OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading 11.2->11.3 Corrupted A Different Partition?

Jul 29, 2010

I know I said I wouldn't do anything that could possibly do anything bad to the drive until I receive my external hard drive. I just didn't expect that upgrading from 11.2 to 11.3 via zypper dup has the potential to do that.

First, the problem: The most important partition of my computer containing all the irreplaceable stuff (images) which I had apparently only partially backed up was corrupted after I upgraded from 11.2 to 11.3.

On my computer, there are 2 drives. sda was the one that had Windows. sdb had an NTFS partition and a few smaller partitions which I used for openSUSE. After doing quite a bit of searching on upgrades corrupting partitions, I didn't find anything about it doing what I feared which was corrupting the NTFS so I went ahead and upgraded.

The upgrade went along smoothly. No problems that I could tell. The only weird thing was that the window borders disappeared near the end but I assumed that was supposed to happen. And then I restarted. First thing I noticed was that the background was blue instead of the image I had set (which happened to be on the NTFS partition). I didn't think much of it at the time figuring it was just a quirk in the upgrade process. I went ahead and decided to reset the background to what it was. And then I realized that the NTFS partition was missing -- it wasn't mounted or visible at all. That was when I started to panic a bit.

I opened up Yast partitioner and everything looked fine except that NTFS partition in question had a little * by it. I went ahead and reset its mount point only to receive an error saying that the filesystem in question doesn't exist. And sda became sdb and sdb became sda if that changes anything.

I went into Windows expecting for it to do a CHKDISK on bootup for the drive (D: ) but none of that happened. Hoping that everything was fine, I went in and tried to access it only be given an error along the lines of "The drive in D: is not formatted. Do you want to format it?" Of course, I said no but that was when I realized that this was no partition table problem like last time.

I tried restarting but Windows froze and refused to do so for several minutes so forced the computer to shutdown and loaded my copy of GParted LiveCD. It showed a 30GB unrecognized partition, another 30MB one and some unallocated space. TestDisk fixed that. (so it turns out, there was a partition table issue) What was left was what looked OK except the one partition on sda (the original sdb) that I could not afford to lose had an error.

I can't remember the exact error but it said something like "Are you trying to use a disk as a partition? Are you trying to use /dev/sda as /dev/sda1 or vice versa?" That was either in the error message or in the message I got when I tried to check the disk.

Still trying to get Windows to check the disk, I tried booting from the new sda into Windows. What I got was the Dell Utility program. It said no mouse detected and I couldn't do anything so I shut it down.

I tried going back into Windows the normal way and got the Dell Utility. I figured that this was an MBR problem after I went back into openSUSE with the new sdb still reading perfectly. Although I couldn't manage to restore the MBR so I can't log into Windows. But the other issue is far more important.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Switched From Ubuntu 9.10 To 11.2 - Vista Recovery Partition Got Corrupted

Mar 7, 2010

I've two laptops, my main one is Dell inspiron 1545 and for experimental purposes, I use Acer Aspire 5315. I used to be a Redhat linux user from 2001 to 2003 on and off, but lost touch with linux for the past few years. I grew frustrated with windows after my Vista recovery partition in Acer Aspire got corrupted and when I took the laptop for servicing, the service person installed a pirated copy of XP. The laptop constantly overheated and I always received all kinds of warnings from microsoft about using pirated version. I finally decided to buy a new laptop and hence bought Dell inspiron 1545. Too bad I didn't realize I could have switched to linux.

I was suspicious about Windows 7 in my new dell right from the day one and thought of checking linux options available. I was surprised to know the the most popular linux distro now was no longer Redhat or Suse but a relatively newcomer Ubuntu. I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a 40GB extended partition and was extremely satisfied with the ease of installation. The hardware detector told me I need to install "Broadcom STA" for my wireless card to work. I installed ATI driver from AMD website and it worked like a charm. Like any linux user, I couldn't resist the temptation to distro hop, so decided to use my old Acer laptop as testbed. The first distro I tried was KDE version of Fedora 12. The splash screen was very impressive and more graphical than Ubuntu's, however the boot time was painfully slow and I ran into a dependency hell while trying to upgrade using Kpackagekit.

