Networking :: Set Any Ports On Iptables For One Specific Host Only?

Feb 16, 2011

I like to set in iptables to allow access from one host to my server on any ports.

Currently the iptables have been configured to deny all and to allow access only to those I've specified.

Can anyone advice on the command to achieve this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Any Ports On Iptables For One Specific Host Only?

Feb 15, 2011

I like to set in iptables to allow access from one host to my server on any ports.Currently the iptables have been configured to deny all and to allow access only to those I've specified.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Iptables Allow Ports To A Specific Ip Or Domain Name?

Jul 23, 2010

How to configure iptables to allow only 22,80,3306 ports for only a dynamic public ip/dyn dns domain name on a ubuntu server?

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Networking :: Cant Open Any Ports In Iptables?

May 14, 2009

Since there was no response on my other post which i spent about a hour writing, ill go for something simpler. I run this on my server

# set default policy for the NAT table
iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT


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Networking :: Forwarding Ports With Iptables?

Dec 23, 2010

I am running a server with ssh and a vpn server set up. It is behind a debian router with a firewall which uses iptables. i have it set up to forward ports 22 and 443 to ssh on a computer within the LAN(so when on a restricted network i can still ssh into my network) and forward anything to 1723(for my vpn) to that box also. However, the only port that gets successfully forwarded is port 22. The other two appear closed. here is what the script looks like:



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Fedora Networking :: Iptables On Bridge Ports?

Apr 21, 2011

I'd like to pass all traffic between bridge ports via the FORWARDING chain, so I changed following sysctl parameters:

net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1


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Networking :: Iptables - Portforward To External IP And Ports?

Jun 30, 2011

I want to portforward client connections from an ubuntu lts server to another external server. btw i am a noob on iptables. i have tryed using the basic commands for iptables with no success. For example:iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 7878 -j DNAT --to -A FORWARD -p tcp -i eth1 -o eth0 -d --dport 7878 -j ACCEPTso basically i just want a rediraction for from one ip to another. Example: A client tries to connect to ip on port 7878 and the server forwards him to ip xx.xx.xx.xx on port 7878, meaning that xx.xx.xx.xx is the actual server with services. Server with ip is only forwarding the client to external ip... how can this be done in a simple command?

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Networking :: Configuring Iptables To Locally Translate Some Ports?

Apr 27, 2011

Because my ISP is blocking every IP port under 1000, I'd like my local nat'ed server to be able to translate incoming and outgoing traffic from some port above 1000 to the default server port locally.Example :

To connect to my IMAP server (default port : 143) from the outside,I'd connect to my public IP, port 1143 (opened and nat'ed to the right server on my router) and the server would translate this port to 143 on the same machine.I wish I could simply configure my router to do that but sadly Linksys doesn't permit such setting... I also could modify the listening port of my server but I prefear to keep the default port inside my network.I think that iptables is the right tool to do that and I never used it and I must say that this tool is not so easy to configure at first sigh

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Ubuntu Security :: Using Apparmor To Restrict Networking To Specific Ports?

Jun 12, 2011

Perhaps it is my misinterpretation of AppArmor, how can it be configured to restrict TCP or UDP traffic to/from specific ports?

The profile "abstractions/nameservice", under the section "# TCP/UDP network access", doesn't seem to lock the application to port 53. What am I missing? Restriction to specific ports is something that systrace can do so I'd expect nothing less from AppArmor.

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Networking :: SQUID Intercept IPtables - Whitelisting Ports And Sites

Jul 6, 2011

I'm having some issues settings up a transparent proxy server, which should allow only regular web browsing (port 80), any other port (including HTTPS (443)) has to be blocked, as well as any other port. Right now, I'm using Debian 6 and Squid3. The server only has one NIC. The topology is like this:
Clients <-> Proxy Server + DHCP Server <-> Internet

With this setup, the network does have internet access and the websites I whitelisted are the only ones accesible via browser, however port block is not working, every port is open, hence why trying to access blacklisted websites through HTTPS is possible. Seems to me Squid3 is doing it's job fine, however IPTABLES for some reason seems to be redirecting all the trafic to port 3128 (Squid3 port). I could be wrong, but I've been unable to do anything related to ports with squid3 (either whitelisting or blacklisting).

