OpenSUSE :: Okular And Dvi Files Generated By Latex?
Jan 24, 2010
I write my courses with Latex and I used Kdvi to read them. Since there is Okular the rendreing is very bad and I have to use back xdvi which works perfectly but is less friendly. I have no problem with pdf files. Did somebody exprience the same thing? How is it possible to solve it? I forgot to say that the problem occurs with opensuse 11.2, 11.2 and I've updated to the last version of Okular
Since upgrading to 11.04 I am finding that Okular gives an error message on every file that I try open with it. I have just installed the latest update and it still reports that it is unable to open the file. Even a file on the desktop gave the same error.
Accidentally noticed that I am NOT able to print pdf files in Okular (Version 0.9.4, KDE 4.3.4). Clicked print and nothing happens, no error message.The same file CAN be printed using evince on the same system. I've created the pdf file using soffice so permissions is not a problem.However, the same file CAN be printed in openSUSE's Okular.If someone can confirm that I am right/wrong, then I can decide whether to file a bug report?
I am a semi-noob on this and I have problems getting my emacs recognizing .tex as latex and even running latex-mode. Usually when you run latex-mode (M-x : latex-mode) emacs should switch to latex-mode, but nothing happens in my case. The menu bar still show the TeX options, highlighting remains the same etc.
I am running emacs 23.1.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.10.4), this is on a university system so I don't know much about it.
> uname -a Linux karakum 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 20 00:57:09 EST 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.
Like [Okular-devel]bug report okular started to crash when opening some pdf files after upgrade to kde 4.3.4 I found out that the probelm was not actually in kde but another update - at some point poppler (libpoppler4, libpoppler-qt4-3 and others) was updated to 0.10.1-1.7.1 but okular did not work fine with it any more. I solved the problem by downgrading poppler back to 0.10.1-1.4 (repo-oss) and all pdfs worked fine again. The bug report above states that newer okular would need actually newer poppler (0.12.x) but it is not provided at least for opensuse 11.1 yet.
OpenSuse 11.1 64 bit kernel kde 4.3.4
having trouble printing an encrypted pdf file (bank statement) using Okular. Have an HP f-2200 printer with HPLIP 3.9.8 CUPS driver. Using Okular 4.3.5
Every time I tried to print this file the print notification would advise printing began and then printing completed. However, nothing was ever printed. Looking at the print queue I can see that the print queue has also stopped and I need to restart this as root.
I was scratching my head for hours and playing with the print driver thinking there was a problem there. However, everything else prints fine.
I then noticed that this pdf doc is encrypted - but that is all the information that okular gives in the properties dialogue.
I installed acroread and was able to print the document right away without problem. Looking at the properties dialogue in acroread it identifies what is allowed and what is not allowed in the encrypted file. It lists "printing" as allowed.
Does Okular struggle with encrypted files as far as printing is concerned? Worth filing a bug report?
To create a daemon, you need to execute these 2 lines (among others):Code: init log umask 0 What do each of these do?I didn't find anything on the 1st line. (The queries returned mostly "the log of the init (process)".)Google cast some light on the 2nd line: By setting the umask to 0, we will have full access to the files generated by the daemon. Even if you aren't planning on using any files, it is a good idea to set the umask here anyway, just in case you will be accessing files on the filesystem.
I have a latex code file which links itself to many other latex files. The syntax is as follows:input{*path of file to be inputed*}The path is relative to the current working directory, so if my file is stored in /home/kevin/mybook.tex and I want to include a file in /home/kevin/latexstuff/copyleft.tex I simply write:input{latexstuff/copyleft.tex}
The latex compiler includes these files just as if they had been copied and pasted into the main latex file at the point specified. My problem is that I have a document which depends on quite a bit of these input commands,ut I am trying to use a latex preprocessor (ratexdb, adds database fields to your latex documentshich does not support input commands, leaving my file only half processed.So I was wondering: is there any easy way to parse through my main file, detect only the input commands, interpret the syntax and include the files specified (where specified)nd produce a second, populated file, which can then be processed by ratexdb?
i have installed ubuntu using WUBI, and it was working for the last 4 months. today i was trying to install lineno.sty file for latex files; using synaptic. while installing it some error message related to grub came and after the downloading was finish the system asked for rebooting. when i reboot the system it has gone to grub rescue mode. i have so many files saved in the ubuntu partition, i don't want to loose it.
Reading and revising LaTex 20-page documents seems to be much more easier with a printout (hardcopy) then reading them off a screen. However, I cannot edit the document in real-time (just scrabble comments on the paper) which is cumbersome.
So it there a tablet or even better an ebook device (with e-ink which is easier on the eyes) where I can read document similarly to a printout and edit them in real-time?
I configured SuSEfirewall2 with no open ports on a openSUSE 11.1 box.
