OpenSUSE :: Limiting Size Of Nscd.log File?

Apr 6, 2010

This is are magic file who kill 20 linux nodes today and.. of course i want to ask - What i can do for limiting size of nscd.log file? i try to find help in man files: nscd and nscd.conf - but nothing about log size. (just paranoia mode with auto restarting.. but this sounds ugly. i need just limit log file size)

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Software :: Backup Size Limiting - BackInTime Doesn't Have An Option To Limit Disk Space Used

Oct 15, 2010

I have BackInTime backing up my computer to a RAID cluster. The problem is that BackInTime doesn't have an option to limit disk space used. I also use this drive as a fileserver, and need to be able to keep some space open for that.

Is there a way that I can limit the amount of space a specific folder can take up? Alternately, is it possible to create a disk image that will only take up the amount of space in the image, but can automatically expand to a certain size? It would work similar to the Mac SpaseBundle format.

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General :: Copy File In GNU With Progress Bar And Rate Limiting?

Jun 22, 2010

Is there any good tool in GNU/Linux that copy files like cp, but also shows progress and limits speed (and changes limit without interruption) like pv?

Prototype: find source_directory | cpio -H newc -o | pv -s `du -bs source_directory/ | awk '{print $1}'` | (cd /destination/directory && cpio -di)

Also rsync -aP source_directory /destionation/directory/, but this shows progress bars individually and can't change rate after started. Or may be I should just write a wrapper for pv/cpio? Done.

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Ubuntu :: Split Big File Size Into Small File Size

Jun 10, 2010

Are there software that can split big file size into small file size in Linux?

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Fedora Security :: Limiting Sudo - Giving Full Privileges To The Wheel Group In The Sudoers File

Feb 15, 2011

I have previously set up sudo via adding my name to the wheel group and then giving full privileges to the wheel group in the sudoers file. Now I choose to learn to limit that. Had noticed the most frequent use I have of sudo is to run yum update. This got me thinking, could I remove the wheel group privileges and add the following line in sudoers to limit the privilege to simply running yum, and furthermore, make it so I could run yum without a password:

## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
Troy ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/yum

I think that would in fact work (if I understood one of the pages here, it will work). However, upon further thinking I realized that in such a case then anyone sitting at my computer could then use yum, without a password, to install or remove any file on my system � probably not a good idea. As a result I have to ask, can I tighten the privilege even further such that the only privilege so given was to run �yum update� and nothing else? (for example if they ran �yum install� it would fail). If you can do it, how?

Last, I was going to limit the privilege, time wise and try wise, by adding the following to the sudoers file:

# Defaults specification
Defaults:Troy timestamp_timeout=0, passwd_tries=3

Will that really work to limit the elevated privilege so I don't have elevated privileges lingering about, or is there a better way to do so?

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Fedora :: Re-size Logical Volume And Then Re-size File System?

Jan 19, 2011

is lvresize with --resizefs options re-size the Logical Volume and then re-size the file system? i mean we don't need to use resize2fs?I looked at man pages but it doesn't explain this option.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Inode Table Size And File System Size

Dec 14, 2010

How can we find the maximum size of the inode table and what decides it, and how the maximum size of volume of file system is decided ?

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OpenSUSE :: CUPS: Adding Custom Page Size To Ppd File?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a Canon i560 printer, which is rather well supported by Gutenprint drivers. I have been using those for a while and they serve my regular printing needs. However, when I try to print a good quality photo on glossy photo paper, strange stuff happens.The colour doesn't come out nice, but somewhat faded. Worse, no matter how I specify that I want to make a print on 10x15 glossy paper, the actual print is always cut off, printed landscape when I specify portrait, etc. The printer is shared via CUPS and when my wife prints from her Windows XP machine, the printer works normally and the colours look brilliant so there's no problem with the machine itself, it has to be in the driver.

I googled this problem extensively and in my search, I found out that Canon does in fact have a Linux driver for this printer, though it can't be found through their website. It is on their ftp server, however: installed the driver from there, following instructions that I found on the web and I have the printer working. But...the photo paper size that I want to print on (10x15 centimetres) isn't available in the ppd file. I can also not specify a custom paper size to print on in digikam or gwenview, since that option is greyed out...Since a ppd file is a text file, I decided to see if I could add a custom paper size. I googled some more and found this page: Adding Custom Paper Sizes to a Custom Printer File Using a Text EditorWith the help of that page, I thought I had it nailed. I added the following to my ppd file:

*PageSize photo/Photo 10x15: "<</CNPageSizeName(photo)/PageSize[283 424]ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"
*PageRegion photo/Photo 10x15: "<</CNPageSizeName(photo)/PageSize[283 424]ImagingBBox


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Document Size Incorrect - How To Get Correct Size

Jun 8, 2011

Have just installed Lexmark s605 printer on wireless network, printer works ok but when i print a document even though it is showing the correct size on 'print preview', the printed output is on the page is tiny and and 90deg rotated, I've tried various drivers from the Lexmark website, and also messing about in printer settings but nothing seems to make any difference.

