OpenSUSE Install :: Windows 7 + 11 On The Same Hd

Aug 1, 2010

i'd installed first suse 11 and after windows 7 on another partition, but when i start up the computer only windows 7 begin.

What i've to do?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiboot Opensuse And Windows 7 With Windows Bootloader?

Jun 8, 2011

I installed opensuse in my laptop in which I already installed opensuse.Now the grub shows first, on boot up. I want to set windows bootloader in front. In order to do that, I did the following,

1. unmount all devices "umount /windows/*"
2. my hard disk partition:- see the link cfdisk /dev/sda | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
3. mount the C drive (where win 7 is installed)
"ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /mnt/windows -o force "
4. dd if=/dev/sda8 of=/mnt/windows/suse.bin bs=512 count=1
5. kwrite /mnt/windows/boot.ini and write the following,

[boot loader]
default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)c: suse.bin
[operating systems]
c: suse.bin="openSUSE"

6. change the boot to sda3 using "sudo /sbin/cfdisk /dev/sda"

Problem is,

now windows bootloader shows when boot up, showing two options,

windows option works normally; but openSUSE option doesn't work.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Setup OPENSUSE To Find/access My Windows Home Server

Aug 9, 2010

I installed the latest version...Everything works like a charm. I have Windows Home Server 2003 running and would like to access all of my folders. How can i setup OPENSUSE to find/access my Windows Home Server 2003. Can you help me with this. Just to let you know. Am i missing something so i can access them locally.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unplug Windows Hard Drive While OpenSUSE Installs?

Jun 14, 2010

I want to dual boot openSUSE 11.2 and Windows 7. I already have Windows 7 installed but I have encountered multiple issues in the past with trying to make dual boots. Usually when I install Linux, GRUB decides it wants to go into world domination mode, and "breaks" my Windows installation. I have reason to believe this is because the distros I use come with legacy GRUB, (v0.97) and for some odd reason it lacks commands such as "update-grub" etc. This means I cannot add Windows 7 to the boot menu without going into extreme complications, which have NEVER, I repeat NEVER succeeded. When I boot the Windows drive directly, I get some error about GRUB not finding the device, and it puts me into a grub rescue command line. Now I am no expert in this field at all, but wouldn't that mean that GRUB wrote itself to the MBR of...oh I don't know, ALL of my hard drives? I really want to install openSUSE 11.2, but from bad experience I am really put off as I know that it ships with legacy GRUB v0.97.I am also running Fedora 13 at the moment, I have quite an experimental dual boot running..been trying to get GRUB 2 for hours now, it is definitely there but no commands work, "upgrade-grub-from-legacy" and "update-grub" return with command not found. I've heard this is just a bug but can anybody confirm that there will definitely be a way for me to "fix" my windows installation after it gets "broken" by GRUB?Second idea, unplug my windows hard drive while openSUSE installs?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Option (Installation Regarding To Opensuse And Windows Server 2008?

Mar 20, 2011

right now, my machine runs ubuntu 10.10 due to work issue, i need to use windows server 2008 R2 (its a windows exclusive company) but i never used any of the active directory or anything from the windows server (only experience with windows is visual studio and those GAMES!), so i figure i need to practice a bit on my own b4 starting the job and just at the same time I found out as a univ student i get it for free! And plus, I am finding opensuse a better option for me than ubuntu So im wondering what i should do regarding these 2 systems here s some option

1). Install openSuse 11.4, and install VirtualBox and use windows server 2008 R2 on vbox
2). Install windows server 2008 R2 and then install openSuse alongside with it
3). Install windows server 2008 R2 and install openSuse in virtualBox

I have been using linux as my primary OS for more than a year now and I rlly need it for both school and my own entertainment. So wondering which option would best work out for me

wat are your opinions? PS: my machine is about 2 years ago a Dell laptop, with core 2 duo p8700 (2.53ghz) 4GB ram, and nvidia gfx, which even tho is still fast, but isnt rlly that snappy when it comes to virtualization even running xp in a virtual machine is quite laggy at times :S

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OpenSUSE Install :: 80 Is Too Small To Dual Boot OpenSuse And Windows 7?

