OpenSUSE :: 11.3 Not Booting In VM?

Sep 22, 2010

My host is openSUSE 11.2 x86_64 and I'm using VirtualBox v3.2.8.r64453. I'm trying to boot an openSUSE 11.3 64-bit guest. It installs just fine but I can't even get it to boot in run level 3.

It hangs part way through the boot right after displaying "Copying static /dev content". I can run other VMs of various Windows and Linux distros in 32 & 64 bit without problems.

How can I determine what's causing the failure?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Vista / Opensuse Dual-booting With GRUB

Jan 22, 2011

I installed Opensuse 11.3 on a separate partition to vista on my Acer 5115. It runs fine but the GRUB boot loader failed to show the Vista OS. I tried to add it by editing menu.As far as I can see (and I don't have much experience with these things) the Vista OS is there, on sda5, but doesn't boot correctly because the winload.exe is in the wrong directory. Why the sdax numbers are all rearranged is a mystery too, but I have reinstalled vista several times so that could be why.I don't have a vista recovery cd (wasn't given one), is there any way to fix this within opensuse (which works fine)?

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OpenSUSE :: Changing Booting To Upstream Look?

Sep 14, 2010

I tried a kde live cd last week and quite liked the unbranded look on booting. I am using 11.4 m1 kde 4.5 and am trying to replicate the look. As I have automatic logon set to 'yes' there are three stages. Have changed the boot option menu graphic OK and workspace upstream but am struggling with the middle part. This still shows the suse green. which file I need to change?

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OpenSUSE :: Booting Skipped Runlevel 5 On KDE

Jul 8, 2011

After successful upgrading from 11.3 to 11.4 I had to install ATI driver from here Index of /mirror/ati/openSUSE_11.4 and delete the old ones. After rebooting the system entered in runlevel 5 where I received kwin error which I couldn't back-trace with the tools, but it was working. When I have made an on-line update and rebooted again it went to runlevel 3 without showing any error. When I type startx it shows error, but when I enter as root KDE starts normally and it's functional. how to get to the KDE with my account, but not as a root user?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 64 Bit Very Slow After Booting?

Jun 16, 2010

We have 2 machines (quad core intel i5) running suse 11.2. They were clean installs and both suffer from this problem on around 50% of boot-ups. Other times, the system boots quickly and is fine.

Basically, one of the CPU's gets hammered to 100% (according to KDE system monitor) for around 10 minutes after boot up. Although the other three CPU's seem mostly idle, the system is very slow, to the point of being unusable until suddenly the system recovers and runs normally.

I've looked at 'top' and the KDE system monitor and both show no process taking more than a few % of the CPU. So it is a mystery as to what is taking up so much CPU and why it does it some days and not others !

One other thing, if you try to run virtualbox during this time, it (eventually) says that the kernel drives are not loaded - so possibly the kernel is stuck loading drivers. Infact, from dmesg, I can see that the system is still booting but other than the extended time stamps, the only obvious difference between a good boot and a bad one seems to be the line :

[ 141.794727] hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj. which is there after a slow boot. The sound works ok (as does everything else).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting External Hdd?

Aug 17, 2010

My old GoBook IX250 won't provide option of booting from any external sources (hdd, flash drive, etc.), but I would think there should be some editing done to end of the boot fs on internal hard drive which would instruct the boot loader to allow choice of OS on external hard drive for booting -- have no idea just what should write there to obtain this result;

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OpenSUSE Install :: PXE Booting Without Download?

Oct 19, 2010

A while back I set up TFTPD32 and apache on my windows machine to allow installation of openSUSE via PXE. The client machine would boot, drag the kernel off tftp, then start the installation from which was an apache alias to a mounted ISO of the 11.2 DVD. It worked quickly and easily. That is the internationally recognised Condition for Vista to perform its main function: sh1tting the bed. Configuration lost.

Now, in a couple hours of searching and experimenting, I can't find guidance on how to get that same setup back. SDBXE boot installation - openSUSE covers 90% of it, but I don't want the installation to connect to a repo and download new files - soundly killing my internet connection downloading files that are already on the install ISO I'm serving.I want it to find all it needs in the served directory holding the ISO contents.My pxelinux.cfg/default :

default install
prompt 1
timeout 30


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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting From USB Manually?