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Networking :: Cannot Start NSCD - PID Does Not Exist

Mar 1, 2010

Not sure this is correct place, but I think it's related to network. I'm using CentOS 5. I installed nscd successfully using yum. But I can't start nscd. It shows [ OK ], but stop right away, and I can't found any nscd process.

/var/log/nscd.log is empty, /var/run/nscd/ has a PID that doesn't exist, and here's /etc/nscd.conf
# /etc/nscd.conf
# An example Name Service Cache config file. This file is needed by nscd.
# Legal entries are:
#threads<initial #threads to use>
#max-threads<maximum #threads to use>
#server-user <user to run server as instead of root>
#server-user is ignored if nscd is started with -S parameters
#stat-user <user who is allowed to request statistics> .....

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General :: Glibc 2.11.1 Installation Error With NSCD

May 5, 2010

I am a non-root user on my Lab computer with RHEL4 OS and am trying to install Glibc-2.11.1 on it .. for proper installation I used a directory other than the source directory of Glibc and ran configure which was fine, then I ran make which also ran fine.. but when I ran "make install" an error came up which was :

make subdir=nscd -C nscd ..=../ subdir_install
make[2]: Entering directory `/data/sandy/Desktop/Gotten/glibc-2.11.1/nscd'
gcc -pie -Wl,-O1 -nostdlib -nostartfiles -o /data/sandy/Desktop/Gotten/glibc-build/nscd/nscd -Wl,-dynamic-linker=/data/sandy/program2/glibc/lib/ld-


so I guess I don't need to specify the configparms .. but anyway I did it as earlier I wasn't sure what would solve my problem with NSCD.. Then I moved to make and all went fine, but the same error popped up during "make install"

install the Glibc package being a non-root user?

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Networking :: Nscd: Nss_ldap: Reconnected To LDAP Server Errors RHEL 5.4

Nov 24, 2010

I'm a network services rookie and I am seeing this error, but it doesn't seem to be effecting functionality. Nov 22 12:12:16 r01 nscd: nss_ldap: reconnected to LDAP server ldap:// after 1 attempt This error is scattered through out my logs. We are authenticating this Red Hat server to another OpenLdap server. Everything seems to work just fine and we are not even using Kerberos as this is a render server. We set-up ldap right in the GUI, nothing fancy.

RHEL 5.4, Basic install, again, nothing fancy. LDAP does seem to be working fine and allows the right people to login to the machine. We have two of these machines running and both are configured exactly the same and getting the same errors.

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Server :: Unable To Use DBUS After Changing LDAP/Kerberos/NSCD Settings

Apr 23, 2011

we're running an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS network on our company, authenticating against an Openldap/heimdal-kerberos server.Previously, the clients were authenticating against a Windows 2003 Domain without any problems.After modifying the krb.conf, ldap.conf, nsswitch.conf and nscd.conf files to authenticate the machines against the openldap/heimdal setup, we started experiencing strange problems.

One issue is, for example, the polkit-agent-gnome not starting. This component integrates policykit into gnome. It looks like the agent is unable to start due to some kind of delay with DBUS. Starting the agent manually keeps giving errors until about 70 seconds after login, when the agent can be started without problems. During the delay it is also impossible, for instance, to open the "shut down" menu on the top right of gnome. You can click on the menu, but nothing appears.Trying to start the polkit-agent manually gives these errors (I'll be attaching detailed errors when at work!):


DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken

GLIB ERROR ** default - Not enough memory to set up DBusConnection for use with GLib It really looks like DBus or something related to it is starting "too late" but I can't seem to find the reason. I'm pretty sure this has to do with some timings or whatever in the krb/ldap config files...

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CentOS 5 :: Website Timeout Daily And Return A Nscd Not Found Error?

Feb 4, 2010

I was having a problem on my squid server whereby 1 website would timeout daily and return a nscd not found error: [url]....There may be other sites but this is the only one I know of. A selection of other sites still work correctly, which is the strange thing.I have found that by restarting the dns cache everything works again: /etc/init.d/nscd restart.I never know quite when this will timeout so it is not very good for people accessing that site on the server.

