I am using Vi editor for editing and configuring my file.I am facing a little problem when there is long file like 3000 lines. Normally i use
:set number
in vi editor to visible my line number.The problem is when i have to go in the top of the file like say line number one I use k for it and to move down I use j which is too much time consuming. How can i jump directly my cursor to line number 2333 or line number 2600.
On windows I really only used Notepad++ as my text editor, it had two features that I loved.What I need to accomplish is what I would do with Notepad++ column editor.I could have like 100 lines, and place the cursor at a column, and goto edit>column editor, and I could insert an incrementing number. (I could also pad the incrementing number with 0s, this was GREAT for making batch files among other things.)So each line at that column had a number higher than the previous line.The other feature that I used sometimes was a search/replace with regex patterns.Does anyone know of an editor that has those features for linux? I am mostly after the column editor insert feature but if you know of one with both features that would rock.
I want to change the default command line editor from vim to nano, so for example when I type "visudo", I want it to user nano. In Ubuntu this can be easily done by using "update-alternatives --config editor", but openUSE doesn't have an editor-option
I tried ubuntu for a few weeks, but I couldn't get the nvidia drivers to work, I tried everything. So, I got sick of that, and went to download OpenSuse, which seems to be even nicer (..... ) I downloaded the 11.1 liveCD (gnome) from here. I nicley got the welcome screen, and the option screen (liveCD, check errors etc.). I chose LiveCD and it started booting, I got the splash screen with the loading bar, and after it completely loaded, the screen turns black with a lot of messages and at the end:
Code: GdmLocalDisplayFactory: Maximum number of X display failures reached: Check X server log for errors. Great, I hoped for better luck after Ubuntu.. My sys. specs: Asus F3Sc 32bit Intel CentrinoDuo
I find it abit difficult to press this sequence with one had so i can then type the key code I want on my number key pad, is there any way I can change it to something like [Alt] or [Super] or [Super]+[Alt]
When i ssh to server using -X, i always confuse about which display number i should export. It seems to me sometimes the display number has been used by something, so what i can do is only
I use an ancient text editor - Jove - that I maintain and update myself. It has worked fine on Fedora 6, 7 and 8 under gnome-terminal (known to the Jove editor as xterm). I just installed Fedora 12. When moving around a file being edited, the cursor often 'replicates' itself into a series of blocks (or underlines, depending on the cursor type setting) that seem to correspond to tab-stops. I initially thought it was stumbling on TABs, but it does this weirdness on long strings of blanks, as well. Clearing and redrawing the screen cleans things up until the next movement command.
I _intensively_ checked the code for anything that might be sensitive to the new termcap strings that have come with F12, but nothing. I could live with this if the underline cursor blinked so that I could SEE it in text, but alas, there ain't a blinking cursor. Just found out how to get the cursor blinking on another thread. But, I'd _still_ like go get the 'block' to work right. I compared the termcaps used by Jove in LF8 and LF9 and they were identical. Since the "7-block-wide" cursor bug happens in LF9, 10, 11, and 12 but not in LF8, I can confidently conclude that support for termcap/terminfo has been broken as of Fedora 9. And people ask me why I have four computers. (So I can run F8 F9 and F12 and compare their performance!).
I have a project due for my Intro to C++ class and we are suppose to generate a file listing that will take an input of a C++ source code with .cpp extension and make a copy of it with a .lst extention that will have a line number preceding each and every line.
I just spent a few days ripping out all the broken/buggy apps that are in the opensuse 11.2 official repos so I can finally get working software(openoffice, thunderbird, wine, eclipse, rubygems, rails, and a few others required getting the "official" versions from their respective websites to avoid strange behavior and outright broken functionality).
All of which makes updating more annoying and time-consuming. Why are opensuse packages so different anyway? Anyway, the last thing that I have noticed to fix is Konsole. For some really bizarre reason ctrl+z and ctrl+c do not work without a third keystroke: enter.Maybe this is something new with the KDE team, since they seem bent on making simple things that already work more complex, but given my experience with crappy packages in the suse repos, I am thinking this is the problem. I have looked over all the config settings that I can find and nothing fixes this affront to productivity.