For Iptables I used:
iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp -j REDIRECT --dport 80 --to-port 3128
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -j DROP

Squid3 config:
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src ::1
acl to_localhost dst ::1
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl whitelist dstdomain "/etc/squid3/whitelist"
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny !whitelist
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow all
http_port 3128 intercept
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin

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Fedora Networking :: Preventing Host OS From Using A Specific NIC?

Aug 26, 2009

I have a virtualbox installation, and I need fairly high security separation between host and guest traffic. The university network the box hangs off uses statically-allocated ip addresses, allocated to fixed MAC addresses (i.e. it eats any traffic with mismatched ip and MAC addresses).

VBox: 3.0.4
Guest OS: Fedora 11 64bit
Hardware: dual NIC, Intel server
Bridged networking, with separate NICs for host and guest

I'm aiming for high-security separation between host and guest traffic. To do this, I would like to to run all host traffic through one NIC, H, and all guest traffic through the other, G. The host and guest have separate, statically allocated, IP addresses, IPH and IPG. The network forces these to be mapped to specific MAC addresses, MACH (the address of NIC H) and MACG (the address of NIC G). So it's not too hard to write host firewall rules to enforce this policy. The rules just have to state that traffic coming into H must have a destination compatible with IPH, and traffic going out must have IPH as source - and vv for G and IPG. There also don't seem to be any trouble telling the guest to only use NIC G. As a result, turning off NIC G (or equivalently, firewalling it off from host traffic) crashes the network, I have to reboot it to get networking working.

But I can't figure how to tell the host to _only_ use NIC H for anything else except the guest. Even though we don't see any IPH traffic coming into NIC G from outside, I don't seem to be able to stop the host from starting connections on NIC G. Does anyone know any way to do this - to tell the host that it can only use IPH as its IP address unless traffic is coming from a guest process, and that it can only use address MACH and NIC H? I've been reading route and arp manuals all day, but I can't seem to figure anything on this - mainly because arp and route don't know about host/guest processes, and I guess weren't designed with this in mind...

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Networking :: Iptables Configuration On Debian Dmz Host?

Jul 6, 2010

I am trying to set up a DMZ host - that is, one multifunctional PC between the WAN and the LAN. I've started with a basic router, and expanding upon that as the need arises. I am currently trying to gain access (from the WAN) to a website hosted on one of the servers in the LAN, but I am having trouble accessing the host from the WAN; I think my iptables configuration may be too restrictive. On the DMZ host, I'm using Debian (Etch). I have setup dhcp3-server, a script to configure iptables and pound (reverse-proxy). The (virtual) machine has 4 network cards: eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3; eth0 is the WAN, eth1 through eth3 serve 3 different virtual LANs.

All machines in the LAN (except one windows 2008 server - I might want to address that problem later) get their IP adresses correctly via dhcp from the DMZ host. All machines on the LAN can access the internet (including the 2008 server if I configure it manually) as they should. If I access http://localhost on the DMZ host, pound reports "The service is not available. Please try again later." - as it should.

I can ping the DMZ host from the WAN on However, if I try to access the DMZ host from the WAN ( I get "Unable to connect" from firefox. I'm sure this is not a pound problem, so I think it's in the iptables, or maybe I should be installing some extra software that I'm unaware of.


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Networking :: Iptables Forward Port To Another Host?

Nov 15, 2010

Lets say i have two machines on public ips. If i get incoming traffic on machine #1 on port 55242 i would just like to forward it to machine #2 on port 35000.I would just like to use machine #1 same way as a dns server works. It just redirects the traffic and tells the client where to go.

