OpenSUSE :: Thunderbird Not Connection Using IMAP Since 11.3

Aug 3, 2010

Using Thunderbird 3.0.6 under OpenSuse 11.2 worked without a problem. I have installed Opensuse 11.3 (freshly on a new partition) and I found that Thunderbird 3.0.6 is NOT connection with the same server. I used the old configuration (~/.thunderbird) from the 11.2 partition first to no avail, later remove the ~/.thunderbird link to make a clean start with Thunderbird, also to no avail.

I see some traffic coming on the server from my new 11.3 machine, but the courier IMAP server doe not respond at all.

So, same configuration, same Thunderbird version, difference is only 11.3 versus 11.2.

I now returned to 11.2 back again without any changes.

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Ubuntu Servers :: IMAP And Method To Sync Calendars On IMAP With Both Thunderbird / Lightning Blackberry

Mar 1, 2010

I'm looking for a method to sync my calendars on my IMAP server with both my Thunderbird/Lightning any my Blackberry. I found "IMAP Calendar Proxy" here recently, but it has been inactive for 5 years. I've seen people suggesting the use of services like Plaxo and such, but I don't like the idea of a third party messing with my calendars and contacts. Also, I've had to remove several viruses from computers with Plaxo, and I'm not sure if it in itself is a virus or not..... It certainly is a thorn in my side as is. This is for my personal IMAP server, so I'd prefer a free solution even if it is more difficult to install than a paid version. I mainly need it to just sync my calendar to my Blackberry and Thunderbird and couldn't care less about the contacts.

I've been Googling for things for quite some time now, and haven't really found anything that says that it will work with Blackberry and Thunderbird. They really only give a sense of maybe with nothing really defined. I can put on an Ubuntu server to sync everything? I don't want to leave my computer on all the time, and RIM has yet to come out with something decent to sync Blackberries and Thunderbird properly as far as I know.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird Will Not Delete IMAP Mail?

Feb 24, 2010

I have 5 mailboxes provided by my ISP, which I have been using since 2005 with IMAP.1 month ago my Thunderbird client under both 9.04 (desktop) and 9.10 (laptop) started refusing to delete any incoming mail in one of my mailboxes (but not in the other 4).

Error message: "(...) Mail server responded: System I/O Error" 1 week ago, same problem for another mailbox (but not for the other 3), again affecting both machines. Evolution does delete incoming mail on these 2 mailboxes, no issues at all. Have googled, found only one solution (imap folder corrupt), but nothing makes sense.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird Sees Mails In IMAP-account / Evolution Doesn't

Apr 13, 2011

As the title says I have an IMAP-account and I want to use it via Evolution. I have the exact same settings on both Evolution and Thunderbird but only Thunderbird sees the mails (new/old), there are 139 messages.Evolution seen none. Nothing. I looked for IMAP-related problems concerning Evolution and one thread suggested something about Inbox-folder and it's location. I don't know if it's the solution, but I didn't find any luck trying different combos in Evolution's options.

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Server :: Dovecot IMAP And Subfolders - Mac's Mail Application And Thunderbird - Both Come Up With Error

Mar 18, 2010

I'm running Dovecot version dovecot-1.0.7 on CentOS 5.4. I'm trying to create subfolders and I can't. I've tried Mac's mail application and Thunderbird; they both come up with an error, basically saying that the server doesn't support level one folders(subfolders). Squirrelmail can't create subfolders neither. I did some reading and thought that perhaps the problem lies in the /etc/dovecot.conf file; specifically with the "mail_location" directive. I currently don't have that directive active which means Dovecot uses defaults settings: saving users' mail in the %u/mail folder. Is there any way to configure Dovecot to use subfolders?

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General :: Blackberry Imap Connection With Sendmail / Dovecot

Nov 19, 2009

I want to connect my blackberry mobile phone to connect with my Sendmail / Dovecot service... Is it require some extra settings??