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Ubuntu :: Pdftk Output File With Pages Extracts Same Size As Input File?

Apr 22, 2011

I am curious if perhaps I am doing something wrong extracting pages from a pdf doc using pdftk and creating a new file. I am only extracting the odd pages from the file and outputting them to a new file that is now only 20 pages instead of the input's 40 pages, yet the new output file is still 1.4Mb in size, the same as the original.

It seems strange to extract only half the pages of a large document and end up with a result that is the same size. how to streamline the resulting pdf's using pdftk?

BTW this is the command I am using, in case perhaps I am missing an option to optimize file size or something:

pdftk A=ch15.pdf cat A1-40odd output odd.pdf

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Allow The User Only See The Size Of The File, And Not The File + Symbolic Links?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm researching about symbolic links been used with samba / CIFS:I'd like that the user that uses a MS-Windows OS could see my shared folder on CentOS 5 and the symbolic links that are inside this folder. Well, it works but, the user will see that the size of the file is bigger than the real file. Apparently, CIFS gets the size of the symbolic link (aproxim.32K) and add it to the size of the file.Example 1: 100KB file, used with shared folder, MS-Windows's user will see 100KBExample 2: 100KB file, used with symbolic link inside a shared folder, MS-Windows's user will see 132KB. (Sym link + size of file)Is there a way to allow the user only see the size of the file, and not the file + symbolic links ?

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General :: Limit On File Size - Doesn't Allow User To Create File Which Are Greater Than 100Kb

Jun 13, 2011

I was just testing specifying limit on file size to a user and have added the following to /etc/security/limits.conf bob soft fsize 100 This basically should have said not to allow bob to create anyfile greater than 100Kb in size.

But the interesting thing is, if bob already has any file which is greater than 100Kb in size, it even doesn't allow to log him into the system both from console and SSH. Also nothing is logged in logs.. How do I configure it so that, bob can login to the system even though he has any file greater than 100Kb (but doesn't allow him to create file which are greater than 100Kb) ??

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Software :: Overwrite The Contents Of A File Without Changing The File Size?

Jul 12, 2010

We have some large files with sampling data in it. Don't want to delete these files. But want to quickly overwrite the file with 0s and/or 1s and preserve the original file size.

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Software :: Gunzip Truncates Dd.gz File To Zero Size .dd File?

Jun 18, 2010

I am using DD to backup entire system partitions and now I am trying to restore one. The resulting disk image from my buggy process has zero bytes. D'oh.It apparently thinks the image was trailing garbage and ignores it. It deletes the original file and replaces it with a zero byte .dd file. I have the original copy of the image in a dd.gz file. It's 6.3 GB so it may still contain the data.How do I get the original image back without destroying it again?

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CentOS 5 :: Nscd > Millions Of Log Entries Like 'Reloading "[ip Address]" In Hosts Cache!'

May 25, 2011

I'm getting millions of log entries in my nscd.log like the ones below. There's no connection to (or from) this IP address so I'm totally at a loss for what would cause this.

Wed 25 May 2011 06:56:49 PM GMT - 5557: Reloading "" in hosts cache!
Wed 25 May 2011 06:56:49 PM GMT - 5557: Reloading "" in hosts cache!
Wed 25 May 2011 06:56:49 PM GMT - 5557: Reloading "" in hosts cache!


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Networking :: Limiting Bandwith From 2 ISP With Using One Server

Feb 21, 2011

I have 2 ISP where give me IP Public with ISP A (/29) and ISP B (/28). So, I connect this two ISP to unmanaged switch. And from that switch, I take one cable connected to eth0 on the server. (Note : My server have 2 dev ethernet, eth0 and eth1). eth1 will go to the Switch which will go to the LAN.

My Question is : 1. Is this possible to make bandwith control on the gateway server with mode separating International bandwith and local bandwith (my country bandwith)? ie, for my Mail Server I will give the "intl bandwith" only 512 kpbs and for local bandwith with 1Mbps. What a software can I use for this model ?

2. Which model I should to used, with NAT or with Bridging router? That's all for now..

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Networking :: Limiting Bandwidth Per IP In Ubuntu

Apr 12, 2010

You may have seen some other posts by me about my final year college project. Im implementing a web based network management website. Iv got a lot of the functionality working at this stage but one part is allocating bandwidth.

Iv got an eircom 3mb broadband connection and I want to be able to split this between users. At the moment I only have my desktop and laptop on the network. Im looking for advice on how i can allocate bandwidth with iptables and/or the tc tool in ubuntu.

