OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 New Install, Only Get Cursor On Black Screen?

May 25, 2011

I just installed 11.4 with KDE on a COMPAQ EVO D510 SFF. The install seemed to go smoothly but after the boot completes I have only a white cursor on a black screen. The cursor moves with the mouse.At the boot menu, I can select alternatively "failsafe" and that takes me (after login) to the Linux command line and I don't know how to work that very well

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Ubuntu :: New Install Black Screen After Blinking Cursor?

Oct 25, 2010

just did a dual boot install on a brand new DEll T1500. The machine has win7 on it. I booted off the live CD and all looked well. Installation went well. When I reboot, I get grub, select the top linux option and then see a small black blinking cursor for a few seconds, then nothing. The screen reports no signal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen And Cursor On Install?

Mar 17, 2011

I am trying to do a dual boot of XP and ubuntu. I have 3 hard drives and I plan to put ubuntu on one of them. I have created a DVD from the ISO for 10.10 using programs and methods recommended by ubuntu, and it burned correctly onto the DVD. When I boot with the dvd in the tray the computer says something about linux iso then the screen goes black with a Human=Keyboard symbol at the bottom for a few seconds. Then my screen goes black with a blinking cursor in the top left of the screen. I have let it sit for a while and the PC shows no signs of drives working.Also if I remove it the PC automatically boots to windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting Black Screen With Blinking Cursor After Install / Sort It?

Dec 16, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One AOA110 that came with Windows XP.

I created a usb flash drive install for Ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition and went through the install process (wiped disk clean, not a dual boot with WINXP).

Before install, I was able to run Ubunut from the usb key with no problems.

At the end of the install, it told me I needed to restart, so I clicked the "restart" button and the removed the usb drive. Nothing happened and it never restarted and just completley hung for about 20 minutes. I manually shut down the computer by holding the power for 10 seconds and then rebooted the machine. Now all I get after the "acer bios" screen is a black screen with a blinking cursor. If I press any buttons, the computer beeps at me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen And Flashing Cursor After Install / Resolve It?

Jan 29, 2011

After installing Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS, I restarted my machine. I removed the disk, but now when it starts, it never gets to GRUB. Instead, it just takes me to a black screen with a blinking cursor. I can't type in anything and holding shift doesn't take me to GRUB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server Install Fails - Black Screen With Blinking Cursor

Feb 5, 2010

I was going to set up an ubuntu server, but ran into some issues. When I try to install ubuntu server 9.10, it immediately goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor as soon as I press enter on the menu. I've tried pressing F6 and editing options - noapic, nolapic, irqpoll, vga=[something...] and nothing worked. I then downloaded a standard ubuntu desktop cd, and the livecd works, and I can successfully start the install!

I've heard that I should probably use the server install if I want to use this as a server (which I do; webserver for a group of people, website, ftp, ssh.) I've also heard that it's possible to just install everything needed overtop of an ubuntu desktop base. What should I do? Are there other things I should try to make the server install work? Or is it not worth the effort, and I should just go with a desktop install and then work from there? tasksel? (It's a Dell XPS, the graphics card is NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GT).

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Fedora Installation :: Fresh Install Hangs On Boot / Black Screen Blinking Cursor

Aug 9, 2011

After installing Fedora 15 from LiveUSB and rebooting it just hangs on a black screen with a blinking cursor (underscore) in the top left of the screen. If it's reached grub, it isn't responding to any commands, and mashing several key combinations (such as ctrl-alt-f1) will produce a beep usually emitted only by the BIOS (hinting that it may never be making its way to grub).

The only particularly interesting thing about the install is that by default it wanted to boot itself from the MBR on my primary-master (Windows) disk. Instead I selected the option to boot from "the first partition in sdb1", which is my primary-slave (Linux) disk, (the first partition being /boot). This way I can change which OS boots by changing the boot order in my BIOS, and so avoiding bootloader wars.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 VNC Black Screen /w Cursor Then Timeout ?