Nov 23, 2010

I am not the most computer savy, so bear with me. I have opensuse installed on my usb hard drive and recently had a windows crash that caused me to lose my opensuse boot menu/grub. Before the crash I had to have the usb drive plugged in in order to boot to windows or opensuse or I would get an error at startup....... I would like to avoid this. Is there anyway to make it so that when I turn on my computer It boots directly to windows, and if I want to go to opensuse then I can plug in my usb drive and manually boot to usb from my boot menu? I would run these two together on my computer but I share this computer and having to have my usb drive plugged in all the time kind of made them mad. So I guess my question is two fold..... Is this possible? And if so can I go into my hard drive through windows and place something in there to allow me to boot to it since my grub is back to the origional windows boot or do I need to use a live cd to access opensuse and do it that way?.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting Mac OS X And 11.3?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a 2008 white MacBook.Dual booting Mac OS X and 11.3?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Xen DOmu Not Booting Up?

Feb 9, 2011

problem booting into xen domu. THe console shows this.

[ 1.457957] PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found
[ 1.648029] bootsplash: found, but framebuffer can't handle it!
[ 1.677603] i8042.c: No controller found.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting With OS X?

Feb 26, 2011

I was trying to install a dual boot with OS X and this is what it told me:

"delete partition /dev/sda1"

As far as I can tell, this means it wants to delete OS X. On my mac's terminal, the linux partition is "disk0s3". Am I correct to assume that I should be custom partitioning in the OpenSUSE installer and have it create all its partitions out of sda3 only?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting From USB Disk

Mar 13, 2011

I want to install a minimal version of linux (probably oS 11.4) onto a partitioned 1TB USB drive to serve as a standalone, bootable restore mechanism for a couple of machines.

First off, is this feasible?

Second, how do I go about it? I was able to install the system to the drive but how do I make that drive bootable? So far, I can't even get it to boot from the grub menu on the first internal hard drive as the system complains loudly about not being able to read disk descriptors and such. I tried the various boot spec (chainloader, menulist, etc) with no luck. Do I need to disconnect all the internal drives then install as if it were the only hard drive in the machine with the DVD reader?

I am assuming that I need some sort of bootstrap code in the MBR of the USB drive to get started but I'm a bit lost here and would appreciate any input, especially from some one who has tried this, before I spend anymore time on it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - Booting From UEFI DVD?

Apr 19, 2011

Just ordered a Asrock 890 FX Deluxe5 since I busted my P45 MSI motherboardMy new motherboard - as a lot of new boards coming out - has UEFI but it appears that Opensuse 11.4 has a problem with UEFI


Anyone has tried an UEFI installation and could confirm this, and if yes, is there a solution?

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Server :: OpenSUSE Not Booting Properly

Apr 14, 2010

I am a Java developer for a small company that develops web based solutions to our clients. My Linux skill levels are somewhere between newbie and experienced.The company I'm working for has hosted server that is self managed due to the nature of the software that we develop. The server is located in a data center and the host is fully responsible for maintaining the hardware.Recently the motherboard of the server failed and had to be replaced, this happened promptly, however when the server was booted up I was notified that our Linux is giving problems starting up.I was given access to the server via a Raritan lara (KVM-over-IP).

This enabled me to configure the network again.A few things I've noticed with this however. The old network interface was named eth0 while after the swap the new one is named eth1. There is a failure message for bringing up the NIC named eth0 (old non-existing one).Further after the re-configuring of the NIC (IP, subnet etc) I could connect to the server via SSH, our Apache was running without any visible issues (didn't notice anything in the Apache erroe log). The web frontend on JBoss was running good but I kept getting the failure to start eth0 message on startup. As well through the KVM device you never saw the login prompt, it just hangs on some point (once it was after saying httpd2 started up successfully and another after CRON).I have no idea of where to go look for this issue and I can't even say for sure that it's after the motherboard issue as I could use SSH without a problem after the NIC configuration as I used to connect to the server.I've further looked at dmseg but that also doesn't give any indication for me.

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OpenSUSE :: Control Load Order In KDE When Booting?

Feb 20, 2010

How do I control load order in KDE when booting? I would like to load networkmanager 1st and some widget like "remember the milk" last in order. I have a conflict between two ("Remember the milk" is bad coded - but only remote-syncing ToDo widget that I know). When RtM loads, if network is not ready, authentication fails. Then only way to connect it is to kill widget and place it again. whatever the reason, how do I control load order of apps/widgets in KDE?

