OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Run WMA Music Play List?
Feb 24, 2010how can i run WMA music play list. do i need any plug-in or any software.
View 1 Replieshow can i run WMA music play list. do i need any plug-in or any software.
View 1 RepliesHow To Play Mp3 Musics On Open Suse 11.0 Or Does Open Suse Have Another Type To Play Musics?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI upgraded to KDE 4.4.3 this morning, but after that Amarok (with Xine backend) does not play music any more - track is progressed, but only silence comes out of the speakers. I tried Gnome music players too, but none of them plays anything.
I installed GStreamer with different kinds of plugins and switched Phono backend to gstreamer. When I start Amarok now, it says I have no MP3 support, so it has to be installed. It does it, restarts itself and it can play audio again. After restarting, having no MP3 support is reported again.
Amarok just skips all songs one by one. It starts playing and ends song immediately and goes to next song.I ran Amarok in konsole..[URL].. I tried different audio files (mp3, wav...) but the same every time.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I make amarok play music that is in a .wma format? Or how would I convert it to mp3?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been going through all the help files I can including here. I just can't get it going. I will post any info just give me a command and I will post results. I just want to be able to play movies and music and stuff.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have no sound after upgrading to 11.04. Sound control panel and test speakers emits no sound. The new music player won't play sounds from music CDs either.
ALSA info is at: [url]
when I try to play music on amarok it just won't play, it just loads lyrics and then, nothing. on rytmbox everthing works fine but amarok don't work.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have installed ubunto on an old PC with minimal hardware resources. I cannot play or even see a music cd. I go to places-computer- and see the floppy drive, files system hard drive, and the cd drive. When I insert the music cd the cd drive disappears. It sees a data cd just fine.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to make a list of music based on tags. My girlfriend wants to go through my list of music to choose what she wants for a trip we're taking. However, she's not able to be in front of my computer, so I need to make a list of music that she can go through. A flat html file would be fine, but I'm sure other formats would work too. And I need it to be based on metadata, not the filenames (I could easily print out a list of files, but metadata would be much better). I've tried some tag editors, such as kid3 and easytag, but none will let you export a list like this. I suppose I could just make a playlist then remove all other unneeded data.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a rather strange problem and it surfaced just recently. Most likely it has something to do with switching from Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 10.10.
When I upload music to my iPhone 3gs with iOS 3.1.3 (7E1 it shows in iTunes, however the phone skips over the music. This does not happen to songs I uploaded via rhythmbox two weeks ago.
For a test purposes I deleted the old songs from the iPhone and tried to put them on again. Now I cannot listen to them as well. At least I know it has nothing to do with the used mp3 coding.
I even can use the iPhone as a harddrive for that music and play music from their through rhythmbox.
The song list shows the right sizes on the iPhone.
It is save to say that the data is transfered and the music database is updated. So there must be a strange error in detecting the length of the songs which would point to a problem in updating the iPhone database. However, I cannot be sure, because the phone is not reporting any errors.
How would i be able to do that if possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a desktop pc with ubuntu 10.10 which is connected to my hifi installation. With my laptop i login with "ssh -X" to the desktop pc and start banshee to play music stored on the desktop pc. (the banshee userinterface is shown on the laptop and the sound goes to the hifi installation) This works only when there is a monitor connected to the desktop pc, when i disconnect the monitor the sound is gone. Is there a way to play music without the monitor ?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have seen already many post about my same problem but the suggestions have not been enough in my case .
I have Ubuntu 10.10, I run spotify through wine, but i receive the message saying can't play the music. I already ticked only ALSA, only OSS, both, I followed the other instructions for the audio tab ( Emulation, 44100 and 16 ), I reinstalled it as well, but nothing to do.
