Networking :: Identify Route For Some Network Clients Without Netmask?

Jun 10, 2009

have two internet lines from two isp every one pluged to interface eth0 and eth1 and i have eth2 interface to internel network clients now i need to make some clients to use line 1 and other use line 2 i want make this without use netmask , just for selected IP.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Error - "route: Netmask Does Not Match Route Address"

Jan 25, 2011

Having trouble getting my Netgear WNA1000 working thru wireless router. Have tried lots of suggestions from other threads to no avail. Someone suggested that th routing table isn't set correctly, so have been trying to use the follwing to make the proper entry in the routing table: sudo route add -net netmask dev wlan0

Result: error message stating with:
"route: netmask does not match route address"

followed by "Usage" instructions which tell me to do what I just did. Any ideas on how I can populate my routing table with correct entry for my wireless card? Not to complicate matters, but I temporarily turned off encryption on my router to eliminate that as a possibility until I get connected. So maybe it'still trying to connect via encrypted mode - do I need to turn off encryption on my (client) end?

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Networking :: Route Add -net Netmask Gw

May 31, 2010

Code: route add -net netmask gw -net , is it for ip address of the client/host? man route says , "target is a network".What does it mean?

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Networking :: Set A Route For Eth1 - DHCP Clients - To Reach Tun0 - Openvpn Server - CentOS

Sep 21, 2010

I have openvpn tunnel setup between two CentOS servers. One of the CentOS servers also acts as a DHCP server for some client computers.

Server A= OpenVPN server
Server B= OpenVPN client (connects to Server A with OpenVPN)

The two CentOS servers can ping each other ( via the tun0.

However, client computer connected to Server B (DHCP server) can't reach (which is the OpenVPN server).

I think I am missing some routing in my "ip route show". Following is the full picture:

What command can I issue to get this fixed? something along ip route add?

There is no firewall service on both end. service iptables stop! I can't bridge eth1 and tun0 as DHCP server might mess up the other side. I can't do a push of "redirect-gateway def1" because then clients loose their IP as they send DHCP requests to Server A.

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Networking :: Configure A Network Route To A Host For Testing Network Interface?

Aug 30, 2010

today I tried to configure a network route to a host for testing my network interface. Code: route add eth0 As I have to eth interfaces and both interface got their IP from DHCP ( and and are in the same subnet, I shut the other interface down:

Code: ifconfig eth1 down Then I tried to test the interface by doing a ping to
Problem: When I unplug the cable from eth0 (and eth1 is still plugged) the ping still works. Somehow my linux (it's debian) powers up again eth0 and pings over this port.

How can I stop my linux doing this. I just want to have the route added only on the one interface - not the other. Is it maybe some case of a default-gateway?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Route Command - How To Get Internet To Clients

Apr 24, 2010

I do not understand this command well. Yes, I have looked at man route and that whilst that gives lots of information about the switches I cannot see it in context. I have a server with two nics. One to the Internet (eth1) and one to the lan (eth0). I use pppoe and when it is running I get a virtual adapter appear in ifconfic called ppp0 which shows the public DNS and ISP session IP. I entered the command:
route add -host (gateway IP) dev eth1
and get the Internet to appear on the server. However, I do not get the Internet to the clients. I have turned off the firewall to be sure that this is not the problem.

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Networking :: Network Security - How To Identify Programs And Processes

Sep 2, 2010

I was wondering if anyone might know of good reference material, books websites etc., that discuss network security issues in layman terms. I would like to set up a dedicated Linux box as a firewall and would like to have a deeper understanding of the different types of configurations that are possible. I run a dual boot system and most of the firewalls I have used on the Windows side are very confusing to me. A lot of the time they give you a pop up that informs you that some cryptically named program is trying to access the network or the internet and wants to know if I want it to or not, 99% of the time I have not idea if it is a legitimate program or not. I realize that this is probably a separate issue (knowing how to identify programs and processes that should have access from those that should not) from setting up a firewall and basic network security but I know that they are related.

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Networking :: Xen Network-route And Network-bridge Setup?

Aug 22, 2010

I've currently got a Xen box with 3 Virtual machines on it, in a routed setup. I'd like to put them all on a private internal network as well, which I'm assuming I'd do with a dummy network card and a xen bridge, but I can't find any information about setting up the xen Bridging setup on top of the existing network-route instlal.

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Networking :: Add Route To 1 IP Address Through Second Network Card

Sep 8, 2010

I have a server with 2 network cards. eth0 is used for all traffic and everything is working fine on this side. Eth1 is used for traffic to and from 1 ip address.