Jan 19, 2010

ere's my issue I've got an 80GB SATA drive and a 320GB IDE drive, I've already installed Windows 7 on the SATA drive. 80 is too small (in my opinion) to dual boot openSuse and Windows 7. Can someone explain me how to use a partition from the 320 IDE to install openSuse, and how to setup grub so I wouldn't have any problems booting to Windows?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Rdesktop To Connect Windows System?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm newbie to opensuse. I want to install rdesktop to connect windows system from opensuse linux system. I have downloaded rdesktop rpm from net and installed with YAST. Error occured, the error states that "rdesktop cannot be install due to missing dependency". Now what to do to install rdesktop.? Is there any way other than rdesktop to connect windows system from opensuse?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Revert To Windows Bootloader To Install Win7 SP1?

Feb 25, 2011

Currently I am running a dual boot with Windows 7 and openSUSE 11.3. Windows has two partitions, one for the system partition and another for the OS. I have 3 Linux partitions (swap, root, and home). Obviously I am running GRUB to boot, but this seems to be impacting my ability to install Windows 7 SP1. I would like to revert back to the Windows boot loader, install the Service Pack, and then revert back to GRUB. How do I do this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows And OpenSuse 11.4 Dual Boot?

Apr 24, 2011

I have installed openSuse 11.4 and works perfectly. The main problem is, I have another system on my HD, Windows XP, and unable to boot to my XP system. If I choose Windows on Grub menu, its just show me the same text as in the menu.lst at Windows' section. I am able to boot in Windows, by adding 'makeactive' but then, I unable to see the grub menu. And to boot to oS again, I must insert DVD installer and made an update. How tiring.


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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Partition My HDD To Install OpenSUSE + Windows 7

Jun 3, 2011

I am almost newbie at Linux OS, but I want to install openSUSE. Unfortunately I have some programs which probably will not work on Linux, so I want to have a Windows 7, just in case. I will partition my 250 GB HDD as follows:

1. openSUSE partition/s (... GB)
2. Windows 7 system partition (100 MB)
3. Windows 7 partition (30 GB)
4. My files' partition (the rest unallocated space) - I wish both OS's to read this partition, that's why it will be NTFS.

I would like to know how many and how big the openSUSE partition/s should be. Could it be installed on one partition, or it requires separate swap, root, etc. ones?Does those NTFS partitions slow down openSUSE?

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OpenSUSE Install :: XP Windows Install And Will Loss GRUB?

Mar 10, 2010

I virus got my XP installation this morning. I have to install it. When I install windows it will write over the GRUB and I will no longer be able to re-boot my openSusie OS. My question is After XP is installed is there a way to re-install GRUB without having to re-install openSusie 11.2?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Suse 11 - Without Distrubing Windows 7

Oct 23, 2010

I have installed windows 7 in my laptop. i have only c drive with a memory space of 284mb. now i like to install suse 11 in c drive itself without distrubing windows 7. after installing i should be able to go for either windows 7 or suse 11 easily. i must have the both. I had partitioned windows 7 in fat. i had not use ntfs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Remove Old Windows And Install New One?

Mar 3, 2010

i have both windows and linux on my laptop (for ease of use for some programs). suddenly i can't log in with windows (it crashes)could you help me to remove the old windows and install new one?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Building A "Windows-less" HD (no Versions Of MS Windows)

Aug 29, 2011

I am building a "Windows-less" HD (no versions of MS Windows). I have acquired the first of two 500GB Seagate Momentus drives for this purpose. The Seagate was selected because the drive being replaced is the exact same geometry, however the new drive is 7200rpm vs 5400rpm. If this process is successful, I may repeat with an SSD. The current drive is partitioned as follows:


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OpenSUSE Install :: XEN Does Not Boot Into X Windows?

Oct 13, 2009

Most of the time when I install XEN on openSUSE 11.1 and SLES 11, the XEN kernel starts in a terminal rather than with X Windows. I have installed XEN during initial installation and with Yast after installation, both directly on the hardware and in Hyper-V. Does anyone know why this occurs?I don't have this problem with SLES 10. I am too frustrated to restart all the systems to provide exact details and hope this will be enough information. It is possible that it is related to the degree to which I performed online updates on the systems before installing XEN.

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OpenSUSE Install :: VirtualBox, Use It To Run Windows?

