OpenSUSE Network :: Blocking Filezilla / Getting 425 Error Cant Retrieve Directory Listing?

Apr 26, 2011

I obviously a noob to Suse but after installing 11.4, and filezilla, i cant connect to my ftp server. Ive opened ports 21 22 and 990 explicitly in the firewall and all I get is a 425 error Cant Retrieve Directory Listing. It logs me in ok but doesnt allow data connections?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring FileZilla - Public And Private Key?

Mar 14, 2010

i am totally new to Opensuse and to filezilla. I formerly used winscp - a windows-client for i have a linux box and want to connect to the server via ssh ing filezilla.Can i use the same keys as i used in WinSCP - where should i store them and the third question.I read something about a certain so called certificate-file that has to be created!?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 - Program 'filezilla' Received An X Window System Error

Apr 11, 2011

When I start I have this message : Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0". The program 'filezilla' received an X Window System error.

This probably reflects a bug in the program.

The error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Blocking Outgoing Network Traffic On Workstation?

Sep 14, 2011

As too my question, at this time I dont control the router/firewall an I would like to block a port thats used for guild wars on my workstation for a while. The reason for blocking is children have abused it an lost it.In this case I am trying to block outgoing traffic on port 6112. I have tried setting up a proxy server on the workstation, but the game seems to ignore it an jump on. Due to the environment, I enabled the workstation SuSEFirewall2 firewall an tried setting up "lo" as a internal an configure the firewall as a router, then disable 0/0 an configured for 0/0,tcp,443 an re route port 80 traffic to proxy.

When I had my own internet, I had a transparent proxy enforcing rules for access times. So setting up a proxy on each machine would not be a bad thing, even if it took some creative thinking. I am trying, but seem to be missing something.Ideally, I would like to setup a transparent proxy, as my kids have learned alot about system administration an know to check the proxy module. If all they have to do is un check "Use Proxy" an by pass a local proxy server, then I am kinda defeated. An applications such as firefox have a proxy setting they could set to none instead of system

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General :: Perform A Long Directory Listing Of All Files In The /bin Directory That Have Exactly Three Characters In Their Name?

Jan 18, 2010

How do you perform a long directory listing of all files in the /bin directory that have exactly three characters in their name?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Blocking SMTP On Firewall?

Aug 19, 2010

Ok here's my setup :

SuSE 10.0 X86 32 acting as my internet gateway and firewall.

eth0 is my internal interface network IP dsl0 is my internet connection and is a single ip PtP connection to my ISP.

My internal network is masquaraded onto the external network.

I run an smtp server on my gateway box that I need to be accessable to both the internal and external networks.

However I want to prevent machines on the internal network from establishing connections to external smtp servers, but still alow them to connect to the smtp server on the gateway to send email.

NOTE I do not want to force attempts to connect to [URL] 25 to be re-directed to my internal server I just want to drop or reject the connection.

The firewall up until now has just been configured through YaST, but am not afraid to edit script files if needed

The reason for doing this it to prevent spambots from being able to send through my isp, I keep my own machines clean but sometimes get asked to disinfect machines for other people (family members etc), where I need to connect to the outside world to get updates/virus defs etc, but don't want them spamming from my network.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Suse Firewall Blocking Vnc Over Ssh?

Sep 8, 2010

I've setup vnc over ssh tunnelling however the Suse firewall seems to be blocking it. On the local host I have this in ~/.ssh/config:LocalForward localhost:5900 The problem is that this only works when I either disable the firewall or add an exception for VNC. Both of these actions defeat the whole purpose of ssh tunnelling since they leave my VNC port open to the outside world (very insecure).

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Red Hat :: RHEL5 Apache Directory Listing For A Directory?

Feb 1, 2010

I have RHEL5 with apache installed and running. I have a directory off of / called software that I would like to have show up as a directory listing so if I go to [URL] I get the directory listing. I have tried searching around and nothing seems to work for me. So out of the box how do I get this to work? My server properly resolves to [URL] so I am good there.

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OpenSUSE Network :: SuSEfirewall Blocking All Connections Tunnelled Over Ssh

Sep 14, 2010

My home computer has 11.3 and SuSEfirewall enabled. It connects to the net over the wireless and SuSEfirewall has this connection in the external zone.

I can successfully ssh into this computer from remote (the work computer) but none of the ssh port-forwarded connections work. I'm trying to tunnel VNC over ssh. I also tried setting http on the home computer to serve pages on a high-numbered port (8090) and tunnelling that but it also didn't work - proving that it's not a VNC problem.

Here are the relevant messages from the firewall logs on the home machine:


I don't understand why this isn't working now, I had the same setup on 11.2 and it worked fine.

The is the public IP address of my home router, I don't understand why a connection would appear to be coming from there when I use ssh-tunnelling?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Firewall Is Blocking Printing To Remote Printer?

Jan 10, 2010

Printer is connected via USB to server PC running OpenSUSE 11.1 Client PCs are running 11.1, XP, Vista No problem printing from the Windoze machines

Printing is trouble free with the 11.1 client's firewall disabled, but no printer is available with firewall running.