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Server :: Error: Connection Dropped By IMAP With Dovecot

Apr 19, 2011

I am running SquirrelMail version 1.4.8-5.el5.centos.10 on a CentOS 5.6 64-bit distribution with MailScanner 4.83.4, Sendmail 8.13.8/8.13.8, and Dovecot 1.0.7 release. One user is having problems connecting via the SquirrelMail interface to his e-mail. Whenever he tries to connect, he gets the following error message:


Error: Connection dropped by IMAP server with dovecot

I have tested another user account, and that user is able to connect without issue. I confirmed the presence of dovecot.index, dovecot.index.cache, and dovecot.index.log files in the user's <HOME DIR>/mail/.imap/INBOX folder. The /var/log/maillog files do not list any apparent error messages with SquirrelMail.

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Software :: ERROR: Connection Dropped By IMAP Server. Squirrelmail

Mar 22, 2011

I have configured postfix and sendmail in my fedora11 i phased some problem i added before installing 2 users they can able to logged in squirrel mail but when i create a user they cann't able logging into squirrel mail they are getting bleow error

ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

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Software :: Courier IMAP Functionality - Delete W/o Marking - Similar To Gmail IMAP ?

Apr 23, 2010

I've been running Courier IMAP for many years now, but when I added gmail's IMAP to my Outlook I noticed something interesting: when you delete a message, it gets thrown into the trash instantly.

With Courier IMAP (or any other IMAP server, for that matter), when you delete, it first marks it for deletion. Then after you Purge Deleted Messages it either gets rid of them or moves them to trash.

Is there a way to implement this in Courier IMAP?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Evolution IMAP Connection Error "while Refreshing Folder INBOX"

May 2, 2011

Just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 - from 10.10, and now experiencing connection problems with Evolution connecting to my IMAP Microsoft Mail Server. This was working, I was successfully receiving and sending mail via my IMAP setup in Evolution. Since the upgrade to 11.04, it stopped working with the error: "Error while Refreshing folder "INBOX". You must be working online to complete this operation." I check to see if it's in online mode, and it is. I set evolution to work in offline mode. Then I set it back to "online mode" and I get the error: "Error while Reconnecting to 'IMAP Server". Could not connect to Connection Refused"


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CentOS 5 Server :: ERROR: Connection Dropped By IMAP Server

May 7, 2011

Whenever I try to login via SquirrelMail into my account I get this error message:

ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

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OpenSUSE :: Thunderbird Icon Jumping / Stops Jumping / Thunderbird Does Not Start

Mar 15, 2011

I have installed 11.4, and it seems (seemed) to work OK so far. I installed Thunderbird via the opensuse "1 click install". the installation ran smoothly, but now a click on the Thunderbird icon does not activate any mail client; the only success is that Thunderbird icon jumps joyfully and then disappears.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Access Gmail Via Imap:// On Konqueror?

Aug 20, 2010

I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to access their Gmail files via IMAP on Konqueror? There is supposed to be an imap:// kio slave, but I can't get it to login to my Gmail. I tried imap:// but no luck. I also tried [URL].. since I think the username has to include the part. But still no access.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Imap And Smtp No Longer Work?

Jul 10, 2011

I reinstalled OpenSuSE because my hard drive filled up and i couldn't find what was taking up 30 GB of disk space. My SMTP and IMAP were working fine. Now, I can't telnet into smtp remotely and they no longer respond to my mail program.One last detail, I can send out mail to example, gmail.I can receive the mail at gmail but i can't send mail back because the imap and pop3 don't work.

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Software :: Importing Thunderbird Settings From Portable Apps Thunderbird

Sep 13, 2010

I had a portable apps version of Thunderbird (windows) that runs off a thumb drive and wanted to take the settings and transfer them to my Thunderbird that's on my Linux computer.

This is what I did:

First, I installed thunderbird on my Ubuntu 10.04 Linux box and opened it, and closed it (so that it would create the /home/<username>/.thunderbird folder in the user account).

Then, I renamed the linux /home/<username>/.thunderbird folder to .thunderbird_ORIGINAL

Then, I created a new /home/<username>/.thunderbird folder

Then, I took the windows e:ThunderbirdPortableDataprofile folder and copied it to the /home/<username>/.thunderbird folder.

Then, I looked into the /home/<username>/.thunderbird_ORIGINAL folder and wrote down the name of the folder with the ".default" extension.

Then, I renamed the profile folder (that came from the windows e:ThunderbirdPortableData folder) "<name-I-wrote-down>.default".

