone have an idea about that?

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Programming :: Modprobe Command - Unknown Symbol

Jul 19, 2010

I am working on research using a USB wireless card (WUSB600N) which works by a driver from Ralink (rt3572). In order to achieve my task, I am trying to modify that driver. One of the ways, I tried to call a function written in different module from that which I am working in. Every thing went fine (make & make install) until the modprobe command when i got (Unknown Symbol) about that function. I tried many ways to solve that problem like; Export_Symbol, and function pointers but, with no results!

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Programming :: Avoiding Global Variables In Kernel Modules?

Jun 27, 2010

I have two modules A and B in the kernel which i am trying to hack by introducing a variable in A which is of type 'extern' (and using EXPORT_SYMBOL) and then calling it in B. Now the problem is how to introduce that variable in module A. Currently i have made a global variable and it works fine but global variable in kernel is a bad bad thing.

I tried having an 'extern' function in A which have that variable and calling that function in module B, but then again how would module A use my variable unless the variable is available outside the scope of that function and that again means a global variable.

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General :: Explicit Control Protocol - XCP - On Ns-2.34

Apr 18, 2011

I use ns-2.34 and I have a simple script and I want to use the xcp on it.

My script is:


In ns-2.34 there are a script which name is xcp-tcp.tcl.

I understand this scenario but I cant modify my script to work like this.

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