When I list firewall rules (iptables -L -n) the first rules in the INPUT chain are
2nd and 3rd rules are ok, allowing outbound requests. But how about the first rule? To me it looks like it accepts anything incoming hands down. I can't believe it, do I read this right? In such case the first rule short-circuits all subsequent rules on this chain.
I have been receiving K3b burning problems for the last two weeks. When I burn a m3u playlist generated from Banshee I receive an error about not having permission, but I believe I've enabled all the permissions I know how. Just now I attempted to burn a downloaded ISO and received an error even though I think the filesystem may have built correctly:
Code: cdrecord returned an unknown error (code 254). Sometimes using TAO writing mode solves this issue. here's my debug report: SUSE Paste
I'm just texing a little report and I get the following error message: LaTeX Warning: Citation 'tzvp' on page 4 undefined on input line 74 I have made a bibliography in the classic way, i.e.
I'm experiencing the following problem with latex. A tex file using using the beamer documentclass and the pstricks package will not compile properly. To be more precise, latex-ing results in a dvi file but the pspictures are missing. When using pdflatex I'm repeatedly prompted with a?. Replying with enter all the time gives a pdf file without the pictures again. I'm running 11.2 with KDE and the normal preinstalled texlive. Version 2008-13-15.1-x86_64 from the Update repo that is. A minimal example where this happens would be:
I am creating a latex document (in English) where I want to write some Sanskrit words in Devanagari script. In my debian-5.0.4 OS where I have texlive-latex3 I did it by installing a package called latex-sanskrit. Is there any such package for opensuse-11.2 and which repository contains it? It will be preferable if it can be installed by yast2.
I am trying to install shrew software in OpenSuse 11.3. So , i do cmake ... and finished correctly , but when i do make i got the following error: uic: File generated with too old version of Qt Designer (3.3) I checked the repositories and i got the lowest version of qt available : qt3
I can't figure out how to set Okular to be the default PDF viewer.Using Ubuntu 10.04. And it keeps using evince to open PDF files even after I changed it. See the attached picture for what I've already done.
First of all I must admit that I am quite new with linux, and maybe the problem I am experiencing is something trivial. Nevertheless I don't have any idea about how to handle it. When I try to print a file with Okular or with Acroread what happens is that the applications crashes and I have to terminate it, and the file is not printed.
I found a particular pdf in wich okular's review function is not working. Whenever I press F the review menu doesn't show, and by trying to access it via tools -> menu it looks like the function is disabled. Why does this happen in a particular pdf (all other pdfs I've read in okular didn't have this problem).
I've recently installed Ubuntu on a new machine and I'd like to export the annotations for my pdf files from the old computer to my new one. I'm aware that Okular has an export option that allows me to save the annotations of a single pdf and share it with an other person using okular, but that's not what I'm looking for. I've lots of annotated pdf files, and I was wondering if there is one way to copy the folder containing the files with the annotation to the right place in my new computer. There should be no problems since on both the machines I've installed the same version of Ubuntu and I already copied the "Documents" folder from one computer to the other (so that the files would have the same path). What I really need to know is which folder (or folders) I need to copy.
I want to embed a movie in a latex beamer presentation. I run Ubuntu 10.04 and I know running pdf embedded movies under Linux is still a problem.From what I have been able to dig up, the guys at Okular have partially solved this problem. It seems that Okular under KDE is able to run embedded movies in a pdf presentation. I downloaded it and it doesn't work for my Ubuntu distribution.Can anyone confirm this? Will installing kde through apt-get solve my problem?
I'm asking this because it also seems to be a pain to uninstall KDE and it's components after installing it.By the way, I am completely open to dual booting into a different distro in order to see my embedded movies, so if anyone has embedded movies working in some other distro, I'm open to installing it!
I'm working on a latex document with a default installation of latex/kile. Strangely enough, upon a document change, okular does not reload and display the changes. This is contrary to all other pdf viewers that I have used. Is there anything that can be done? I noticed that in the okular settings, there is an option to "Reload document on file change." Even though it is enabled, okular does not oblige.
I am using Kile, to edit LaTeX documents and every time I click on build button Kile opens Okular which shows my .pdf. Problem begins, when I do this multiple times, as Kile opens another Okular for same document everytime I click build button. I end up having 1 pdf opened multiple times and it is getting on my nerves. Is there any way I can make Kile open only 1 Okular window and updates it when I click on build button?
I get heaps of errors from Okular saying that /tmp/kde-luke/* cannot be opened. I think it is doing this because I downloaded files from Firefox and opened them then closed firefox before closing the pdf files. I have tried uninstalling a purging Okular deleting the applications stuff in my home directory but it is still obsessed with these files. The only way I have been able to stop these annoying pop ups is by having the application uninstalled or running a starup script that will create these files on boot.