Programming :: Application To Listen At Multiple Ports?
Dec 23, 2010
I am using a C application which connects to various other C applications at different ports through TCP,sends requests to all of them and then waits for the responses. The problem is that when the requests are fewer it gives a good response but with the increase in load the port at which the master application is listening get hogs and is unable to receive the responses.Can you please suggest the best way to tackle this issue? Is it possible for the master application to listen at multiple ports so that the load gets distributed and how?
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May 25, 2010
I was wondering if there is a way to have SIP and IAX2 listen on two ports other than the standard one? This is because most ISPs are blocking these standard ports especially ISPs that is also engaged in Telecom business.
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Jul 15, 2011
I'm porting C++ application from ARM to MIPS platform. It works now, but I see some strange timing problems. I've seen now that My app process is called multiply time. Here is "top" output:
Mem: 24592K used, 102084K free, 0K shrd, 0K buff, 16864K cached
CPU: 0% usr 99% sys 0% nice 0% idle 0% io 0% irq 0% softirq
Load average: 4.02 2.17 0.95
1888 1875 admin R 12096 10% 98% ./my_app.exe
I don't see something like this when I compile it for x86, nor ARM.On MIPS I use uClibc instead of glibc.
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May 17, 2011
How to separate sftp and ssh and run on different ports.
a) sftp on port x
b) ssh on port 22
I searched from the web and there are no detailed instructions. They suggested something like separating sshd_config into two files (file A and file B) and run two instances. Each instance points to its configuration file.
However, they didnt write down the detailed procedure of:
a) how to modify file A and file B (i.e. which line should insert specific commands)?
b) how to run two instances?
c) how to point each instance to its config file.
I am using Linux CentOS and the latest open-ssh.
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Feb 26, 2010
I working on a project, where a central unit (we call it System Controller ) should talk to several peripheral units on different input ports. The system controller have 4 RS485 ports, 1 RS232, 1 USB A, 1 USB B and a switch with 2 TCP/IP ports. The problem is that when the peripheral unit that is supposed to be connected to one of the two TCP/IP inputs isn't connected (which the system should be able to handle), the software thinks that data from the unit connected to the RS232 port is from the unit that should be connected to the TCP/IP.
The input peripherals are defined as:
#define CR_DEVICE "/dev/ttyS1" // ttyS1
#define SL_PORT "/dev/ttyUSB0"
#define BO_PORT ""
It is the last one which are supposed to receive from the TCP/IP port, and of course the first one which should receive data from the RS232 port.
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Sep 14, 2009
Dear all,
My application has to listen to http request and it must be able to read the http header and then forward the request from proxy. All these things must be done on C/C++. please help me. Awaiting for your reply.
Thank in advance
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Mar 28, 2010
I have several sites running on a local server. Currently, they're all running on port 80. I need one particular site (and ONLY that site) to also accept connections on port 81.
If I browse to the server IP x.x.x.x:80 directly, Apache's behaviour of showing the default site should work as usual. But, if I browse to IP x.x.x.x:81, it should show a different site (the one that should be accepting both :80 and :81). This part is very important.
I was hoping something like the following would work, but it didn't Currently x.x.x.x:81 still shows what I've called below.
Listen 80
Listen 81
<VirtualHost *:80>
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May 26, 2011
jack uses 2 ports for input and 2 for output. I have a SoundBlaster 5.1vx card, and I would like to use a "line-out" plug for monitoring. But when I try to get jack to reserve four extra outputs by using the switch "-o 4", it gives me an error.
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Jan 17, 2011
Looking for a test tool where I can fire up any number of ports (TCP and / or UDP) to listen on.
I am currently getting my using nc but its only 1 port at a time (i know I can open up multiple sessions but thats cumbersome), it can't do UDP, and it closes at the end of the session.
A friend has suggested socat but it looks pretty much the same except it can do UDP, but also cumbersome, I have to manually output to a different file per port, etc.
Basically its so I can quickly test firewall and NAT rules.
