Networking :: Use Netcat As A Bridge To Connect Two Server?

Apr 11, 2011

i have 3 servers in 2 dcs as follows; server 1 (dc1 - dmz) --- server 2 (dc1 - internal) --- server 3 (dc2 - internal) Now I have an application in server1 that have to connect to port 44000 in server 3 but dc refuse to open connection saying they do not open connections between dmz and dc2 (i have no say over this).

However I can connect to virtually any port from server1 <-> server2 and also server2 <-> server3. Is it possible to do something like;

server1 <-> server2 <-> server3:44000 using nc to get the app work.

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Fedora Networking :: Connecting To Server With Netcat

Jul 10, 2009

I connected two machines, I have their given of the addresses ip in a static way and not with DHCP. I gave to the machine server the address:, and in the machine client the address

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Fedora Networking :: Connect To Internet (ADSL) By Laptop (Bridge)?

Nov 24, 2010

My Laptop can Connect to my wireless modem device, but I don't know How can I connect to internet (ADSL) by My laptop (Bridge)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configure My Box To Connect To A Modem In Bridge Mode?

Jun 27, 2011

How would I configure my box to connect to a modem in bridge mode?

I have a server at home that im migrating over to be the default-gateway/router. I have everything else setup (dns,dhcp etc) now just need the ppoe part, or so i beleive?

I have two interfaces. eth0 (lan) and eth1 ready to connect to the modem.
The modem is in bridge mode ready to go.
What is my next step? Are there any good guides, I didn't find any.

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Networking :: Setup A Bridge Using Bridge-utils Within /etc/network/interfaces?

Dec 8, 2008

I want to set up a bridge using bridge-utils within /etc/network/interfaces like is shown here in this guide: [URL] The problem is that, at the same time, I want eth0 to have a specific static IP address. Right now I have a configuration for eth0. This guide tells me that I should not configure eth0 outside of the br0 configuration.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bridge Two Subnets With A Server?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a Ubuntu server with multiple NICs and I'm just thinking about a potential scenario that might come up soon.

Imagine I have a network on floor 1 with an independent cable connection to my Ubuntu server -> switch -> assorted devices, on the subnet 192.168.0.x Now imagine friends upstairs have another independent network with cable -> router -> assorted devices, on subnet 192.168.1.x.

How can I set up my server to provide access for the 1.x subnet to the 0.x and vice versa. Ideally the devices all access internet from their appropriate subnet. I've read something about bridging, is this what I need?

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Networking :: Setup Bridge Mode For Windows Server?

Mar 3, 2010

setup linux in bridg mode for my windows server ?

my both linux and windows has 2 network cards each.

basicaly it is vLan cards, each server has 2 network cards. one to main switch and one to local IP.

data will be going like below:

internet ----------------> eth0 --> linux --> eth1 ----------------> Windows.

i have vLans on both servers. And i need cross connection setup. And use linux in bridg mode / cross connection .

actualy i want to use Iptable rules to filter bad packets and forward good packets to windows. i have scripts how to forward packets to windows. but the problem is i dont know how to setup both servers in this topology. and how to make linux as bridge.

All it should be in transparent mode. Not in NAT mode.

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Networking :: Vpn-vpn Bridge Between Two Networks (1x Debian Server, 1x Cisco RVS4000)

Jan 13, 2011

I've two networks (network 1 in the apartment, network 2 in the basement/server room) I would like to build a vpn connection between the two networks. In networks 1 I have a 24h running PC/Firewall/Debian Server. For network 2 I would like to buy a RVS4000. Is it possible to connect the two objects (Debian and Cisco)?

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Server :: Pipe 'echo' To 'netcat' - Sometime It Seems To Broken

Sep 2, 2010

I am running somes instances of Redis. I want to get Redis stats with following command:


$ echo "info" | nc <server_IP> <port>

but sometime it returns nothing. The first thing come to my mind is broken pipe or something like this. I always get the result if telnet to Redis and typing 'info' command. I also try pipe viewer to monitor the progress of data but it didn't help:


$ echo "info" | pv | nc <server_IP> <port>

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Networking :: OpenSuSe 11.4 - How To Ping DNS Using Netcat

Jun 15, 2010

I am new in linux. I am using opensuse 11.4. How can I ping a DNS using netcat?