I tried Linux mint KDE next and it was impressive, but I was still not completely satisfied. I then tried Opensuse 11.2 KDE and I immediately fell in love with the beautiful look and feel. I was so impressed that I went ahead and replaced the ubuntu in my dell with Opensuse 11.2. However, it was not smoothsailing when it came to hardware detection. After a lot of trials and tribulations, I managed to download Broadcom STA drivers and managed to get my wifi working. I realized that Radeon HD was installed as default and tried to turn on compositing. KDE got stuck and even after cold reboot, didn't recover. I had to re-install the OS and this time I tried to install ATI proprietary driver. But running the driver install script threw up lot of errors and I lost my mouse cursor. I had to re-install the OS again, generate RPM for the ATI driver and install it along with Kernel source, headers, gcc, make, etc... Finally I was able to activate compositing.

I then installed Xen and when I booted to Xen kernel, my mouse cursor again dissapeared, most likely due to non-compatibility of ATI driver. I had to uninstall Xen. I then tried to upgrade the kernel to 2.6.31-15 and again my mouse cursor dissapeared. I had to re-install the entire OS again. I'm so frightened of Kernel updates now. I never had such problems with Ubuntu kernel updates, maybe ATI is more pro-active in releasing new versions of drivers when it comes to Ubuntu.

In-spite of all my hardships, I'm so much in love with Opensuse and KDE. I love it so much that it now runs on both my Dell and Acer. I've removed all the other distros from my Acer. It has been quite a long time since I tried any other distro and I don't even have the faintest desire to distro-hop. Infact, for the past few days I'm so worried about the news of Novell takeover. I really don't want Opensuse to die. It will be a big loss for Linux users.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mounting Samba Partition After Upgrading

Sep 3, 2010

I upgraded opensuse to its latest version. After the upgrade I can not any more mount my remote folder.I contacted network administrator and informed that there was no change in the network operation.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading To 11.3 Keeping /home Partition?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm upgrading to 11.3 (from 11.2) and will be keeping my current home partition. Will this keep my browser favorites? Also, I read somewhere that in order for things to work properly after upgrading (without reformatting my /home partition) that I would have to keep the same username AND user UID...? Is that true? How do I make sure I have the same UID if so...?

I purposely set up a seperate home partition so that when I changed distro's or upgraded I would still have my files, and some settings intact. (I switched distros a lot when I first started using Linux.) I set up a "bin" folder (in home folder) that had a couple of programs I had downloaded to keep from having to set up and configure everything all over again every time I felt like changing distro's as well.

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Slackware :: Corrupted Graphics In TightVNC After Upgrading To Slack-13.0?

Nov 13, 2010

I've recently upgraded from Slackware 12.2 to Slackware 13.0 and so far everything works fine with one exception: the TightVNC package that comes with Slackware-13.0 (in /extra) produces a garbled desktop. Applications look fine, but the default desktop of 13.0 is corrupted. Restarting the VNC server doesn't solve the problem. Before the upgrade, I had 1.3.9 compiled from source. I have just installed the 1.3.10 package that came with Slack-13.0 on top of what was there, hoping it would overwrite old files as needed (couldn't find an automatic uninstall procedure for 1.3.9).

I have attached a printscreen. Notice the taskbar and the top left quarter of the screen. Firefox seems to be rendered properly though. Has anyone encountered this before or may have a clue what could be causing it?

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Ubuntu :: Partition Outside The Disk - Corrupted Partition Table?

Oct 5, 2010

What I believe has happened is that I've corrupted the partition table. Essentially one of my partitions' ending point exceeds the maximum number of cylinders/sectors on my drive.

Essentially I have the same problem as on the thread @ [url] but do not know how to fix this and am afraid to reformat/partition based on sectors without really knowing what I'm doing here.


