OpenSUSE Hardware :: Dual Monitor Slow Response?

Jul 22, 2010

I have opensuse 11.3 (64 bit) with nvidia 8400GS (256 MB ram). The system is a core 2 T7500 with 4GB Ram. I have installed nvidia drives (through nvidia's .run file, versison 256.35)

1) When i connect an external monitor (1440x900) and use separate x-screen+ xinerama (laptop has 1280x800), desktop response is really slow. Moving windows,switch tabs etc make desktop (kde) barely useful. Especially if i open a large txt file it is almost impossible to scroll through this file.

xorg file (see attached file) is been created by nvidia-settings.

One minor solution I found is to use 16 bit (instead of 24bit) color. This makes everything better, but still not fast enough. I do not use desktop effects.

An important note: This happens only after some period of time. After reboot everything seems to be ok for some time, but suddenly something changes and I have slow response.

I do not have the same problem under windows.

2) How can i specify that laptop's screen be the default, so it can have the taskbar?

3) When i disconnect the external monitor and restart x, then the laptop screen goes to 1024x768 and not to 1280x800. I have to create another xorg.conf and restart x. How can I make just one xorg file, and the system automatically adjust resolutions regarding if i have one or dual monitors?

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 256.35 ( Wed Jun 16 19:14:45 PDT 2010
Section "ServerLayout"


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Kde / Nvidia Slow Down With Dual Monitor Configuration - Resolve It?

Mar 4, 2011

I run opensuse 11.3/kde desktop.
- updated to KDE:Factory
- X11 repository (V1.9.3)
- proprietary nvidia drivers (260.19.36)

Video card is a Quadro NVS 290. A dual head configuration using twinview is run.

The desktop becomes slow almost immediately (couple of seconds) after logging in (all applications). Turning off desktop effects does not make a difference as well as trying the various recipes on the internet regarding conf-files.
The only action restoring responsiveness is to simply start nvidia-settings. Putting the following pseudo-action into a script-file and mapping it to a key allows to have a workable environment:

nvidia-settings -a PixmapCache=0 && nvidia-settings -a PixmapCache=1

It is very annoying having to press a key every minute or so. Instead of creating a cronjob I would like to solve this issue. This behavior has been consistent across kde/x-org/nvidia/kernel updates for many month now.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Nvidia 19.29-22.1 Suse 11.3 Dual Monitor Mouse Flickers When Moved To 2nd Monitor?

Jan 15, 2011

just setup suse 11.3 , put on the Nvidia 19.29-22.1 drivers via yast , no kms is set in inetd , nomodeset on grub boot line etc... Even tried installing the driver " the hard way " dual monitors come up, setup xinerama to "Extend" my desktop , and the main monitor ( right side ) is good, visually the left monitor (2ndary) is good.. but whenever I move my mouse over to the left screen the mouse pointer dissapears, flickers along the right hand border of that screen... and if i move the cursor back to the original screen i have to really fight to get it back to the main screen....Copy of my xorg.conf , still very basic...

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 260.19.29 (buildmeister@swio-display-x86-rhel47-04. Wed Dec 8 12:27:27 PST 2010


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Fedora :: Slow Response After F11 Update To KDE 4.3.1

Sep 30, 2009

I have Fedora 11 installed on a Dell Precision M60 lap-top, running KDE. I've used KDE for years, but a number of issues with KDE 4 had forced me to look at alternatives recently. With F11, KDE 4 seems to be getting more functional, being more or less usable for real work... However, a couple weeks ago, I ran "yum update" and picked up KDE 4.3.1, and while it seems to have fixed a few more things, there also seems to be a regression in terms of performance - on this lap-top anyway.

Basically any window operation -- opening a new one, moving, resizing, even moving the mouse from one window to another (I use auto-focus) -- is slow, and during this time the CPU load from the "X" process becomes very high -- close to 100% according to "top". When not "touching" any windows, CPU load goes back to normal. I did run across some advice to turn off desktop effects, which I did -- it reduced the sluggish response slightly, but the problem is still present. And I had the same settings before the update, and performance was fine.