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Networking :: How To Send Udp Packet To The DNS Using Netcat

Jun 16, 2010

How can i send udp packet to the DNS using netcat in opensuse.

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Networking :: UDP - Stop Netcat Connecting?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm wondering if I can use netcat to listen to a UDP port and display ALL incoming packets, no matter where they're from. If I just do 'nc -u -l 1234' then netcat will listen for incoming packets and connect() to the source address of the first one it sees (I can see this with strace). Is there any (standard) way to stop the connect() call? I can make a hack to block connect() with a function of my own, but that'd be ugly

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Ubuntu Networking :: Netcat Doesn't Seem To Work

Jul 27, 2010

I've tried to use netcat in the past and assumed it was my stupidity that was preventing it from working... but this is getting ridiculous. I'll execute nc -l 3333 on a server at (after opening it on the firewall of course) then I run nc 3333 on my laptop (from and nothing happens... i start typing and nothing comes up on the terminal.

I run nc -z 80 which should ideally do a port scan of port 80 on that server (of which I'm running a web server that clearly works) but it doesnt even give me any feedback. Nothing happens. Now when I use the verbose flag i see that I am indeed connecting to the specified port on the server successfully (so the port scan one is a success but only with the verbose flag... which shouldnt be the case I believe). But still once I have the server listening and the laptop connected... I type in both windows and nothing happens...

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Networking :: Relay UDP Broadcast Using Netcat/Socat?

May 7, 2010

Here is my problems :I have two networks :1. LAN (10.1.x.x subnet, and2. my internet public (IP subnet have an application in my LAN PC ( which broadcast udp packet to its client. The client in my LAN can receive the udp packet, no problem.My question is how netcat/socat can RELAY the udp broadcast packet to one of my IP public address so the message can be received by other client from internet ?

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Networking :: Using Netcat To Make A Simple Proxy?

Nov 21, 2010

I made a simple proxy using netcat and it works great, the idea is to make the server and client communicate through two named pipes, file1, file2.

$ mknod file1 p
$ mknod file2 p
$ nc -l -p 12345 0<file1 1>file2 &
$ nc 80 1>file1 0<file2 &

The problem Im facing is that I cant seem to intercept the data going between the client and the server. I want to be able to have the data coming to the server in a variable, manipulate it and send it to the client, and the other way, have the data coming to the client in a variable, manipulate it and send it to the server.

Im running on an embedded device where tee, awk and many other commands are absent. how can I redirect the data to a variable, manipulate it and pass it to the other side, that is the question.

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Debian :: Bridge Setup - Cannot Connect To Any Wireless Networks

Apr 12, 2011

I am a (somewhat) newbie to Linux (but have an extensive Windows background), and I have just installed Debian Squeeze in an old EeePc 701 4G using the netinst version only with the following packages:


Now I would like to install Debian in my main laptop, but I think it won't be able to connect to any wireless networks during setup and before installing firmware-brcm80211 and wireless-tools (its wireless card is a Broadcom 43224AG). That being, and to avoid connecting the computer directly to the router (it is not easy), I would like to bridge the EeePc's wireless connection to my laptop using a cable. I tried using the instructions found at the Debian Wiki, but I couldn't set it up properly.

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Debian Configuration :: Use A Network Bridge To Connect Virtual Machine?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm attempting to use a network bridge to connect my virtual machine, like so:


The issue is that when I type the following command, I get the further following horrible error message that doesn't seem to really point me to anywhere and I can't seem to find any relevant information to my problem on the web:

root@darkstacks:~# qemu-system-i386 -hda test.img -m 128 -curses -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap0 warning: could not configure /dev/net/tun: no virtual network emulation

Does anyone have any idea what I need to do here? My processor does not have the vmx flag, as it's a 2.4GHz P4. I don't know if that might have something to do with it.