Lets say the ip address of eth1 is and its gateway is I need to pass all traffic to through eth1. What command would i use?

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Networking :: Adding Route To Dedicated Network Behind Gateway

Mar 23, 2011

My workstation is on a network, let's say I'm opening up an openVPN Tunnel to a test environment in my company, receiving a lot of routes to this network (address range 172.xx.yy.0). Everything is working fine so far. In this test environment I placed a number of virtual systems having their own private network ( I have one machine in this virtual cluster which is able to forward incoming IP traffic to the others.

When I login to this gateway system, using the 172.xx.yy.zz address, I can logon to the others using the addresses. Fine so far. But I have to be able to call these machines with the addresses from my laptop. So I tried to add a route like:
route add -net netmask gw 172.xx.yy.zz

Unfortunately I received an error messages:
SIOCADDRT: No such process

According to the entries in other forum articles (Google helps in most cases), I have to add a host route first:
route add -host 172.xx.yy.zz gw 172.well.defined.dest

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Networking :: Route Add - Eth0 SIOCADDRT: Network Is Unreachable

Jan 18, 2010

I want to add this route but I am getting this error message. What is the reason of this problem? I cant add this route? how can i add?

Code: [root@linux/]# route add -net netmask gw eth0 SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable

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Networking :: Route Eth2 TCP Packets To Tun0 With IPTABLES And IP RULE/ROUTE?

May 8, 2011

I have 3 network interfaces on my Linux Router :

Interface - Gateway - Type


br0 - - Internet
eth2 - - LAN
tun0 - - VPN (via br0)

What I'd like to do is to route all TCP packets coming from eth2 to tun0 where a VPN client is running on If I delete all default routes and if I add a new route to tun0 like :


route del default
route add default gw

Everything is fine, and everyone on eth2 can reach the Internet using the VPN access. Now the problem is that my VPN client does not allow any other protocols other than TCP. And I also want to allow VPN access only to eth2, no other LAN nor the router itself. use iptables to filter any TCP packets and mark them, so they can be sent to tun0, while any other packets can reach the Internet via br0 ( I found on the Internet that we can mark packets before they get routed. Using the following commands :


iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j MARK --set-mark 85 -i eth2 -p tcp --dport 80
ip route add table 300 default via dev tun0
ip rule add fwmark 0x55 table 300

First of all, --dport 80 never work... :/ I wanted to filter TCP 80 packets coming from eth2, but none of them seems to be HTTP packets... oO (very strange...). Nevermind, I decided to forget about the --dport option. I use the "iptables -L -v -t mangle" command to see how many packets are marked, and it is working fine, all TCP packets coming from eth2 are marked. Now the problem is that none of them are routed to tun0 they are all respecting the "route -n" rules... and not the "table 300" rule I have created.

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Fedora Networking :: Two Network Interfaces - Setup Default Gw Route?

Mar 26, 2009

So I have two network Interfaces

eth0 - NAT behind a router
eth1 - Public IP

When ever I restart the machine, both interfaces pull a IP, but the it randomly chooses eth0 or eth1 to have the gateway. I want the gateway to be eth0 always.


Is there some file or setting I can modify in Fedora10 that will always choose on eth0 as the default gateway?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static Route For A Nested Internal Network?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm using ubuntu server 10.04. I need to create a second network to do some testing. Here's what it looks like so far: WAN > x.x.x.x/9 > router > > LAN

I need to do this: WAN > x.x.x.x/9 > router > > LAN > ubuntu server (LAMP, dhcp, dns via eth1) [eth0] > ubuntu server [eth1] The two networks should be transparent to one another. I've got everything working, except routing. Here is ifconfig:


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Networking :: Most Common Method To Route Network Traffic As A Router/proxy

Apr 22, 2011

I am using Debian 5 and I have some networking experience, however I want to learn to do this the best way possible. I have a Debian box with two nics and I want to connect that to a switch and use my Debian box as a router basically, as well as having a firewall setup within that too.

Should I use iptables to set up nat or the route command or what? I just want to know the group of tools to use in order to set up my network. Network diagram: Internet <------> Debian Box <----> switch <----> hosts I found some guides but they are for linux 2.4 and i'm not sure if they are right.

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Networking :: OpenWRT Is Connected To Internet But Network Clients Can't?