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OpenSUSE :: Launch Application In Desktop N When Booting

May 24, 2010

This has probably been asked about before.... I would like to start apps in desktop 2, 3 and 4. To start apps during boot, I use two different methods: The .xinitrc file in /home/dan works fine under: "Add your own lines here..." Startup Applications in Gnome | System works well as well. Here, I can enter nautilus /dir and nautilus starts up just fine in that directory. But as I mentioned, I have yet to find a way to direct the program to run in a different desktop other than #1.

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OpenSUSE :: VmWare Workstation 7 Error When Booting Mac OS X

Jan 4, 2011

i downloaded Vmware Workstation 7 onto my Windows XP PC and i have tested the os on a HP laptop so the OS is fine, well back to the point i load it up and VMware has a error saying it can not find "C:/Documents/allusers/applicationdata/" something like that ill add a picture so you will see.

i installed an rebooted and i still get this problem.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Crashes When Booting Normal?

Jun 3, 2010

I have recently installed openSUSE 11.2 on a dell d620. When ever I boot to the default, X seems to freeze and linux crashes. I cannot even hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to the terminal shell.

When it happens, the windows in the bottom turn to a yellow tint color. The windows also become unreadable. The mouse seems to move. I can click the windows, but they are slow to respond and don't seem to correct themselves. When I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 is when the sytem becomes unresponsive and I have to power it off by holding the power button.

When I boot to Failsafe, this problem doesn't seem to occur. Is there a problem booting to Failsafe? What do I lose by doing this?

nVidia Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300 Gfxcard and installed the x11-video-nvidiaG02 and nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-desktop packages for my kernel.

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE 4.3.1 Booting / Logging Out Really Slow

Feb 18, 2010

Kde 4.3.1 started booting slow, real slow, real slow.. and logging out real slow. I tried un-instsalling everything since my last update. I then tried moving to the kde 4.3.5. Same problem. Any clues or should I just do reinstall? I am running a ACCER laptop Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 550 @ 2.00GHz. I have been using Linux for 10yrs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Messed Up Booting Selection?

Mar 16, 2010

Seems I have messed up something.I can boot into openSUSE and into Vista, so it is not screwed.I have 1 hard diskI have an OEM Vista (so a 9 GB EISA rescue partition), the Vista partition (~100GB) and the 3 partitions for openSUSE (2/20/467).Before just wiping the linux partitions I tried to switch back to M$ booting but failed. ATM I boot to splash screen showing 3 entries: 2 openSUSE and 1 windows.When I choose Windows I get to the next screen showing Windows and - ubuntu (I had ubuntu via wubi before but wasn't convinced, so (w)ubuntu does not exist anymore).I thought installing openSUSE will fix the issue that ubuntu shows up on M$ booting screen but ofc I was wrong.I didn't want to wipe the still unused openSUSE partitions before being successfull so instead I tried:

- booting into M$ rescue CL: bootrec /fixmbr does not give an error but bootrec /fixboot or /rebuildbcd - automatic system repair does not show any partition, fixboot /scanos finds C:
- using bcdedit and EasyBCD (fail)


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OpenSUSE Install :: Screen Goes Blank After Booting Up?

Apr 15, 2010

So I Installed OpenSUSE A Plethora Of Times. In Both 32 & 64 bit. But No Matter What After It Boots Up And Where I Should See Some Kind Of User Interface The Screen Is Blank. Now this Is The Point Where You restart The Computer And See Where You Went Wrong But Come to find Out My Power And restart Buttons Dont Respond So i Have To Pull the Battery Out Of My Laptop.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting 11.1 And Windows 7?

May 2, 2010

I found this tutorial about dual booting Suse 11.0 & XP. Is it suitable also for Suse 11.1 & win7, or should I find another tutorial? Can you recommend a good tutorial for dual-booting Suse 11.1 & Win7 ? I've searched a lot but didn't find any.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting Ubuntu And 11.2?

