Debian Hardware :: Use Nano Editor To Set Which Display To Use?
Nov 14, 2015
debian 8 64bit
On a notebook mainboard, that has no display, a vga display is connected, I want to set mainboard display to turned off and vga display turned on and primary. Keeping the settings after restarting.
In lxde there is 'display settings'. If I set 'turn off laptop lcd and use external monitor only vga', it does not keep the setting, not even until the computer is turned off. It defaults to the setting with both displays turned on.
I got this link [URL] ....
I cannot find the location of the file.
Using nano editor on a file, can I set the vga display to get the only and primary display also after restarting the mainboard? What file and location?
Should I edit text to
xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 --rate 60
xrandr --output VGA1 --primary
What do I write to turn off lvds display? Will the settings apply such that the debian login screen will show on the vga display when starting the mainboard?
How do I disable sudo password for nano editor in my box ? I've already tried this following line in /etc/sudoers. But I haven't logged off or rebooted the box maybe this is why it did not work.
user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nano
so for example when I try to edit file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf I run nano /etc/nginx/nfingx.conf
or this won't work because nginx.conf file belongs to root ?
I am trying to copy paste from a file in Nano to a text editor outside of nano on my machine (I am running windows using Nano through Putty) and I cannot figure out how to do it. I can select with mouse support enabled everything that I want to in Nano and I can cut it, but when I try to copy into my other text editor, it does not work.
I prefer to use the built-in editor that came with mc, which can be accessed with 'mc -e', however, I find when using midnight commander, if I type 'F4', then I'm presented with nano, which isn't what I want.
i have been trying to find the nano or pine text editor for suse 10 64bit architecture but unable to find it and use it. i am not interested in vi editor. i have been using nano for fedora/RHEL for a long time. in finding rpm of nano/pico for suse 64bit architecture.
I'm looking for a text editor that when displaying a document will parse any ANSI color codes it comes across into the correct colors rather than just show the codes in the ^[[xx;xx;xxm format
On windows I really only used Notepad++ as my text editor, it had two features that I loved.What I need to accomplish is what I would do with Notepad++ column editor.I could have like 100 lines, and place the cursor at a column, and goto edit>column editor, and I could insert an incrementing number. (I could also pad the incrementing number with 0s, this was GREAT for making batch files among other things.)So each line at that column had a number higher than the previous line.The other feature that I used sometimes was a search/replace with regex patterns.Does anyone know of an editor that has those features for linux? I am mostly after the column editor insert feature but if you know of one with both features that would rock.
I was experimenting with distros the other day, and came came across Slitaz. Anyway, I noticed it had a really nice and lightweight text editor called Beaver. It had basic functions like syntax highlighting, and seemed to run on the lightest bit of ram.I wanted to install it for Debian. Anyway, I can't seem to find a .deb package for this application, nor apt-get install it. How would I go about getting this editor?
I use Debian Lenny and iceweasel as my browser on a gnome core desktop. I also use JFOREX (java application) for my trading platform. It works fine. The problem is when I click on portfolio statement in creates an error which states: "Error in launching web browser". I googled the error on the web and read some sites and it says that I should install gconf-editor and modify the URL handlers in order to point to iceweasel.
The problem is I am practically a noob when it comes to gnome and sadly I am not technical enough to understand the values that needs to be changed using gconf-editor.
With Jessie, I use Menulibre. It's not in the Wheezy repos that I see, However. I read of Alacarte, but it seems to have a list a mile long of other stuff that "needs" to be installed with it.
The dconf-editor is missing 'percentage-action', 'percentage-low', 'percentage-critical' strings that's responsible for notifying the user of the battery levels. How can I add them?
Found a weird issue with Openshot video editor ( Gnome, squeeze amd64 ) version 1.1.3-1 ( stable ) but it also applies after upgrading to version 1.3.0-1.1 ( from sid ).
After starting Openshot there are icons ( and tabs ) missing on the toolbar :
After hovering my mouse-pointer :
After ( in menu ) : View > uncheck Toolbar and again View > check Toolbar :
Choosing another gtk-style in gnome-appearance-properties : Theme > Customize... > Controls seems to solve it. I've checked different Controls, some have the same problem and others don't.....
I installed elog 2.9.2+2014.05.11git44800a72 on my Jessie system. When entering a new post just a simple plain text editing box is shown instead of the WYSIWYG editor, and no drag and drop area for attachments is shown. When I start the elog service with "systemctl start elog" I get this suspect message in the journal: "FCKedit NOT detected".
Indeed, I see that the elog installation creates a symlink which I guess is supposed to point to the fckeditor installation, which nevertheless is missing:
Code: Select allroot@static-3-080:/usr/share/elog/scripts# ll fckeditor lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Oct 25 2014 fckeditor -> ../../fckeditor root@static-3-080:/usr/share/elog/scripts# ll ../../fckeditor ls: cannot access ../../fckeditor: No such file or directory
I installed ckeditor 4.4.4+dfsg1-3 but his did not fix the problem. I'd say that either the elog package is broken or that it misses a dependency on a package providing FCKedit. Or maybe my system is misconfigured?
Howto change default editor by live usb-hdd creation? Normally, I can change from the command line:# update-alternatives --config editorbut howto put it into live config?
I would like to set the default text editor in Xfce to gedit. The only solution that I found on Google was to right click on a given text file, select 'open with other application', sleect gedit, and make sure that the "use as default kind" button is checked. Unfortunately this only works for text files with the same extension as the original file. Is there a way of setting every text file to open with gedit by default that doesn't involve repeating this exercise for every possible text file extension (.c, .py, .h, .hs, etc.)?
The one in upstream has problems, but reading the bug reports provided the answer. I disabled the building of the python2.5 modules, and added python-httplibs2 as a Depends, and it magically started to work. Deb file and source: [URL] This is a temporary location, I'm sure upstream will have a fixed version soon.
I need to use visudo in order to make a shell script properly work, certain parts of it require that I can use sudo without being prompted to enter my password and I need to use visudo to properly edit sudoers. I cannot stand vi, I don't know how to use it very well, the documentation/manual is confusing and to be honest i would rather use nano, I personally hate vi or vim and would never in a million years want to use it. Is it possible in fedora 12 to change visudo to sue nano instead? I don't care if I have to recompile visudo to make this a possibility because it beats using vi any day of the week. (In fact I don't get why it is the default, it is very awkward!)
I'm trying to restore my ipod nano 3rd gen. Banshee, rhythmbox, and gtkpod do not work properly so I've resorted to using virtualbox and windows xp with itunes.My problem is I can only mount the ipod in virtualbox once per boot. If i have to unplug it i have to completely restart my computer to get the ipod to be mounted again. oddly, this is only a problem after I launch virtualbox. I can unplug and plug in my ipod as many times as i want in ubuntu and it'll mount every time. However, as soon as I launch virtualbox I get one chance in windows vm and then its gone. even if I close virtualbox I can't get ubuntu to see my ipod.
My problem: I built a computer recently using spare parts lying around and it runs fine... except for the fact that I can't plug in my 4GB Third gemeration iPod Nano. It gives me an error message that says:
Quote: Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb2, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so