The following message comes up when I boot up: Logging in user Warning: Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 0. When I press OK, the system completes the start up and everything looks normal. But when I try to connect to internet, I get the following message:
KNetworkManager cannot start because the installation is misconfigured. System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings; contact your system administrator or distribution. KNetworkManager will not start automatically in future. If I reboot the system, I logg in successfully. So far the problem has appeared approximately upon every second time I boot up. Rebooting the system seems to take care of it.
Don't know what info is of interest. I'm using
Opensuse 11.2 KDE 4.4.2 (Factory) After upgrade from 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 it worked fine for a week or so.
I just reinstalled my OpenSuse 11.3 with the GNOME desktop. As soon as I was done installing and I was on a fresh desktop, I installed the Yast updates that were available, rebooted, and now I can't login to any of my User accounts. Whenever I try to login, it tells me that it is "Unable to Open Session".o any of you know how I can fix this without having to reinstall all over again
I am currently running Suse 11.3. I continue to get the following error when logging into the KDE login manager with my user account
"Warning: Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session. The name org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit was not provided by any .service files."
After acknowledging the error, it resets back to the login manager screen. If I login with root, I get the same message, but it continues on and logins into the session
I've got a somewhat anemic box, resource-wise, set up in the office where any authorized user plus a guest account can log on. Guest is tightly restricted, but we get a lot of people passing through who need one-time or occasional access - this isn't the big problem. What's causing me problems is that a user will log in, walk away or go to the john and the screen locks. Next user (or this one comes back) and winds up doing another login. At the end of a week or so, I may have a couple of dozen sessions listed when I ask for "users". Since some of these session contain open applications they eat up an awful lot of a marginal amount of available memory. How do I kill the entire session (as root) for a user? Gotta be simple but it's not obvious to me.
I would like to Close/Open port 21 using command line. I have an FTP server and I don't want to have the port open all the time. I need only two hours by week to be open port 21 from outside to inside.So I need to know the command line for opening and closing the port 21 then I will implement this in a script into cron.hourly.
When I unlock the screen, I'm presented with an opaque dialogue (white box), regardless of whether I have a screen-saver or not. This is a cosmetic issue only because I can type my password to unlock the screen successfully, but I'd like a solution. I'm using oS 11.2 with KDE 4.5 (but the issue predates updating to 4.5).This is the only "issue" I've experienced since migrating my laptop (was Windoze 7) and desktop (was MS SQL server 2003) to oS
I am currently in a project to set up an LTSP server with 10 thin clients. I am using Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic).
Installing server and booting clients are working fine. Now, according to the need, I have to restrict user session numbers and allow resuming previous user session.
I have achieved to do the first one, but still could not able to setup the second one. As per requirement, if some thin can have power failure, the same session should be restored back. I am confused here, if I need to focus on saving xsessions or saving gnome sessions. I am looking for a concrete solution as I am running out of time.
I would love to auto-start tomboy at startup. How can I do this ? [Moderator edit: fixed Subject so nobody would expect an automatic Lunch. Is that the same as a free one? ]
I'm ssh'ed into a machine and logged in as a different user. Is it possible to open a few new windows that will still be ssh'ed into that same machine, still logged in as that user?
Is possible (by root of course) to run a command from console, that will be executed on X-session owned by another user on the same linux box/machine ? Example: Can root open xclock for another local user logged into X11 ?
I do a clean install of slackware64 13.1 beta1 with KDE and switch default runlevel to 4 in /etc/inittab.
I try to login in kdm, I always come back to the login....
I try this with default runlevel 3 and an .xinitrc with "ck-launch-session startkde" .. works without problems, so I switch back to default runlevel 4, now i can login and only get the error "Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session..."
I had chosen automatic logon. Then updated to 10.04. During logout to change Desktop Environment/Session, I noticed that GDM login screen had an option for KDE session although I had not installed KDE. I got curious. So I tried it. System hangs. Restart does not help because somehow gdm proceeds to the KDE session although I did not choose it to be default session. So I had only CLI left.
I got over it by stopping gdm (/etc/init.d/gdm stop) and removing gdm and installing xdm. Anyway, what is the proper way? How to order desktop environment from CLI and/or where is the default desktop environment option written in a file?
Installed 11.3 for 2 users. PC Asus motherboard. /home partition ext3 from 11.1. When one of the users hibernates (to disk) and the other resumes with a change user click the system sometimes ! does not know what to do. It askes for the password but both passwords (both users) are rejected, however the last time the system resumed with 2 active mousearrows and I think both users were activated. Unable to use the mouseclick because both arrows were active. Is this a known 11.3 unstable bug or is it in my system?
I am trying to write a perl script which will give an interactive session to a user to execute command on the server. I have written a small script to do this :
Code: !/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Net::SSH::Perl; my $host = ''; my $username = 'user'; my $login_passwd = 'test123';
I would like to change the dialogue that says "permission denied" when something has to be done as root or that user does not have permission to do something. Is this at all possible? (Also, not really sure which category this should be in, that's why it's here)
I installed KDE 4.3.5 on my existing Gnome desktop and i have two users using the computer. Now from Gnome I am accustomed to switch between session very easy and the sessions continue to run. If I use the Switch option from KDE it just looks my screen and does not switch. Is it possible that I miss some programs? I installed it with Yast and used the group option. I am pretty sure that I missed something during the installation.
Quite some time ago I managed to get sound working perfectly on my DELL Inspiron 1720 under openSUSE 11.2 and KDE 4.3.5. Then suddenly some months ago for one of the four regular users on my system sound stopped working! KMix is always muted after KDE session startup for this user and even if you unmute it there's still absolutely no sound; in particular, the commandspeaker-test -c2 -l5 -twavdoesn't generate any sound (while I do see the printed output which doesn't contain any error messages). Even if I su to root in the very same Konsole window speaker-test remains silent!
Since sound is OK for the three other regular users I've already compared KMix settings as well as System Settings > Multimedia for each of the regular users but found absolutely no differences. BTW: In System Settings > Multimedia I have XINE set as the backend and "PulseAudio" has priority over "HDA Intel (STAC92xx Analog)" for all sort of audio output, and - perhaps needless to mention - all the four regular users are members of group "audio".
I need to close my session but the exit button is no longer here. I can restart the computer (ctrl+alt_del), but not only the session. I opened a session with the gnome desktop but everytime is messed up and I want to come back to the UNE desktop. How can I do that from a terminal?
i wonder if you can modify KDE so that users can only log in once with one session.Currently, with KDE 4.5, i have the problem that user can log in several times and then ending up with an application used in a different session which means that you can not use it in the other session.
I have installed virtualbox on opensuse 11.2 64bit.
When I go to open a machine it says
"Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Windows XP. The virtual machine 'Windows XP' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1."
" Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) Component: Machine Interface:
as root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary."
I am trying to change the password of a user by 'usermod' command. let us assume that there is a user named "test" to change the password of the user we can type "passwd test" which will change the password of the user "test". I want to change the password similarly using the command "usermod". when I give usermod -p yahoo test"(yahoo is the password which I want to set), I am not getting any errors but when I switch user to test, I am unable to login.
A small thing disturbs me: If I go to the dialog box [open with:] its okay but if I go forward in the dialog box to [other] the dialog window is far to big horizontally and cannot be re-sized. This came up suddenly during a fast mouse click session. As root its OK. I would have liked to add a small image about this but i do not have any web site for this any more.