When I try to look at SDA in GParted everything shows up as unallocated (though it's obviously not) and it says


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OpenSUSE Install :: Corrupted Graphics On Anything But Failsafe

Jun 27, 2010

I just installed 11.3 RC1, but I can only run in failsafe mode. Installation went fine and I'm not having any problems except that when my computer gets ready to launch my login screen it just display garbled graphics. I have tried multiple resolutions and the x11failsafe option, all with a no-go. I did see this error message pop up at the time of garbled graphics on one login: [GPU LOCKUP, switching to software fbcom]

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Root Ext4 FS Corrupted On SDA6

Jun 2, 2010

I was unable to boot into my system after I'd just shut it down, so I tried repairing it using my installation media... only to find that though my root Ext4 fs on sda6 was corrupted & *supposedly* repairable, the cd could not do so for some reason! All I can get is a command line, saying something about the root fs being mounted as read only, and I have no idea how to resolve this. I cannot afford to loose ANY of the data I have on here.

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OpenSUSE Install :: File System Is Corrupted After Every Reboot?

Nov 21, 2010

Recently I installed openSuSE 11.3 x64 on PC with Intel motherboard, 4GB RAM & two of 1TB WD RE3.Of course I set RAID1 during installation After some struggle with GRUB which pointed to wrong devices after installation I started to work. But suddenly I found that file system is corrupted after every reboot (It does not depend on what I use and what the way I use - reboot, shutdown -r now or even just poweroff - everything follow to:

Starting MD Raid mdadm: /dev/md2 has been started with two drives
mdadm /dev/md3 has been started with 2 drives
mdadm /dev/md4 has been started with 2 drives
mdadm /dev/md5 has been started with 2 drives


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OpenSUSE Install :: Yast Zypper Corrupted After Aborting Update

May 8, 2010

I was updating all the installed packages on my system yesterday via YAST. The package manager seemed to hang when downloading a small update for YAST itself (related to ncurses, I think) so I hit the abort button. The package manager quit but now it doesn't work. Trying to start the software management module (Qt version) give me the following error:
UI Syntax Error
Couldn't load plug-in qt-pkg
Check the log file!

So I then tried the console version of YAST. The software management module doesn't work here either. It give me the following error:
UI Syntax Error
Couldn't load plug-in ncurses_pkg
Check the log file!

I Googled a bit and came to the conclusion that for the second error I should try the following command:
zypper install yast2-ncurses-pkg
But this just gives me another error:
zypper: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So now it appears that both YAST and zypper are corrupt!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Online Updates For 11. 2 And 11.0 Corrupted Yast And Zypper

May 9, 2010

Using 11.2 64 bit on Amd 3200 64I installed 4 Days ago After running a online update yesterday with Yast which was completely finished, starting the machine today, I wanted to add a program Yast reports "UI Syntacs Error Couldn't load plugin qt_pkg" Using 11.0 on P2800 I run an online update 3 days ago. Today I started, the updater reported updates. When I accepted I got the error message "DBus error :Unable to get transaction id from packagekit." Disabling the updater, starting Yast, I got "error initializing the repositorys.Parse error." and "UI Syntacs Error Couldn't load plugin qt_pkg" On both machines I gave the command rpm --rebuilddb On the 11.2 Yast started without error.

I wanted to instal a program when the download was completed I got again the message "UI Syntacs Error Couldn't load plugin qt_pkg"On the 11.0 Yast installed a small Program without error.When I opened Yast online update, I got the "parse error again. When I say o.k. there, Updates are shown and installed. However using the updater kit it reports still "DBus error : Unable to get transaction id from packagekit". How can I fix the DBUS error of the 11.0 (On an 9.0 I had to deinstall Rug and thereafter run only Yast) I can deal with the Parser error myself, checking all Repositories should do it)

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OpenSUSE Install :: When Booting - System Announced Corrupted IPtables And Didn't Load KDE

Dec 8, 2009

I recently installed Suse 11.1 from the Live CD on an older PC. Suddenly, when booting up yesterday, the system announced corrupted IPtables and didn't load KDE. After login, I tried commands like KDE, run KDE but the bash didn't understand the commands.