Feb 25, 2010

openSUSE, just installed 11.2 some days ago and have several problems with kernel 2.6.31 and my hardware, i was wondering if there is a way to upgrade it to version 2.6.32... that i know i dont have any problems with it.The problems that i have is with my ath9x driver, iv'e experience it before with other distros and the same kernel (2.6.31)Another question i have is about VirtualBox, i use it to run windows, and i'm amazed of the lack of speed and performance i have in openSUSE, i dont know if it's because i'm doing something wrong, quite possible since i'm not familiar with the -suse way- of using linux... i read the wiki about virtualbox made all that it's said (used OSE and non-OSE) and nothing changed... it's unusable. i used to use it in other distros with no problems, but in suse i have alot of issues.

apart from all the issues i have concerning speed and performance in openSUSE it's worth of a try.hope that configuring it better will speed up and increase performance.btw, i have a amd athlon x2 2.1ghz, ati radeon hd3200 using fglrx module and 4gb of ram.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Exchange XP With Windows 7?

Mar 12, 2010

I successfully installed OpenSuse 11.2 64bit with XP 64bit.

Well what I want to do is to exchange XP with Windows 7 64bit. I read other threads where someone describes that he had a virus on his XP partition and had to re-install XP. In this case the recommendation was to install XP again and then just repair grub.

Is it really just that easy? I am doubting that things will go so smoothly? I checked the bootloader; does it help to note the settings and re-enter them after the installation?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Hibernate Windows In 11.2

Apr 5, 2010

I can't hibernate Windows after I install OpenSUSE 11.2

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Get To The Windows Side

Jul 19, 2010

I updated from 11.2 to 11.3 on my dual boot system and I cannot get to the Windows side. This has happened before and I know that I must change a file but I do not remember which file.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Get The Windows Os

Aug 31, 2010

i hav a problem im have dell laptop i hav windows xp os in it once i unpartition some space in it and installed opensuse 11.3 gnome version in it is wkg fine but sound is not coming for that i went to windows os and tried to unpatition the linux version now the problem is that im unable to install the linux and im unable to get the windows os also. im have important data and s/w in windows when im trying to install linux its giving some error like bootloader error and partion error and in partion its showing windows c and d drives ntfs drives but when trying to boot through dvd or hard disk im unable to get the windows os atlest im only getting GRUB> message

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning Of A (new) Windows 7 HD?

Sep 22, 2010

Just acquired a new laptop, Gateway NV, i5-430, 4GB, 500GB HD, Intel GMA, and, of course, Windows 7. I wish to install openSUSE (as I have on my other laptops and boxes, with Windows/XP and (sigh..) one Vista). No problems with partitoning any of them, but I have not partitioned a Windows 7 HD.I do wish to keep Windows 7, but SUSE has become my primary OS. So the question is: do I use Windows 7 utilities to "shrink" its main partition and then install 11.3 ? Alternatively, I can use the 11.3 install DVD to do the "shrink". I have already run the install up to, but NOT INCLUDING the actual partitioning.Windows has commandeered the first three (3) primary partitions, so SUSE goes to an extended partition. Windows looks something like:

1: 12GB (Recovery Partition)2: 102 MB (System Reserved)3. 453GB Windows 7 primary partitionThe 11.3 install proposes reducing #3 (above) to 163GB and allocating the remaining to SUSE (swap, /, and /home). I will probably tinker with the sizes (I really do not need a 280BG /home), and I want some space for an alternate distro.Any and all advice on the partitioning choice(s) will be appreciated. I did also attempt "GParted" from the Ubuntu liveCD, but the only way to boot that liveCD was to use "-xforcevesa" and I was not completely confident of that!(Note: already created the "factory recovery" DVDs and the apps/drivers DVD. I may dry run them before I do the actual partitioning. There is no data or software on it.)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Into Windows

Feb 10, 2011

I'm running suse 11.3 gnome and it's running great but I need to boot into windows. I did have a windows partition on it but in my infinite wisdom a while back I tried to remove linux and thought I could just delete it.

I'm started getting a grub error 22 message and from reading forums it suggested fixing my mbr with windows recovery disk. I don't have that disk as it was pre-installed on my laptop. When I switch on my laptop listed is opensuse 11.3 and windows. When I click windows it tries to start fades and I get what looks like a blue screen with text but it's gone quickly.