In hopes of diagnosing the problem I figured I'd open everything I could think of until the printer remained available with the firewall running. Then I planned to start removing exceptions one at a time 'til removing one caused the printer to disappear.

I've gone to Yast>Security and Users>Firewall>Allowed Services>External Zone and tried addingSamba Server
NetBIOS server
Samba Client
Samba Server


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OpenSUSE Network :: Regulate Internet Usage - Blocking Downloads?

Feb 18, 2010

We are switching from an uncapped 512kb line to a 4MB line at the office... One catch though. The 4MB line will only be linked to a 30GB account, without the option to top up. I therefore have been asked to put something in place to regulate what the staff download at work. Basically block movie, music and torrent downloads should be sufficient, but they would also like to have a list of where staff have been in case of abuse. I have tried OpenDNS in the past, but the guys took great delight in getting around this, and did it within minutes... I can't enter a proxy setting into their browsers, because they all have local admin rights on their Windows boxes and will just disable that. How do I do this on a server level, so that they can't get around this?

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OpenSUSE Network :: SUSEFirewall Blocking OpenVPN Traffic - How Can Configure To Allow

Nov 17, 2010

I have a remote network that I manage consisting of a DLink DFL-210 firewall/router, and behind that a Dell server running openSUSE 11.2 and a collection of Windows XP/Vista/7 computers.

The Linux box is running OpenVPN as a server (that is how I connect to this network) and a client (it connects to a second server - running XP - at a different location).

The DLink router is the DHCP server and provides addresses on the network. The OpenVPN server provides the address range.

The remote network that the Linux box connects to is via the OpenVPN network

I have added routes to the DLink router to route all traffic to the and networks to the Linux box.

With SUSEFirewall turned off, after I have connected via OpenVPN from my remote computer I can ping all active addresses. Other computers on the network can ping computers on the network. But if I turn on SUSEFirewall, neither of these work. However, I can ping from any computer on the network.

How can I set up SUSEFirewall to allow these networks to communicate with eachother?

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General :: Directory Listing On A Usb Drive?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a usb drive which I will call it "mydrive" for this discussion. I am trying to get to it so I can do a ls -al on the usb device itself.

But I'm not sure how to get to the dir entry for the device.

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Fedora :: Mv() Command - Tedious Directory Listing?

Oct 22, 2010

Within the mv() command is there any way to not need to type the entire directory location? In the example there are directories with varying depths... I want to move a file from depth 2 to a directory of depth 3 when the directory of depth 3 is within the directory of depth 2. Basically, can I cp() andor mv() a file to a subdirectory without having the enter the entire directory location?


[root@xxx dir]# ls
[root@xxx dir]# cd dirD1/dirD2
[root@xxx dirD2]# ls


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General :: Listing TAR Contents Inside Directory

Jun 16, 2011

This is the script I'm running
tar tf some.tar somefolder_insidetar
And output it's a list with all folders, files, and SUBDIRECTORY Files, the only thing I need it's just show the contents (folder and files) of the current directory choosed, not listing subdirectory files, or subdirectories inside subdirectories.

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Ubuntu :: 9.1 With Samba - Deny Directory Listing

Mar 19, 2010

I have set up Ubuntu 9.1 with Samba etc. as a web server. The files are in /var/www and are shared through Samba as web. The root directory and sub directories have index.htm files in them but unfortunately except for the root directory users can see the directory listing rather than the directory automatically producing index.htm. This is obviously causing security problems. How to prevent directory browsing by users coming into the server over the internet by a redirect URL from another site. E.g. [URL] where bigwebsite is a domain registered with a change ip server because I have a service which dynamically allocates an IP Address.

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Software :: Directory Listing Of Files That Don't Exist?

Oct 16, 2010

I think as a result of a script that started duplicating files in a loop, the allotted capacity on my VPS filled up with multiple nested copies of the same files... After a reboot, I could delete most of them, but got rm stalled in certain directories...

after isolating which ones, I found this: a directory listing that lists the files, and at the same time tells me they are not there!!!

partial listing:

ls: cannot access userkey.php: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access workshop.php: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access quiz.php: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access webservice_rest.php: No such file or directory


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Ubuntu :: Get A Recursive Listing Of All Files Under The Current Directory?

Jan 2, 2011

If I runls -R1I get a recursive listing of all files under the current directory.However, if I dols -R1 *.avi, ie I want to search only for files with the file descriptor .avi, I get an errorQuote:ls: cannot access *.avi:No such file or directorySo it seems I am using ls incorrectly. What's the correct way to use wild card pattern matching when using the -R switch? Or maybe that isn't possible?

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General :: Listing Directory And Files' Permission Into Numbers?

Jul 20, 2010

Is it possible for listing directory and files' permission into numbers?

Generally ls command shows directory and files' permission as follows;

[root:maestro:/home/ddisk_net]# ls -al
Total 44
drwx------ 4 ddisk_net users 4096 7월 20 10:40 .
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 7월 20 10:28 ..
-rw------- 1 ddisk_net webteam 5 7월 20 10:40 .bash_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 ddisk_net users 33 1월 22 2009 .bash_logout


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Programming :: Pipe The Current Directory Listing Into Sort?

