OpenSUSE :: Start VirtualBox From Command Line?
Feb 5, 2010if is posible to start a VM from the command line?
if is posible to start a VM from the command line?
I'm wanting to be able to run the Open Suse start menu from the command line.king remotely, I have found that I have faster response time by only running specific X components instead of an entire desktop (particularly useful under Windows 7 Cygwin). Specifically, I'd like to invoke the start menu from a ssh command line.On Linux Mint,line command is:mintmenuWhat is the equivalent command to bring up the Slab Start Menu on Open Suse?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow to stop/start KDE from the command line (Terminal) on opensuse 11.4?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with YaST Partitioner. When I launch it, a window opens, a dialog (to confirm that I know what I am doing) pop-ups, I choose "Yes", the application starts to initialize, and after 0.5-1s the window is closed without any error message. Does anybody know how to at least find out what is wrong? .. or how to launch it from command line to get some output?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI may need to handle a Red Hat server soon and thought that has the same command line.Where do I start if I wanted to learn the command line? Especially, how do you connect to a Redhat / Fedora Server using console on windows and do C programming
View 6 Replies View Relatedi'm using ubuntu with the GUIi have a .pps (power point presentation) on the desktop. I installed the powerpoint viewer and made it the default program for opening the file.when i double click on the file everything problem is i need this on a schedule so i downloaded scheduled scheduled task they ask me the command line i want to execute and that's where it doesn't work. I checked the "allow executing file as program" box on the file but i get the error cannot execute binary file.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn Windows, if I have a console window open, type winmine, and press enter, Minesweeper will appear, completely separate from the cmd program. The Minesweeper instance is not tied to the command prompt in any way that I know of, with the exception of Minesweeper's parent being set to that instance of the command prompt. It's different in Linux, however.
In Linux, if I have a console window open, type emacs and press enter, Emacs will open, but it seems tied to the command line. Specifically, it appears that I can't use the command line anymore until that instance of Emacs is closed. Is there a way to replicate the Windows behavior in Linux?
Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) 64 bitlaptop Asus f5n vidio: GeForce 7000MI try to remove piton2.6, but system freeze, after these ubuntu show massage (after reboot)"Ubuntu is running in low-grahics mode our screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure these yourself"I press "ok"and give me next list of options"run ubuntu in low-graphics mode for just one session" -- system freeze "regonfigure graphics" -- no resultI try to reinstall graphic driver "nvidia-glx-185" -- no result
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was trying to install VirtualBox through the YaST > Software Management but it is not working, someone in the forum told me that I have to download the OSE version and do it manual way. Finally I am able to start up VB but not able to use the network connection. Thus I am trying to do this:
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup. I get this error:
When I type dmesg, it shows me a bunch of info which I don't know what should look for. When I type modprobe vboxnetflt, I get the error: FATAL: Error inserting vboxnetflt (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format. what should I do in order to get my VB to be able to connect to the internet?
I'm trying to automate two command lines, a synclient and a syndaemon. They both work well if I type them manually in a terminal, but if I do a littre script to do this, tap to click and scrolling don't work anymore.
This is the script I wrote:
Code: Select all#!/bin/bash
synclient VertEdgeScroll=1
syndaemon -d -t -K
exit 0
So I made a chmod +x on the file, placed it in ~/bin then change PATH to include the directory. Then I added this file in "Startup applications".
The scripts run ok, mais it has a different effect than if I run the commands manually.
how to start the desktop enviorment from the command line.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to instruct Ubuntu to start up (GUI) Graphical User Interface mode from (CLI) Command Line Interface mode? In the old days, you can type "win" in DOS to get into Windows - something along that line. Is it possible for Ubuntu in this case?
Yes, you can reboot to switch between the modes, but shouldn't there be a command for this?
I've been searching for hours now on how to start compiz from command line and configure the plugins. I just want to use the compiz core package in Slackware (no add-ons for now). I've figured out starting compiz
compiz --replace
and the windows decorator
gtk-window-decorator --replace
kde-window-decorator --replace
for gtk based or kde respectively. I know how to start the plugins (by putting their names in the compiz command), but not what all of their command line names are.
What I'm looking for is all the console names of the base plugins (and eventually the others too), the order they need to be started in (if any), how to automatically start compiz when X starts, and how to change plugin settings (all without ccsm). How to do the above stuff without the use of a graphical tool.
I just booted into Linux and the Update Manager prompted me to restart. After the restart the GRUB interface I expect to see is no longer there and now it is just a command line that says press tab for more options.I have not got a clue with shell language as I have had no time to learn it as of yet. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall Linux or is there a command that can be typed that boots up the operating system.Even better is there something I can do that can return me to seeing the interface like I was used to.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLast night my system rebooted and dropped screen resolution to 800*600. I was unable to change that from no where. I tried to install nvidia driver and now no gui, only command line. Starting xorg by using 'startx' fails. How I can get back to normal with normal resolution?At the moment I am logged in via live cd. Let me know if any log files needed (if I can locate those).