Jul 19, 2010

Seems to happen with every version! I have the same problem as my last thread. Basically it was solved by removing an IPv6 line from the hosts file or adjusting the vnc configuration to use an IP and not host name. Both of these are not working for me on 11.3. I'm not seeing any errors in log/messages. It just sits there with an X cursor that moves around then times out after around a minute or so. I don't know if there are any other logs that will help.

To clarify, starting a vncserver from a terminal will work, but the 'Remote administration' vnc with the login screen will produce a fully black screen with an X cursor that updates with my mouse position.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Black Screen After Kernel-rt Install?

Jan 3, 2011

Installed kernel-rt-2.6.31-6.1.i586.rpm for low latency studio recordingreboot then immediately black screen.Ctrl+Alt+F1 not working Ctrl+Backspace not workingcannot get in console modeGraphic adapter : Geforce 6600Opensuse 11.3

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OpenSUSE Install :: Frozen Mouse Cursor Image After Screen Power Off?

Sep 15, 2010

I run a HTPC which I recently upgraded 11.2 -> 11.3.Most things work fine but I've got an oddity. After the TV is shut down and restored the mouse cursor is "frozen":The old mouse image stays where it isHowever, the mouse IS active, in that you can (blindly) move the mouse, see it mouse-over widgets, and activate them - there's just no visible cursor where the hotspot is.Hardware is ATI chipset (can't remember which, offhand, but it's only a year or two old), running AMD driver, with a HDMI link to the TV.

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General :: Acer A0A 110 Has A Black Screen During Boot Up Along With A Black Cursor?

Dec 8, 2010

I turned on my Acer laptop and during bootup it seemed normal. After it passed the blue Acer logo, all I could see is a black screen and a black cursor outlined in white in the shape of an X. Thinking it would be a one time thing, I turned it off still was a black screen.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen After Grub Screen On 11.4 KDE RC 2

Mar 9, 2011

I try to install openSUSE 11.4 KDE RC 2, unfortunately I show black screen after GRUB screen. I must press Power button to turn off my computer. I hope it won't on openSUSE 11.4 stable. I'm waiting for downloading openSUSE 11.4.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen During Log In?

Sep 2, 2010

I've got a problem with my openSuse 11.3 for a few days. This is my first Linux so i'm kind of rookie.OK, let's start.I installed it something like 1 month ago and everything looks good until now. When I turn on my PC and try to login (deskop mode) login bar goes from 30% to 50% and then appears a black screen, nothing more, just deep black (cannot type anything etc.) I use GRUB - Windows, opensuse deskop mode and failsafe mode. Failsafe mode works good, but I have no idea what should I do because I didn't change anything. I even done a reinstall of OpenSuse and after one day I've got the same black screen.Someting wrong with grapfic card drivers? (ati 4850, downloaded from ati page, works good for 1 month) maybe some kind of new update which was installed automatically?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Screen Black After Pm Suspend?

Dec 24, 2009

I'm running openSUSE 11.2 on a Thinkpad T61p with nvidia graphics. I'm running the proprietary nvidia driver.The battery ran very low and the computer suspended itself. After I woke it up, the desktop is completely black.After troubleshooting as much as I could, I did ctrl-alt-backspace, which brought me to a normal (non-black) login screen. However, as soon as I logged in, I was back to a completely black screen. But the system is operating.I rebooted the computer (warm reboot as well as cold restart) and each time the video is normal until I get to the desktop and all I get it black.Everything was normal until the pm suspend.Suspend has never worked exactly right, so I don't normally use it. But in this case, it used itself Next step: I logged in to console mode and looked at the logs. The only messages of interest seem to be in Xorg.0.log I found a couple error messages that might be of interest:

(II) LoadModule: "nouveau"
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module nouveau
(II) UnloadModule: "nouveau"


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OpenSUSE Install :: Stop The Screen From Going Black Every 10 Min Or So?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm on a JFK assassination binge right now

Every ten minutes or so the screen goes blank and I have to hit the keyboard or wiggle the mouse to bring it back to life

This isn't hibernation...for the audio still works

I've looked around the control center...right clicked the desktop and looked at options there

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen After 1/2 Of Installation?

