I have a C header file which have arrays of predefined(known) structure type. But i dont have names of arrays and their size. when i include that file and compile my application, i want to know the names and sizesof those arrays.
purpose of application is to get the content of those arrays and to explain it in descriptive words instead of hex numbers.ofcourse this can be done by file pointers and reading also with out header file inclusion, but as i am working in C, once compiled, those variables are in my address space in i include header file.
I tried to change the basic toolbar to cairo dock,a tutorial that i found told me to write in terminal gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.listso i write it and a window opened,i couled not find the text that told me(the tutorial i mean)so i closed the window,after that i keep taiking the same error
E: Type �sudo� is not known on line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list E: The list of sources could not be read. Go to the repository dialogue to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.
now whene i got in the winehq.list the text has gone and i take this error in update manager,my software center doesn't work and my terminal whenever i type sudo commands says
E: Type �sudo� is not known on line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list
When I try to use Synaptic package manager I get the following message: E: Type'2' is not known on line1 in source.list E: the list of sources could not be read.to the repositary dialog to correct the problem.E:_cache-> open() failed, report.I cannot use Synaptic package manager or Update manager while this problem exists.
I want to restrict the Visitors to my Webserver whom i want to give access But the persons whom i want to give access. have Dynamic IP. I want to use DynDNS and update IP address of person. Based on the Hostname Pointing to Dynamic address of person.
I want a list of all my mp3 files (or any other kind of file, actually) telling me HOW MANY OF THEM I have in my computer.I tried with both find and locate commands in terminal, but they don't tell me how many files I have.
I have recently started PHP and mysql and so far I am loving it. I have read that the best way to learn any scripting/programming language is to read others code and get involve in a project. I am planning to develop a ticketing system for my intranet environment, meaning it will only be available to certain specific personnel to generate tickets, just like a helpdesk system. So a thought came in my mind, that, if a ticket is generated, a email should be sent to the relevant personnel pointing to that ticket. Now what I mean by this is, like if I have posted a query on LQ.org, a email notification is sent with a dynamic url pointing to my post if someone answers it. How its done? I mean is it done by PHP engine or apache?
I was thinking about how to make a dynamic array in C, and I thought that it would be much better if it could accept any data type. Is this possible? Of course I thought about void pointers, but how do I store the actual data?
How would I list 4 users ID numbered 10, 11, 12 and 13 from my users list and output them to a file busers where their names are numbered by ascending order? How would I accomplish that on a one line command?
I am trying to get this script to work. The purpose is to download a list of modules from the slax.org the list consist of a list of module numbers. What I am trying to do is Download the file or the file name corresponding to the number in the list.the list is comma delimited. this is what I have done so far and I am a stand still.
#!/bin/sh # Wget script to retrieve modules from slax.org modules # # ----Begin of user defined values ----- # Path to wget
I am trying to generic way to convert the string datatype to other primitive data type. To achieve, i used Template . But i getting error and couldn't resolve the issue and error reported is also clueless.
I have been searching for a solution to the following problem:
When my distro of choice updates Firefox web browser, the directory name is '/usr/lib/firefox-<version>'. The problem here is that the directory name is dynamic by nature and doesn't allow a simple static solution, e.g. 'cp -rf /usr/local/files/bookmarks.html /usr/lib/firefox/defaults/profile'.
The same quandary applies when adding extensions, changing prefs etc. I have looked at the following commands:- find, sed, xargs, grep, awk, fprint. Unfortunately my grasp of syntax and programming is very simple at best.
Home The Team [no-page] -X -Y -Z Projects [no-page] -Coding [no-page] --A --B --C -Desing [no-page] --E --F -Security [no-page] --G --H
Note: the Code/Design/Security projects pages (A,B,C,D...) will be at start around 35 pages, and will grow. My index.php is something like this: PHP Code: .....
What I would like to know is how to build the content (the home-main.php)? Do it dynamically based on a link something like this index.php?page=coding_b, and put in the index.php page a number of 35 if/else statements to cover all the project pages or ... static, creating every page for the projects menu when I create the menu? I check if a page 'pro-co-a.php' exists, if not I create it based on some template and do the query to get the content from db or? How to organize the pages, if using static page?
My system: Ubuntu 2.6.31. Language C, compiler: gcc I am running dynamic timer as a kernel module and my issue is that the once the timer overflows, the program finishes. On the other hand i have forced to arm the timer again because of a while loop but the timer never is started again. i am targetting a periodic timer but it runs once and thats it.