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Ubuntu :: Try `iptables -h' Or 'iptables --help' For More Information - ' Not Found.4.4: Host/network `

Nov 3, 2010

I recently installed a new Ubuntu PC that runs iptables and PSAD. I had the same script on another Ubuntu PC, but when I copied the script onto the new PC, I got this error. I don't remember where I found the tutorial for this, all I know is that this is the script (Edited for my usage):


# Script to check important ports on remote webserver
# Copyright (c) 2009
# This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above


Safe.txt contains:


And the error message generated is:


root@NETWORK-SERVER:/var/ddosprotect# ./
' not found.4.4: host/network `
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
' not found.4.4: host/network `


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Networking :: Route Traffic From A Single Host Through A Specific Interface?

Aug 21, 2010

I have a linux router with 2 physical ISPs and a VPN tunnel that all my traffic passes through. I would like to setup a rule to redirect all traffic from one internal IP address (10.0.0.x) through the physical link only. My current script is as follows.

iptables -F
iptables -X
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward


My goal is to do something similar to the mangle on the tor traffic, but for an entire host.

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Networking :: IPtables: Route Outgoing Traffic From Internal Host To Only Go A Internet Interface?

Nov 21, 2010

My Ubuntu Box has 3 interfaces. eth0 (Internal (External ISP DHCP)eth2 (External ISP Static IP)I need the outgoing traffic to internet for 1 of the internal pc ( to only go only go through eth2

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General :: Map Joysticks To Specific USB Ports?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm working on a Linux (fedora) based arcade dance machine using a game called Stepmania. I've got it all up and running and i'm trying to get it to work with two dance pads.

It detects the dance pads fine and they work well, the only issue is that when the machine is turned on it seems to randomly pick which pad is /dev/input/js0 and which is /dev/input/js1

What this leads to is the pad on the left controlling the character on the right & vice-versa. So I was wondering if there is any way to tie or map the joystick to a particular USB port so they always stay where they should ? Or is there another way this could be accomplished ?

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Hardware :: Possible To Map Joysticks To Specific USB Ports?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm working on a Fedora 14 based arcade dance machine using a game called Stepmania. I've got it all up and running and i'm trying to get it to work with two dance pads.

It detects the dance pads fine and they work well, the only issue is that when the machine is turned on it seems to randomly pick which pad is /dev/input/js0 and which is /dev/input/js1

What this leads to is the pad on the left controlling the character on the right & vice-versa. So I was wondering if there is any way to tie or map the joystick to a particular USB port so they always stay where they should ? Or is there another way this could be accomplished ?

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Security :: Anyway To NOT Log Dropped Ports 137 / 138 In Iptables?

Mar 30, 2011

We do NOT support samba on our Unbuntu servers but still zillions of windows machines are constantly trying to connect on the SMB ports. I've added a rule that drops access to destination ports 137-138 and that seems to work. But it creates many many log entries documenting that the packet has been dropped. I've been researching and cannot come up with a way to suppress logging for these drops.

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Software :: Configure IPTABLES To Allow Certain IP Ranges To Ports 25 And 465?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a mail server with IPTABLES enabled.I want to allow access to:


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Software :: Open Ports Using Iptables From Shell?

Sep 18, 2009

I am trying to open VNC ports(5901,5902) on my RHLinux machine using iptables. I am able to do it from GUI system-config-security. Go to the Administration > Security Level and Firewall, then select "other ports" at the bottom and enter the portNum 5901 to open and select tcp, then click OK and OK again to save your settings. From my windows m/n iam able to open vncsession using vncviewer on 5901 port.But when I am trying to do it from command line:#iptables -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 5901 -j ACCEPTThis command added the entry in /etc/sysconfig/iptables and listed in iptables -L command.Then I saved and restarted the iptables.#service iptables save
#service iptables restartWhen I am trying to open the VNC session from vncviewer, it is giving me error and session not opened.Is there some thing I missed here? where can I check the logs for this? I definetly need

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General :: Forwarding Specific Ports Through SSH Reverse Tunnels?