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Dec 8, 2010
I'm trying to build a multi-threaded server "C" program connecting to multiple clients. For various design reasons, I thought of having one port number per client. What is the maximum number of ports my process can handle
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May 12, 2011
im working on a perl script to automate the setup on a few machines. Does any one know how to open ports using perl?
ps: The systems are redhat so id be editing the iptables file..
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Oct 14, 2010
I have enabled netbook-launcher-efl and like the interface quite a lot, but it only allows me to launch a single instance of each application. I was told in an unrelated thread that there should be a setting in gconf-editor that enables multiple instances to be launched, but I thought it would be more appropriate if I broke that out into a separate thread.
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Jan 27, 2011
I created a application launcher (type:terminal) to replace the index.php on my apache server (/var/www/) with the index I keep updated on my desktop.
This is the exact script I'm using on the launcher:
My idea was the launcher would delete the current file at /var/www/, and then copy the file on /home/andre/Desktop.
But its not behaving properly, it is deleting both the file in my /var/www/ AND my desktop.
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Feb 21, 2010
I'm using OpenSuse 11.2 64 bits When I try to listen to music in Grooveshark Grooveshark - Listen to Free Music Online - Internet Radio - Free MP3 Streaming I can listen fine, and it seems to work ok, when suddenly the sound of the website stops to work, my processor gets overload and I've to reopen the site to continue to listen. I get the following message in kernel (I'm no sure if it's related)
[ 3402.591674] ide-cd driver 5.00
[ 3402.622010] ide-gd driver 1.18
[ 3402.691580] st: Version 20081215, fixed bufsize 32768, s/g segs 256
[ 3404.308048] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
Some Hardware Info:
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Oct 15, 2010
Never done it before, don't know how but its due next week. I am a computer systems student and have been required to built a hardware that will be operated by a program in G++ through the parallel ports. The hardware, thats a piece of cake, the software, now that's were the real problem is. I don't even know were to start.
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Sep 21, 2010
I am running an application called QuantiSNP [URL]. The binary file is "quantisnp2", called upon in the "" supplied by the authors. I am only able to run the application for single file processing (e.g. 1 input file for 1 sample; I can't run the batch file processing because I don't have the necessary BeadStudio report files, which has different formatting for the input files).
The difficulty is that I have 300 samples (300 unique sample IDs) and 3 input files for each sample for a total of 900 runs of this application. I am wondering how would I be able to automate this process as a shell script instead of basically manually changing the sample ID and respective input files every time a run completes? I bolded the single file processing shell script command line options below that need to be changed for each sample/input single file processing run. The command line option "--sampleid" is for the name given to the processed output files corresponding to the sample of interest and there are 3 input files for each sample.
/home2/jason/QuantiSNP/quantisnp/linux64/ /home2/jason/QuantiSNP/MCR/v79/ --config /home2/jason/QuantiSNP/quantisnp/config/params.dat --levels /home2/jason/QuantiSNP/quantisnp/config/levels-affy.dat --outdir /home2/jason/QuantiSNP/quantisnp_out/ --sampleid sample1 --gender female --input-files /home2/jason/files/sample1_input.txt
Note that each sample has 3 input files, for a total of 3 runs of "quantisnp2" for each sample. e.g.
sample1 /home2/jason/files/sample1_input.txt
sample1 /home2/jason/files/sample1_input2.txt
sample1 /home2/jason/files/sample1_input3.txt
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Dec 17, 2010
I'm writting an app for desktop and embedded linux and I need to get information about the multiserial port, and I need to know which port is been used (by a printer, por example).The multiserial I'm using is an Altera Corporation Device 0004, and I just need to tell how many ports are there and how many is been used.
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Jun 24, 2009
I've browsed the internet, but haven't found a satisfying answer. Hope this forum can help me in the right direction.I'm exploring the possibilities of creating a program that manipulates (writes to) two different video cards.I program in C and hope to avoid high level libraries like Xlib to keep the mem footprint as low and the performance as high as possible. Windowing is not important no desktop environment will be used. Be able to write two pixels (one to each screen) to would do.