Here is some info about this machine:
Dell Precision M60 lap-top
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.70GHz
RAM: 1 GiB (not a lot by today's standards, but this issue does not seem related to swapping)
video: nVidia Quadro FX Go700 (using default installation, nouveau driver)
display: 1920 x 1200
KDE: kdebase-4.3.1-2.fc11.i586
nouveau: xorg-x11-drv-nouveau-0.0.12-40.20090528git0c17b87.fc11.i586

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Response - How To Troubleshoot?

Jan 11, 2010

My Kubuntu installation (9.10) boots up normally and seems to run fine, other than it is very slow to respond to inputs or change screens/ applications etc. It can take 5-10 seconds to respond to simple requests like changing from firefox to dolphin by clicking in the taskbar. It is dual boot with XP, which also seems sluggish, but is bearable.

The computer is barely useable in Kubuntu because of the slow response. I had 9.04 installed before, same problem. I tried searching for drivers for the on board video, thinking that might be it, but came up empty.


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Fedora :: Caps Lock Response Is Too Slow?

Mar 26, 2011

I know this doesn't matter to most people because most people hold shift to capitalize letters. I tap the caps lock with my pinky whenever I need something capitalized. I'm a pretty fast typer, I just don't type correctly. How do I get it so that when I'm typing and I hit Caps Lock for it to be an instant effect? For example this is what I'm getting annoyed with, here is an example of what I am having to recorrect everytime I type.

HEre IS AN Example. MY NAme IS Zachery GOchenour.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slow Internet And No DNS Response?

Jul 18, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 server here, and this week internet sharing got too slow... i dunno if it is a squid problem... but it's too slow. And when i try to registar a domain for that server, bind gives do response. If i dig my server inside lan, it's working pretty well.

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Server :: Sendmail - Port 25 Response Very Slow

Jul 20, 2010

I have installed Centos 5.4 with Sendmail 8.13.8, i have modified file and compiled to with following lines

3. DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp, Name=MTA')dnl

My problem is that when i try to open port 25 with telenet it takes lot of time like more than 1 minute to open session and another 30 - 40 seconds to respond to "ehlo" command.

Also when i try to open telnet session on port 25 in another server it hardly takes 1-2 seconds open session.

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Debian Multimedia :: Slow Typing Response In Gedit

Sep 2, 2014

I am having some issues with the typing speed in gedit. When typing the response is usually really slow,It can be up to a second or so between rendering keystrokes. I don't believe it has anything to do with resources. I have checked the processes running when it happens and everything looks pretty normal cpu usuage is also very low at the time. The system is very responsive with everything else at the time.

I only have this problem with gedit, gvim, vim, nano etc are fine. Maybe an issue with a GTK lib of some sort? The problem happens with very small files like little bash scripts. I have including some info about the system ...

System: Host: debian Kernel: 3.14-2-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 4.8.3)
Desktop: Gnome 3.12.2 (Gtk 3.12.2-3+b1) dm: gdm3 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid
CPU: Quad core Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 (-MCP-) cache: 4096 KB
flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 vmx) bmips: 19200
Clock Speeds: 1: 1600 MHz 2: 1600 MHz 3: 1600 MHz 4: 2400 MHz
Graphics: Card: NVIDIA GT200 [GeForce GTX 260] bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:05e2
Display Server: X.Org 1.16.0 driver: nvidia Resolution: 1920x1080@60.00hz
GLX Renderer: GeForce GTX 260/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.32 Direct Rendering: Yes

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Debian Multimedia :: Blender 2.49 Has Too Slow Response In Squeeze?

Aug 5, 2011

While Blender 2.5 may be stable, the Python API is not. According to the Blender website... Note: The Blender Python API has areas which are still in development. The following areas are subject to change. -operator behavior, names and arguments -mesh creation and editing functions.