May 6, 2010

Just sucessfully installed a sual boot with 11.2/ubuntu 10.4. 11.2 was installed first, than ubuntu. ubuntu recognizes and displays 11.2 on its bootloader, 1..2 does ot show ubuntu on its boot menu. so this mean I have to edit menu.lst and physically add the menu entry (root, load the kenel, and load initrd)....correct?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Missing Windows Booting?

May 13, 2010

I installed new OpenSuse11.2 but the windows(vista-64 bit) booting are missing

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OpenSUSE Install :: Color Cyling When Booting?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm having an issue with opensuse not properly booting into the desktop. I'll try to give as many details as I can. First my system:Macbook Pro 5.5 (Summer 2009). This is an intel core 2 duo, 4 GB of ram and a geforce 9400M.I prepared the computer by using bootcamp to resize my hard disk (640GB WDC) and add a partition. I booted into the installer without any issues, apart from having no mouse support. I deleted the partition boot camp had created and added 3 partitions, 1 root parition, 1 home partition and swap. The rest of the installation process went well and I was soon greeted by the opensuse gnome desktop.

I proceeded to install the wireless drivers for my broadcom BCM4322. I tried both from source and from the Packman repository, and it seemed like it didn't work. This was because I could not remove the ssb module for the kernel due to it being used by ohci_hcd (I believe). I wrote a simple script that would unload those modules, load the "wl" module, and then load the other modules. This worked, and I had wireless.I proceeded to install the Nvidia proprietary drivers, making sure to set the proper options for the bootloader and kernel. This also worked.

After installing a bunch of other software (eagle, notify-osd, grooveshark, vmware workstation), I was able to use my system without any problems until last night. At that point I updated my system after a prompt for updates by opensuse, and now I can't boot into the desktop anymore.At the point when gdm/Xorg is started, where I would regularly see the nvidia logo. Now all I get is a series of colored screens. These cycle from black, to white, to red, green, blue. I also get a bunch of grayscale gradients. However, no desktop.I have attempted several things to rectify this problem, some of them with limited success:

- obviously nomodeset was set, and the nouveau driver blacklist, unless this was changed by the update
- failsafe mode -> this worked, but I don't want to run in failsafe.


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OpenSUSE Install :: HP 620 WLAN Causes Errors With Booting?

Oct 15, 2010

I've installed openSUSE 11.3 on my new HP 620 and it boots only when the WLAN card is swithched of in BIOS, otherwise the computer hangs up (processing udev with the last statement b43-pci-bridge...).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Message On Booting?

Dec 7, 2010

Running 11.3 64 bit updated to kde 4.5.4I noticed when booting yesterday the following error message is shown:-

[ 17.688956] end_request: I/O error, dev sr1, sector 4294180608
[ 17.696944] end_request: I/O error, dev sr1, sector 4294180608
[ 17.702846] end_request: I/O error, dev sr1, sector 4294180784


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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting The LiveCD From An USB Stick?

Jan 26, 2011

-I could use a hand in installing opensuse on my 2009 Intel Macbook

-I need to use a USB stick for the install, my optical drive doesn't work.

-I am trying to reformat my macbook to run 64-bit opensuse 11.3 instead of Apple's proprietary operating system, OS X

-So I started here: Chapter1.Installation with YaST

-And in this article, under section 1.1. Choosing the Installation Media, i found this sub-section: Booting the LiveCD from an USB Stick.

-So i followed those steps to create a bootable USB stick in Terminal, and i got an error in Terminal and was unable to go any further;

-this was the error in Terminal: dd: bs: illegal numeric value

Would anyone know what the error means, and what i should have typed instead? Is it because my USB stick is generic instead of being a specific type like a U3 stick?

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OpenSUSE Install :: MBR Booting From Wrong Partition

Feb 9, 2011

I'm just using a plop boot does what I need, boot from hdc 2. or (hd2,1) I'm having an issue, because Im not sure how to change the mbr so when I boot the computer from the third hdd, it just works...where is the MBR, and how do I edit it, or better, is there a GUI interface I can use?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting With Grub: How To Debug

May 3, 2011

I would like to build a sticky subject about repairing openSUSE boot.This article,once complete (not by me alone) should be made sticky (to have it in front of the forum)- these problems are frequent and disturbing.I know the great work done by please-try-again. But very often we don't need any script (and running a script from rescue mode is difficult) - that said I vote to have the pta scripts included in the rescue system !So I would like to focus on command line fixes.

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