Oct 20, 2010

how to pipe the current directory listing into sort so that the output is the date in descending order (primary sort key). If there are multiple entries with the same date, I'd like the times sorted in ascending order. It seems simple but for some reason this isn't working:

ls -l | sort -k 6r -k 7

For some reason it doesn't seem to ever get to the second sort key when using column 6 (last modified date).

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General :: DU Style Directory Listing With File Numbers

Sep 6, 2010

Is there a command to return a recursive listing of sub-directories and the number of files in them? I have found plenty of ways to give me the total number of files in a directory structure, but none that gives a list of the sub-directories with the number of files in them. "du" gives me a listing of directories with their sizes, but I couldn't find an option (or any other way) to give me the number of files as well. Ideally, I'd like to get list with "Size" "Files" "Dir name" - And the order of the columns doesn't matter. Is there a "simple" command line solution or do I need a shell script for that?

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General :: Prevent A User From Seeing A File In A Directory Listing?

May 3, 2011

I have, for example, a folder called "MyFolder" and it contains 3 files: MyFile1, MyFile2, MyFile3. The only file that I do NOT want a particular user/group to even see that it exists is, for exmple, MyFile2.So, when they do a directory listing on MyFolder, they should only see MyFile1 and MyFile3. How can this be done in Linux? The important thing is that it is not just preventing them from "executing" MyFile2, but to prevent them from even knowing that it exists by not including it in a directory listing.This is a simpified example using one file, but in reality, I have lots of files and some of those that I want to block are also subfolders.It is very important for me to hide the existence of certain files/folders when the user does a directory listing. It's also important that the files stay in their current folder (that is, I can't use a workaround which requires moving all the files into a separate folder and then securing that folder).

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General :: Vsftp Doesn't Do Initial Directory Listing?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a user who just got a new laptop and when he connects to the FTP server, it verifies his username and password like it should, but when it goes to do the directory listing, it just kinda sits there. if i refresh the view, the folders show up. wonder if there's something in a log somewhere for vsftp i should be looking at. it could just be his ftp client or air card too, but i want to be thorough on the server too becuase it will help me learn.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Simple Php Script - Directory Listing Output

Oct 6, 2010

Just want a very simple directory listing output, no real need for hyperlinks, preferably with a line space between items, that the end user can print out.

I have this code, just don't have the knowledge to make it do what I want.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Directory Listing Missing File Icons For Apache

Sep 9, 2010

For some reason my directory listings are missing their icons for Apache on Ubuntu Server. An example: [URL]. They all come up not found.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Make Apache Show Symbolic Links In A Directory Listing?

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to make my Apache server show symbolic links in a directory listing, but have so far been unsuccessful. In my latest attempt, I have placed the following code in .htaccess, in the directory with the symlinks that I want listing:

<Directory />
Options All
Im httpd-vhosts.conf, I have also placed the following code within the relative <VirtualHost></VirtualHost>:

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Ubuntu Servers :: Filezilla Ftp - Serve Up The Files To A Home ( Non Internet ) Network?

Aug 22, 2010

I have been trying to get a home server to do what i want but just not getting there.I only need it to serve up the files to a home ( non internet ) network.I saw that filezilla also comes in a Linux version also. I am going to give it a try next. Anyone use the linux version of filezilla ? What happened did it work not work ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Active Directory - Cannot See Suse In Network

Apr 15, 2011

I am attempting to setup a linux file server in active directory. It has been kind of an ongoing project(nightmare) for me... I have tried a few distributions of linux and I have to say I really enjoy openSUSE. YaST is my best friend. Now to the problem at hand.

I have samba installed and configured for the domain. I was able to successfully join the machine to the domain. I can even log on using domain user names and passwords (more than I was able to accomplish with other distros...). Where I am having a problem currently is I cannot see the suse machine from a windows machine. I can access shares from suse to windows though.

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Hardware :: Listing All Network Card?

Mar 31, 2011

i want to display all my network card added on my linux box.How do i list them? And how do i acticate them

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Ubuntu Servers :: Retrieve Active Directory Users' Primary Group?

Feb 20, 2010

This is the scenario: Active Directory Server = Squid/Dansguardian Proxy Server w/NTLM Auth = The Linux box has been integrated with AD and works fine. Users can authenticate automatically when login the AD or when they access the web through Basic authentication. That part is just fine.

But, when I add a new user, or change a users' primary group, I have to change the 'filtergroups' file in Dansguardian. I tried to make auto this process using the USERMAP and USERMAP2 scripts in [URL].. at the "Extras and Add Ons" section, but both scripts doesn't run properly in Ubuntu if they are not changed. I tried, following the instructions, but got a lot of syntax errors. So, I wrote a very simple script using 'net rpc' to retrieve all users according to the AD Security and Domain Groups. I created an output folder in dansguardian to dump the rpc outputs into files. And read the files to apply filtering groups.


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