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Debian Hardware :: Slow Response To Dim / Brighten Button

Dec 23, 2014

I am running Wheezy on a Lenovo ThinkPad W530. When using the hotkeys to control screen brightness (Fn+F8/9) there is a 10-30 sec delay before the screen changes.

From Brightness Settings it changes instantaneously. It seems to be the same issue as this. I tried the fix in comment #5.

I added "acpi_backlight=vendor" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub then ran update-grub. After restarting I could not control the screen brightness at all.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Response For HTTP Proxy Over SSH?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm a little stumped on this one so I reaching out to see if anyone here has any idea. I just changed my ISP to Surewest as they're doing fiber straight to the house in my area so I have 8Mbps up and down.

I have my linux box running openssh and I have no problems SSHing into it from my remote laptop at work. I use putty to connect to it and create a tunnel so I can configure my firefox to use it as a SOCKS proxy. The problem is my response time for page loads in firefox is atrocious now. It'll take over a minute to load The only real differences in my setup now are my ISP and router hardware at home. Previously, I was using the firewall that was built into my AT&T Uverse gateway. Now, I'm using my old Linksys WRT54G v5.0 router with the latest firmware. My linux box is wired directly into it with ethernet. When I run the speed tests from that box I get my correct speeds of 8Mbps up and down with <15ms ping. From what I can tell, all of my router settings are correct.

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Networking :: Very Slow Network Response Time / Only On Linux Box

Mar 14, 2010

I've noticed over the past few months that my internet connection speed (D/Ls, browsing) are getting incredibly slow, but only on my linux box (my laptop, for instance, is fine - in fact, I'm dual-booting with WinXP and it isn't happening there, so I think I've managed to narrow it down to the OS alone):

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Software :: Computer Slow In Response While Playing Amarok?

Feb 15, 2011

My notebook is using intel core 2 duo T6400 CPU and 2GB Ram, when I am playing MP3 with Amarok and at the same time running Firefox, the computer tends to hang and slow in response to open new website.IS it due to my hardware?

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE Too Slow On Start Up. OpenSUSE-WindowsXP Dual Boot?

Jul 18, 2011

I have an 1TB hard drive, half of it for Windows XP SP3, another half for OpenSUSE 11.4. After installing OpenSUSE, it didn't take me much time to notice that there was something wrong with KDE: sometimes it loaded quite fast, as expected, but most of the time I'd have to wait around 1 minute in that loading screen. Then I updated the kernel, as well as KDE itself, but that didn't solve the problem.

After that I tried to start the system using Enlightnment, and it was lightning fast compared to KDE, however, I didn't quite like its interface, and for some reason GNOME refused to start. All that was too frustrating to me, so I gave up and have been using Windows for the last few weeks. Got sick of it now and here I am on OpenSUSE again. Oh, it feels sooo much better! BUT, I'm still with the same problem.

My specs are as follow:
Motherboard: Gigabyte MA78GM-S2H (with updated BIOS, version F11)
Processor: AMD Phenom X3 8450
Memory: 2GB
Videocard: Nvidia Geforce 8500GT (using NVIDIA proprietary drivers)
OpenSUSE 11.4
KDE 4.6.0
Did I forget anything important?

Ps.: I didn't have these problems with Mandriva 2010.2, which, if I'm correct, used the same KDE version.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Very Slow Response Of Browser Exported On Ssh Connection

Jul 19, 2010

firstly it took a very long time to display the browser.After the browser was working on my localmachine it took really long time to show the response.I am doing all this on internet and the server has bandwidth as 6Mbps and my internet connection has a speed 1Mbps what could be the reason for such a slow response.The same exists in case of Chromium is there a way to make it fast.Ubuntu 10.04 server edition and ssh2.