And then, I copied the profiles.ini folder from /home/<username>/.thunderbird_ORIGINAL to the /home/<username>/.thunderbird folder.

I opened up Thunderbird in Linux and everything seems fine! (I'll definitely be keeping a backup just in case)

My question is: is this fine and dandy, or a recipe for disaster?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Import Address Book From Thunderbird To Thunderbird

Aug 26, 2010

Thanks to Lucid not working properly on i845, i855 and other 8xx chips, had to re-install Karmic on my mum's computer.I saved all the data from her old install and I ve managed to get all her old emails from thunderbird, but I cant import her address book.In Thunderbird/tools/import/addressbooks it only allows importing of LDIF, .tab, .csv and .txt files, but I cant find any of these files in any of the Thunderbird, .Thunderbird, Mozilla-Thunderbird or Mozilla folders in Home folder or anywhere, all I can find is "abook.mab" which IS supposed to be her address book, but when I try and import it the entries are blank and/or indecipherable (prob cos not a compatible file type).

Its one of those "simple" things to do, thats taken hours and hours of time, but that I cant actually find out how to do.

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OpenSUSE :: Where To Find Thunderbird 3.1.9?

Apr 4, 2011

Both Firefox and SeaMonkey have updated to the most recent versions of FF 3.6.16 and SM 2.0.13. In fact SM updated to a more recent 2.0.13 version today.

Thunderbird 3.1.9 was released the same day and has yet to show up in the repository I have for Mozilla which is Index of /repositories/mozilla/openSUSE_11.3

Any idea when this version will be available?

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Launch URL From Thunderbird 3.04b To Firefox

Nov 14, 2009

This is a fresh install of 11.2 KDE-4.3.1.

After reviewing all of the 11.2 Milestone 64-bit DVDs, Milestone 1 - 8 - I was always able to launch Firefox from Thunderbird in search of add-ons or an html link.

It stopped working in RC1, RC2.

I thought this was resolved for openSUSE 11.2. The problem still exists!

Now, thinking the problem was with Thunderbird 3.0.4b. I navigated to Configure Desktop --> Personal Settings --> General --> Default Applications:

Changed Email Client from KMail to Thunderbird

From within KMail I can launch Firefox. However, Thunderbird 3.0.4b does NOT launch Konqueror nor Firefox 3.5.4 !!

In addition the Thunderbird 3.04b Help does NOT work.

Could the setting of Default Applications be broken in KDE-4.3.1 " release 6 " ??

I'm sure I cannot be the only one experiencing this at home???

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OpenSUSE :: Thunderbird 3 And Saving Attachments

Feb 22, 2010

at my work we have upgraded suse to 11.2, thus we also got an upgrade of thunderbird 2 to 3.
When I now save attachments to our network disks it writes them as user=rw (600), and no longer as 644. I do not want to do chmod for every attachment.When creating a file by csh or bash terminal or downloading a file by firefox it does write the file as 644, which is good.
Can someone please give me a suggestion of how I can solve this problem? Is there something I have to change in the prefs.js file?

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OpenSUSE :: Thunderbird Links Is Not Working

Mar 10, 2010

All of a sudden, when I click on a link in Thunderbird, nothing happens, where it used to open a tab in Firefox. Left clicking and selecting "open in browser" also doesn't work.I checked in Firefox to make sure I had it set as my default browser, but when I click on an html file it opens in Konquerer. Is there another setting I should change?

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OpenSUSE :: Fix Invalid Filenames In Thunderbird

Jun 5, 2010

I want to travel for a while and need winfdows 7 for that. I want to copy my Linux Thunderbird profile with many years of emails across to windows7 then back to Linux when I'm finished with win 7. I copy the "profiles" folder at ~/.thunderbird/profiles folder over to win 7. Being thorough, I then run the windows app "chkdsk" to see if windows dislikes what I did in a filesystem context. Chkdsk finds three illegal filenames in the copied folder. The filenames contain colons.

They are as follows:
a directory named "mailbox:"
a directory named "mailbox:.sdb"
a file named "mailbox:.msf"

I try to manipulate them in windows (e.g. rename, delete, open, whatever) and get error messages about invalid names. It sounds to me like the items really are corrupt. So now I have a partially corrupted Thunderbird that works in Linux and doesn't work in windows and has years of emails in it. How do I straighten out Thunderbird in Linux? (I'll worry about windows later)

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Install Lightning Add-on To Thunderbird In 11.3 (32-bit)?