Nov 20, 2010

got an asus wl500gp v2 and i just had to reflash it. Flashing went through fine, but while setting up the PPPoE connection I got stuck. Here is what the configuration looks like:ADSL Modem ---Ethernet--- Router ---Ethernet--- Laptop I set up OpenWRT to connect over PPPoE over the WAN port and the connection is established:

PAP authentication succeeded
peer from calling number XX:XX:XX:XX authorized
replacing old default route to br-lan


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Networking :: Transparently And Securely Identifying Clients On A Network?

Dec 12, 2009

following on from [URL] I was having a little think about how to make this concept more secure. its easy enough to separate known and unknown clients out via MAC address. but that system is easier to break than it is to set up either, sniff out a mac address already connected to the system, and spoof that address.or, more simply, set a static IP on your wifi device, and avoid the redirection completely. so, is anyone aware of a relatively straight forward setup that would allow me to identify clients on my network without relying on MAC address, would more forcefully separate out known and unknown hosts (vlan??). As well as doing so without alerting them to the fact, and without requiring known hosts to do anything special, or install software. Or requiring any more hardware than I have already. (hardware = a debian box with 2 NIC's acting as a gateway between all internal network, and the billion router which handles the outside world not getting in, and a WAP attached to the internal side of the network. also somewhere I have a wifi card that I could attach to the server to replace the AP) I assume some sort of authentication mechanism is required, but I dont know much more past that.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Replaces Default Route When Eth Cable Plugged

May 5, 2010

I have been encountering this problem, not only on 10.4, but on older versions too: I use a wifi router to connect my laptop to the Internet, but sometimes I need to connect directly to another computer to move some files over GLAN. But Ubuntu's Network manager doesn't allow me to configure the eth0 interface without specifying a gateway (no gateway = grey submit button), but when a gateway is specified, it always rewrites the default gw specified already by the active wifi connection and returns back after unplugging the eth cable.

Of course this can be solved by a few route commands, but this is unacceptable since it is needed to establish the cable connection without any further assistance from within and as well without replacing the default gw and thus breaking the Internet connection. Is there, please, any possibility how to prevent Network Manager from replacing these routes?

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Networking :: Thin Clients On The Network All Have The LTSP Server IP While Surfing?

Dec 10, 2009

My 32-bit Ubuntu 9.10 [Karmic Koala] LTSP server has two NICs, one with Dynamic IP set by a DSL modem and the other with static IP of I also have 4 thin Clients that boot from this server without any problems and another computer with Ubuntu 9.04 running some PHP programs with dynamic IP given by the same DSL modem. When I send requests to these PHP programs from thin clients, they all give the LTSP server's dynamic IP as their IP so I cannot trace who has sent this request to response back.

I actually know this is logical. Because the requests are sent by a program that's actually running on the LTSP server rather than the thin client. But my question is How can I run a program on a thin client with it's own IP? I also should mention that the dhcp3-server service running on the LTSP server has no conflicts with the DSL dhcp on the network and I know that the 4 thin clients get the IPs ranging from through from the dhcp3-server service. Because I can ping them while they're on. but /sbin/ifconfig on them shows info about the LTSP server.

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Networking :: Route-eth - Adding A Static Route?

Apr 29, 2009

I would like to add a static route, however I do not understand what is meant by the Address setting below


Does this mean any addresses beginning with are routed over the gateway an address range

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Networking :: Definition: "a Process That Replaces A Series Of Related, Specific Routes In A Route Table With A More Generic Route"

Oct 21, 2010

I got this definition:"a process that replaces a series of related, specific routes in a route table with a more generic route." honestly I found it not so clear.. I want to know if this definition is correct and also more details about this subject..

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Ubuntu Networking :: NetworkManager Taking Scenic Route - Grayed Out - Error "Network Manager Is Disabled"

May 6, 2010

I've just switched from xub to lub, and I must say it's a lot lot faster. There's just one really annoying problem (I have no idea if this is in any way related to LXDE or if it's just due to 10.04): Network Manager only starts about a minute after the rest of the desktop. So my system boots up, I log in, see the applet, but it is greyed out (it tells me "Network Manager is disabled" or something similar). After a minute (approx), it suddenly comes to life and connects me. Now, I think this only happens when I have:

A) set the wireless connection to "all users"
B) given an empty password for the keyring

But when I cancel either of the two above, it doesn't stop it from happening. I've tried updating etc.. to no avail. I've also tried wicd, but for some reason installing wicd from synaptic doesn't remove Network Manager? Anyway, has anyone seen behaviour like this? Any suggestions for first steps to take to see where it's blocking?