Mar 2, 2010

I have been using OpenSuse at work for years. My Windows 7 machine crashed on me. Instead of spending the time to fix it, I decided to take the plunge and install 11.2 on my home system. I have 4 one TB drives. My RAID card has a 2x2 1/0 RAID array defined (sdb, sdc, sdc, and sde). A fifth hard drive, outside of the arrary, which is a 250GB drive (sda). It is a software RAID. Here are the partitions I set up in the installer.

On the raid:
1.75 TB on /home
2.01 GB on swap
48.55 GB on /tmp
Off of the raid:
sda1 115 GB /
sda2115 GB /boot

(I know these are really big but I did not want to put any data outside of the RAID) In the final Installation Settings screen, I chose Booting and change from booting from the MBR to the /boot partition. The boot loader type is Grub and the status location is at /dev/sda2. I select Install and it installs without any error message.

After it installs, it restarts and I press ESC to see what is happening. It skips boot.cycle and continues to load to "starting HAL daemon ...done" and then the cursed black screen. I cannot SSH into it. It just sits there and I have to do a hard resest. Once I restart it, it boots into the non-RAD drive I get the follwing error message:

GRUB ..(it went to fast for me to get the rest of it)(hd1/1) message: file not found and I get the option the change the boot options of the Desktop -- openSUSE 11.2 and Failsage -- openSUSE 11.2 . I select e to edit the boot section of desktop and see

root (hd1,1)
kernal /vmlinz- root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST32508...
intrd /initrd-

I tried changing the root (hd1,1) to 0,1 1,0 2,0, etc with no luck.What do I do? I need to boot into OpenSUSE and finish the cursed installation.

PS: You can tell I work IT with the uber amount of details I put into this

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Install :: Black Screen After Installing OpenSUSE 11.2 / Fix This?

Apr 7, 2010

I have registered a problem similar to the one reported in this thread: Solution to black screen problem in opensuse11.2 - openSUSE Forums
after installing openSUSE 11.2 from DVD, and rebooting the system a blank screen appears after booting process is completed.

Initially, I was thinking that was 'cause of the installation of ndiswrapper drivers (see command "modprobe ndiswrapper" not working - openSUSE Forums) but after the 4th (!) installation of openSUSE I really don't know what to think...

Sometimes openSuse boots regularly, and sometimes not... seems that there is no difference if I restart the PC or I turn it off and then off. Result is the same: sometimes I get the user desktop and sometimes not...

As explained in my previous post, I have checked the disk but all seems ok.
Now I cannot use the PC even in failsafe mode... I get always a black screen.
But what is more surprising is that I have 2 identical (identical!) PC with the identical hardware, and identical bios configuration. Only the monitor is different. Well, said that, one is working the the other one not...
To be honest, the working PC was an openSUSE 11.1 systems updated to openSUSE 11.2.

I think that must be something wrong on the distributed openSUSE DVD..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen After Of 11.3 On 2009 Mac Pro?

Oct 5, 2010

I tried both installing 11.3 on top of 11.2 and a new install with the same result on a couple of different mac pros (with 2009 ATI Radeon HD 4870 with 512MB of GDDR5 memory, 2.66 GHz 2x4 core Xeon 3500, 24 GB of memory). The install was done via the downloadable dvd from The graphics of the install process looked fine as well as the configuration. When it came time to boot, however, the suse splash screen showed up and then the monitor went dark. The graphics seems to be frotzed. Now attempting to boot from the DVD does not cause the display to do anything. Even putting a mac DVD restore disk (and using C during boot) does not result in anything on the display). Any ideas of what the installation could have done -- seems like a no-brainer that something is screwed up with the graphics card, but I have no real proof and even less idea of what to try next.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot 11.4 - Screen Goes Black?