So I booted from the live CD, but I can't find an option in the install menu to repair the existing installation. The help in the boot-up screen claims there should be an install option, but it doesn't show it at that point, only after KDE has started from the Live CD.

Since I've already made some changes (newer firefox, downloaded thunderbird etc.), I would like to keep and repair the current installation, instead of a new installation.

I don't however understand enough about the automatic partitions I'm being offered in the installation menu to know what to choose to keep the existing files. I did choose the offered automatic partitions the first time, and have now several partitions, home swap and so on.

Second question: While 11.1 was still running nicely, I could not find the option to upgrade to 11.2 in the Yast menu (I don't know any batch commands, so I only use Yast for installation). Looking at the download sites on opensuse on the internet, I saw an update option, but when I tried to add that URL to the Yast repository, it somehow didn't work. I also didn't see a nicely packed .rpm or similar update package.

Third problem: I downloaded a newer version of Firefox and Thunderbird and after some tries got Yast software repositories to install them. But the Avira antivir tar.gz package I downloaded, did not appear on the Yast repository manager. Doubleclicking to Ark didn't work, and when I went to console and tried to run the install file in the zipped package, it wanted parameters, and I didn't know what to answer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Corrupted Xfs Partition?

May 4, 2010

Being an Ubuntu enthousiast (both professionally as well as at home), I upgraded my home server from 9.10 to 10.04 yesterday. It runs kvm with only 1 vm. Host and vm we're both ubuntu 9.10 64bit. I upgraded both to 10.04. So far so good. Also did reboots to load the new kernel image.

For data storage I have a large (6,35TB) XFS partition. This partition is exported to the vm as a block device (vdb). This morning I noticed the vm has crashed. The XFS partition (mounted as /home) was shut down. Is this just bad luck? Or is it 10.04?

May 4 08:00:18 fileplanet kernel: [68558.681584] ffff8800241c8000: 58 41 47 46 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 0f ff ff ff XAGF............
May 4 08:00:18 fileplanet kernel: [68558.754806] Filesystem "vdb": XFS internal error xfs_btree_check_sblock at line 124 of file /build/buildd/linux-2.6.32/fs/xfs/xfs_btree.c. Caller 0xffffffffa009dcc4


I tried booting with an older (2.6.31) kernel, but didn't help. Can I safely run xfs_repair without causing any more damage?

All disks in this system are attached to an Areca hardware raid controller configured in Raid5 and has been operating for months now without any problem.

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Ubuntu :: Corrupted My Ext4 Partition

Jun 28, 2010

I was resizing my ext4 partition and I cancelled it while it was at the reading stage think it was only reading it and nothing else, but now it is corrupt.

When I run 'fsck -n /dev/sda5' I get the error:


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Ubuntu :: Corrupted Windows Partition Through Gparted?

Jan 8, 2010

I was resizing my windows partition and accidently turned my computer off. When I went to run a disk check from gparted I get multiple filesystem errors. Chkdsk /r when run from a recovery cd says it can't determine the size of the partition so it can't continue. Is there anyway to get my files off the corrupted partition from within linux. Right now Gparted shows that it has been resized but that it is corrupted and i can't even attempt to mount it. There are only a few files I need to get off the partition but they are really important.

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Software :: Corrupted LUKS-encrypted Partition ?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a really tricky and may be intresting problem with a encrypted disk partition (cryptsetup luks...) which was fine until it accidentally got re-formatted by an instance of Windows 7. Most of the data on that 1TB-disk will probably still exist, only the LUKS header at the very beginning of the partition is - of course - gone.

So when I try to open the container, it gives no verbose, just the return value 234.

I scanned the whole partition for other LUKS headers with hexedit, none there. But, luckyly I have another partition which is encrypted in the exact same way with the exact same passphrase (which I remember very well!), so I had an idea: I copied the LUKS header (592 bytes) from the other LUKS encrypted partition over to the damaged partition.
When I now issue


No key available with this passphrase

Here is the command how I created the container:


How do I get the existing passphrase accepted by LUKS?