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Networking :: PPTP Setup: Put Remote Clients Into A "virtual" Local Network?

Feb 7, 2009

I have a Slicehost VPS and I'm trying to set up PPTPD on it. I only have one IP address (the public IP of the box). All the PPTPD howto's I've seen rely on assigning remote clients IPs from the local subnet (e.g. the PPTD server's local IP is, and remote IPs are taken from a pool of

However I don't think I can do that as I only have the one IP address on Slicehost's network - that public IP (and all other IPs in the segment are public). So what I really want to do is to be able to create a private LAN segment or virtual network adapter and have VPN clients assigned addresses in that segment, then routed out onto the Internet effectively using the PPTPD box as a router. I am using Ubuntu Hardy (LTS).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Identify Wireless Chipset

Jan 18, 2010

I have a HP Pavilion dv2000 and can not figure out what chipset I have.

/sbin/lspci brings up the following
bunnyman@linux-bqo4:~> /sbin/lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile Memory Controller Hub (rev 0c)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)

where I can get the .inf file from? I took windows completely off of the computer and dont want to reinstall it just to get the driver.

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Debian :: Identify The Network Eth0 - Eth1 - Eth2 Interfaces?

Jun 15, 2010

How do Linux identify the eth0, eth1, eth2 interfaces. For instance I plug in a network cable in to an interface. How do Linux recognize the plug in interface is eth0 or eth1?

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Ubuntu Servers :: LAMP - Identify The Right Network Structure For A Data Intensive Website

May 18, 2010

identify the right network structure for a data intensive website, built on LAMP. I'm thinking of a load balanced website, and that it should have a mysql master/slave setup server. I'm no expert in this area, so any online resources are welcome. You can check out the website [URL] - but it will have 10 million items once the hardware can support it.

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Fedora Installation :: F11 - Netmask For Eth0 Wrong At Boot

Sep 27, 2009

I have been working on a network problem and have found what the actual problem is. For some reason on boot the netmask for my eth0 is set to be In the network GUI application it is set correctly to

I looked in the following files and it is set there correctly too.

If I check the box to "controlled by network-manager" the eth0 interface is started at boot but with a netmask of If I uncheck this box then the interface does not come up at boot and I have to go to the GIU application to start it. It still comes up with the netmask of

I have to use ifconfig to set it to the right netmask and then everything works until I reboot.
"ifconfig eth0 netmask"
How do I get this to work properly? I need it to come up with the correct netmask.

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General :: Network Manager Program Didn't Identify Huawai E160 Dongle - Can't Connect To The Internet

Feb 24, 2011

I'm using KDE 4.5 with Ubunthu 9.04 installed Laptop. The problem occurs when I'm going to connect internet with my Huawai E160 dongle. The network manager program didn't identify my dongle so I can't connect to the internet. I have create a broadband connection in network manager program.

I can connect to internet with GNOME desktop since dongle is detect and I can create a Broadband connection and connect to the internet.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Verizon 3G - No Default Route Being Set?

Dec 5, 2009

I've been seeing a bunch of issues with the /etc/resolv.conf not picking up the nameservers for 3g connections, and managed to fix that issue using tips found here.. the one thing I m having a problwm with is my 3G USB modem not picking up a default route/gateway. I can connect using KNetworkManager, get an IP and nameservers, but.


And to top it all off, I cannot figure out what the default gateway should be from verizon to just write a script out myself that'll do it automatically.

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OpenSUSE Network :: SMTP - No Route To Host

Jan 3, 2010

OpenSUSE version: 11.2 *and* 10.0 I am unable to send email. It appears I am being blocked by my ISP [URL]... A Wireshark trace shows ICMP type 3 Code 13 - "Administratively filtered". It's important to note that I don't know exactly when the problem started, because I seldom use my ISP email account, I use Yahoo web mail due to the "throwaway" nature if I get hit with spam. I only discovered the problem when testing the functionality of 11.2. I suspect the problem started several months ago: I restored openSUSE 10.0 and the problem exists there too. I wish I'd sent that last email via 10.0 before the upgrade.

The weird thing is that using Windows 2000 box I can get a successful connection using telnet (Telnet also fails on the openSUSE box.) It appears to me there is something in the Linux TCP stack that Teksavvy doesn't like. I am on dial up and I pointed this out to Teksavvy tech support, as I am probably the only person left on dialup and the reason no one else has reported the problem

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