Jun 2, 2011

I very frustrated at this point. I have tried to boot OpenSUSE 11.4 from the usb flash drive iso and CD iso. After I restart my computer the boot menu comes up and I click the boot option and the screens loads a bit and then goes black. I have also tried the text installer, but that doesn't work either. I know the problem must be my graphics chip. I have a integrated Intel HD Graphics chip. My laptop is a Gateway NV79. How can I get the graphics to work?

I've tried everything I can think off. I'm not the most computer savvy so if someone replies I would appreciate a dumb-down explanation on what to do with clear steps, if possible. Note: I'm dual booting with windows 7. The graphics problem is not just OpenSUSE. I tried Ubuntu 11.04, Kubuntu 11.04, Fedora 15 and they all have the same problems. In Fedora 15, I was able to boot in but I got an error message that said Gnome 3 fallback and I couldn't get the graphics to change to standard mode

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Get A Black Screen When Install The Driver?

Apr 2, 2011

I get a black screen when I install the driver, plus:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Redwood [Radeon HD 5600 Series]
is there a method to install the drivers on openSUSE 11.4?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get Black Screen With Just Mouse Pointer

Dec 9, 2009

I've installed 11.2 KDE on a very old samsung V20 specs here: [URL]... My problem is that when I boot I get a black screen with just the mouse pointer. I can boot in failsafe fine, but the graphics are horrible. My question is, is there a workaround or am I flogging a dead horse with this laptop? This is my first venture into Linux, and I was really keen on leaving windows far behind. I've tried quite a few sax2 commands to no avail.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Recover From 11.1 Boot To Black Screen?

Dec 12, 2009

I recently installed 11.1 via unetbootin from the network onto an old Sony VAIO laptop. After the installation completed, I suppose the OS started to boot, but I was presented with a black screen. I heard "chimes." The black screen does not provide any visible feedback from mouse or keyboard input. I hard rebooted and was presented with an interesting background graphic (grayish, I think) that faded to the same black screen.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen With Regular Boot In 11.2?

Dec 26, 2009

A few days ago I updated my openSUSE installation on my Acer Aspire 5920G notebook from 11.1 to 11.2, but I haven't been able to get any kind of graphical shell loaded. Using the regular "desktop" option in GRUB results in a black screen. seems my PC is still responsive though as hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del like a mad man results in the PC getting rebooted after a while. I had the same "black screen" issue with the KDElive CD and the regular installation CD (Yeah, I should have known better than to do the upgrade...).

When opting for "Failsafe" in GRUB, I reach a command line. Before that it seems to try to load GNOME (you get to see the cursor) but fails at it a few times in a row. When I try to start GDM afterwards from the command line, it gets into a loop in which it tries to load, then crashes and then tries to load again, endlessly.I have installed the newest NVIDIA drivers "the hard way", and my card (NVIDIA 8600M GT) is on the list of supported devices on the NVIDIA website. SaX2 seems to work OK with it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen Instead Of Login Manager

Jan 4, 2010

I'm having a rather peculiar problem booting into openSUSE 11.2. After the installation (which goes fine), i get a black screen and my system freezes.

In detail, I can see the splash screen and booting details, but at the moment I am supposed to see a login manager, i just get a black screen. Sometimes it has a cursor indicator in the top left, sometimes it doesn't. Same thing happens in failsafe mode too.

This happens over and over, no matter which installation type I choose, 32bit or 64bit, KDE/Gnome/XFCE.

My problematic box is:
AMD Athlon 3200+ 64bit
ATI Radeon x1950pro <-- which I believe might be causing all these issues.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Re-boot/shutdown Black Screen?

Jan 6, 2010

I have been trying to fix this for some time, on and off, and have been unable to, I have also ben unable to find a solution in the forums.I have installed openSUSE11.2 GNOME on a laptop, the install went fine, and it runs great, except for two problems:When I start up the splash screen doesn't show (this isn't really important, and I am happy to watch as everything is loaded)When I shutdown/reboot the computer freezes and I have to use the power button to switch off.This doesn't happen every time I shutdown, but most of the time.The freeze happens at different points of shutdown, so I don't know where to find what is causing the problem.As I mentioned point 1 is not really important, although I would like to know why this is happening, but problem 2 is very important.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen After Boot Menu?