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Networking :: How To Bridge Different ISP?

Mar 30, 2011

i have two ISP, and i want to bridge each IP. Here my example;

ISP one :
ISP two :

can we setup for two ISP with different gateway ??

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General :: Vbox And Ubuntu 9.10 Server Ver Net [Nat+Bridge]?

Dec 11, 2010

Virtual "VB host only Ethernet adapeter mode" i am able to communicate with Vbox via WinSCP and browser(ip address)

BUT when i switch to Bridge mode/NAT (pref bridge) in Vbox i am unable to get external internet access [to install app's from internet

Current host config
Dynamic IP
host subnet
Host gateway

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Server :: Creating Bridge Between Ad-hoc And Wireless Interface

Oct 20, 2010

I was wondering if I could create a bridge between two wireless interfaces. So that when there is a WAN that filters MAC's, 2 different computers which aren't in the WAN white list can connect to the WAN via me. Is that possible? And how?

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CentOS 5 :: Setting Up A Bridge For Use By KVM Server On New 5.5 Install?

Jun 3, 2010

I was searching for a doc on the exact steps to setup a bridge for use by my KVM setup. I needed my VMs to be bridge onto the eth0 network. Some docs I found on google seemed to be outdated.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Error - Cannot Connect To Server - You Must Enter A Name For The Server

Apr 17, 2011

In Gnome Places->Connect To Server dialog, I am having problem using the Custom Location Service Type. I enter in the URI as



I get an pop up error message that says:


Cannot Connect To Server. You must enter a name for the server.

Which would be fine if there was actually a place for me to enter the name which there is not. What am I doing wrong. This is the first time I have tried using the Connect To Server dialog. Normally I just use a script I wrote to mount my share in a folder on my local drive as some programs cannot access the mounted network folder. In a browser all I have to do is:



I tried using Windows Shares, but that did not work either. It does work if I click on network and access the share that way, but some programs like firefox and a few others that I want to save a file to my network drive do not show the network unless the share is mounted in a folder. So, I wrote a script:


#mount ext storage drive
mount -t cifs // -o username="username",password="password" /mnt/files

This works and I can use this, but it would be handy if I could just use the Connect To Server dialog.

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Server :: Squid Transperant Proxy In Bridge Mode?

Sep 3, 2010

I configured squid in transperant proxy and it's working fine.Now i tried it in bridge mode for that i did setup for bridge mode and it's working fine.But i can not get any http request in squid access log.i can see traffic from my bridge. tcpdump -i br0

configure bridge:
ifconfig eth0
ifconfig eth1
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth0
brctl addif br0 eth1


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Fedora Networking :: Two NIC's Can Be Bridge Together Even Though They Are The SAME Subnet?

Aug 9, 2009

I have 2 NIC's in a box. One of them is external and doesn't matter for this question I don't think.

The other NIC is It hosts an iSCSI Target and SMB Share on my LAN. It's works great.

I have another PC that has NIC at and it hosts my DHCP (Scope: server for my LAN.

I have a hardware firewall at and it serves inet to the LAN on a different external connection.


I currently have a WAP (cheap p.o.s. netgear router in WAP mode that keeps overheating). I want to eliminate the WAP device and add a WiFi NIC to the Top PC above.

So, on the first system I would have:

NIC 1: External IP and External Gateway
NIC 2: Static IP
Proposed WiFi NIC 3: Static


If I bridge NIC 2 and NIC 3 like this:

# brctl addbr br0
# brctl addif br0 eth0
# brctl addif br0 eth1

Then I simply put the WiFi in Ad Hoc, will another WiFi in Ad Hoc (for example my laptop) be able to "see" (DHCP) & (Gateway) (via WiFI through the bridge to and on to the LAN)?

Also, can the two NIC's be bridge together even though they are the SAME subnet?