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Ubuntu :: Partition With Grub Corrupted - On Dual Boot - What Next

Nov 8, 2010

I have a dual boot drive, one is WinXp the other Ubuntu 10.04. I don't know why, but my ubuntu partition became corrupted (booting from live cd and inputing fdisk -l in the terminal, shoes my partition as unknown type) My Grub was on this partition, and therefore I cannot boot neither one of my two OSs. I would like to recover my linux partition, I figure I can do that only from my WinXp partition, but I don't know where and how to install Grub.

Also, If anyone knows how I could recover from the live CD without booting Windows, please speak up, that would make everything much easier. Another thing, it would be just super if I could recover my whole partition, not just the data, because I would hate to reinstall all the stuff that I had on my Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Encrypted Data From Corrupted Partition

Jul 20, 2011

I recently suffered a hard disk failure, meaning I had to replace the faulty device. After attempting to mount the old faulty hard drive using and external caddy, I got the following message... Unable to mount 144 GB Filesystem Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

I'd like to attempt to recover what I can from my /home directory but unfortunately I use encryption (although I do actually know my pass phrase). What procedures and software can I use to try and recover data from this drive?

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Ubuntu :: Corrupted Partition On Hard Disk - Invalid Argument

May 11, 2011

Basically, I just installed Ubuntu over Windows Vista because I was getting fed up with the performance on it. During install I set up a partition, one for Ubuntu and one for data. However, my second, larger partition gives this error when I try to mount it...
Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 12: Failed to read last sector (976764927): Invalid argument

Hints: Either the volume is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't setup yet,
or it was not setup correctly (e.g. by not using mdadm --build ...),
or a wrong device is tried to be mounted,
or the partition table is corrupt (partition is smaller than NTFS),
or the NTFS boot sector is corrupt (NTFS size is not valid).
Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument
The device '/dev/sda1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

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Server :: LVM Repair Of Working Disk With Corrupted But Known Partition Structure?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a hard drive where one partition is used as part of a logical volume (LV) using LVM. The partition table is corrupted and prevents the partitions from showing as devices in /dev/. The corruption prevents the logical volume from coming on-line b/c LVM cannot find the part on the corrupted disk. I (am pretty sure) I know the block offsets and lengths for each partition on the disk but do not want to write to the disk in case I am wrong.

How do I go about recovering the logical volume in this scenario?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading From 11.0 To 11.4?

Aug 1, 2011

I am currently using opensuse 11.0 and want to upgrade to 11.4. Is it possible to do this through Yast? Upgrading across major releases (10.0 -> 11.0) mandated a reinstall. I hope that's not the case for 11.0 -> 11.4. Can I just set the URL in Yast and upgrade? I don't want to end up in a broken state. I noticed that the support for 11.0 is dropped (the download URL is gone). So I am kind of forced to upgrade now ( I was thinking about it for a while but never got around to doing it).

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 And Upgrading To KDE 4.7?

Aug 6, 2011

I'm currently running OpenSuse 11.4 x64 with KDE 4.6.5. I'm experiencing some issues with the NetworkManager so I was wondering if anyone tried to upgrade to 4.7 before I give it a shot? Is everything working well?

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Software :: Running 'dd' To A FLASH Drive Results In Corrupted Volume/partition?

Oct 13, 2010

I am trying to install an ARM version of Ubuntu onto an SD card for a BeagleBoard from a .img file downloaded from I have tried several files of .img and .raw downloaded from several places. I am using 'dd' on a PC running Ubuntu 10.0.4. My question doesn't relate to the BeagleBoard at all since I never get that far. The files for Angstrom that I copy directly onto a formatted SD card boot up fine on the BeagleBoard, but I need Ubuntu on there and can't do it with these image files. The command I use is:

sudo dd if=<the downloaded file> of=/dev/sdb1 After it asks the root password, it chugs along for some time and then gives what appears to be a successful response like the following. (This time it was for the Maverick version of Ubuntu in a .raw file):

leiphasw@dell-linux:~/Downloads/ArmMaverickUbuntu$ sudo dd if=maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.raw of=/dev/sdb1
4090632+0 records in
4090632+0 records out
2094403584 bytes (2.1 GB) copied, 167.38 s, 12.5 MB/s


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OpenSUSE Install :: Contemplating On Upgrading To 11.2?