I have a NAS set up (ubuntu server 10.04) which contains all my music. But when I play music from it, I can not see how long the song is and I can not skip to a specific time in the song. When I play video, all works well.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have moc running well in Debian 6. However, I cannot get moc to playback music via my USB DAC card, it only plays back through my soundcard. I use ALSA for playback.Is there any way that I can configure moc to play music through my DAC card as I do through Audacious?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy wife and I each have 32 bit machines with two media drives and we're running Debian Squeeze with KDE4. If either of us put a commercial music CD in our primary drive (it's a CDROM drive on mine and an LG Super Multi drive on hers) Squeeze sees the music CD but can't play it. If either of us put a music CD in the secondary drive (Panasonic DVD/CD R/RW on mine and another LG Super Multi on hers) Squeeze sees the CD and KsCD plays it just fine however she can't see the files on the CD (in Dolphin) on her machine (though she can see the folders) while I can see the files just fine. My machine is a 1.8 GHz Athlon with 750 MB of RAM. Her's is a 2.4 GHz, triple core, Athlon II machine with 4 GB of RAM. Both are running pure Debian with no customizations.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI tried to play a music file w/ rhythmbox, but it needed a plug-in. When I searched for it, there was none to be found. I need to know how to install plug-ins in order to play my mp3's and movies.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to play a music cd straight from the dvd rom but rhythmbox nor vlc will do it. Am I missing something? I can rip it and play it but not straight listen to it. I can watch dvd's but not listen to cd.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat is a simple music player that will play cd's in Xubuntu 8.04?Movie player comes up when i put in a cd, but gives an error messege...
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy green audio output jack is broken, under Windows 7 I used to reroute my audio to the red microphone jack, so I could listen to music with headphones through the microphone jack. It took me some simple mouse clicks.
How to do this in Ubuntu 10.10? I haven't find anything useful for days for this particular problem.
I am trying to configure mpd (music player daemon) to access my music files that are stored on a windows server (NAS).
In the mpd configuration file I have to point to the directory in which the music is.
How do I do that? Is it something to do with mount?
I'm having a problem playing music in Amarok 2.3, although it worked fine in Amarok 2.0 and still works fine in Amarok 1.4 which I can still run.
Firstly, when I start Amarok 2.3, it displays an error message saying that no support for MP3 files is installed, and asks if I would like to install it now. It then says that support for MP3 has been successfully installed. But when I try to play a track, nothing happens, nothing. It doesn't even try to play it.
I have another thread here, regarding multimedia settings: Multimedia - Cannot load library /usr/lib/kde4/ - openSUSE Forums, but not sure if it is related.
What I am trying to do: I am trying to use my G1 Android Phone as a remote to control my netbook playing music in my bedroom, My net book is playing music from my server using DAAP + Rythmbox. That part is done. The part I can't make work is the Andromote App on my phone controlling when the netbook plays, pause, next, prev, & volume.
What I am using: I am running Ubuntu 9.04 both on my server as well as my netbook (netbook has the netbook interface) I am running a rooted version of Android 1.6. The programs I am trying to use are Rythmbox on my netbook and Andromote on my G1.
i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop pc. I previously used 8.10 without any problems. Now I have a problem with amarok. I can't play any music at all. i tried to find what the problem was but i don't seem to succeed so far.
View 1 Replies View RelatedTrying to run Exaile and play music with it through Jack and I get this message: 'The autoaudiosink is missing'. What should I do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have noticed that when I import my music folder, it never had all the albums I have. So, when I looked, I noticed that all the songs that were not imported had the wma file extension. MP3 is fine, I did have problems with that last time.
I have a lot of good songs encoded with wma. So, how do I get Rhythmbox to play these wma sound files? I have done some searching, but it does not seem to work. I have tried using gstreamer-0.10-plugins-ugly and multiverse. I even did a restart, which was not really necessary as it has nothing to do with hardware.
What do I need to do, to make music play in banshee?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI upgraded to Banshee 1.7.3 from the OMG OpenSUSE link:
Banshee brings the Amazon Store to Linux | OMG! SUSE!
I can open Banshee, but now I get a red X beside all of my songs when I try to play them. I have checked to make sure that no codecs were removed, and they all look appear to be installed. Missing my music.
I wanted to ask which music player I should use to play *.m4a files. And I can't find skype for openSUSE anywhere, all the downloads are faulty or can't be installed anyway.
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