I've been using Kaggregator in KDE-PIM, which uses Konqueror as the browserto go to links from Kaggregator.Unfortunately, Konqueror no longer seems tobe able to Copy highlighted material with Ctrl C, the way we've done it forever.Is this a setting I've missed? Or is this a new "feature" in Konqueror?
I want to print the line number with the pattern of the line on a same line using multi-patterns in sed. But i don't know how to do it. For example, I have a file
Since I wasn't able to figure out how to enable ctrl alt backspace in kde I thought I would explain how to do it from the command line. Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf as root. Then add this to the file.
I have Red Hat 5.4, and I'm trying to log in using tty1 by pressing Ctrl-Shift-F1. I get to the text login screen, my banner displays, but when I try to log in as root, the banner just displays again and it asks me to log in.
It does not say that my password is incorrect, just asks me log in as if the previous exchange never happened. I have added tty1 to /etc/securetty, and all the other tty's and vc/1, vc/2, etc...in an attempt to get something to work. I recently started using PAM for password authentication, and the pam_securetty.so line is set correctly in /etc/pam.d/login. Any idea why I can't log in? Did I miss something I have to add?
I need to grep for a particular string and if found need to display the line containing that string, the line above that and also the first line of that paragraph.
Can this be done via sed.
Eg, My Paragraphs
OA connectA
Interconnect Module #6 Status:
Here, if I grep for Critical, it should display the following
Similarly if I grep for Degraded, it should display
The full screen console is brought up by ctrl+alt+F1. How do you get back to the windows display manager? Is it necessary to reboot?I am running Ubuntu 9.10 with Gnome.
I have 3 layouts: USA, Russian and Hebrew. In Hebrew the W key is mapped to apostrophe, so Ctrl+W in Hebrew layout doesn't close tabs in Firefox. There is no workaround for it as I see by now, so I am trying to get it work this way:I want to map Ctrl+W in Hebrew layout(which is actually a Ctrl+') to be a Ctrl+w. Here is what I got from xmodmap:Code:$ xmodmap -pke | grep 25keycode 25 = w W Cyrillic_tse Cyrillic_TSE apostrophe WAs you can see, there are pairs for each layout, each pair tells what happens without and with the Shift key pressed.
I am doing a project on rdesktop. My aim is to setup a write/copy protected session. I have made rdesktop connection between two Linux machines using Xrdp.Next I want to disable the ctrl+x,ctrl+v keys and the cut and copy option in mouse right click at client side
On a notebook mainboard, that has no display, a vga display is connected, I want to set mainboard display to turned off and vga display turned on and primary. Keeping the settings after restarting.
In lxde there is 'display settings'. If I set 'turn off laptop lcd and use external monitor only vga', it does not keep the setting, not even until the computer is turned off. It defaults to the setting with both displays turned on.
I got this link [URL] ....
I cannot find the location of the file.
Using nano editor on a file, can I set the vga display to get the only and primary display also after restarting the mainboard? What file and location?
Should I edit text to xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 --rate 60 xrandr --output VGA1 --primary
What do I write to turn off lvds display? Will the settings apply such that the debian login screen will show on the vga display when starting the mainboard?
I just installed ushare on Fedora 10 (yum install ushare is all it took to do), and followed the guidance then to configure sharing for an Xbox 360, [URL] the code below. Notice the last line...due to stopping process in the terminal via Ctrl+C. It appears to me, based on this ending UPNP sharing, that the first line will need to be run each time want to turn on sharing, right? I thought this would simply configure ushare sharing one time, and possibly intiate some sort of file sharing service on each boot, but this appears not to be the case. If I am right, does anyone know how I can develop a script to run at boot to allow ushare to open sharing and keep it open?
I'm an Ubuntu newbie and I'm looking for a text editor that has options for DOS-like or Unix-like end of line characters. I'm used to working with Notepad++ for windows that has an option for Unix/Mac/DOS end-of-line characters.It would be great if I could find a text editor for Ubuntu that has this built in or as a plugin instead of running the file through a converter.
I have a 500G HD with several partitions. I have just added another exact 500G HD and would like to copy the partition table from the first HD to the new HD.What is a good command line partition editor to get the job done? All of my partitions are ext4. I have looked at parted but the man pages says it does not support ext3, so I guess it will not work with ext4 either.What I am ultimately going to do is to set these two HD in a RAID0 configuration without having to re-install Karmic.