Basically I can get into linux no problem but can't fix the windows partition. I wouldn't bother only college are insisting on a software which only runs on windows ArcGIS. Any suggestions to possible solutions or is it out to buy a new laptop?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows Xp CD Is Not Detecting

Jul 14, 2011

I have Dell 1530 laptop which comes with windows vista. i just want to run windows xp on that but i am unable to install then what i did is just installed OpenSuse over windows vista(erased) only suse is there now i want to install xp on it but i am getting problems (windows xp CD is not detecting by suse).

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OpenSUSE Install :: OpenSUSE 11.2 AFTER Windows-7?

Jan 12, 2010

Bought a new HP laptop for Christmas, with 500G HD. Thought I'd be able to use a chunk for OpenSUSE. Alas, HP has already created four partitions on the drive, so even though there's plenty of room, there's no space in the partition table. Has anyone else been through this? Which partition can safely be dumped to allow me to install OpenSUSE, and how could it be backed up, if necessary? Only one partition shows in Win, and the others don't seem to want to boot.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Opensuse 11.4 And Windows 7?

May 6, 2011

i have a strange problem with opensuse. I have 2 sata disk, in hd0 i have instaled windows 7 and in hd1 i want to have opensuse. I instaled ok, the grub menu its ok when i reboot after instalation. enter in opensuse and all go well, but when i enter in win7 the grub desapear and can be load. I tried to install 3 times and everythings go well untyl i enter to win7!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows Not Showing Up In GRUB?

Nov 26, 2008

I just installed OpenSuSE 11 and after it was done installing and i rebooted, Windows doesn't show up on the boot screen I only get the default OpenSuSE and Fail Safe options.

All i know is that vista is on sda3 when i partitioned my drive. Here is my menu.lst entry for windows:

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: windows###
title windows
rootnoverify (hd0,8)
chainloader (hd0,0)+1

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login To Windows Xp After Suse 11.1

Apr 19, 2009

I can't seem to boot to windows xp after installation and then update from the openSUSE 11.1 live cd. This is my /boot/grub/menu.lst


# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on Sun Apr 19 19:35:24 WEST 2009
default 0
timeout 8
##YaST - generic_mbr


/dev/sda1 boots fine to the system restore from Acer. when selecting Windows option on boot menu it simply flickers and returns to the menu. /dev/sda3 is non bootable, symply filesystem. When using boot loader settings from YasT I go to other and press "Propose new configuration" it changes the menu but when pressing OK it asks for a floppy disk and doesn't save the configuration (so on new boot I return to the same).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gaining Permissions For Windows?

Nov 21, 2009

How to gain the necessary permission to transfer files from my opensuse drive to my Windows drive. I can access the windows drive and call up files from it, but I cannot save file to it. I have looked at the permissions on the Windows folder but one is not able to change them. I have just changed from Mint linux and one could do this with no problems,

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Add Entry On Windows Bootloader

Dec 20, 2009

I have a computer with windows XP on it. I want to put openSUSE on it with windows xp, but want to use my windows boot loader. How to make an entry. I should mention that I am going to put openSUSE on a second Hard drive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: A Dummie's Boot With Windows 7?

Dec 23, 2009

recently installed opensuse 11.2 from a dvd iso image i downloaded from the net over my existing dual-boot win7-ubuntu machine.i thought that there would be a triple-boot windows menu that will show windows7-ubuntu and opensuse in the windows boot menu and which would enable me to choose which os i want to choose from to start with....but when i installed opensuse 11.2 i saw that opensuse created its own bootmenu.i see five entries on the grub menupensuse-failsafe opensuse-windows1-windows2 and diskette.but when i choose windows 1 or windows 2 it windows 7 does not boot up instead the system asks me to insert a CD1 which i do not know what it is.And if i insert opensuse dvd it again tries to install opensuse.

As you can understand i am a pretty novice linux user i just used ubuntu for some time....Can you explain me how i can boot from windows7 and use windows7........You may laugh but i cannot even boot my windows7 and cannot use opensuse when i look at the disk's contents i can see computer retains all the data but i cannot boot windows7

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