My website is on an ubuntu virtual machine and written in php. Whatever about running the iptables and tc commands from php I still need to figure out the actual commands i need to use in the first place.

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General :: Limiting Concurrent FTP Connections - Less Than 10?

Feb 1, 2011

FTP servers I use frequently have imposed a simultaneous connections limit, usually 5-10 at the time. It was no problem under Windows, since Windows artificially limits allowed FTP connections to ~10 as far as I know. But it is a problem under Linux very much since I cannot find how to limit them :/ So far I used these clients: Native FTP client (Places -> Connect to FTP server). No apparent way to limit connections.

FileZilla. Under particular server settings you can limit number of simultaneous connections. Also you can do that globally in Edit -> Preferences -> Transfers. Problem is, it doesn't work, I still keep getting the 530 Sorry the maximum number of clients (10) for this user are already connected. And netstat shows quite a few simultaneous FileZilla connections no matter that I limited them to 1 both in global and local settings.

NCFTPPUT. 10 successful uploads and hi 530. Total Commander under Wine. Same. NetBeans IDE integrated ftp. Same. Some other crapy FTP clients which names I already forgot. Same. OS is Ubuntu 10.04 So, is there any way to force any of these FTP clients to use less than 10 concurrent connections?

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Security :: IPTables And SSH Rate Limiting

May 20, 2011

I'd like to discourage the SSH bots that try to log into my system (CentOSv5), and among other things, I've changed my SSH port to someting other than 22. As well, I've been playing around with the idea of some iptables rules (note port 22 is used here as example):
# Allow SSH with a rate limit
iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -p tcp --syn --dport 22 -m hashlimit --hashlimit 15/hour --hashlimit-burst 3 --hashlimit-htable-expire 600000 --hashlimit-mode srcip --hashlimit-name ssh -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -p tcp --syn --dport 22 -j LOG --log-prefix "[DROPPED SSH]: "
iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -p tcp --syn --dport 22 -j DROP
I am *NOT* an iptables expert. What do you all think about the above code snip?

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Server :: Bandwidth Limiting Per User?

Aug 27, 2010

So: On the VPS / Dedicated Server Linux wich 3 users created. How can I limit bandwidth each in a separate? For example first user speed 1 MB. 5 MB second and third 10 MB. Expect some clear answers. Regards, Silviu!

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Server :: Limiting A Sub-user's Bandwidth?

Jan 27, 2011

I run Debian 64-bit. I host GameServers on my machine. Yesterday, some corrupt files or error in configurations of one of the game-servers caused my whole system to destabilize. On checking, I saw one of the Gameserver's console giving Net_sendpacket spam errors. I disabled that server and things were fine then. It used up more than 100GB of my bandwidth in just 12 hours.

I deleted the server and copied all the files over again to fix that error. Now I want a prevention to this, if just in case it happens again. I want to limit a sub-user's bandwidth in Linux. Like if I want a user only to use 10GB bandwidth per month + not more than 5MB/second. Is there any way to do it?

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Fedora :: Vnc Log File Size ?

Apr 19, 2010

I've got a vnc log file on a barely used server hitting 124 gigs.

On one of our main systems it's at 5 gigs.

Both to large but what could cause such a large log file?

And what can I do to limit it?

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Programming :: How To Know Size Of File In C

Dec 28, 2010

I want to read a file in C, but i dont know the size of the file. Is there any way to find the size of the file in C...?

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Debian Configuration :: Limiting Resource Usage

Sep 10, 2015

Got a few more questions from the Debian Security Howto.

Section "4.11.2 Limiting resource usage: the limits.conf file" page 44

Code: Select allnano /etc/security/limits.conf

At the bottom I get...

Code: Select all#<domain>      <type>  <item>         <value>
#*               soft    core            0
#root            hard    core            100000
#*               hard    rss             10000


Do I have to uncomment these lines for them to take effect?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Limiting When The Internet Can Be Accessed

Nov 30, 2010

I have a teenage daughter that understands Ubuntu, but not so much the terminal, and she does not know the superuser password. Unfortunately, she regularly goes on the Internet during the nighttime and in the early morning. What I am attempting to do is prevent anyone from going onto the Internet during the night (11 PM - 5:30 AM) unless they know the superuser password or a fair bit about the terminal.

I have already tried some commands, however all of them can be bypassed by restarting the computer. ex. sudo ifconfig eth0 down

For additional information on my Internet:

My Internet connection is relatively slow, so I would prefer if the solution does not hinder it any further. It is slow because there is no high-speed in my area, and I am forced to use Xplorenet -> "Fixed Wireless". I do not have a router.

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