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General :: Dual Boot Response Time

Nov 5, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10 alongside with Windows XP. Consequently I need to make a choice at boot time. However, I feel that the system is not waiting very long, maybe 5 seconds or so, before going automatically into Ubuntu. Can that time be increased? If so, where or how?

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OpenSUSE :: Dual Monitor Settings Won't Stick?

Dec 24, 2010

I'm running openSUSE 11.3 64 bit KDE 4 standardI have two monitors attached, running simultaneously, nicely, all is well.But when I reboot I have to set them up again because the settings don't stick/endure through a reboot.The GUI configurator that I use is at Menu --> Config Desktop --> General --> Display.How do I save the underlying settings and re-invoke them at boot time, perhaps from the CLI? Or some quick process that will do the job.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: ATI Dual Monitor Xinerama With Different Resolutions

Apr 20, 2011

Today I bought a new monitor (IPS236V) to use it to watch movies and tv while I'm working on the other one.. I thought it's the best to activate Xinerama which could be done easy via CCC. But I'm not able to change the resolutions now as these panels are disabled in CCC. The first monitor is set to its native resolution, but the second is something lower.How can I configure both monitors to there native resolution?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Dual Monitor - Blank Screens On Both

Nov 25, 2009

with KDE everything works fine (both monitor show their configured displays correctly), however oddly with gnome when i try and setup dual monitor display, i get blank screens on both monitors, however on the display 0 on the left side there is a full column single pixel width green strip. the rest of display 0 and 1 are blank, however my mouse will move around both display correctly.

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OpenSUSE :: Assign Virtual Desktop To Specific Dual Monitor?

Feb 21, 2010

I have 2 monitors. I'm using the Nvidia driver in Twinview Mode on the right side. I can move the cursor from one monitor to the next and I can drag applications between the two. I have multiple activities. And the second monitor selected one of those other activities as the background. I'm not sure how this was chosen, or if I have a choice. Anyone know? Do activities affect what is displayed in a dual monitor setting? As I toggle through the activities, the two monitors change, but never to the same one.

When I open an application, it's a guessing game which monitor it appears on. Can I control that?

I know if one clicks the top left corner of an application they can send it "To Desktop" ("all", "Desktop 1", "Desktop 2", etc). If I could assign "Desktop 1" to monitor 1, and "Desktop 2" to monitor 2, I could then use the "To Desktop".

At a minimum, how does one control where applications open in a dual monitor setting?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: SuSE 11.1: Dual Monitor - 1920x1200 + 1600x1200

Apr 27, 2010

Is it possible to use SuSE 11.2 with a dual monitor setup, one monitor being 16:9 running 1920x1200 and the other being 4:3 running 1600x1200? I'd like to know before I start buying the equipment.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Dual Monitor Setup Lost After Reboot

May 20, 2011

I'm trying to get an external monitor hooked up to my laptop with the intention to use both simultaneously using TwinView. Actually, I'm not "trying to make it work": everything works fine, using NVIDIA X Server Settings. However, when I reboot these settings are lost and I have to manually expand my desktop again.

I've found that running NVIDIA X Server Settings as root should allow one to "Save to X Configuration File", in order to let it automatically load the right settings. When I click this option, however, I'm asked to manually provide a file name with my home folder as the default location. I'm confused how to proceed - where should I save this configuration? Or should I be taking a completely different approach in the first place? (note: KDE 'Display and Monitor' doesn't work. Only when I use the NVIDIA-thingy KDE will recognize that my desktop is expanded to a 3600x1080 resolution)

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 Dual Monitors - Left Monitor Not Coming Out Of Powersave?

Sep 7, 2011

I have a really strange X (?) problem. My physical setup is:

Dell Optiplex 990
VisionTek 210 nV DMS59 PCIe video card (with a DVI splitter)
dual Dell P2411H monitors

I'm running OpenSuSE 11.4 (x86_64 fully patched) with the current nvidia drivers and kernel module. I'm running KDE and kdm in case that matters.