Jul 17, 2010

The version of Thunderbird which is in openSUSE 11.3 is 3.05. Alas, the Lightning add-on only works with Thunderbird 3.1+. I use this add-on a lot!

I'm very tempted to just download Thunderbird 3.1 and install it, but I'd rather "keep it in the family" and have zypper managing the updates etc. Is 3.1 in the pipeline for openSUSE 11.3???

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OpenSUSE :: Thunderbird 3.1 Wants Password Three Times

Jul 19, 2010

I've upgraded(?) to TB3.1 from the Mozilla repo and instead of a single panel for the password, I get at least 3. The record so far is 6! Going back to 3.0.5 returns to a single panel. I need to stick with 3.1 as a parallel upgrade to Lightning 1.0b2 means 1.0b1 will not work. How to get back to a single password entry?

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OpenSUSE :: Thunderbird 3.0.9 Fails With Gnome Under 11.1

Oct 29, 2010

I am running MozillaThunderbird-3.0.9-0.3.1 under gnome-desktop-2.24.1-2.18.1 on OpenSUSE 11.1. Up to about a month or so ago, I was using the latest version of Thunderbird 2.x, but an OpenSUSE update updated it to Thuderbird 3.0.9 and I've had troubles ever since.

Just to make sure that it wasn't a problem related to any plugins, I disabled all the plugins I was using, but the problem still persists.The problem I have is as soon as I reply to any message in any of my Inboxes, I can no longer view any other message--read or unread, in either the main view window or in a separate tab. This behavior is repeatable with about 90% consistency.

My speculation is that the is some strange interaction going on between Thunderbird and something else. It's hard for me to believe that this is the way that Thunderbird behaves on all operating systems as I'm sure the Thunderbird developers would have fixed it and most likely if would have been picked up by the OpenSUSE team. But hey, I could be wrong.

I'm not even sure if this is the right place to report this. But it's very annoying as the only way I've found to correct it is to restart Thunderbird.Anyhow, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or heard about behavior like this. If so, what did you do to resolve it?

P.S.- I tried to search this site but found too many hits for "thunderbird 3" to be useful.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Mailtweak On The Thunderbird!?

Nov 14, 2010

want to install Mailtweak on Thunderbird - mailtweak: installation

how can i do this!?

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OpenSUSE :: Thunderbird And Firefox Always Crashing / Why Is So?

Nov 18, 2010

I'm trying to figure out why firefox and thunderbird keep crashing on me. I just installed Suse 11.3 64-bit with Gnome 2.30.0. I am using firefox version 3.6.12 and thunderbird version 3.1.6. They crash half of the time when something has to load, such as an attachment or download. Is there anything I can do about this?

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OpenSUSE :: Use SMTP Server With Thunderbird?

Mar 10, 2011

I was wondering that if its possible to send mail using my own localhost mail server, I guess I made the settings using yast2. I am not sure that I did right setup. And if I did setup my mail server correctly.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 And Thunderbird 3.1.8 - No Options To Import

Apr 4, 2011

I have noticed that in Thunderbird, when following the path
Tools --> Import --> Import Everything
There are no options (arrived at a "dead end").

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General :: Installing The Thunderbird On OpenSUSE?

May 11, 2010

How to install thunderbird-3.0.4.tar.bz2 on openSUSE 11.2 I try to install Mail Client but I do not how

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Setup Multipath With Failover Policy On 11 - Connection Failed Over To Second HBA Connection To SAN

Aug 13, 2009

I am trying to setup multipath with failover policy on openSuSE 11. I have two qla2xxx HBA's installed and they appear to be working. Here is the output of "multipath -l" command


While testing, I pulled one of the two connection to SAN, and the connection failed over to second HBA connection to SAN. When I plug the cable back in, it does not fall back to original connection... It stays in failed state. Also, I noticed that failed disk (sdd disk) comes back as (sdg disk), which is probably why connection does not fall back to original HBA. But, when I run "/sbin/service multipathd restart" sdg disk shows as as enabled in multipath -l...

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