Dec 5, 2009

I have Opensuse 11.1 working perfectly. Is it worth risking screwing up the Grub bootloader or other issues for this upgrade? What are the benefits. Is Zypper the best way to update before doing a live Network upgrade? I think the worst problem I had going from Opensuse 11.0 to 11.1 was that I needed to boot with supergrub to edit and fix the bootloader manually. And also reinstall Samba. Which was better than the 10.3 to 11.0 where I had to scrap the entire install.It also says in the tutorial switching the repositories to oss in the example.but I currently have all pacman repositories. I can barely remember them cause I only switched them all to pacman once based on another suggestion in a post I read. I just need a good backup plan if something goes wrong. Where can I get the best tutorial for the upgrade step by step.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading Server To 11.2 With NFS

Apr 19, 2010

I own a server from 2006, I don't want to change OS on my server. How much difficult can be upgrading to the last version of openSuSE? I don't have physical access to the server, since it's a virtual server, so I think I would have to upgrade with NFS. I don't even have a GUI (well, I actually use YaST to configure everything via shell, so it's a sort of gui) and, the most important thing, I run PLESK on my server. I need to have Plesk for the administration of my customers and domains but in this upgrade I can't lose any data, from the database (MYSql) to the ones in the web folders. In other words, I need to upgrade from SuSE Linux 10.0 to OpenSUSE 11.2 without lossing any data. I am upgrading because I need the latest version of PHP, Apache and MYSql, and for security reasons too.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading 11.1 Without A Cd Or Usb Stick?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm currently having troubles upgrading my 11.1 system. My SuSE running 11.3 had crashed, and when I tried to reinstall it I couldn't find the cd. I only have a 11.1 distro cd, in which I had installed. I want to upgrade to 11.2 since that should be the easiest, from then I think i can figure out how to upgrade from 11.4. I currently do not have any cd's or a usb flash drive to mount the iso image onto. I've read through the wiki looking for a solution, but even with updating my repos i still haven't found the answer.

how to upgrade from 11.1 to 11.2 without a cd or usb stick.

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OpenSUSE Install :: What Effects In Upgrading To 11.4

Jun 5, 2011

I have always paid for new versions of SuSE, but I have just picked up 11.4 Open on a "Linux Format" magazine. Thought I might try it. Can I "upgrade" from a full-paid-for SuSE 11.1 to Open 11.4? And What are the effects? e.g. Do I lose any software? Am I likely to lose my e-mail (KMail)?I read in the forums that people have had trouble with devices (memory stick, hard drives)and with booting. Having used 11.1 for so long I have forgotten all of the "configuration" changes I have made over the years. PS: All 64 bit.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading From One Version To Another?

Sep 4, 2011

Thinking of installing openSuSE on my laptop and wondering how the upgrade process is. I know 12.1 is coming out in only a couple of months. I don't really want to spend all my time customizing 11.4 and then find out a straight upgrade is very buggy or even not possible and have to reinstall.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading KDE4 After Installing 11.2?

Feb 2, 2010

how to upgrade KDE to KDE4 4.3.5 after installing suse 11.2 I have searched for a single download link for the upgrade, but I cannot find it.My goal is to obtain the upgrade, which comes with a newer version of networkmanager.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading Only Updated Programs?

Mar 21, 2010

I use Factory repositories of KDE4 and there are new releases almost every day in that repository. Although I believe that there are useful updates in the packages, I don't think they are really that crucial that I should update them every day.

When I do update, I usually use graphical frontend and select from menu: Packages >> All Packages >> Update if newer version available. That includes all the updates available either for the program or the package.

I'd really like to be able to sort out these packages that have updates for the programs available. Is there any way to do it?

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