I'm studing and making my first real life program in C++. I've got a doubt related with including a string type into a struct when I'm managing memory allocationdynamically.Bellow I copy the test program I did which works ok. But if I try to use string type instead of "const char *" into the struct I receive a "segment violation" error when I run the program. No error messages when compilling it.Does anybody knows if I'm doing something wrong?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Datos {
Any good tutorial on sharing dynamically allocated objects across shared libraries in the same process and between shared libaries and main(). In particular, I need to know what creation and destruction sequences are valid when libraries are being loaded and unloaded. For example, is it valid to allocate an object from inside a shared library procedure, and then delete that pointer from a different module, especially in the case where the allocating module has already been unloaded.
I imagine there might be all kinds of problems with this. Although my preliminary tests seem to work most of the time, I get crashes from time to time, but I'm not sure if they're caused by memory management or by threading issues. I've been restructuring my code to use a global context object to manage object creation and destruction from main(), but I'd like to find a clear exposition of the specific issues I'm dealing with before I go too much further.
I'd like to implement a dynamic menu which will allow me to specify an IP address and read it into memory. This is what I've got so far (it's fairly basic...)
Code: IPS=`ifconfig -a | grep 'inet addr:' | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d "addr:"` PS3='Select an option and press Enter: ' select i in $IPS do case $i in $i) echo $IPS;; esac done echo $IPS
At the moment it just says "Which IP would you like to use" and then freezes, most success I've had is it showing all the IP's listed in ifconfig and then showing the same menu.
So a friend and I are new-ish to linux (I am reasonably comfortable with basic /etc text editing, command admin). We are, however, completely new to programming and (x)html. We have a few (what we think are) interesting ideas for dynamic websites.Ideally we would like to develop our own course of study to get to the point where we have a basic understanding of programming so that our adventures in the programming of a dynamic website would be possible. Much of what we need learn to do is the following: use daily updated public-domain data from several other sites, manipulate that data algorithmically, which would then yield updating output on our site. Here is what I would like to do:
1. learn the basics of programming with a language that would teach good code habits and fundamental understanding. 2. become comfortable with (x)html 3. learn another language for the extension of (x)html into a dynamic data-heavy website.
Question could you please suggest a way about going about 1>2>3?Ideally the language of (1) would be something that would not be "wasted" just on web design etc. As a language, C really appeals to me. However, if learning this wouldn't lend itself to being helpful in learning another language for webdesign maybe I shouldn't use it(?).If (1) weren't to be C, what language would be funadmental enough to teach good coding but also be helpful in learning (3)
I am currently looking for tools for static/dynamic code analysis for embedded Linux system development (both device driver and user space apps). We will use Eclipse IDE and C++ lanuage. I hope the tools are easy-to-use, reliable, popular, better with good supports, and not-too-expensive. I already find a list of tools at WiKi, however, I don't have time to try them all. Could anyboy please recommend me a few? If you can tell me briefly about their pros and cons, that will be the bet.
I doing malloc and getting the chunk of dynamic memory. Now I want it to align that memory to 64KB. This means that the address of the memory starts from 64KB or multiple of 64KB.
From this thread I've decided to try add a feature of removing local port forwardings in ssh.Here are some very ugly and not-yet working hacks what I made so far:
* Patch for channels.c * Patch for channels.h * Patch for clientloop.c
I was clearly expecting this to work without any troubles-everything seem to be logically correct, but I made a programming mistake somewhere: don't know where, maybe you will point me to this?Many sites say there is a WAY AROUND with -D param(starting socks proxy as a tunnel-generator), added since 5.2, but I don't need that way around. I need a way through. I use exact ports for exact services and if I want to change it runtime I'd like to have ability to do so.If you have other ideas or points instead of coding this, please share them here & here(original question).
Why the thread stack size can not be changed after calling pthread_attr_setstacksize & pthread_create in a dynamic library? Detail: I write a file thread_factory.c and plan to build it and produce a dynamic library (libthread_factory.so) In the thread_factory.c , there is a routine
And after this, there is application, it will call fct_thread_create(STACK_SIZE_256KB), and then call pthread_attr_getstacksize(), but the stack size return always be a fixed value 0xa01000. (I tried this on Fedora12) But if I build the application source code with the file thread_factory.c directly, the stack size return is right as my expect. I checked the source code of glibc about the routine pthread_create() as below:
I'm having a problem updating or even running the software center. Each time I open either of them, I get an error stating "'E:Type 'ntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-wine-ppa-natty.list'" and the update manager or software center closes. This has just been happening a few days ago and I would like a fix for it. I'm using 11.04 beta 1 and my WINE version is the latest development release. Anyone know how to fix this error? I tried unchecking my WINE PPAs in sources but that don't seem to do any good.
Just i want to ask doubts in c programming. I dont know whether this is the right place to ask doubts in c. If this is not a correct place, may i know where can i get help for c programming?is there any active forum or mailing list for c programming?