How would I go about?To give an idea of the solution I'm looking for:One screen will show thumbnails of images on the hard drive. Clicking an thumbnail on display A will show the selection full screen on display B. On a laptop; preferably thumbnails on the laptop screen and the selected image on the external monitor.Is this possible with just low-level libs or do I need X or some third-party software to make life easy?
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Aug 11, 2010
How can I tell if my USB ports are 2.0 ports?
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May 9, 2011
I'm trying to search the string "Listen" in a few files (config files). I madefind /apps/apache* -exec grep -H Listen {} ;but the result list is very long. How i make a "grep -v" whith this command?
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Sep 29, 2010
I want to ask whether there is an application to program the AVR on Linux. if there is what the name of his application? and where I can get it
besides, I also want to install the supporting applications to make PCBs, in windows I used mangunakan Altium.
if for linux what is the name of his application?
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Jan 3, 2009
I'm trying to package a Qt application using debuild. However, I can't figure out how to make qmake generate a correct Makefile.
The main problem is that the binary doesn't get put into ./usr/bin inside the .deb.
So dh_shlibdeps always fails and I get the following:
Code: Select alldpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${shlibs:Depends}
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${misc:Depends}
The resulting debian package then has an empty "depends" field and no binary.
I used the Qt Hello World example application to start.
I changed debian/rules (generated by dh_make) so that it runs qmake as follows:
Code: Select all#!/usr/bin/make -f
# -*- makefile -*-
# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small.
# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a
# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make.
# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
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May 13, 2010
am using a PC104 with Linux and i need to control it with a controller that is connected via RS-232 or USB port. I need to launch one or more application some specific message come through RS-232 port. Is that doable? If yes how? I am beginner with C++ on Linux so i don't really know specif libraries. If possible i would like to use pure C and not C++.
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Aug 1, 2010
I want to write an application with an interface similar to those used in non-GUI linux installation programs. It is not really a pseudo-graphic. Does anybody knows an appropriate library?
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Aug 23, 2010
i need to debug a application which is using many threads. i am using eclipse with GDB debugger but it is not possible to debug it since it has a lot of different threads and i can not not debug it as wre debug in case of single thread(main) . So i would like to know, is there a way to debug such an application, if there is some tutorial that would be nice to know.
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Nov 28, 2010
I'm trying to learn how to cross-compile libraries (static and shared) and executables for the Blackfin + uClinux environment.At this point, I can successfully compile a stand-alone "Hello, world" but fail when trying to add a (static) library to the mix.Here's the source code I wrote:
#========== bar.h
void mytestfunc(void);
#========== bar.c
#include <stdio.h>
Googling for this returns talks about "name mangling", but I don't know if this is what it is, and how to change the source/command to solve it.
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May 10, 2011
My users need to run an application which was build with newer GLIBC_2.11, while my system only gets GLIBC_2.4. It shows error "cannot find GLIBC_2.11" whenever I run it. I cannot upgrade the system, so I have tried building Glibc 2.11 (for example:/opt/glibc-2.11) to another directory, but when I point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /opt/glibc-2.11, I cannot run any commands because of error invalid LFS ABI. I also tried using LD_PRELOAD, but it does not work. Please help me, how can I fix this problem.
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Jun 8, 2011
I'm developping a C# app in Windows using VS2010. It has one form and communicates as a client with a server.A receive thread displays incoming data while buttons and a timer send data. All workingThe form has a button that calls the below method to disconnect from the server.
public bool disconnect()
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Jan 2, 2010
Is there a somewhat straightforward way to get the name or pid of the application that is under the mouse's cursor? What I'm trying to do: This is just a "what if" at this point, I would like to run some script that would obtain the name/pid of any application that the mouse cursor is on, and use xte to assign different functions to different mouse buttons. For instance, assign a given button the Forward or Back function when the cursor is on a browser, but assign a scroll-left or scroll-right to the same button when it's on a spreadsheet. Is there any way to accomplish this, say, in a script that I could run at startup as a background process?
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Mar 29, 2009
I never had to use anything more than -l , -lm , -c ,-o.It was only through dev documentation that I came across glib. Now I want to to compile and link a program with glib.
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