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Fedora Networking :: How To Setup Bridge

Oct 4, 2009

I tried google but without success. I have a small home network and one computer has to work as a bridge (comp1), it connects to the internet through wlan and is connected with cable to other computer (comp2), I would like to to make that second computer member of a local network with internet access.I was trying this:

ifconfig wlan0
ifconfig eth0
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 wlan0
brctl addif br0 eth0


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Bridge A Connection

Jul 19, 2010

I have a Gateway laptop running ubuntu 10.04, and just now have a compaq desktop running windows 7, my laptop has wireless internet connection, it's the only way that i can get it in my room. my desktop has only ethernet plugin. My question is, If i plug my laptop up to my desktop using an ethernet cable, can i bridge that connection to get internet from my laptop(using the wireless) to my desktop(using the cable)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting A Bridge Constructed?

Dec 13, 2010

My first, followed a couple of Ubuntu how tos and used LinuxFoundation bridge doc. I still have managed to mess it up! Here's the simple test network, First -- ALL hardware is fine, I have verified everything, to the last cable. In fact this is being written from the test network without the bridge running.

OK, I have a firewall that has dhcp server on board, I have a client workstation with dhcp enabled network card(eth1) (the one I current typing from). There are 2 switches between the firewall and the workstation (eliminate xover issues when testing) That's it. All is well. Now I want to place a computer in line between the firewall and the workstation. It is a 10.04 server install, no gui, minimal install. It has 3 network cards, One of these ports was used to set up the server. It is set up dhcp and it works just fine, I spent all kinds of time ssh'ing into the box, so the dhcp client is good to go.

I disconnected the cable to that interface and ran a cable from the firewall's switch to one free port(eth0) and a cable from the workstation switch to the other free port(eth2). From the console I do ifconfig -a and there are all 3 eth's, 0,1, and 2 I then open /etc/network/interfaces and to lo and eth1 I add this:


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Bridge Wireless LAN

Jul 30, 2011

I am trying to connect networks connected via locked down wireless routers. Here is the setup:

Internet <-> eth0 - server - eth1 providing DHCP <-> hub <-> wired clients & to WiFi router with NAT & DHCP <-> WiFi clients.

I want the wired clients and the WiFi clients to be able to talk to each other directly, but the locked down WiFi router (meraki) is in the way. the wired clients get their IP address from the server, the wireless clients get theirs from the meraki WiFi router. I can't reconfigure the WiFi router to bridged mode without paying meraki a sizeable annual license fee. What options are out there to get through the WiFi router? I came across OpenVPN and ethernet bridging, but broke networking on the server when trying to configure the br0 interface. I followed these instructions: [URL]

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Networking :: Configuring Ethernet Bridge?

Nov 3, 2010

I am using 3 machines in a LAN connected through a hub. My intention is to have a end-to-end connection between 2 machines so that I can control delay/loss rate. For that purpose, I am using a 3rd machine with 2 NIC and intend to use a bridge and installing Dummynet in this machine to control the traffic between the other 2 machines.I have successfully installed Dummynet in the bridge machine. Now I require to configure Ethernet bridge in the machine. What is the process? Do I need a kernel compilation or can be done without it? read somewhere that recent kernels can be configured without recompilation.I am using Mandriva 2010 with kernel.

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Networking :: Bridge Be Configured To Act As Hub Not A Switch?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a hub with some VoIP phones attached as well as a machine that is used to record the calls. This all works fine as all packets coming to/from the voip phones are also seen by the recorder so it can process them as necessary.

What i want to do is put another machine between the hub and recorder and have it act as a transparent firewall. So far i've managed to successfully set up a bridge on ports eth1 and eth2 and all the packets destined for the recorder go through the bridge fine. The problem is that the bridge is acting as a switch so the packets from the phones are received on eth2 but don't get retransmitted on eth1. Is there any way to configure the bridge so that all packets received on eth2 are transmitted on eth1, i.e. have it act as a hub instead?

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