Jun 28, 2011

So unfortunately I live in a place that will not let me have a static IP, so I have been setting up access to my home computer via reverse SSH tunnels that run on an micro amazon ec2 instance. I have gotten SSH to work fine, but I cannot figure out port forwards.Here is a small infographic I made to help illustrate (i felt the question was clearer with a diagram of what I was trying to do. Here are the commands listed in the graphic:I the following on my home computer: ssh -R 1337:localhost:22 -i .ssh/tokyoMinekey.pem ec2-user@ec2serveraddressand I run this on the ec2 server: ssh -L6600:localhost:6600 -Nf localhost -p 1337

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OpenSUSE Network :: Block All Ports But Port 80 With Iptables (DMZ)?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a Suse 10.3 router with 4 network cards. 1 is to connect to the big network and thereby also the internet, 2 are for 'client' subnets and I want to use the last one as a DMZ. In this DMZ will be a web server which has to be accessible from the other 2 subnets and from the big network. I could do it with a few simple clicks in Yast firewall, but I have some issues with this firewall and there for I want to use it as minimal as possible, using Iptables.

So now I'm struggling a bit with Iptables. Basicly what I'm looking for is how to block all ports but 80 in this last subnet with iptables.

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General :: Block All Ports Except SSH / HTTP In Ipchains And Iptables?

Jun 15, 2010

How can I block all ports except

ssh (port 22)
httpd (port 80)

using iptables and iphains?

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Ubuntu Security :: Block All Ports Except Pop And Smtp In NAT Through Iptables?

Jan 20, 2010

how to block all ports except pop,pop3,smtp in nat using iptables in squid on redhat A3

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CentOS 5 :: Edit The Iptables To Include Some Ports/ip For Openfire Server?

Jun 16, 2010

I am trying to edit the iptables to include some ports/ip for openfire server. The problem is the computer is very locked down with permissions...I logged in as ROOT with ID 0.Now the iptables has ROOT for permission BUT ID 1 which reflects BIN.As root i cant edit or chmod/chown the iptables. Here is what i tried:

1. change password of BIN - successfully changed with no errors BUT still cant su BIN with the new password...

2. tried changing the ID of ROOT to 1 but I dont have permission to use the command....

so anything i can do here??? I dont have permission with Shadow either...

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Server :: Allow Mount In Iptables For Specific Ip?

Aug 1, 2010

how to allow mount in iptables for specific ip?

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Fedora Security :: Iptables Allowing Specific Ip's?

Dec 8, 2009

i've got a few questions about iptables. i know how to set up ip tables to only allow from an ip address or a subnetting ip addresses. question is how do i allow from 2 different networks? would i need to create 2 lines of entry in iptables to the same port? e: allow and on port 22 is there a way to put all that in 1 line or would i need to create to rules for the port? i know i can use the ssh allow or deny but i'd like to stop access even before it gets to the ssh. stop it at the source kinda thing.

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Security :: Setting Up A Specific Rule Using Iptables?

Apr 5, 2011

My firewall , wich is an Ubuntu server 10.10 , have 3 interfaces:

eth0( to the DMZ
eth1( to the LAN
eth3( to the Internet

-The DMZ have one web server with a static address (

-My LAN address range is ( managed by a DHCP server in the same firwall machine.

There are some of the rules that I need to set up :

-Allow HTTP between the LAN and the internet

-Allow HTTP between the web server in the DMZ, and the internet.

Is there a way to tell the firewall , to redirect all incoming HTTP requests only to the web server in the DMZ ?

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General :: Setting Up Iptables For Traffic Forwarding On Port 80 From Specific Sources?

Jun 1, 2010

Im running a web server on port80, but i want traffic coming from ip 212.333.111.222 on port 80 to be fowarded to port 9020 on the same server that my web server is rinning at that is my sshd port

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