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a nearly 10 years old iMac at home and installed Lenny on (somehow, I had to thrash Mac OS 9.2 :-P). Everything was successful until now, but on entering "startkde", the screen fills withkpersonalizer: cannot connect to X serverlines. Upon looking at other threads here I tried mdetect, installing X11... but to no avail
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a GUI for Samba already as it most likely installed, the problem is I don't have a shared folder in admin menu. I have told samba what folder to share and what user to have access to it. As well I have looked at the config file to make sure what was in the gui printed into the config file. However I cannot start, stop, restart samba via command line. I will try config package and hopefully that drops down everything,
sudo service smbd restart unrecognized service, nmbd same thing. Now it is installed, but has no script file or the script file is not in the init.d folder like it should be still trying to figure I have come to the conclusion that the daemons are not installed and am trying to figure out what those script files look like or a way to import them off a ftp, however no luck with google so far. But the scripts files don't exist on my box. how do you install samba daemons when it says samba is already installed.
I am trying to attach my server to 2 diferent networks, with fixed ip addresses,
eth0 = with gateway This is currently working, and I can ssh o the machine on this address
eth1 = with gateway
When I try and start eth1 with ifconfig eth1 up, I get the error message "eth1: unknown interface: no such device"
I have configured eth1 using system-config-network-tui and /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth1 looks correct
I wish to append a text at the start of every line and save it to another file without changing the original file.know the command
For example:
Recently I had updated the kernel but afterwards I can't run virtualbox because the kernel modules aren't loaded.
Virtual box: 3.1.4 r57640 OpenSuse110-x86_64 Open Suse 11.0 running kernel-default-
When I try to start vboxdrv manually I can find the message: kernel: warning: `VirtualBox' uses deprecated v2 capabilities in a way that may be insecure.
After I installed the older kernel-default- version I can start virtualbox.
But, much to my suprise, I also get this message with this kernel level. But still, the kerneldrivers are loaded and I can run virtualbox.
I want to start VB in headless mode. It is possibe to tell VB to run the VM with a useraccount, but i will asked after his password.
So it is not possible to run it in runnlevel 2 and 3.
I've got an install of CentOS 5.3 in a VM which was installed without X or Gnome.I've added X (yum groupinstall 'X Window System') and Gnome (yum groupinstall 'GNOME Desktop Environment) and can now run startx no problem.However on boot I get a command line login rather than the graphical login screen one normally gets if Gnome is included at install time.What do I need to do to get the graphical login after boot?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been having some problems with virtualbox starting. So here is the issue: When I start a VM I get the following: Code: Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908). The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. reinstall the kernel module by executing
I am seeing quite a few entries about the usb. I am not sure if that is common or if its unrelated. I am running x86 11.3, and virtualbox 4.0.4 I have tried to uninstall, and even go back to 3.2
i've gotten my fedora 12 to the point where i can run python3 scripts from command line and can call up python 2.6.2 idle with the command 'idle' from command line. what command will call up python3 (3.1.2 to be exact) idle?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have installed Virtualbox PUEL in 64-bit 11.3. This is a fresh install. My computer has an onboard nvidia 8300GS graphics card. I do not think this is related to the issue. I added the virtualbox repository and installed the program via yast. when I type "VirtualBox" in the terminal I get the following output:
Running 11.2, Is it possible to configure it to boot directly to a command line, outside of the a default
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to send a text message from the command line to a cell phone. Right now I'm working with gnokii but it isn't panning out. I ranCode:echo "This is a test message" | gnokii --sendsms +17191234567 -r but it isn't working. The output I get is this
GNOKII Version 0.6.27
How do I find files in opensuse 11.2 without using the command line. I see in dolphin "nepomuksearch", but it doesn't work. Even in the command line you cannot whereis a file like Monday, Monday.mp3. whereis also seems to be case sensitive.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am a redhat admin and also use Ubuntu. Installed opensuse on my home machine to give it a whirl. I can't seem to figure out why i can't open gui application from the command line.
I receive a GTK error when trying to open with sudo. What am i doing wrong?
EDIT: NM solved my own question, had to add DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY to the sudoers file.
Doing an install of Suse 11.4 --- and the screen runs off the monitor to the right. A little guess word with the tab key and I could move through the install process by tabbing three times after the ""help" button. As I'm writing this the machine rebooted after initial load and the screen is okay - and I can see the abort-back-next buttons now. But really, what's with that? That's just so unprofessional. Hopefully the dev team reads these forums since there isn't any easily discoverable way to communicate with them. And you don't keep the iso's updated? The BETA of Firefox 4?? Really? Then I can only update to 4.01 from the repository? so I download an unpack the 5.0 from Mozilla -- and find out ./configure no longer works. The archive extractor still doesn't have an "install package" option anywhere, and now I can't use the command line either?
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