Apr 2, 2010

i've just tried to install openSUSE on to a spare hdd, i've also got windows 7 on another. After installing everything and the computer went to reboot the screen just went black and didn't restart. After restarting it myself, i turned the computer on and got to a menu that says:


When i tried to go to openSUSE it seemed to work and a long list of text came up but after a few seconds it went to a blank screen. The same thing happens when i go to failsafe. so i'm not really sure what to do, i would have tried a few things i've found from searching but can't get to the command prompt on failesafe.

I've got an ati readon hd 4750 video card.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Solution To Black Screen In Opensuse11.2

Apr 6, 2010

I had to re-install openSUSE11.2 but I kept having either black screen or mouse cursor freeze. Using sax2 to change video driver didn't work whether "ati", "radeon" or "vesa" was selected. I finally came across a solution: 1. Log in at run level 3 with acpi=off, no apic,F3=vesa, then become root 2. YAST -> Miscellaneous -> Live Installer, etc. 3. Reboot 4. If black screen, force a reboot and repeat step1 5. Autoconfig restart? Yes 6. When installation is finished, reboot 7. Boot option: 3 acpi=off noapic F3(vesa) 8. Login as normal user then become root 9. #YAST > Online Update 10> #YAST > Edit Bootloader

11. Edit Grub menu: Add the following to the end of the kernel line (under heading: kernel options...): vga=792 acpi=off noapic. Note that vga=792 is from a LILO config file example, which has the side note:"vga=792 #you need to do this so it boots up in a sane state". I came across this from "Framebuffer HOWTO: Using framebuffer devices on Intel platforms" Your Grub menu may also show vga=0x317 but this is because you might have selected 1024x768 screen resolution;it has nothing to do with vga=792. Vga=792 is what essentially solves the black screen problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen During Installation 11.3 (first Step)?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a problem after "Loading Linux Kernel - 100%".It mean when I chose "Installation" or "Check installation media" after boot screen, I see "Loading Linux Kernel" from 0% to 99% and after that I see only Black screen for long time. Even NUM LOCK key or Ctrl+alt+del has no resultThere is no a problem with 11.2 and 11.1(current OS).Machine: HP xw8400, 2 CPU XEON 3.0Ghz, 4GB RAM, 2x250GB HDD SATA, NVIDIA Quattro FX 1500 256MB.The same problem with VirtualBox (on the same PC).

Last line in "text mode Installation" is :
[ 0.040974] Checking 'hit' instruction... OK.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen Hang At Boot - 11.3

Aug 2, 2010

I've down loaded the live CD for SUSE 11.3 and, using isohybrid and dd, I put the contents onto a USB stick and made it bootable. All good so far.

I then installed SUSE on one of the partitions on my hard disk (Windows is also on the disk). I set 4GB for SWAP, 16 GB for ROOT and the rest ~270 for /HOME.

I set the bootloader to be installed in the MBR.

The installation completed with no problems indicated.

I was asked to reboot and did so, removing the usb stick so that 11.3 would boot.
The reboot failed! I was presented with a black screen and nothing else happened.

I tried again, selecting openSUSE 11.3 from the boot menu. - Again a black screen shortly after pressing enter.

I can boot in Failsafe mode and then login with text prompt. I can't boot into runlevel 3 (same problem - black screen)

Does anyone know whether this is a problem with network configuration or graphics?

I have a notebook with ATI Radeon Mobility HD 5650 graphics card and
ATHEROS ar8132 ethernet controller.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Screen Scrolling Really Fast And Will Go Black

Nov 21, 2010

I Have installed openSUSE 11.3 using VMWare and liked it so I thought I would install as my main OS. So I downloaded the latest livecd Gnome and created a usb install using imagewriter with suse. I can boot to the initial menu asking if I want to boot the livecd or install. If I choose either it will begin to show a lot of things on the screen scrolling really fast and then the screen will go black. I've waiting up to about 15 minutes with no result.

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