If I power off the two monitors, and then power them on again, the right monitor will come back on. The left monitor (which is the primary one... it's the one where the login screen appears when you are first logging in) reports that it is in power save mode. Wiggling the mouse, typing, etc., do not wake it up. The only thing that wakes it up is the detach the DVI cable from the monitor and reattach it (and sometimes it takes a couple tries).

I have used two (identical) video cards and splitters, and the problem occurred with both, so the problem doesn't appear to be with either of them. I also swapped monitors, but after the swap, the problem still occurred on the left monitor, and the old left monitor (which was now right) came on fine, so it doesn't appear to be a monitor problem.

I'm baffled. For now, I just won't turn off the monitors (or at least not the left monitor).

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Setup Dual Head Monitor With ATI Readion HD 6000 Series?

Feb 26, 2011

I was successful in getting the ATI catalyst software to set the displays to maximum resolution. The second display is dark. It shows a white "X" cursor if I move the mouse to the second screen. The KDE desktop configuration manager does not recognize the second monitor.

Here is the output of: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "aticonfig Layout"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0
Screen "aticonfig-Screen[0]-1" 1920 0


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Hardware :: Dual Monitor - 2nd Monitor Not Coming Up - Xorg.conf Missing Something?

Oct 19, 2009

This is a repost of my initial problem, I need some one who knows what they are doing more than I too take a look at this command output and give some sort of direction/clue/etc on what I'm doing wrong or missing.

Is my xorg.conf missing some vital line(s) or setting?

My best guess is that i'm missing something to tell the Xserver to use both screens, as the Xorg.0.log does not talk about trying to bring up the intel display; but this is just a hunch.

I'm running kubuntu 9.04 with 2 monitors: on-board intel video and a PCI nvidia display: I am using my nvidia display fine, but still can not get my 2nd display (the intel) working. What the heck am I missing?




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Fedora :: F14 Dual Monitor - Firefox Starts On Wrong Monitor

Jan 27, 2011

I just upgrade to F14 from F10 on a dual montor setup. Firefox behaives differently on F14 than on F10.
On F10 it followed the mouse pointer's location and show up on the correct monitor

When maximized at close, it is always displayed on the left monitor. When not maximized at close it will open on the monitor where the mouse pointer is located.

About minimize/maximize Firefoxe before closing and it seems to work in some case, but not for me.

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Ubuntu :: Change Default Monitor When Dual Monitor Is Enabled

Nov 19, 2010

I have a dual monitor setup in Ubuntu, with my main monitor on the right and the monitor I want to extend to on the left monitor, but I can't seem to get it to do this, it always has the 'desktop' on the left monitor and then extends onto what I want to be my main monitor. I have an ATI Radeon 4350 Graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz - Dual Monitor Wallpaper On Single Monitor ?

Dec 10, 2010

Is there any way to put a dual monitor wallpaper on a single monitor configuration using desktop wall? Using only 1/3 or so per wall. Something that will have the effect like the scrolling wallpaper feature on Android/iPhone.

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Fedora :: Dual Monitor / Dual Workspace?

Apr 23, 2011

I am attempting to use dual monitors in Fedora 14 using an AMD ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series graphics card (not that I think that has anything to do with anything, but who knows), and want it to where my second monitor is its own virtual workspace so that I can switch between my other workspaces on my original monitor without switching the workspace on the second monitor. This way, I can watch movies or what-not on my TV (2nd monitor) while working on my original monitor.The only thing I found that was even close was setting the 2nd monitor up on it's on x server, which I don't want to do. Also, as it is now, I have my panel on my original monitor, but the windows do not see it when I have it aligned on the right (the windows don't adjust their size to account for the fact that it is there). I know a way I can do a work-around for this, but I would like to know if there is a "correct" way to do this. I know I can tell the movie player to show on all workspaces and have it on the 2nd monitor.

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